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  1. Irregardless of being derailed, I think this thread has reached the end of its lifetime as a useful Q&A thread by virtue of being Way Long.
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    yeah it sucks being pinned against a wall/geometry, but that's what the power was designed to do.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    No, it's quite clear that is NOT what the power is designed to do, AS EVIDENCED BY THE HURRICANE NERF.

    Comparisons suck. We're discussing Hurricane because it sticks out above the crowd, not because it compares well to the crowd. It is above and beyond irritating. SO what the hell is the point of comparisons?
  3. I played against a couple stormers today. Hurricane seemed to work fine without being the all devouring power that it was. I even got pinned against a ventilation duct on a roof by a defender.

    Although the number of times I Seismic Smashed the Kinetic guy running Repel makes me think that power maybe needs to be buffed.
  4. TheDeadlyShoe


    [ QUOTE ]

    he problem, Pax, is that my Medic ALSO takes his own damage, and does not heal himself. Nor, quite frankly, does he heal anything else all that well, either. So, now, not only do I have to worry about pulling him from harm's way, but he's going to be attacked by proxy. Couple that with the fact that he's two levels below me, and therefore has fewer hit point, that "20 points" is a much larger chunk of real estate than you're giving it credit for.


    If you couldn't figure that out -without- the explanation, then I doubt you'll understand now.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    but this is silly. there are exceedingly few plausible situations where spreading damage among you rminions will result in you being less effective in combat. so it's utterly besides the point. On top of that, when the medic goes down you can bring him back up quickly.

    Any situation where you're taking enough damage that it could kill your medic is not a situation where your medics heal will make an appreciable difference in survival - at least, not one that exceeds bodyguard's potential in the same situation.
  5. I think that scrappers outdamage blasters in melee over any time period, but blasters are only ever in melee long enough to deliver their super-attacks and kill someone.
  6. So basically Fury gain is more linear than in PVE?
  7. I think OTHER devs have known about it, since I'm pretty sure we've had redname input on this before
  8. That was an interesting overview. Speaking as someone who hasn't tried Plant, how long do the carrion creepers last? I wasn't aware they could follow you.
  9. since you felt it appropriate to post this in multiple places, i might as well post replies multiple places as well.

    I also do not feel that speculation warrants the title of guide. Actually, given what's written, this seems more a discussion topic than a guide.

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    And thirdly, we are left asking the Developers what they were thinking in giving MMs AoE attacks and immobilizations in the first place. These powers generate agro onto the MM and not the minions. MMs have the least amount of hp and almost no defense (the sheild toggle of the PPP will not be enough to protect the MM).

    [/ QUOTE ]
    First the assertion that AOEs will result in mad aggro and death. Speaking as someone who has and uses M30 grenade, this isn't true, especially in the late game when your pets are throwing out multiple AOEs.

    Secondly, that the shield toggle will not be enough to protect the MM. This is asinine speculation and does not deserve to be in anything labeled "Guide".

    Lose the commentary and it would be appropriate as a 'beta guide'. The format is decent and it does focus on one archetype. But as it is, it's not a guide.
  10. This thread is the epitome of people [censored] over nothing. "Taunt is dead"? Give me a break. You lot need to get involved in politics sometime.
  11. I really doubt they'll be controllable. Balance considerations aside, it would be very clunky UI wise for a pet control dialog to pop up.
  12. Yes, the existing temp power pets function as great Oh Crap buttons.

    I just had a thought. People have been talking up the 'illogical' boss/lieutenant/minion pet distribution, but in actuality do we know what minion/lt/boss distribution the high level arachnos are using? Blood Widows are LTs early on and Minions later. I could easily imagine the same sort of thing for Coralax Guardians.
  13. [ QUOTE ]

    I'd take +res over a bit of extra defense anyday.

    Also like I need yet another immobilize.

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    If they put in the anti-purple patch and the new to-hit rules, your opinion on that bit o' def might change.

