SuperBash Event May 31st 2009
come on out and have some fun. It's gonna be a good time for sure.
If there was any doubt about what the PERC and PvPEC stand for in regards to the community and organizing events, let this Superbash speak for itself.
I humbly offer my gratitude and appreciation for putting on an event of this magnitude and enjoyment for the Justice server. Both groups have truly outdone themselves here in my book. Thank you and GG.
*Editing in a kudos for CS as well. Sorry I missed you the first time, my bad.*

- Convenient - //\ - Exile - //\ - AatC -
There are 5 events taking place so lots of text to read. In regards to the MA event, I thought it would be easier to post seperately to highlight a Youtube video of the arc featuring Justice Servers very own Hami Leaders to explain it all.
(make sure you have your volume on )

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
oh I'm sooooooooo going to be there.
Event: Multi-theme Costume Contests
4. Worst dressed
[/ QUOTE ]
probably without pants on
Looks very impressive!
50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM
Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad
The Videos look great & great job organizing this event, there's a lot going on in the course of 4 hours.
This is a bug, nothing more. Please put away the tin-foil hats, there's nothing sinister going on here.-Protea
We wouldn't call it Superbash for nothing
Yay Supa fun. Second star to the right and on till morning....oh wait that doesnt fit...come out come out where ever you are... better...whew
PVPEC Justice server Rep / Tournament Chair
Chrome, PvPEC and PERC- you guys have truly out done yourselves. This is gonna rock the capes off Paragon!
/e praise to you
Chrome, PvPEC and PERC- you guys have truly out done yourselves. This is gonna rock the capes off Paragon!
/e praise to you
[/ QUOTE ]
Lets not forget Justice Radio they are also assisting with this event so you all can hear the play by plays and be up to date without needing to read all the chatter
This is a community event and hopefully has something in it for most folks wiether your thing is to PvP, Story Arcs, Hami, Ship raids, Costume Contests, Badges, trivia, Money, titles, music, etc Ultimatly I hope that everyone has a blast.
Thanks for all the kind words Everyone involved has been hard at work for this event for roughly 2 months, I am sure everyone appreciates every word

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
I know i sure appreciate all yall's kind words
praise me more. i like that lol jk
SuperBash09 lets come and enjoy the festivitiesand have a good time
Justice Server is a special place!! I have toons on every server and this is home because of all of you.
PVPEC Justice server Rep / Tournament Chair
I know i sure appreciate all yall's kind words
praise me more. i like that lol jk
[/ QUOTE ]
hah, you're not kidding
Slight change in plans, Addreanna will not be able to judge the six costume contests due to a real life issue that just sprung about. Philly Girl will replace her and team with Le Guilletine to judge it.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
I know i sure appreciate all yall's kind words
praise me more. i like that lol jk
[/ QUOTE ]
hah, you're not kidding
[/ QUOTE ]
caught me
and zomg philly judging costumes!!! Yall better get yalls stuff in order
Uh oh.../e runs to paypal some new costume parts
PVPEC Justice server Rep / Tournament Chair
4 more days then PARTAYYYYY!!!
I know i sure appreciate all yall's kind words
praise me more. i like that lol jk
[/ QUOTE ]
hah, you're not kidding
[/ QUOTE ]
caught me
and zomg philly judging costumes!!! Yall better get yalls stuff in order
[/ QUOTE ]
Just so everyone knows my favorite color is blue
"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events
Wow mine to.
Sounds like fun
Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.
Event: Multi-theme Costume Contests
Description: Contest will be in the following order
1. Most heroic/villianous
2. Best couple (Best looking male/female duo)
3. Sexiest costume (Show that skin)
4. Worst dressed
5. HOTTEST Hero and Villain (Firey Aura toons only)
6. Best looking Big man? (HUGE Body types only)
Contest outline: Each CC above will have its own theme so many can participate.
Zone: Pocket D
Start Time: 6pm EST
Lead: @Le Guilletine (red), @Addreanna(Blue) Trixie Chrome (Blue)
1st place $30,000,000 Influence/Infamy
2nd place $15,000,000 Influence/Infamy
3rd place $5,000,000 Influence/Infamy
(for each of the individual costume contests listed above)
[/ QUOTE ]
oh I'm sooooooooo going to be there.
Event: Multi-theme Costume Contests
4. Worst dressed
[/ QUOTE ]
probably without pants on
[/ QUOTE ]
O.O I don't want to picture this Vyze O.o

