1131 -
Quote:No cousins until we get a Hulk movie that actually performs as a movie, I think.I'd expect them to bring in the Wasp before Ms. Marvel, also now that HULK's movie popularity is skyrocketing thanks to this, perhaps we will get......SHE-HULK?
Also I sadly expect the villain for the next HULK movie to be the Red Hulk......And Red Hulk won't fly, but the Leader was beautifully set up in Norton's movie. Logical extension of that movie.
S. -
Quote:The easiest out of those three is Mar-vell, though they may have to do something about the name (imagine the groans of the audience hearing what they think is the worst in-joke ever...Last I heard was that the FF movies are due to be rebooted, if this is the case then the Surfer rights won't be available.
However the Surfer was THANOS' prime foe when he came back in the 90's.
For the movies, given that this is Thanos' first incarnation and that Surfer rights will likely be unavailable, then they will go back to Thanos' classic cosmic foes:
1. Drax the Destroyer
2. Adam Warlock (though he may need an origin movie due to the character being....complex)
3. Captain Mar-Vell) but he'd introduce the Kree and Skrulls.
S. -
Quote:Broadly I agree with you except that unlike DC's big three, where the origins of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman can be quoted verbatim by even the most casually interested person, but with Marvel it could only be said that Spider-Man and the Hulk (due to the television shows) had any real form of lasting recognition with the public.I think you're way off the mark with that statement. Truth is we were already sold on those characters. We would have gone to see it and the movie would have done well even if Mr. Whedon wasn't at the helm. Joss just made sure we didn't pay for something that sucked.
As for his own work, I think he takes a little more care (but not by a huge margin) to produce quality stories from the ground up. His characters have a little more depth and are more relatable. His stories tend to be more clever and the plot twists send me reeling for days. Maybe his own creations don't sell as well but they also don't have the advantage of being embedded in our culture for decades the way Marvel's comic book characters have.
And even much less so with Iron Man, Thor and the rest of the Avengers. These movies reinvented and resold the core Marvel characters for audiences who thought Marvel entirely consisted of Tobey Maguire, Patrick Stewart, Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman.DC has had the advantage of being in existence since the 1930's, nearly eighty years now, and Marvel has had half that and with nowhere near the cultural influence thanks to movies like the original Superman.
Whedon's mark of quality comes from recognising the Marvel characters and remaining true to them above anything else. I'd argue he has to take more care here to present them authentically because with his own creations, there's no preconceptions with them. They're new and freshly minted. His recent run on the X-Men comic showed that he took the time to get to know the characters and didn't try and reinvent the wheel. And I strongly feel it taught him the structure and styling of what Marvel wanted in their team movie.
S. -
I don't mind if Whedon has cameos by Firefly or Buffy alumni in the next movie, as Alexis Denisoff (Wesley from Buffy/Angel) was the voice of the herald of Thanos. So there's precedent.
Serenity isn't better than Avengers. Honestly, I wish people would take off their fanboy blinkers and just acknowledge some stuff works better than others. If Firefly's setting was going to take off, it just would've. The movie would've done better also, studio interference or no. It's not a knock on the film, but I can see Joss making the transition from television to movies, and it is a significant one.
It's like saying somehow that Nathan Fillion made a bad career move in taking Castle, but I don't hear anyone criticising him because the show doesn't have Whedon involved in it.
Both the Avengers and Star Wars stand above the Serenity movie because they cross the barrier from 'fans only' to 'everyone' while giving the audience characters to identify with. It doesn't invalidate the quality of Serenity or Firefly, they're both quality works. But it's clearly measureable by both cultural impact and popularity what's working in terms of broad appeal and a large part of that revolves around the ability to engage not just one section of the audience, but the broad majority.
That is absolutely the single hardest thing that any movie has to do, and those that do it become runaway successes. Star Wars and the Avengers never once had to compromise what they were to achieve that success. Serenity for good or ill is targeted at a smaller audience. You couldn't just get on board with the story without having seen Firefly first. That's a mark against it.
Does this mean Whedon will go back to the Firefly/Serenity universe? Maybe...but I wouldn't blame him if he never did, both thanks to how he got treated by the networks and the fact that the cast have all moved onto other things. I appreciate it for what it is, but I won't hold it on a pedastal and proclaim its superiority to all others either.
S. -
Huh, hadn't realized that til just now. Nice shout-out then.
