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  1. I havn't seen/read the interview yet, but you guys should be ashamed of yourselves for your blatant [censored]-tossing at someone who has decided to use her freetime to provide everyone with not only a Dev interview, but a place to download it and a coming transaction of said interview.

    *Gives Jules a round of applause* I for one thank you for your time and effort. If you think the interview went badly, Jules, then take it as a learning lesson for the next time.
  2. Nice Guide(s) Gameboy, mucho appreciated!
  3. First after the Red Name!

    Name: The Black Rose

    Concept: We actually rule the Rogue Isles, we're just too busy with other things (shopping, robbery, napping, etc) to bother with the day-to-day evil of it all.

    RP: We aren't a RP orientated VG but we have RPers in it and encourage those that wish to RP to do so and the other members will respond to them as RPly as possible.

    PvP: We aren't a PvP orientated VG but, as above, we have PVPers and encourage people to at least try it.

    Activity: We're not as active as we used to be but typically there's always 1 - 2 people on at any given time of the day. I personally bounce between COH/COV on a daily basis.

    Requirements to Join: None, except undying loyalty to me. To get the first promotion within the VG you need to be level 10 with at least 10k prestige. The second promotion is level 20 with at least 50k prestige. The third promotion is for those who I hand-pick since it grants a lot of Base/Storage permission.

    Leadership: @Talia Rayvyn
    I'm the Empress of Justice and the undisputed leader of the VG but there are also many people directly underneath my rule that you will have to follow. Do a good job and you'll quickly rise through the ranks... or die. Either works for me as we have numerous Zombie MMs.

    Out-Of-Game-Contact: You can contact me via the Forums or you can contact me on AIM (PM me for Screenname).

    URL: Here

    Coaliations: Chaos Legion (and their spin-offs), The Herematic Order of the Golden Dawn, Nightmare Squad (and their spin-off), Shadow Syndicate, The Ring, Usurpers of Muspelheim and Zero Tolerance

    Other: We enjoy the luxeries of a very large base with all the TPers and frills of most large VGs but without the strict regulations, prestige grinding and bickering.
  4. For the whole psi/psi Blaster issue it reminds me of a friend playing his completely IO'd out Sonic/EM monster.

    The guy does an AMAZING amount of damage....but he takes a shot as well as Mister Glass. That is to say....it doesn't take much to KO him in PvE (PvP is another matter but I'm not touching that because it hasn't been balanced...ever).

    On a sidenote to this: How many Blasters do you know that don't have their 3rd debt badge by level 35? If they don't then they team a lot or are being PL'd. To be a Blaster is to incur muchmuch debt.

    So really, to me, it doesn't seem like much is changing with Blasters PvE side with Psi. They're still going to do a lot of damage using sets that most NPCs have little resisant too, but it's also going to cause them to die a lot from getting too much aggro.

    Then there's also the fact that as far as we know the VEATs Widow-side are Psi-blasters as well.
  5. [ QUOTE ]


    Empathy isn’t a villainous trait, generally speaking. From a fiction standpoint, it will likely never be given to Villains as a set.

    Back to thematics – Empathy isn’t really a villainous trait. From a fiction standpoint, it wasn’t our first choice to port over and the reason corruptors didn’t receive it in the first place as part of the release of City of Villains. If we were to add an “Empathy Like” set, it would need to be all new and not a port of it, to make it fit into the Villainous theme. As such, that fell out of the scope of Issue 12’s powerset proliferation and is why it wasn’t included.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Since the can of worms was opened by stating that Empathy was a "Heroic" version of Empathy.....

    I'd like to know from a Red Name why Thermal was shifted over to the Hero side then?

    Most people (including myself) were under the assumption that /was/ supposed to be how a villain would use Empathy.

    But from your statement it sounds like you don't consider that statement to be true, in which case Villains have been running around with an "Empathy-like" set for almost 3 years now?

    The explanation is just really confusing and feels liks it is contradicting itself...
  6. [ QUOTE ]

    Since NC soft has acquired the sole rights to this game. it's been one blunder after another. And yes I'm mainly a Vil. player but it's clear that Vils are a secondary consideration.

    The right thing to do, is Give Vil's ranged Psionic dmg as well. the Corrupter Primary should be Psychic Blast. Electric blast is decent but too slow. give corrs both Elec. Blast for the story. psy. Blast for common/good sense. (if anyone says "doms have psionic assault" they should be slapped it's no where near effective enough to provide counter fire against a blasters/defenders Psychic blast set.Not saying psi assault isn't any good, just saying you don't want to try to use it against a blaster shooting at you in a zone.)
    oh well I'm done dealing with the devs and the community i'm just gonna play my toons sit back and laugh..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *points back at post about Night Widows and Fortunas*
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I was just thinking...