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    Yeah, I agree. Getting something that DEF stacks with FFG is going to be a lifesaver when defense scaling is implemented.
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    For example, my /Traps Corruptor is Tech so would logically go with Black Scorpion, except that the web and shield (defense) powers don't provide anything I don't already have except for a hold and a pet. I already have defenses and immobilizes on my own. I might as well break theme and go with Scirroco as Power Sink and Charged Armor (a resistance power) sound far more useful.

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    As if +def didn't stack!
  15. It has been mentioned that there would be a non-Arachnos Patron. Either they're being coy, it's been shelved, or delayed until I8.
  16. THey arn't oging to want to reveal any hard numbers until they finish hammering out hte balance. Don't hold your breath.
  17. So far I like it alot.

    The doom-crying would be more convincing if it wern't the same people wern't doom crying in every forum.

    I especially like the look of Black Scorpion. Arachnobot Disruptor? Toxic Tarantulas? OMG!
  18. [ QUOTE ]

    Part of the problem is that Electric has NO miss animation. Hits and misses both connect as though the attack hit. The only way you can tell that a Miss occurred is that you did no damage and you see MISS on the screen.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    I haven't played Electric in quite some time, but IIRC there is too a hit animation. An electric shock aura and sound.
  19. [ QUOTE ]

    -The list of Tsoo bosses is the longest in the game, and some may no longer exist (and I know of nobody that has seen all of them, I have only just seen their names). They are: Dragon Fly (we all know these guys), Iron Hands (I saw a couple in Steel), Bronze Leopard (same with this one), Swift Steel (Talos is where I find these), Ice Wind (never seen one), Midnight (I think I saw this in a mission once), Death Moon (never seen him), Lightning Blade (I've seen one, but I forget where), Fire Dagger (Fire Lion is one of these, IIRC), Lost Son (I fought one random one in a mission), Death's Head (I think I saw one... maybe), Viridian Fear (dumb name, never seen one), Copper Serpent (never seen one), Far Fire (haven't met this one, either), Crescent (these guys have Grav and MA, so I'm glad to have never seen one), Herald (think Yellow Ink Man as a boss, never met one, though), and Sky Fall (Storm Summoning with a bow and katana, never seen one of these, either). All of the Tsoo had Superleap except Enforcers, but as far as I know, only Green Ink Men have it now.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    From what I've seen, all Tsoo bosses will spawn in Siren's Call. One of the hotspots has a couple Tsoo Boss-spawns, so you can see these guys pretty regularly in the course of gameplay. Check it out. I'm almost positive I've seen Death Moons, Lost Sons, Far Fires, and Heralds there.

    Also, if you did fight your way through the invading Rularuu, they had a ultimate weapon...
  20. One without a Cog-killing AOE, maybe? Is there such a critter?
  21. Heyyy.. do any GMs throw out enough magnitude on a status effect to mez another GM?
  22. Oh wait, I know why he doesn't miss. He think you're a teammate.
  23. Do purples work agains AOEs?
  24. The comic used to be free with the City of Heroes subscription, but that got too expensive.

    The group "The Council" replaced an old group, the "5th Column". This was simulated ingame through massive street fights bewen Council and 5th groups. This was the first implementation of NPCs fighting eachother; they didn't used to be able to do this.

    At one point, NPCs had their AI for dealing with certain status effects improved to be 'smarter', but this was so drastically penalizing to some archetypes in terms of balance that it was later reverted.

    The original strategy guide was essentially based on a design document. So it contains details on a number of events - particularly trials - that were never actually implemented, such as the Faultline Dam trial.

    City of Heroes was one of the first MMOs to use a 'early start' program for pre-order accounts.

    (Future History!) City of Heroes will be one of the first games to implement the native use of Physics Processor Units.

    (Question) Didn't you use to be able to die from falling damage?
  25. Does he use some autohit attacks, perhaps?