S. -
Just to pick up on some of the more recent thoughts and theories in this thread so far:
Asgardian invulnerability: They are significantly less powerful, as is just about everyone in the Marvel Movieverse, as it's being termed. And I can understand that, given the more outrageous and ridiculous power levels that get displayed in the comics universe. With the Hulk and Thor, that's about as powerful as you'd want to do in the movies, because then the 'logical' step viewers could then take would be Superman power levels. And even Superman movies have trouble dealing with that.
We are going cosmic in the next movie with Thanos most likely, but that leaves it open to involve the Surfer, depending on how the FF rights are sitting at the moment.
Agent Coulson: This has to be handled delicately, I think. If you bring him back, then you've undercut the dramatic reason for his death, which is the catalyst to unify the team. That being said, there's plenty of scenes up to and including him going to unlock the 'Phase 2' weaponry locker that could suggest an LMD. And I have no doubt the dialogue involving the LMD in the first place was deliberate. So long as you can do it in a way that won't insult or put off the audience from his loss, I think you can get away with it.
And his actor has a nicely laconic style that would just make it seem business as usual.
And yay, I've read Ruffalo has potentially signed for six appearances as Banner, though that just means two more Avengers movies, cameos in Thor, Iron Man, and Captain America, and a solo movie. This whole series can be elevating to one's career....
S. -
Quote:I think it's more Joss doing what he enjoys doing, sneaking in swearing in ways the censors can't deal with. Firefly loved doing that with constant swearing in Mandarin, I believe it was. Using the q-word was entirely consistent for Loki to say and it was great to have him use it in the venomous tone that he did.Yeah, "isn't that a very rude word" passed though my mind too. That it got through probably says something about the education of the censors. At least the UK censors should have known. Although they might have felt it was obscure enough that children wouldn't notice, and therefore it didn't matter. Being London based, they tend to forget places like Wales exist.
Proves to me that you can swear in a story and not be as crass as a lot of modern films are.
S. -
Quote:He's already been inked in for six appearances as Banner with cameos in Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Captain America 2, The Avengers 2 and 3, and finally, a Hulk movie of his own.I'd like to see another hulk film. Hopefully, there's enough financial momentum to get one airborne. I think Ruffalo could hit it out of the park with a smart script.
Ta-da. Amazing what one great film does for one's career.
S. -
Saw it for the second time today with someone who's not remotely into superhero films and even they were raving about the performances and the script and of course, the already-legendary Hulk/Loki moment.
Joss Whedon has now hit the A-list (some would say a decade overdue), Marvel Studios has proven to Disney their approach works, and no less than about three actors have had their careers given massive boosts (Downey, Hemsworth, and Evans), one has had a massive exposure (Ruffalo), and at last, at long last...
The geeks have inherited the earth.
S. -
Quote:Thanks. I think good manners costs nothing, as the old saying goes. No sense arguing when the argument isn't going anywhere.First, kudos to both SuperOz and Forbin agreeing to disagree. I honestly think that's the first time I have seen two individual forum members anywhere actually do that, without getting a last word in or anything of the sort. Then again, you both have been reasonable everywhere else here, so I am not surprised.
I completely agree. It has been my main beef with the Incarnate System's AT homogenization since day 1 of its existence. I know that a mentality like that is reminiscent of the "holy trinity" days of MMORPGs, and that many now find that to be archaic. But that sort of thing is intrinsic to most superhero universes.
To relate to the topic: it would only be awesome for a brief time if The Avengers team consisted of six Hulks, then we would get over the uber-smashing that was going on, and want to see something else. As written, watching the Hulk do his smashing thing and then seeing the deadly precision and finesse utilized by Hawkeye provides us with a dynamic switch that keeps our interest far longer. The game could use more situations that called for that (and do more to make individual ATs shine at what they are meant to do, and not step on the toes of others).
Well, I think the focus shifting the Incarnate System and so squarely making it about raiding instead of individual TF's or perhaps scripted events/missions is what made it so homogenous. There's never going to be room for diversity in groups above a dozen people. It's interesting that the old Mothership Raid actually works against that notion because the emphasis is squarely on the individual teams doing individual jobs either leading up to or as part of the actual attack on the Mothership.
People have roles there. Take down the pylons, take out the bombs. Focus on a certain type of Rikti. I find it small wonder that Mothership Mondays on Virtue have been refined by their raid leaders with incredibly concise and on-point leadership given that the raid is surprisingly elegant in its simplicity and does, in fact, allow individual teams or even individuals to shine.
