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Quote:Here you go:At what point did I say that women should dress the way I want to dress my characters in City of Heroes?
Let's see...
I say that I like seeing scantily clad females in various entertainment media.
Hmm... I do vaguely imply that I like Mrs. MOO to dress femininely. I also state outright that I wanted more scanty costume items to buy for my characters.
I don't see any place where I say anyone else should dress themselves or their characters according to my tastes. As a matter of fact, I say outright "You may not share my opinions or tastes."
I really don't understand your complaint, Tetsuko.
Quote:I'm COMPLETELY okay with that. It's a GOOD THING! In my mind, women are vastly more attractive than men. They need more clothes to accentuate that attractiveness. I like buying clothes for her.
You were saying that you like women in scanty clothes and that to make you happy, they should wear things like that more - so long as they're pretty, mind you.
Does that help your understanding of my point? -
Quote:Whew!(snipped image)
I am a heterosexual male. I like pretty girls. I like pretty, scantily-clad girls. I like superheroines and villainesses who are both pretty and scantily clad. I frequently, but not always, like the characters I play in City of Heroes to be pretty, scantily-clad superheroines or villainesses.
I am all for having more costume options for guys.
However, when I look at my closet, I see that Mrs. Moo's section is about 4-5 times as large as mine. I also realize that the vast majority of those clothes, shoes, and accessories have been paid for, at least in terms of cash, by me.
I'm COMPLETELY okay with that. It's a GOOD THING! In my mind, women are vastly more attractive than men. They need more clothes to accentuate that attractiveness. I like buying clothes for her.
You may not share my opinions or tastes. However, I'm a VIP subscriber, and I will also pay for attractive costumes for my female COH characters. My male characters receive far less attention than my female characters when it comes to costumes. When I make the decision on whether or not to purchase a costume item or pack, I'm not nearly as concerned about the male models as I am the female models.
COH Artists and Developers: Please include VASTLY MORE costume pieces for female models than you do male models. More accessories, shoes, boots, and costume items. The more attractive, the better. Scanty is quite alright. Sheer and lacy items are wonderful. Cutouts are awesome. Shiny is fantastic.
Because I like Cheesecake, and I'm willing to pay for it!
Thanks for telling women how they should dress to please you.
'Cause there's not enough of that in the world, already.
Oh, and if you don't care for this type of response, just chalk it up to women being hysterical or whatever derogatory term is in fashion this decade, and maybe buy 'em something. That'll shut 'em up. -
Quote:One of the nice things about doing your own stuff is the ability to not feel forced to conform to other people's ideas about how that stuff should look.So i guess my question is this. if there is a continuous theme that you can see in a set, something that comes up over and over again, are you asking the developers to self censor based on how an iconic look may be "sexy". Should they simply ignore those subcultures..or shoudl they purposely make non-representative costumes for fear of upsetting people?
Very very few costume options throughtout the history of the game up to this point have been gender-specific. The vast majority are available to all bodytypes. There has been an increasing trend in the costume creator towards gender-specific costume pieces. Has comic culture showed a similar increase in gender-specific outfits during that time period?
If it hasn't, one can't say that the latter is driving the former.
Most of the objections I have seen are not "Don't give us lingerie," statements, but "Don't give us lingerie in place of the more reasonable clothes given other character models."
The current costume pack indicates that the Devs believe that female 'Gunslingers' (or 'Wild West' themed characters) should be dressed in underwear (however modest). The pack indicates that, as far as the Devs are (apparently) concerned, women in western-style jackets are not viable costume options.
This doesn't follow either the reality or the fiction of the genere.
Would you argue that samurai-style armor not be available to female models?
There were historical example of female samurai* - very few. Not that many more in fiction. I wouldn't mind an off-the-shoulder geisha-style kimono outfit, but not in place of the haramaki-do my namesake character wears.
That's the equivalent of what we got with Steampunk, Barbarian, and now Gunslinger packs as well.
(*pedant: By this I mean the fighting occupation, not the social class.) -
Quote:Again, I don't think that all character of an AT being equally effected by a change to that AT is a terribly vital issue.Mostly true, but the issue is not forcing the player to take a mez protection power, but making sure that a buff intended to buff the entire archetype is something the entire archetype actually gets. If we're doing it because we think the entire archetype is underperforming, and this buff is something all blasters should have, are we going to force all existing blasters to respec, and possibly lose one of the powers they already have, in order to get the full benefit of the buff?
Scrappers who have differing numbers of attackes taken from their primary are experiencing Criticals differently.
Brutes who have more or fewer attacks in their selections - or their attack chain - experience Fury differently.
...and so forth.
So long as I have good information, I as a Blaster player, can weigh the benefits of the (single optional) Defiance power versus what other power I might want alternatively.
As an example - I have a Fire/Fire Blaster who I only play as part of (at least) a duo with a Earth/Emp Controller. So long as the Controller is on the ball, I pretty much don't have to be concerned with being mezzed. Therefore, the addition of anti-mez to Defiance would not alter his power selections to any extent.
On the other hand, I have a Def-capped soloing snipe-based Blaster who often has to go to annoying lengths to avoid mezzes. Considerations of anti-mez capabilities would factor heavily into his power selections.
My point is that in neither case would I be forced into a respec - it would simply be more likely in the place of one character than the other. Actually, it would be an issue for neither character, as they both have their Tier 1 and Tier 2 attacks.
The only characters who would have a difficulty with anti-mez Defiance changes would be those both lacking their Tier 2 attacks and who feel that the increase in their ability to mitigate mez had not increased enough. I'm not certain how large that overlap would be, but I have trouble believing it would be a large enough segment to be terribly concerned about. But maybe I am underestimating the number of Blasters that routinely skip their Tier 2 Primary attacks - is this a large number?
Especially when the benefit to Blasters (inherent anti-mez) would have to be weighed against the possibility of some players desiring to respec their characters after AT changes (presumably with the freespec granted after all major rule changes like this). That seems like a very, very small price to pay for a highly desired benefit.
As we have seen, changes presuming that all Defenders are primarily heal-based are bad as they ignore a large number of AT-typical Defender playstyles. I don't think the same thing applies to assuming that Blasters are attack-based. -
Quote:I'm going to disagree with your second part just a bit here. As I see it, so long as they are clearly described, there's no reason to force a player to build a character with their mez protection power. No other AT forces a mez protection on the character as a mandatory power pick, that I know of.(snipping good points about simpler mechanics)
Doing this exacerbates a problem, though, that D2.0 already creates. You aren't required to take both attacks: you're only required to take one. But the more archetype-survivability tools we stack into those powers, the less optional they really become. If you intend to solo a blaster at all, I don't really think they are all that optional now. If they are not just the mez-avoiding powers, but also the mez-cracking powers, I can't see not just plain giving blasters both powers right from the start.
Which would be interesting, actually. Give blasters the tier 1 for free, make them then automatically take the tier 2 at level 1, and blasters effectively get an extra ranged attack right out of the gate. Which *would* be a very significant offensive advantage for blasters clear into the 30s when attack chains fill up solidly.
I can already see the problems that would cause though, not in the blaster archetype but in other archetypes that would scream for similar free power choices to support their "inherent."
Clearly, creating a character while skipping their mez protection is not a particularly survivable idea, but I don't feel that that's a good enough reason to force it upon someone.
I don't assume the Devs balance MM's around petless MM's, so I don't see balancing issues about a Blaster not wanting as much mez protection as they can get.
That being said, I really like the multi-tiered powers/multi-tiered mez concept. -
Quote:Yes, I could have tested them out (when I'm at home on my gaming system, anyway). I was just being desperately lazy and haven't done so yet.Try them out yourself in the costume creator on a DP character for free. You can do so but just can't advance in the creator, even if they are locked. From what I can tell having played with the set, they take colors fairly well.
Good to hear they are decently tintable!
Thanks! -
Anyone arguing for the costume piece segregation based on source material concepts must presumably insist that all Valkyrie pieces be Female Only, or be engaging in rank hypocrisy.
I certainly won't be getting the pack as it stands. Between pre-tinting and a desperate lack of respect for gender equality, I'm utterly turned off by it.
However, I was toying with the idea of snagging a couple of the guns, as they have some interesting lines to them. It's not as vital as with other pieces, but I will ask anyway - how heavily pre-tinted are the guns, if at all? Can we at least get them looking like different types of metal? I have been remiss in finding out for myself... -
I had a crazy idea about Blaster mez countermeasures:
Would there be a way to alter Defiance thusly: When attacking while mez'd, damage is reduced, but the duration of the mez is also reduced by a % for each attack?