    Did it occur to anyone else that the reason Blasters are getting Psi Blast/Psi Manip is because villains are getting it as well.
    *Looks at Fortunas/Night Widows*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Psi Blasters isnt the issue its the fact that heroes are getting our best heal on the red side as a heal set on the blue side and we dont even get a controller version of Empathy. This is my saddest day playing this game. Defenders are even getting our cold buffs set as a primary so it will be superior to the corruptor set and that doesnt include the Power Build Up they get from the epic powers that will make the ice defense more powerful than power build up fort's defense.

    When I was young I was never last to be picked on a sports team and I always felt bad for the kid who got picked last or had to sit out because of the uneven amount. Well today I feel like the last kid left and I am gettin no love from the Devs.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    To be honest Thermal isn't the best "heal" on City of Villains. That'd be either Twilight Grasp or Transfusion (I'm leaning more towards Twilight Grasp). It was just considered the "Empathy" set of CoV because it represented how a villain should heal.

    I have a level 50 Fire/Thermal Corrupter and I can say she's more suited for keeping her team alive by killing everything in sight quickly rather than "healing". And while I don't agree that it should have been ported over (Poison should've gone to the controllers instead) what's done is done really.

    With Issue 12, the villains are getting a pair of Epic ATs in ADDITION to the sets mentioned. So while I feel the villains got slightly short-changed in this rounds PP (and there's going to be more of them so be patient) we ARE getting a whole new AT to play with along with new sets.

    And frankly that's fine with me because I just looked at the list and said "Awesome nothing I /really/ want to play (mind you Storm control IS very beastly) so I can focus on the VEATs"
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I was just thinking...

    Did it occur to anyone else that the reason Blasters are getting Psi Blast/Psi Manip is because villains are getting it as well.

    *Looks at Fortunas/Night Widows*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good point, lol.

    [/ QUOTE ]Yah this is why my hopes are still very high on some balance. Cant say though until I get one to lev 50 and run her through her paces.

    They just sound so cool though! They are hands down one of my favorite villain glads.

    I better not see any Male Night Widows running around........

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Male Character + Widow Outfit Tailored for a Woman + Widow Buttcape = Hawt
  9. I was just thinking...

    Did it occur to anyone else that the reason Blasters are getting Psi Blast/Psi Manip is because villains are getting it as well.

    *Looks at Fortunas/Night Widows*
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Teh Boyfriend - He's been on CO* the longest out of all of the members of my RL circle of friends and laid the foundation for my knowledge of all things CO*. When I finally decided to join up, he made a brand-spankin' new character, Isolator Helper, to help me get through Outbreak and get my first badge (he got deleted shortly after Ember finished up Outbreak, poor guy!). He teamed up with me all the time when I first started out to teach me basic game mechanics and tactics. He's also given me a unique perspective by being able to see what it's like to be a veteran without being a vet...such as sharing "in" jokes (such as UniqueDragon, "Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls," etc.) well before I was a CO* member, showing me what it's like to be a part of an old-school Hami raid before Hami got changed or explaining things from a vet perspective (such as why there are a lot of people who have to work so hard at getting the Isolator badge in RV). I really think that all this helped me become a not-so-n00bish newbie. He also had a huge influence on the majority of my RL circle of friends joining CO*, which leads me to...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know when you replace CO* with COX, that whole paragraph just becomes Forum Gold.
  11. You Are A Pirate!!! Yar-Har Fiddle Dee Dee!

    The Best Action Sequence Ever: Part II I'll ask you one more time: Who's the Masta?
  12. I decided we needed a thread dedicated to the videos that we find across the internet that we like to share with others.

    I, personally, will be putting up 1 - 2 links daily(cause anyone that talks to me on AIM knows I'm always finding weird stuffs to watch). So I encourage you all to do the same!
    It can be videos or images, the sky's the limit. The only restriction is it's something that makes you say: OMG that's cool or LAWLS that was hilarious .
    Just no "Blaaaaaaaargh that's gross" my tummy can't take them

    MacGuyver Theme on the Acoustic Guitar! My Jewel of the Day. I almost grew a Kentucky Waterfall watching it!

    The Picard Song Why? Cause Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise, rules

    Go Into The Water One word: EPIC \oo/_
  13. Talia_Rayvyn

    Toxa's art

    Rawr, looks greeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeat Toxa. <3 You always blow me away with how you're able to draw AND color in your stuffs and it always looks SO good *jealous*

    I still say she needs an alternate outfit so she doesn't look EXACTLY like a KoA though!

    *Has also learned what the Artemis symbol is today* woot!
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    First time I played with lucas was when Bionic Flea introduced Lara Bolt as his other woman. Thalls Girl and I were jealous when we heard it and beat up Flea.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  15. [ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    *Wraps Yardle up*

    There there...
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Lucas: Invited me to an unmarked van with promises of candy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Fixed that for you Jawa.
    Now show me on the doll where he touched you!

    *Holds up doll*
  17. *Scratches head* Hmmmmm........ Well I'd have to say.

