Nuke choices
The low damage nuke would have to be end crashless. The idea behind the nuke is to eliminate every thing in range (barring that 5% of mobs that are always missed) and leave any bosses crippled to the point that the team can take them out in one or 2 more shots.
A lower damage version doesn't play well with defiance 2.0. The devs pretty much said (by their actions) that blaster defense is killing stuff before it can kill you. A low damage nuke more often won't do that as effectively though it will be much more effective at drawing aggro onto you.
-Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein.
-I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use. - Galileo Galilei
-When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty. - Thomas Jefferson
Would it be very unbalanced to have an optional lower power nuke at level 32? A good example would be Inferno: lower the damage to around 240 at level 50, reduce the recharge to around 75 seconds, make the endurance cost about 30, give it a new name, and make it and inferno mutually exclusive at level 32. This is not a suggestion. I plan on posting a much larger post in the suggestions forum next week so I thought it might be a good idea to get some insight from veteran blasters.
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You already have Full auto and rain of arrows. They meet your criteria of being lower damage faster recharge and not being able to be taken with the other nukes.
Would it be very unbalanced to have an optional lower power nuke at level 32? A good example would be Inferno: lower the damage to around 240 at level 50, reduce the recharge to around 75 seconds, make the endurance cost about 30, give it a new name, and make it and inferno mutually exclusive at level 32. This is not a suggestion. I plan on posting a much larger post in the suggestions forum next week so I thought it might be a good idea to get some insight from veteran blasters.
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You already have Full auto and rain of arrows. They meet your criteria of being lower damage faster recharge and not being able to be taken with the other nukes.
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They just need one of those in a set where you don't have to use a weapon.
Would it be very unbalanced to have an optional lower power nuke at level 32? A good example would be Inferno: lower the damage to around 240 at level 50, reduce the recharge to around 75 seconds, make the endurance cost about 30, give it a new name, and make it and inferno mutually exclusive at level 32. This is not a suggestion. I plan on posting a much larger post in the suggestions forum next week so I thought it might be a good idea to get some insight from veteran blasters.
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You already have Full auto and rain of arrows. They meet your criteria of being lower damage faster recharge and not being able to be taken with the other nukes.
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They're also considerably stronger over time than the other nukes and, as such, are one of the primary balancing powers of AR/* and Arch/* which would otherwise be seen as underperforming. Giving something like that to Fire/* (which is already probably the top performer) would make it even more powerful and has even less reason for being done.
It would be nice to see this done to Thunderous Blast and possibly Blizzard considering they're both fired from range, but adding these changes to the PBAoE powers would be suicide considering you're jumping into the middle of the action.
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Frost Breath is my Low Nuke on Ice. Aim the cone right, hit aim and build up, and whooooosh... lots of stuff below half HP.
Add in Ice Storm.... It's close to a crashless nuke and I still get Blizzard.
Another baby nuke ON TOP of that? I'd love it, but it would be way out of balance...
I have found nukes slow me down. I can deliver far more damage cycling my chain than popping inferno , dropping my toggles and having to pop blues to get back in the fight. That being said, if my tank or controllers has bunched up a nice group I may use it.
An additional nuke in the build does not seem like a plus to me. For those that love nuking it might be though. I'll hold the line while you recover for a few seconds.
edit: grammar.
I wouldn't use it if provided, but maybe other people would. I see no active evil within this idea.
Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.
So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.
I always thought sets with crashless nukes overperformed. An extra heavy-hitting AoE attack with no downside makes a large difference to your damage output. That both of them are ranged and one comes in a set that has three AoEs only adds to the disparity. I would take crashless Inferno over the current one in a heartbeat.
My fire/Traps, Dark/Therm and Ice/Kin corrs all love their nukes. If you want to nuke without penalties go /Mental, slot out drain psyche for end recovery and go nuts. I imagine Ice/Mental would be nuts for that reason.
Oh sure, I would love crashless nukes too....I would also like the ability to hit Ghost Widow in the face with a Bread Truck.
Oh sure, I would love crashless nukes too....I would also like the ability to hit Ghost Widow in the face with a Bread Truck.
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She would just heal off you .
Oh sure, I would love crashless nukes too....I would also like the ability to hit Ghost Widow in the face with a Bread Truck.
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She would just heal off you .
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I'm trying to imagine GW healing off of you, and then taking a bite out of some really rich, delicious bread. then KABLAMO! The bread is full of kerosene. Anyone up for having a MacGyver secondary, where you can take a flash light, some lighter fluid, and some flour and make a delicious explosive device that will defeat GW?
Or at least something that could produce light on those Shadow Shard TFs?
I have found nukes slow me down. I can deliver far more damage cycling my chain than popping inferno , dropping my toggles and having to pop blues to get back in the fight. That being said, if my tank or controllers has bunched up a nice group I may use it.
An additional nuke in the build does not seem like a plus to me. For those that love nuking it might be though. I'll hold the line while you recover for a few seconds.
edit: grammar.
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Nukes do slow you down, but they're undeniable fun!
Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread
Would it be very unbalanced to have an optional lower power nuke at level 32? A good example would be Inferno: lower the damage to around 240 at level 50, reduce the recharge to around 75 seconds, make the endurance cost about 30, give it a new name, and make it and inferno mutually exclusive at level 32. This is not a suggestion. I plan on posting a much larger post in the suggestions forum next week so I thought it might be a good idea to get some insight from veteran blasters.
Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TL
"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno