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  1. A BIG thank you to Chrome Support and PvPEC and PERC for putting this awesome event together. I got to see a lot of old faces, meet a few new ones, and have a GREAT time throughout!

    These events are a lot of the reason I enjoy playing CoH so much, and I really appreciate all the effort you guys have put into this event, it went off without a hitch

    ...and I think the next Ugliest cc anyone hosts, I'm going to make a female Vyze toon to win it (however ugly Vyze is on his own, the look is going to be so much worse on a female toon )
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    It's still got 8 hours. I only started it an hour ago.

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    Damn. I guess I'll have to eat my own legs then.

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    how flexible are you? Bet you can't eat your entire thigh!
  3. TehVyze

    Team Flea

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    Won't help. She can see into your very soul.

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    does LJ have a soul?
  5. TehVyze

    Team Flea

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  6. [ QUOTE ]

    I have no idea why I posted that here.

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    I'm just glad you did! That's pretty epic.

  7. I hope things get better for you financially, Manoa. And I hope that if you do decide to leave us, you come back to a fully swinging Justice

    Till then, let's rock out with our [censored] out!
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    You're all fired.

    It's the return of the 5th Column! Get with the program people.

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    Yes, I am the one who spoiled it.

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    bah more spoilers!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    That's what she said!

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  10. [ QUOTE ]
    TF Blue-side & SF Red-side is all I can remember. Or... THINK I remember...

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    they erased your memory last night. But yes, that is all that's coming (I think)
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I know i sure appreciate all yall's kind words

    praise me more. i like that lol jk

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    hah, you're not kidding
  12. [ QUOTE ]
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    Boys are nothin but big ol meanieheads anyways.

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    >:[ meanie

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    she says that to me often. It hurts more than a punch to the groin.
  13. TehVyze

    Holiday Weekends

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    So now I have cookies to bake, since I now have 4 batches to mail out!

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    Note to self: Do NOT put the chocolate chips on top of the oven you are preheating.


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    but...ladies like chocolate...and ya gotta preheat the oven before you stick in the baster!

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    if i remember my schooling, that's for "banana bread," not cookies.

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    I now have a new reason to enjoy banana bread

    Food Fetishes FTW!
  14. TehVyze

    Holiday Weekends

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    So now I have cookies to bake, since I now have 4 batches to mail out!

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    Note to self: Do NOT put the chocolate chips on top of the oven you are preheating.


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    but...ladies like chocolate...and ya gotta preheat the oven before you stick in the baster!
  15. TehVyze

    On this day...

    This was made -7 years after I was born.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    your a fox!

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    well thank you
  17. Happy Birthday GF!

    GL HF DGR!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    *crashes a Space Station Stolen from Kadmon into the Portal, Permanently Sealing it*

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    Hmm seems like im stuck on this side of the portal ...*pout*

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  19. TehVyze

    Nuke choices

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    Oh sure, I would love crashless nukes too....I would also like the ability to hit Ghost Widow in the face with a Bread Truck.

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    She would just heal off you .

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    I'm trying to imagine GW healing off of you, and then taking a bite out of some really rich, delicious bread. then KABLAMO! The bread is full of kerosene. Anyone up for having a MacGyver secondary, where you can take a flash light, some lighter fluid, and some flour and make a delicious explosive device that will defeat GW?

    Or at least something that could produce light on those Shadow Shard TFs?
  20. The general blaster rule is: play like a [censored]. If you can find weaknesses in enemies, you SHOULD exploit them. You should not treat a fight fairly because the enemy will not be at a disadvantage. Your only chance for survival is to be sneakier, more clever, and more powerful, than your opponent.

    The blaster winning formula:
    Your DPS minus his hp better be faster than the enemy group's DPS minus your hp.

    Do the math, limit an enemy's ability to damage you, and maximize your damage to them, and you can win
    Also, I think there are PLENTY of fun combos of blasters you can play, there's not really a primary or secondary that mirrors some other set.
  21. I'd say the Leaping would be your power of choice if you're avoiding flight. It's the median of travel powers: can't be as fast as SS, but can also jump really freaking high, and is faster than flight, but can't go as high as flight. It also have a fair amount of utility. In combat jumping you get immobilize protection (and a small amount of defense), and in Acrobatics you get some hold and knockback protection, which is nice to have when leveling up.
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    in most MA missions I've tried with my blaster - range is a defense

    most of the mobs are primarily melee, and they do far less at range. I find immobilize is really useful.

    the occassional actual ranged attacker is usually quite a surprise.

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    Try my MA's. all my custom enemies have ranged attacks. Cause I knew you blastards would try and take advantage.

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    lol, you should make one called the Blastard Challenge
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    *grins and bows*

    Thank you, thank you: I'll be here all week.

    Try the veal and be sure to tip your waitress.

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    I tipped my waitress over and she hit me with some veal.

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    you wernt suppose to put the tip there! lol

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    Let's play a little game called just the tip, just for a second, to see how it feels.
  24. TehVyze

    Another AR/Dev

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    Am I crazy or is there no travel power in that build?

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    I can see how just taking hover with a fair amount of set bonuses, and using swift, can be a semi-effective travel power