418 -
why would any1 complain about one of his/her powers bieng too acurate?
On a related note, take a look at this site
The quality of these is unbelievable. I was VERY tempted to try and get one done featuring my CoV/CoH characters facing off and framing it on the wall in my house...
Then I realised that no matter how I explained it to visitors, the fact I'd spent a couple of hundred quid on a painting of two computer game characters would condemn me to geekhood for eternity
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Well, this is free
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That is very true, althoug hI would love ny robot MM in a sketch it is a bit expensive. -
Presence definitely, remember stalkers are squishy and need protection, making your enemies wet themselves will really help. And leadership is for dominators and masterminds anyway.
In my opsinion fly is a better option than fly, but then again that's all up to you.
I personally think that dark miasma is the best, awesome heal for a starter, howling twilight can rez multiple team mates, tar patch and darkest night are kick [censored] deuffs, shadow fall is good defence/stealth, black hole I hear is awesome and on top of that you get the dark servant, you gotta love a power pool like that.
I was planning about which traps I would use for my robot MM and I wanted to ask what do you think of the following powers:
Web Grenade
Triage Beacon
Force Field Generator
Poison trap
Seeker drones
Use it as a template and put your comment next to the power. -
Sorry to butt in on your post nug m8ybut.. opinions on my respec build please.
Exported from Ver: of the CoH_CoV Character Builder
Level: 32
Archetype: Stalker
Primary: Energy Melee
Secondary: Energy Aura
01) --> Barrage==> Acc(1)
01) --> Hide==> EndRdx(1)
02) --> Energy Punch==> Acc(2)Acc(3)Dmg(3)Dmg(13)Dmg(13)
04) --> Bone Smasher==> Acc(4)Acc(5)Dmg(5)Dmg(11)Dmg(11)
06) --> Assassin's Strike==> Acc(6)Acc(7)Dmg(7)Dmg(9)Dmg(9)
08) --> Build Up==> Rechg(8)Rechg(15)Rechg(15)
10) --> Teleport Foe==> EndRdx(10)
12) --> Placate==> Rechg(12)Rechg(17)Rechg(17)
14) --> Teleport==> EndRdx(14)EndRdx(19)EndRdx(19)Range(21)Range(25)Range(31)
16) --> Entropy Shield==> EndRdx(16)
18) --> Hurdle==> Jump(18)Jump(21)Jump(23)
20) --> Health==> Heal(20)Heal(31)Heal(31)
22) --> Stamina==> EndMod(22)EndMod(23)EndMod(25)
24) --> Stealth==> EndRdx(24)
26) --> Energy Transfer==> Acc(26)Acc(27)Dmg(27)Dmg(29)Dmg(29)
28) --> Combat Jumping==> Jump(28)
30) --> Super Jump==> Jump(30)
01) --> Sprint==> Jump(1)
01) --> Brawl==> Dmg(1)
01) --> Assassination==> Empty(1)
02) --> Rest==> Rechg(2)
This is gonna be mainly for pvp, but with the ability of being able to level ok on relentless solo mish's
Not sure on wether to take barrage over kinetic shield, they're both pretty weak, but my objective will be to get in and out as quick as possible, and this combination gives me a mini super jump (am only lvl 29 atm)and a nice range on tp, with neither of them being supressed..
not sure about SJ in there either, am also considering invisibilty.
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In my own opinion I like to go for a weak attack and a strong attack, so I get barrage and bone smasher, it works out for me. -
hmmm, those do work, but it's the problems put together that really does get bon my nerves in team missions, anyway thnx for your tips guys.
Since most of the posts in this section of the forum are about builds, I thought I'd start a topic about dominators' inherent ability.
So...what do you personally do when you hit Domination?
Do you turn into a psycho blaster and go on a mad killing spree?
Perhaps hold/aoe hold everything in sight?
or maybe staring at the blue aura + twinkles around your head is more for you?
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Your cotrol attacks get a damage boost, all of your endrurance heals for a second and all your amage output increases. -
Well thanks for your opnions guys, I will try it out. But that still doesn't excuse for all the aggro they soak up on these bank missions, any1 got any ideas.
cool, I have the same power pools, well, the robots/traps anyway, still thinking of a storyline for it though.
well that's the problem with bots, drones and assault bots have that glitch where they run in for no apparent reason. Just lick follow in the pet window and they shoulds come back to you, it works with me.
No idea what the blaster is like. I;ve an ice/kin corr and it works really good thoguh.
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A blasster is very similar to that of a corruptor, accept they're kinda like dominators, because you have assault as your primary and secondary as your secondary. -
The worst thing I ever tried to do with CoX was create a character concept then try and pick the powers to suit, as they'll never fit in!
Instead I now try and pick the powers, then create the concept to suit!
Which means...
Poison? Genetically engineered super-soldier crossed with the DNA from the Mercy Isle Snakes. Next!
Force Field? High-tech Commander with forcefield emitter for protecting his troops.
Trick Arrow? Take no primary attacks, and have him as a renegade member of Manticore's Wyvern group - having gathered some of his own troops.
Dark Miasma? Evil mage, mind-controlling soldiers to do his bidding.
Traps? Technician working for Arachnos testing new technology, been assigned his own unit.
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I agree with this post, it's waay better to match the powers to a storyline and not your costume, and besides later on you can change your costume or even get more than one in Cap Au Diable. -
I wish some1 would do something about this, this problem is most frustrating in the entrance of a bank, you are put in a small and cramped room with guards near you, and when you summon your henchman you either click on the door by accident and you go out, killing all pets you summoned inside, making you have to summon them and upgrade them all over again. OR when you do summon your pets you aggro the guards and the fight starts with you off guard(this ticks me off in team missions). Post your opinions here if you wish.
hmm..........well if you have bots the drones have that glitch where they run in for no particular reason, protector bots have no melee attack so it's bestt to keep that one back and you can just send in the assault bot in, he's like a tank with legs damnit and has the most atttacks.
obviously you should upgrade him with both that way he has LOADS of attacks, and that's the puppose of the assault bot. Plus you get protector bots which heal and give defence buffs to your assault bot.
hmm.....with bots I tend to give them covert unit names like sigma, with ninjas I give them Kapanese names I hear of like Jubie, for mercs I name them pvt and sgt and for zombies I tend to name them after dead people, for example George Best or JFK.