Ideally, this effect would trigger only when attacking the mob that threw the mez.
(I don't know if the game engine can determine that, however - I suspect it can't. If not, perhaps just attacking any mob with the same type of mez would produce much the same effect.)
This would represent actual Defiance - the Blaster intimidating/damaging/etc the entity trying to render them helpless. Blasters would still have to fear mezzers, especially groups of them, but they'd have some recourse.
This would also help a bit with the binary nature of mezzing for Blasters - yes, you've been gronked, but you can un-gronk yourself more quickly by hitting the gronker.
Crazy talk? -
Kitsune beat me to it...
I'll only add that having the pets be invisible but manifest a visible power effect might look like derbis/swirls/etc sweeping in towards the central point.
I presume the game is sophisticated to only manifest a psuedopet for each successfully hit target, yes? -
Quote:Well, tell you what.Yeah, about that. You should probably stop shopping at Walmart. Most of their goods are from countries with major problems of child labor and sweatshops.
If I ever start to shop at Wal-Mart, I'll be sure to tell you when I stop.
I'm far from perfect, and no doubt have large blind spots in my purchasing, but I do at least make the effort to avoid the most egrigious offenders against basic decency.
I would also make a distinction between niavely purchasing products from a company that skirts ethical regulations when it can and actively and (apparently) unrepentantly supporting and defending openly unethical and criminal activity. -
Quote:So... what's the maximum amount of goods or services I can purchase from a known criminal organization before I have to consider myself a criminal? Could I purchase, say, a $100 stolen jacket and still think I haven't done anything wrong?I want to explain my original statement...
I wasnt advocating the use of the services, I wasnt implying that Chinese prisoners suffering human rights abuses was a good thing and I wasnt cheering for the bad guys in the Global War on Terror. We can disagree on something and debate without becoming disrespectful to each other and this will be the last I say about the issue seeing as I didnt craft my post with any devious intent. Also, none of us should have to feel the need to lie about OR prove anything online, so I wont make this any more TLDR than its going to be with a long list of who I am or what I do (who really cares anyway). Like most of you, Im just a person that enjoys the game and forum community.
After reading the first couple of pages, I shared in general terms that after a long deployment in '07 (knowing that within 6 months, the training/deployment cycle would start again) I wanted to get back into the game heavy and I used a gold service twice to the overall tune of $30, with my credit card information remaining intact. Because of this, Im accused of looking for sympathy, of having a lackadaisacal attitude towards supporting organized crime and possibly contributing to the arming of terrorists that fight/maim/kill American military members. Seems like a long stretch to me, but maybe I deserved it seeing how "strongly" people seem to feel about this topic.
If I only buy spark plugs from an illegal chop-shop, I'm still a good guy, right?
I just want to know what the threshold is, so I never have to think of myself as supporting criminal enterprise. Thanks in advance! -
Quote:Well, um, you can have exactly the same experience as before by simply not making any Khelds until you get a character to 50.Actually, I am saying the exact reverse. I am saying that unlocking Epics has been cheapened because they are far too easy to unlock.
Unless, of course, your objection is to other people having Khelds. -
Quote:Just so you keep in mind that I'm not saying that people shouldn't buy it at that price.I just hope all you guys who are complaining that the "price is too high" for things like this vanity pet dog realize that for every one of you who are complaining there are probably like 5 or 10 people happily buying it for all those "too high" prices.
Paragon Studios is a company out to make money. They are setting the prices for these things at exactly the right points for them to maximize their returns. Sure we have seen that they have lowered the prices of a few things here or there, but the majority of the items for sale have stayed the same. What does that tell us? It tells me that there are plenty of people out there buying most of these things for the supposedly "too high" prices. Why on Earth would a business sell something for $1 when they have plenty of people willing to pay $5 for it? That's exactly what's happening here.
So if you're mad that the items for sale in the Paragon Market are too expensive don't blame Paragon Studios, blame your fellow players who seem to be willing to throw all their hard-earned money at it. *shrugs*
Nor am I saying that people won't buy it at that price.
All I'm saying is that I won't be buying it at that price.
