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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    you really should consider acting with more tact.
    You're wasting your time, Sam. If I had a dollar for every time someone tried pointing that out to Umbral I could probably retire.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    Could someone give me an example of what this refers to? I'm having a hard time coming up with anything significant enough to warrant a change.
    I'm assuming this refers to glowies that gave a reward when you clicked on them, the as-stated fedex/talk steps within a single mission, and other small incremental rewards.

    Basically, anything you get a reward for in Dev-created missions that you can't get rewarded for in AE missions is a possibility.
    I thought of glowies, but they give so little inf, and no xp, that trying to "exploit" those would be among the lowest possible reward/time ratios you could achieve without going AFK. Besides that you could just reset a mission even before we had the option to abandon it, so I doubt those were a factor.

    FedEx missions would complete once you click on the contact, so I'm presuming you wouldn't be able to abandon them once you got the reward for them. So again I'm not seeing how you could "exploit" them.

    The only thing I've been able to think of is maybe if there are multi-part FedEx missions, where you could complete the first part for a reward without that completing the mission, thereby allowing you to abandon and re-get the mission. I don't know if any such missions exist.

    I'm still not seeing why the change was required. I'm not saying it wasn't, I'd just like to understand what it was meant to address.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GadgetDon View Post
    you're an hour, maybe more spent on the TF. To discover that you just hit a wall because you don't have the team makeup expected is never fun, to discover that you hit that wall that late in the TF is maddening.
    If you ran PUG LRSFs you'd be used to it by now.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Ummmm, what? What was rude about this?
    I think I found the problem.

    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    You should be banned IMO.
  5. Supernumiphone

    Oops sorry!

    You at it again? I can't log in.
  6. Supernumiphone


    Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
    not everybody gets it... especially new players who haven't been around long enough to use /AC or find Global Channels yet.
    I'm not new and I still don't get it.
  7. Supernumiphone

    Oops sorry!

    Originally Posted by Vib View Post
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
    • Removed the rewards for all ‘errandÂ’ tasks within missions. These small rewards were exploitable with the new mission abandonment feature. Mission completion rewards are not affected, including patrol missions.
    Could someone give me an example of what this refers to? I'm having a hard time coming up with anything significant enough to warrant a change.
  9. Any change that removed the movement penalty from Rooted would be a positive one to me. I tried to make a non-Granite Stone Brute some time back but having to crawl from place to place, or constantly detoggle and retoggle got old quick.

    Ideally I'd like to see the restriction on travel powers removed from Rooted altogether. I'm all for keeping things consistent with a concept, but having to toggle juggle any time you want to go from point A to B is too much hassle. I think the concept can flex a bit there. Giving the regen aspect the Grounded treatment seems like a good compromise to me.

    One more negative to a non-Granite build currently is that you can't run Combat Jumping with Rooted for the added defense. You've got one of the lowest defense sets and then also exclude one of the most popular ways to bolster that defense. Even if the exclusion of actual travel powers stayed I'd hope Combat Jumping could be allowed.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Castle View Post
    I'm assured by our crack web team that this is caused by the highly unusual browser set up I use -- Firefox with NoScript and AdBlockPlus.
    So that's why. I get the same thing, and it's quite aggravating. I use the boards a lot less since the changeover since there's no way to reliably tell what's new.

    I don't suppose that crack web team has offered you a workaround?
  11. That's very nice. Thanks for compiling that list. You just saved me a lot of searching through this thread.

    I know I used to have the music that plays on the login screen (both hero and villain) silenced. Somehow it has returned with I17. My first thought was maybe it has just become loud enough to notice since the devs standardized the volume of all the music. I don't think so though, I'm pretty sure I remember going out of my way to silence it.

    I didn't see it in the compiled list, so maybe I'm wrong. Either way, if anyone knows which sounds those are, I'd sure like to know. If no one has the answer I'll try to figure it out when I have the time and report back if I have any luck.
  12. Unfortunately it looks like I won't be able to make it. I'm going to try but if I'm not online when you start forming up, go ahead and give my spot to someone else.
  13. or they could put in the work to get the character transfer tool working reliably and quickly.

    I was one of many people trying to transfer mules over to list stuff on the market on test. My main reason for doing so was to help people (including myself) IO their toons, but the items would have been disseminated through the market.

    It seems like the transfer tool just rolls over and dies under anything but the lightest load.
  14. You need a better spam filter. ;P
  15. It's too bad about Jack. He really doesn't do enough damage for how squishy he is. I don't know how much any of the pet AI changes helped other pets, but Jack still get stuck using one attack, then standing around while it recharges. He'd probably be pretty good if he actually cycled through all his available attacks.
  16. Supernumiphone

    WM/Dark Synergy?

    I don't know why redraw would be a problem unless you're determined to take and use patron attacks. I do hope BaB is able to come up with a clever solution that will allow him to eliminate the redraw problem for weapon sets, but I'm not holding my breath.

    On mine I just stuck to attacks from the primary, so redraw was a non-factor.

    I wanted to be able to be main tank with mine, so I took Tough and also built for S/L defense. It worked out really well, I can tank and solo spawns on full teams. I only run into problems when facing enemies that target the build's weak points. Anything that does lots of energy damage and/or heavily debuffs defense usually. High level PPD are .
  17. I'm in. I'll bring Bonechilla, a Dark/Cold Corruptor.
  18. Just the usual suspects. I'd guess you'll want to pass on the Nemesis farm due to the +tohit buffs they get, but the ship demon farm should still be good. The freak/DE map would probably be too slow due to the lethal resists.
  19. Supernumiphone

    WM/Dark Synergy?

    My guess as to the main thing keeping War Mace from greater popularity is that it's a weapon set. That means Gloom, one of the best single-target attacks available to Brutes, is not nearly as good for the War Mace user because it triggers redraw. For the number crunchers that's a strong negative.

    If you look at the set in isolation, it's very strong. It has one of the best balances of single-target and AoE. It's not the best at either, but it's very good at both.

    As to over-stunning with Dark Armor, I haven't experienced that myself. I don't have any problems generating Fury. I leave Oppressive Gloom running full-time too. It's a potent damage mitigation tool, but if you find you don't need it you can always turn it off to help generate more Fury. Like I said I haven't felt the need, but the option is there.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by RiverOcean View Post
    Ice/Psi is an AoE powerhouse. Ice Slick, Drain Psyche, psychic scream, PSW = win. Id also recommend Ice/Fire or Ice/Thorn the sets actually mesh well, but you see very few people playing those combos.
    I'll second Ice/Psi. Drain Psyche helps make up for the lack of hard control in Ice/. Also both sets do -recharge, so there's some synergy, though it's of little value in most situations IMO.
  21. Sweet jebus what do I need to silence to shut up the new demon MM pets at the markets?

    Edit: Think I found it. DemonSummoning\DemonLieu_Taunt_01.ogg
  22. OP do you have Stamina? I have found endurance usage to be a problem on my SoAs in protracted fights, but not quite as bad as you make it seem.

    As to the matter of DDR, I don't think it's an unreasonable request. SoAs are reliant on defense for their mitigation to a high degree. Other sets that are similarly reliant on defense have gotten DDR. Granting it to the entire team is not necessary. Even if it was added to TT:M, it could grant DDR to the owner of the power only.

    Not that I expect to see such a change happen.
  23. Supernumiphone

    WM/Dark Synergy?

    It's a solid combo. You get a lot of stunning out of it. You can keep a boss stunned for a good portion of the time you fight it. Theoretically you could go for perma-stun, but given that Clobber is one of your best attacks, I'd max out the damage/recharge slotting before worrying about enhancing the stun.

    Oppressive Gloom does not stack with itself, but you tend to see a lot of drunk-walking after you fire off Whirling Mace in a big group with OG running.

    Crowd Control is <3

    Endurance will be an issue. Plan on getting a Theft of Essence proc for Dark Regen, and ideally a Miracle, Numinas, and Perf. Shifter proc.

    Yeah it's a lot, but Dark Armor isn't the most end-friendly set, and War Mace can burn through end pretty quickly too, especially when you're spamming AoEs.