419 -
Or that people are running mission architect missions and there's less salvage dropping, period.
The problem with the market prices is from people using ebay, gregora, etc purchased influence. Because people have so much easy money, the don't mind paying way too much for a recipe, etc. Thus they inflate prices of items, if there was no external money, i wonder how long before the 120M recipe drops to a reasonable price, say 20M.
Because of the in-balance created by external money, i do believe the devs have to do something to control the ceiling of costs. Supply and demand at this time is not purely working, because of an un-intended source of income.
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How do you know players are using outside sources to gain influence/infamy? Or how many of them do so? -
I like all of the costume suggestions made in this thread. I see the OP has already been directed to Jay's request thread, so I don't need to do so.
I would adore flag capes and more costume options in general. I do not believe the potential for people to abuse costume items is a reason to not make them. For all of the potential for abuse, there's even more potential to have heroic, inspirational concepts realized. I think anyone trying to offend is going to manage whatever tools are or are not available, so should not be a consideration. -
I don't understand why this is needed.
It seems like with infinite influence, it doesn't matter what the prices are, because a charecter can always earn more. So even if prices are higher, players would have corrispondingly greater amounts of influence. The ratios would stay the same.
It seems, also, like the amount of recipes and enhancements and salvage in the game should remain steady, too. I could spend my MA tickets on salvage or flashback to lower levels to earn the salvage I need. Or sell, then buy what I needed. Same with recipes. Heck, I could even save up my merits and buy what I wanted, or buy a high-priced item to sell, then spend the influence on what I really wanted.
It also seems to me the casual player can get by just fine with SOs. Not every player or charecter needs to be IO'd out. And anyone who wants to be IO'd out should be able to get by just fine selling and buying and earning as-is.
And if I knew prices would drop at set-times because of dev intervention, I'd just spend a lot of influence and hoard things I wanted or thought I'd want. Then go out and earn more influence.
If I'm incorrect in how this works, I'd appreciate an explanation.
I do like the suggestion made later on that recipes offer different combos of salvage to craft, not just "Bring me a brass, a demonic blood sample, and a shrubbery!" -
....I take it you're on Virtue?
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I see it on Infinity, too.
While the suggestion made me giggle, I couldn't seriously support it. I try to take a play-and-let-play attitude. -
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Argh. -
I have agreed with this suggestion; I do agree with this suggestion; I will continue to agree with this suggestion.
Edit -> and considering that she's a public servant, you'd think that she'd be listed in the phone book anyways.
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If I were the City Representative for Paragon City, I'd have my information suppressed. -
(Attention: Poster is not Slax. Repeat, not Slax. )
Top Ten Reasons to PvP with dUmb:
1. Some people pay good money to get spanked that hard, but you can get it for no additional cost!
2. Our storm team blows. A lot. Whole lot of blowing.
3. Between matches, it's possible to get a lot of crochetting done.
4. Or finally beat Minesweeper. Whichever.
5. You, too, can giggle at the dev who is unable to get their voice client working.
6. Why am I here and why am I a flying camera? Oooh, yeah, that explains the cussing.
7. Being on teamspeak prevents Random Attacks of Husband.
8. Log back onto live to discover your pactmates and other friends missed you
9. Feel smug you're the only alto speaking at the time. (Haha, you tenors!)
10. Play old alts! Rediscover why you slotted that way. -
City Of doesn't really have a "meta-story" that it follows (or if it does, it's way too subtle to notice). I'm saying that when players are creating so much content via MA, it doesn't make sense for the devs to be as content-focused in their creative activities (beyond what's necessary for zone creation). They can therefore focus a larger chunk of their energy into creating new facets to the game itself.
[/ QUOTE ]
I disagree. I view the player-created content as fan fiction. Some of it is highly enjoyable and well done, other stories are not. But I do not view it as a substitute for work created by the developers of the game and would be saddened if player-created content resulted in less developer-created content. I like the developer-created content, and hope to see more story arcs by them, more task forces, and more strike forces, not just zone creation or costume creation. -
I like the rating system the way it is. I find it useful. If I'm scrunching up my nose within the first mission and going "Ick," I want to be able to quit and rate it. I don't think it's my responsibility as a player to suffer through an unfun experience in order to provide feedback, of which rating is a type. "So bad I didn't want to complete it" seems like a fine reason to one-star something. -
That way we can depend our position on the ladder!
Sexy Jay recently posted something relevant to your request.
I support being able to trade inspirations every time it's brought up.
Not being able to has always struck me as silly.
"Oh no, there is a doom so overwhelming, so catestrophic, we must set aside our natural differences and work together to save the world, you because you are a goody-two-shoes and me because if anyone is going to be in charge, it's not the Rikti... but forget my passing you a yellow! Pbbt." -
Regarding lag, MA is still a very new, less than two weeks old, feature. It's too early to know if MA use in Atlas and Mercy will stay at the same levels, go down, or go up. Let's see what 'normal' looks like before yanking any buildings.
There's just something so right about being in Atlas and seeing, in broadcast, "Level 50 [AT here] looking for team!" It balances out the PI broadcast.
I like the original suggestion, I like the suggestion of MA access in the bases, I feel ok about PvP zone access in Pocket D, and for that matter, I feel good about PvP zone teleporters in bases.
Released "Ill Winds" today.
Run free, Ill Winds, run freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee(m)! -
Something gladiatorial?
I wouldn't object to seeing a thematic arena, nor thematic arena maps and npcs. -
Devs, the masses have requested for a plaque to be placed in- game and in-zone to honor those that have created one of the most incredible and dynamic community-created events ever. I submit to you, the designers, developers, administrators, and the the makers of City of Heroes/Villains to honor this incredible event that is "Tanker Tuesday".
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As it so happens, I, member of the mass, don't support an in-game plaque for Tanker Tuesdays. I've thought other people here have already expressed the same concerns I might, to the point I haven't felt the need to chime-in up until now. I haven't read a compelling arguement which would cause me to support a permanent, in-game geography change in recognition of a player event. Lots of people, lots of groups, have contributed to this game, to the community, and I found many of the alternative suggestions for recognition, such as titles, dev presence at the event anniversery, an article in City Scoop, to be good ones, better than the original. -
That'll teach me to use conversational language.
Don't put the test server in the oven?
Medic! -
-I like the STF. I got Masters of on my first try. It was with the Horde. I was amused. I totally emphathize with the Arbiter just wanting some decent coffee.
-Tonight I'm baking a birthday cake. I'll log onto the test server as soon as I get it in the oven.
-Vogue pattern fitted sleeves don't seem to take into account weight-lifting women.