The statements it's too expnsieve and it's too expensive for me are not equivalent. -
Quote:This appears to make the assumption that logical and rational reasons are in some way not chemically/genetically derived. If you have evidence for a source of thought or emotion not genetic or chemical, I'd be very interested to hear about it. Demonstrate this evidence for it, and you're a shoo-in for the next round of Nobels.The shot doesn't force you to do anything. If you have logical, rational reasons for avoiding people (you are in the witness protection programme, you have a communicable disease, you have to be at work early the next day) those reasons are still in place, and you can act on them as per normal.
On the other hand, if your reasons are chemically/genetically derived, you will no longer feel the same way.
If someone invites you bar hopping, you won't "not want to go" by default. If you don't have a reason to stay home that you can't articulate (even something as simple as 'playing CoH is more fun than bar hopping'), you probably will want to go.
We have ways in the real world of reducing the incidence of crime and violence. These typically are political solutions and as such are outside of the scope of this forum. Opposition to these solutions are often religious in nature and are therefore also outside of the scope of this forum.
To give you an example (for thought, not discussion, for obvious reasons), in your bar hopping example, what would your hypothetical hypodermic do to someone who was raised to believe that using alcohol was immoral? -
Quote:Ok.Good point. Chrysler made cars for nearly a hundred years so it stands to reason their operators knew everything possible about what consumers wanted in a car and had nothing else to learn. Wait... Why am I speaking of them in the past tense again?
How long does a corperation have to last until you consider it a success?
Let me put it to you this way - if you had owned (let's say) 1% of that failed company throughout it's history, would have made a little money? Maybe gigantic boatloads of money?
People who can guide an MMO through 7 (presumably) profitable years are actually pretty good at what they do. I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest they are better at it then random people off of the street, and better at it than the vast majority of people on their forums. They're certainly better at it than I would have been.
I'll let you decide if they have been better at it than you would have been.
(Please note my point does not suggest any group 'knows everything possible' about business. But, y'know, that straw man looks like he's still got some fight in him - better knock him down again, for good measure.) -
You know, if Paragon Studios doesn't learn how to run their business from a bunch of random people on the internet, their games won't last for even a whole year.
Now, on the other hand, if they were to (somehow) make a game that lasted, let's say, 3 years - no, let's go crazy and double that - 6 years, then we might have to conclude that they're actually pretty good at making and running games, and don't really need business advice from misc forum posters.
But that's unpossible, so we'll never know. -
Is anyone else finding it odd that the OP is telling us of the severity of this problem and the hue and cry that shall inevitably follow it... while being told be literally every other person in the thread that it's just no big deal?
Someone's not having a reasonable perspective here. It's either the OP, or it's every single other person.
Make your own judgements based on that. -
Quote:So... and please correct me if I'm wrong... you misunderstood something the Devs said, and now you're unhappy that they're not fulfilling your misunderstanding, yes?And I counter that anything that significantly changes a game and ticks off a substantial portion of it's player base follows the path of SOE.
I am ticked. I feel that the VIP benefits were misrepresented and we were set up. It's all good. I've been playing this game for 7 years. Perhaps it's time for a change. And this change makes a good exit point... after all we can drop to premium and go off and play other games... and there are a ton of new games out there coming up.
Not really sure how to help you with that. -
Nope, sorry.
I'd love the emote, but I just got rid of my Facebook account.
Cut down on the amount of (mostly adult) spam I got by about 75% when the change finally went through. Just coincidence, I'm sure.
But good luck with the promotion, anyway! -
Quote:Nope - people kept assuring him that the sonic fences were the only things truly required to keep Hami at bay and that additional security measures would be oppressive and dictatorial.Couldn't Tyrant and Anti-matter have come up with a plan that didn't involve the deaths of thousands of citizens? Like, say, using people with superpowers to evacuate the people?
What idiots! -
Quote:And this is why we keep coming back to this awesome game, year after year - the Devs actually do listen when we voice concerns, even when the concerns are... odd.Thanks for your feedback regarding the new loading screens. We are extremely excited about these panels you've been shown and are eagerly anticipating being able to show you the rest of the comic
when Issue 21 launches. I have been speaking with Noble Savage, El Topo and Second Measure regarding some of your concerns, and we certainly understand some of the viewpoints being expressed in this thread.
A few things we can clarify really quickly:
The above being said, we have been paying attention to your thoughts. We'll be making some very subtle adjustments to the image which address these concerns while still preserving its artistic integrity.