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
Ok to clarify some tells ive been getting bout the pvp. i will put on some random arena matches after the Main event for 1 mil to each winners.
They will be random. Some will be 1v1 and some will be 2v2 and others might be low level just to pick on yall .
But th ewinners will only receive 1 mil a peice per match. And this will go on After the Main PvP zone Hunt Event up and untill the MA arc event.
It's finnaly here. This is TODAY!!! get your party hts on and get ready to PARTY!!!!!!!
I especially want to see the ones that are leaving here. think of it as a final bash for yall guys to. I might come up with something creative for yall.
*thinks about a all vs smoke pvp match*
Event name: SUPER BASH 2009
Date: Sunday May 31st
Times: 5pm EST to 9PM EST
5pm EST = Badge Escort starts in Pocket D
6pm EST = PvP Event in Bloody Bay
6pm EST = CC/Side games Event in Pocket D
7pm EST = MA Event in RWZ
9pm EST = RWZ Ship Raid
*Please come 15-20 minutes early per event to allow for forming teams so the events start on time.
Tune into Justice Radio at listen to their web radio shows from May 24th - May 31st as they will provide details and sound offs by certain Hami Leaders you all know and love that are supporting this event. The DJ's will also provide coverage during the events on May 31st announcing winners and times of each event.
Now here are the list of the events:
Event: Mission Architect: What has happend to the Justice Hami leaders?
Description: What has happend to the Justice Hami leaders? they have gone missing you must find them and return them home.
"Some" of the Hamidon Raid Leaders that star in this level 50 four mission arc are in this Video listed below:
Special thanks to StarDancer for providing a video of this Arc
SUPER BASH 09 EVENT <-- take a sneak peak of what is to come
Dirty larry
Le Guilletine
and more...
Contest: Who can finish the Arc the fastest and answer ALL 3 questions regarding the arc to be the true "Savior of Justice"
[u]The Arc ID will be announced on Chrome Support and posted on Justice Boards at 7pm EST May 31st.[u]
1. Must be solo (no teams)
2. no alts can win prizes
3. Once finished with the arc, come in person and look for C H R O M E (if your a hero) or Juggles (if your a villain) in RWZ by Lady Grey
4. Once at us Send a tell and provide the name of the souviner that you earned by finishing the arc, once you give us the info, be prepared to answer the 3 random questions regarding the story arc. (sending tells without being in front of either Juggles/Chrome does not count)
5. [u]Each person will have 1 minute to answer each question[u].
6. First come first serve gets the questions. (Remember its a combination of your speed and memory that wins this event, not just one or the other, One hint I will give is to pay attention to the Souviner the details of it just might be one of the 3 questions.)
7. Once you have received and answered the 3 questions please go near Pylon 17 to start to form up near Nursette to form the ship raid teams.
Zone: RWZ
Start Time: 7pm EST to 9pm EST
Lead: C H R O M E (Hero) & Juggles (Villain)
Once the first 5 people complete the arc and can answer ALL Three random trivia questions regarding this arc correctly will be Awarded $20,000,000 influence/infamy also:
" Savior of Justice "[u] Gold title [u]
This will be awarded on Monday June 1st at 8pm EST in Pocket D.
The title will be awarded to the character that you win this event on.
Note* Once 5 people qualify for the "Savior of Justice" gold title, the Mission Architect event will be over. At which time a [u]RWZ ship raid will begin sponsored by The Crimson Moon[u].
The Other Prizes will also be:
$10,000,000 for each person that answers 2 out of 3 arc MA trivia questions correctly, and $5,000,000 for answering 1 out of 3 arc MA trivia questions correctly. This will continue until the 5 gold title winners have been announced and the Rikti Ship Raid will then begin.
Event: PvP Zone Hunt: Hunt or be Hunted
Description: Hunt for the missing PvPr's in each zone, starting with Bloody Bay, while others hunt you. They will give you clues to the next zone and give you something to tell the next missing PvPer.
Contest outline: A hunt for a hidden person across all of the PvP Zones. This will be heroes vs Villains. Teaming is encouraged amongst Heroes and Villains. But will you become a Rogue once you find the clue, or help your fellow team to where the missing pvper is???
1. This is zone PvP. Not arena. There will be a lot of action and fun. Teaming is highly encouraged
2. No giving out clues in broadcast or any other global channel. (If you decide to share the info with your team then this is fine. If you dont and decide to be a rogue then its fine. Just note that prizes will be only awarded to the first 3 Heroes and first 3 Villains to finish.)
3. NO TRASH TALK. Trash talking is highly discouraged and will be punished by disqualification at the host's discretion.
4. Inspirations are fine, but no SoW's
5. No base camping. Give everyone a chance to get out into the zone to take part in the action.
6. No killing the Hidden Person. Doing so will be punished by Disqualification
Zone: We will start in bloody bay and clues will be given to the next pvp zone which may be RV SC or WarBurg ... your clue will lead you to one of these zones.
Start Time: 6pm EST
Lead: @Galactic Blaze
Help @Metallus, @Shadowshard, @Just Joan
1st place: $200,000,000 Influence
2nd place $100,000,000 Influence
3rd place $50,000,000 Influence
1st Place: $200,000,000 Infamy
2nd Prize: $100,000,000 Infamy
3rd Prize: $50,000,000 Infamy
Event: Multi-theme Costume Contests
Description: Contest will be in the following order
1. Most heroic/villianous
2. Best couple (Best looking male/female duo)
3. Sexiest costume (Show that skin)
4. Worst dressed
5. HOTTEST Hero and Villain (Firey Aura toons only)
6. Best looking Big man? (HUGE Body types only)
Contest outline: Each CC above will have its own theme so many can participate.
Zone: Pocket D
Start Time: 6pm EST
Lead: @Le Guilletine (red), @Addreanna(Blue) Trixie Chrome (Blue)
1st place $30,000,000 Influence/Infamy
2nd place $15,000,000 Influence/Infamy
3rd place $5,000,000 Influence/Infamy
(for each of the individual costume contests listed above)
Side Games Trivia Questions, Rocks paper scissors
Contest outline: These will take place during the CC listed above.
Start Time: 6pm EST
Lead: Jack Visconti (blue) Gaymedes (red)
$1,000,000 mill for each win
Event: Badge Escort
Description: badge route to get all the exploration & History badges needed for the following Accolades
Zone: Pocket D by DJ Zero
Start Time: 5pm EST
Lead: @Mac D (blue), @Nitra (blue) @Kilspyke (red) @Crimson Sidhe (red)
Contest outline (Blue Side): This will exclude hunt, mission, and Safeguard mission badges.
Atlas Medallion Accolade
Portal Jockey Accolade
Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member Accolade
Eye of the Magus Accolade
Contest outline (Red Side): This will exclude hunt, mission, and Mayhem mission badges.
Megalomaniac Accolade
Demonic aura Accolade
Headline Stealer Accolade
High Pain Threshold Accolade
Marshal Accolade History
Born in Battle Accolade
Hope to see you all there
Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute