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  1. If you do not want to join my team or farm, a simple 'No thank you' will suffice. I always ask in complete sentences and thank a person for their time. Please don't lecture me on how my one snake farm is ruining the server's RP. I never allow first ever characters to be power levelled and I'm not going INF NAO KEKEKEKE. I simply have friends who like help and I enjoy punching snakes for Indiana Jones.

    Point: Be polite and respect that there are different ways of playing a game. Having a farm mish doesn't mean I'm a full time farmer. I enjoy RP, TFs and more when I'm not putzing about being a wiseacre.

    Edit: On the bust thing, yeah, it's true. It's usually super skinny and uber busty or SUPER BIG and super busty. Proportional is fine, but I always want to punt the 4ft tall characters with uber melons and see if they bounce back up like one of those toy things.
  2. [ QUOTE ]

    I agree. To a certain level ... Basically, it comes down to this.

    There are different types of people out there. You have people who can laugh at trash talkers (IRL and in game) and people who can't. My statement of "Obviously you weren't meant to PvP if you can't take trash talking" was strictly for zones. If you can't take trash talking and it hurts your feelings that bad. Don't come back, go to arena.

    Now as mean as that sounds, it's really not. If you can't take the time to either put that person on ignore or turn off chat, then you are kind of asking for it. As I previously stated, I got chewed up and spit out when I first joined PvP, was trash talked to, ETC. The works. But I have the type of personality that takes that as a challenge and I WILL keep coming back until I beat that person.

    Most trash talkers do it to provoke the other person, or they just think it's funny and makes them look tough. /I/ on the other hand, love to strip the other person of that by doing whatever I have to so they'll have no ammo to pick on me with.

    Geez, people take the internet too seriously. I get that some people apparently just CAN'T handle reading mean text or like I said, ignoring the other person. (It's really not that hard, I promise.) But phew, don't ruin other people's fun by always complaining!

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    Your text offends my good sensibilities. /monocle

    Yes, pvp can be frustrating if you're new and getting whomped but if it gets to be frustrating - go do something else. It's much less stressful really. (I know, I know - says the FOTM Thugs/Pain.)

    People will talk smack in anything competitive. *Anything*. I honestly just ignore it or RP at them or start talking in an Elizabethan accent about what rapscallions they are. Yelling Thou churlish dismal-dreaming fustilarian! tends to hush them up right fast. >_>
  3. It's really like any other MMO activity - Some people are sane and mature, others are not. Some PvPers are INCREDIBLY competitive, to the point of being buttheads. There's buttheads in PvE too (Case in point: I was running a Snake Farm to try to help some friends level and sent a tell to someone who was seeking a team and had Anything ok! listed. I got the response that I was 'ruining the server for RPers'. Hokay.).
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    I guess we need a zone where pvp is off until a challenge. Or, maybe peeps can fight anybody, just have to go to jail if an unchallenged fight (1 min after attack, lb or arachnos appear. Upon contact, attackers are sent to a jail facility in the hospital).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The ancient Romans had this brilliant idea, see, it was this Colosseum thing where people fought in an arena...

    Edit: I honestly have nothing against duelists or fight clubbers or seal clubbers or whatever, just be aware in a zone - it's much like world pvp - pay bloody attention because people CAN attack you. It reminds me of the old WoW Mantra: "If it's red, it's dead." In this case it'd likely be orange, but whatever. Point is: Zone pvp is open pvp. Yeah, it sucks sometimes (Hi, roaming mobs that drain end!), but there you go. Part of the thrill of zone pvp is the hunt. *puts camouflage hat on, shiftyeyes*
  5. I dunno, Fortunatas are pretty mean. Widows too. But I guess I'd be mean if I had to wear those tights all day too.
  6. Badgers are kind of mean anyway. I totally saw one headbutt a bear once.
  7. Jpg tends to be notorious for that kind of thing. Have you tried saving it as a png?
  8. I agree with the sentiment. Sure, my MM would LOVE to be all purpled out, but what yellow and orange IO sets are good too?
  9. I'm so wishy washy, I know. I'm just wondering if mercs/pain will do alright in pvp or if I should go with my bots/pain. I have a thugs/pain who is about 44, but I wanted a second MM for a VG.
  10. Heat Exhaustion isn't omg vital, but it's VERY nice for pvp and bosses. And Plasma shield ... it's nice, as I duo'd with a warshade. It really is about how much you team.
  11. TheChibi

    Best Trash Talk

    The time I got cursed out for accidentally hitting a badge hunter. ><
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    People are retards. True fact.

    [ QUOTE ]
    "I say, good sir, your mother would pvp better than you." or "I do believe I pwned your mom in an arena the other day. Pip pip. /monocle"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can see the appeal of saying this. I'm gonna go do it.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well ... maybe those I could see as being fun. (Especially when the monocle gets involved.)
  13. It's ... just kind of obnoxious. Oh sure, you whomped me or I whomped you and it can be fun to say 'Well done!' or something. Sometimes I get my backside handed to me royally.

    But I don't get the appeal of "LOL YOU NOOB!" "PWNT!" or "I say, good sir, your mother would pvp better than you." or "I do believe I pwned your mom in an arena the other day. Pip pip. /monocle" Maybe it's something I'm missing.
  14. Yeah, people will always shout PWNT! Nooooob! etc. It happened in WoW, AoC... nearly anywhere. You learn to ignore it, or pvp will just piss you off.

    Edit to note: They don't always make rational reasons for their trash talking either... Like the guy who whacked my corrupter over and over for having healed someone and going "Where's your support now!?" Excuse me for healing someone once... I just went, found a safe spot till he left. Failing that, I could have gotten back up or simply left the zone.
  15. I always feel bad when a villain starts yelling at a hero. :/ I usually go up and apologize. (Course, that usually gets me pwnt shortly thereafter... you'd think I'd learn!)
  16. Hi! Are there any guides for /storm corrs about? Or should I head to the controller or defender forums for it maybe?