We're very excited to be exploring this new artistic direction with City of Heroes Freedom. This style of comic book is something that's considered new and cutting edge to many comic book enthusiasts and we're stoked to be leading the way among Super Heroic MMO's in evolving our style to embrace it.
Back on topic, let me say I am hugely excited about both the comic-panel splash screen concept, and the new game intro mechanic.
Can't wait to see what's up next! -
Yikes my post was long.
My apologies. -
Quote:And I find it amazing that honest critique, including people saying "Hmm, this looks disturbingly sexist/etc" is somehow conflated with OMG RAGE.I find it amazing how this thread gone from 'Hey, look at some new stuff' to 'OMG RAGE!!!'
Quote:And while I usually avoid posting here, I feel I just have to say something (because you know, so many other people have to give their opinion like its the only possible right way to see things...)
Quote:Here's a little something that seems to have been overlooked here. This is a picture done in a comic-art style. If you study anything at all about comics, you know that /everything/ is exaggerated.
Even before this picture, Back Alley Brawler exemplified this concept in spades.
He's friggen huge, even by CoH standards. The guy makes Andrei the Giant look small, for crying out loud. But, that is exactly what comic-book art is supposed to do. Same with lighting and color effects. Sure, in real life, his skin-tone would likely not be so lightened because of a nearby light source (Though, this could be argued.) But again, this is comic book art. The light effects are exaggerated to make sure the person looking at the picture realizes, that he's probably surrounded by intense fire, or maybe he and SP are facing down some terrible, monstrous Shivan that just erupted from the ground behind the camera (hence why we can't see it. And those things are supposed to glow, after all.) Or maybe they are looking at a burning building that is about to collapse, and they know there are people still in it, thus the expressions on their faces (Which again, is exaggerated.)
The expression on Sister Psyche, along with her posture. Again, exaggerated to make sure that anyone who looks at that picture knows without a shadow of a doubt that she's shocked and maybe even terrified in that one moment of time. Asteroids are falling from the sky. An entire area of the city looks like it has been destroyed (from what we can tell from the picture, anyway.) God only knows how many people are dead, dying or trapped. And as one of the premier psychics of the world, she's very likely experiencing all of that at once. Combine this with some of the possibilities of what they might be looking at. I don't care if you 18, 80, or 800 years old. Unless you are ultra-jaded about life (which is not the impression that SP gives me) then you are going to be shocked, surprised and maybe even a bit scared and terrified.
If there is anything that could possibly be pointed out as bad in this picture (personal preferences for art aside) it could be the proportion of SP's *ahem* assets... Sure, it could be argued that they draw unneeded attention, and I will admit, they could have been drawn differently. But I am not going to bash an artist and call his work sexist because of it.
BAB looks causasian in this picture - according to lots of people looking at it.
He's not.
That's either an technical mistake (which I would imagine the artist would like to be informed of), or it is a deliberate altering of BAB's apparent ethnic background, which the players would like an explaination for.
In terms of SP's expression, it looks less over-the-top and more asanine. This appears very much out-of-character for her, and so - once again - technical error or character alteration?
More to the point, let's assume that her expression is fully justified - she truly is that horrified/angered/paniced... do you pose like that when you're frightened? I'm quite serious - cover her face and look at her pose... what about that suggests fright or horror?
Or determination or strength or heroism, for that matter?
The fact that poses that emphasize outthrust breasts and hips are considered action poses for female comic book characters is sexist - deeply sexist. If you don't think so, just picture BAB in that same pose. If we are making the assumption that a character specifically uses her eye-candy appeal as part of her operational toolkit (e.g.: Catwoman, Poison Ivy), that's one thing. Again, is the part of SP's established character?
Quote:I like the picture. I like the concept. I like how it came out. If you don't like it, then come up with something better and draw it. I bet a lot of you would find that it's not as easy as you think.
I hate this argument. Being able to match an effort is not a reasonable gate for being critical of that effort. if a gymnast falls off of their equipment during their routine, I don't have to be a gymnast to recognize the error. if I'm really unfamiliar with the subject, I might ask "Did you mean to do that?". And that's what some people ehre a re doing: "Did you mean to make BABs look white? Did you mean to make SP look like a posable sex doll?"
Quote:*gets off her soap box and puts her sunglasses on*
There. It's said. Let the flaming and hatred commence.
Unless, of course, you find the typical opinion expressed on the boards to be worthless - in which case I would have to ask why you bother posting...