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  1. Tac_Ops_Wolf

    Thugs/Traps MM

    [ QUOTE ]
    Traps with Stamina? What do you think you'll be using often enough to use all that endurance?

    Drop Health, Hurdle and Stamina. Take some other powers earlier, and pop in a few you've left out (Caltrops, Poision Gas Mine). No direct heal? Pop Aid Other in as well.

    Reckon that should make a little difference to your survivability (in a good way).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    AGreed, no-one really knowsd how they sope in combat, so go for medicine over fitness, and jsut as a side note you don't need leadership pools since neforcers have them.
  2. I thought that it was electric attacks that affected and drained endurance, not energy melee, but still it might be pretty cool with pvP since it disorients alot, and you have a hold and dark armor has a bag of tricks.
  3. Tac_Ops_Wolf


    Greed, I might make one later on and see how I get on.
  4. Hi everyone, I love making up storylines for my villains and heroes alike, and I have recently noticed the growing popularity for the robotics/dark miasma power pools for the mastermind, so I decided to enrole one myself, and I tried to make a storyline to fit the theme of it. So I will post the origin here for you to tell me what you all think.

    As a former entity of darkness, 'Darkness' as he was once known as was trained as a lesser necromancer for the great demon malbolgia, he consantly fought for hell grwoing stronger with each new type of zombie he couls create, until one day he grew so powerful to a point where he began to think why did he have to obey his mastter. He eventually went to a point where he raised so many zombies to help him overthrow malbolgia, but to no availy, malbolgia beat Darkness and his zombies, but he didn't stop there. For punishment he drained him of most of dark pwoers leaving all but little dark essence left in him and exiled him to wearth for treason. Eventually Darkness learned of technology and how it dominated human life, and he began to study it and eventually make his own robots to do his bidding in place of his lost necromantic powers. Now Darkness is stronger than ever and continues to get smarter and stronger as he reclaims some of his dark powers. For this reason he is noe known as Darkness Tech.

    So what do your guys think
  5. Hey I'm from violator's, but then again I'm level 24, no good along side loadsa level 40s.
  6. To be honest I don't like enroling stalkers and I don't like playing witth or against stalkers.

    Enroling: Simple reason is that squishy archetypes shouldn't be in melee range taking all the aggro, this makes it hard to play against higher level NPC for better XP.

    Playing with stalkers: When we're always getting ready and organised for an attack they have to sue thier stupid AS ans tick off all the NPCs.

    Playing against stalkers: They always hide away like little wimps, and with concealment power pool you can't stop them, they alwya bully other arhcetypes, especially masterminds.

    So in conclusion they suck.
  7. Agreed on that one. But with my current MM I'm not gonna use attacks, so I'm not picking up any of the patron powers for my MM.
  8. I suppose so, what he could do is if he has both respec trials left he can respec once to have all attacks and no henchman, and afterwards he can respec again to change em back to see what he thinks.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    soul tentacles

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    You indirectly get that through your liche, do you really feel you need yourself casting it too?
    I don't think melee powers are the way to go either since you're then doing exactly what you're not supposed to and putting your MM in direct combat and I don't think even the new bodyguard thing will make us near strong enough to be leaping right into the fray regularly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    What are you on about, dark embrace is a protective shield, and soul tentacles and soul sotrm are good holds, which will help in both PvE and PvP to keep my mastermind out of harm's way.
  10. Thanks for opinions, I'll try to skip out manuvuers and go for assault and tactics, after all robots are expendable. And when people finally kill the assault bot, WHAM here comes another one, lol. Anyway the only reason I didn't pick hover and got air superiority instead is that I tend not to use it alot at 20+ and its' good in pvp to keep heroes out of my way. I will change it at some point, and besides, I can jsut respec later on.

    I will try to replace with manuveurs with assault and get tactics later on, that mans at lvl 30 and 32 I can fit in repair and fearsome stare, the ultimate healing build I have. I have my protector bots which buff and repair, twilight grasp and repair for my big chunky assault bot.
  11. Tac_Ops_Wolf

    Guns Guns Guns

    It's very accurate and has a few cool tricks, knockback, debuff defence, DoT, superb accuracy. But again it's quite weak and very resisted.
  12. Personally I would prefer spines, and I think that claws is fast but weak, that's what it says in the description. But it's all down to your own choice, I like energy melee best.
  13. Love the sigs, all of thenm, especially beki bondage.
  14. Hi, lately I have been looking at MM threads and have noticed robotics and darm miasma are becoming increasingly popular so I have decided to enrole one myself, I am gonna post my build on what I might do.

    Name: Darkness Tech
    Archetype: Mastermind
    Primary Power Pool: Robotics
    Secondary Power Pool: Dark Miasma

    Level 1: Battle Drones
    Level 1: Twilight Grasp
    Level 2: Tar Patch
    Level 4: Darkest Night
    Level 6: Equip Robot
    Level 8: Fitness: swift
    Level 10: Air Superiority
    Level 12: Protector Bots
    Level 14: Fly
    Level 16: Fitness: Health
    Level 18: Leadership: Manuveurs
    Level 20: Stamina
    Level 22: Shadow Fall
    Level 24: Leadership: Assault
    Level 26: Assault Bot
    Level 28: Leadership: Tactics
    Level 30: Repair OR Fearsome Stare
    Level 32: Upgrade Robot
    Level 35: Flight: Group Fly
    Level 38: Dark Servant

    I had a real time trying to pick what powers to get and when, since I had 3 other pool powers. Could you please comment on my build and if so you can post your own recommended builds. Your criticism (good or bad) is appreciated, thank you.
  15. I enjoy PvP because even at high levels no matter what archetype you are you can jsut have fun, I die loads of times and still find it funny, no debt so no worries.
  16. Or going without pets would be pretty stupid, you would have 2 or 3 moderate attacks and a bunch of debuffs, because MMs have the lowest HP they are very vulnerable so keep your pets, it's hwta bieng a MM is all about.
  17. not really, I usually try to go for all ranged since dominators are squishy in melee combat, and sometimes if I don't need them I skip powers like aim and others.
  18. Man it's hard for brutes and masterminds to chosoe, but I have just made a necro/dark MM and if I were to get him to lvl 40(highly doubted) I would choose ghost widow's, Maybe her dark embrace, soul tentacles and soul storm.
  19. Agreed, dark miasma is the best power pool overall in my opinion.
  20. anyway, ninjas are best for PvP, but they die SOOO easily, trust me, I tried a ninja/FF and got em up to lvl 21 and deleted him.
    But robots are the coolest in ranged, but they have a bug where they go into melee combat for no reason.
  21. I'd have to agree, none rival their melee damage, they're the most agressive melee attacker in CoH and on top of that they have critical hit, which just makes things even better for you.
  22. Sorry about that, I have edited it now, and the only reason I picked entangel over roots is that roots is slow and uses alot of endurance, and entangle is the opposite, makeing is effective on Lts and minios, and PvP. And how do you use the build software thing you recommended? could you give me some instructions as to intallation and usage?
  23. yup, that's the thing about dmoination that pisses me off, it's best used against Lts (and maybe bosses). And it doesn't last very long.
  24. Pretty damn good, build. Mind domination is supposed the best dominator power pool, though I'm more of a plant kind of guy, though I'm not expert so I'm not gonna criticise. Nice job, hope you get far with it.
  25. Agreed, your build is offensive after all.