    Justice Goliath
    I'm not sure where he went but he was one of the first people I actually talked too for longer than a group on CoH. We met during a fantastic Positron TF(which was my first TF and gave me an absolute horribly skewed idea about how smoothely TFs go) and duo'd a lot after(From 12 - 40 when I wasn't with Floats). He also introduced me to DoiDD & Justice Radio.
    He also showed me why Invulnerability Tankers were unstoppable monsters back in the day of Issue 3 ^.^(I think it was Issue 3 anyways... might have been 2).

    Floats Runubi
    That pretty much sums him up, he was the first hardcore min/max exper I ever met. He kinda randomly invited me along with a FF/Psi friend of his for a hunting round in PP and from then on we all teamed up. He single handly made me one of the best Empathy Defenders on Justice due to me having to keep up with him through zones that were +6 to me and try to keep him alive while he herded up half the zone with his Spines/Regen.
    Then we repeated this process with his Fire/Rad. Fun times...Fun times. He also introduced me to the Darkside of Chaos who in turn introduced me to TeamSpeak and why it's bad for women to hop into TS in a room full of boys .
    Also he helped me learn how to plan out builds, figure out how to pick sets that complimented each other and was probally the key factor in me still playing this game to this day.

    Jack Zodiac & Team Awesome
    Though I met him probally a year and some odd months after I started I have to say he's defenately influenced me. Whether in a good way or bad I'm not quite sure. Through him I met Team Awesome and learned the fundamental truth about the game is to have fun. He also taught me great techniques in dealing with people that are getting on my nerves in-game

    Taught me how to PvP...the hard way & how to have fun while doing it. Usually if I have an idea of a PvP build I'll run it by Lucas first to see if it's doable.

    Flea & El Six
    Though they probally didn't realize it but by watching those two interact with their VGs I learned how to be a better VG leader for the Black Rose.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Lucas's her first pick!!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Don't be the next one might be you

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No I'm jealous that you have Looooooooooooooooou-kaas. lol
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Lucas's her first pick!!!!

    [/ QUOTE ]

  20. *Claps* Very nice and informative post for Dominators. I learned most of this stuff in this guide through manymany defeats, as i'm sure you did. So hopefully it'll help other villains avoid that
  21. SG Name: Department of Metahuman Affairs
    SG Leaders: Lady Rayvyn
    SG Website (if any): None Yet(Under Construction)
    SG Recruiters: Battle Muse, Greenbolt, Ki Yin, Leviathan', Talia Rayvyn
    Teamspeak/Ventrillo Server: None
    SG Peak Hours: Early Evening - Late at Night
    Other Info:
    DMA Mission Statement--
    "To Protect the Citizens of Paragon From Any Metahuman Threat."
    This includes superheroes that use their powers for anything other than the protection of others or the greater good.

    In Search Of --
    Looking for Heroes that know how to use their Archtype and have a sense of humor. We're not asking you to devote your life to the SG but mostly it's a place where you can always log in and find a group to join or at the very least find new/old friends on CoH.

    Currenly our level spread is mostly in the 1 - 12 range, with a few in the upper teens(15 - 20). So any new characters you make would find an ample amount of people to group with. But I'm hoping that we can fill in the gaps between the levels so we have an even spread from 1 - 50. Yes, I am allowed to dream .

    Theme --
    We havn't decided on a Supergroup outfit yet, but our SG colors are black/black(oh the originality it burns!) with the Falcon emblem.

    We're not looking for any specific Archtype for the SG, the same goes for character concepts. The Department accepts anyone from -any- background but they must also understand it's a government funded program .

    If you're looking for a general costume concept of what they may look like, see me!

    Let's bring the Hero back to City of Heroes!

    PS: For RP junkies when the webpage is done you'll see there is actually a good Roleplaying story behind the DMA as well.

    I also appologise if this post confuses anyone, it's 3am and it's my first Pimp-My-SG post.
  22. Talia_Rayvyn

    The Kudos Thread

    Thanks for making a game that we can all enjoy in one fashion or another Developers .

    I can understand you guys put a lot of hours into coding and processing this game for us to complain about .

    And even though in game I have my fair share of selfish complaints sometimes, I still come back because it's a fun community.

    So much fun, that a lot of my in-game friends have gone to EQ2 or WoW and are always like "Talia come join us at WoW or EQ it's soooooo much better than CoH" to which I'm like "Nu uh, their character creations suck!" cause it's true lol.

    And honestly the most memorable moments on City of Heroes weren't the times I was with a group Powerleveling against a horde of faceless mobs, or when I would herd large groups of mobs over and over again in door missions. The times you --really-- remember are the difficult ones that when you think back on them are really funny.

    Like running around a corner and being one-shotted by an Arch-Villian. Or frantically fleeing from one group of mobs into another. Those are the stories worth remembering I say ^_^.

    So, yeah. Thanks and keep up the good work I think we ALL appreciate it even though it's hard for most people to admit.

    "It's always easier to complain when your the one NOT doing the work"