I haven't seen anything (as ironically indicated by Forbin) that suggests the coding of the game can't handle AT-specific 'moments'. And surely people would like them? I have trouble seeing a good argument contrary....
S. -
Quote:I think he does....and yeah, that's easily my best Banner line ever in a movie. Some of my favorite comics stuff (the stuff with the metronome in Hulk 2 is lifted from a critically welcomed run in the book) has snuck into the movies, and now....now Bruce can change.Yeah. It had me wondering if at the end of Hulk 2, if that smirk was Banner realizing, he was always angry.
Cap: Doc, don't you need to get angry?
Banner: *looks back and grins* That's the secret Captain. I'm always angry.
My personal favorite line in the movie
At will.
Be afraid, bad guys.I'd love to think this will lead into a bit more of a talking, even snarky Hulk like Peter David used to write. There was nothing more hillarious for me than having someone try and beat down on that Hulk and him making some smart-alec comment and then smashing them. One of my best remembered lines was from the long-ago House of M storyline where he just demolishes Sydney and the Opera House in the course of defeating the bad guys and is asked
'Hulk, why did you destroy the buildings? And the Opera House?'
'Can't stand opera.'
That's my boy. I still want a 'Hulk' transformation costume change!
S. -
Quote:Somewhere, I still have a binder with all of those character descriptions. I'd spend hours pouring through the stats of all of the different heroes...drooling especially over the Beyonder's character sheet.
The number of times I had people try and BS a column shift to Beyond...
Such a great system and so evocative, for mine. I hear the new one (which I own but haven't sat down and properly read) is similarly pick up and play.
S. -
Sabotage and Intergalactic are getting a play after hearing this. Very sad.
S. -
This is why you play a SS/Inv Brute.Moments just. like. this.
Btw, when can we have the tearing clothes costume change? I mean like...who doesn't want to 'Hulk Out' in the game?Or is that Marvel copyright?
'I'm sorry, but Marvel informs us the shedding of clothes in this manner is copyrighted and may not be reproduced in any form.'
S. -
Quote:As someone who's a long, long time Hulk fan, and owns both the other Hulk films (I know, I'm a glutton for punishment) it's been a long time coming to see the Hulk have some personality beyond being just angry.That moment was amazing. And it was pretty obvious that Banner was in control by the smirk on his face.
Ruffalo's said in interviews that this is Banner stopping running and facing the world. And he summed it up beautifully in his at-will transformation scene.
'I'm always angry.'
But that builds on that telling moment from the end of Incredible Hulk with Norton smirking, eyes aglow with gamma green. All of Ruffalo's acting as Banner and Hulk, even the on all-fours hunching, and roaring at Stark to wake up tells you Hulk is concerned about his friends. And that is tremendously cool. Little wonder people are saying he's the standout character in this movie.
Well, he is to me, anyways.
S. -
Quote:I'll consider that....I'm on Virtue, by the way. I consider a large part of what happens at least from a personality perspective in the movie during that scene is roleplaying. Now, I know that a lot of people don't roleplay and don't necessarily credit a dramatic scene with the appropriate 'dramatic reaction' for want of a better term, but things like movies in those situations play it straight; they're not certain if this is the end of the world and they may even die. Unlike us the viewer who know about things like script protection and actors not dying because they're on the marquee, the characters are totally into it.Unfortunately, this universe. The one thing to remember is that this game has to cater to novice as well as experienced gamers, power gamers as well as role players, and everyone in between.
What you're describing is actually possible to do, you would just need a couple of things:- A group of people willing to go about an invasion/ship raid event in an abnormal fashion.
- Someone willing to give instructions/orders on-the-fly.
It is possible, just need the right people (or the right warning to people joining). Unfortunately though, the majority of gamers prefer the rewards-to-time-invested ratio to weigh heavily on the former. Thus, we get zone events that can be done intricately, but are simple enough to "sit 'n smash" if that's what the league wants.
On a personal note, I do not fall into that category. I designed an entire Vanguard-spinoff SG based on exactly what you are describing (see signature for details). So, if you (Oz) organized a "special" run of some sort of event or whatnot that incorporated a lot of this, I would be down. I am sitting on 6 character transfers, so I could go to any server on which it would be happening.
I do think something like the Coming Storm/Battalion could or should have a lot of these elements in some format; the Praetorian 'War' has felt like a lot of back and forth tit-for-tat exchanges where the actual intentions of both sides, at least for me, weren't really defined beyond 'do a lot of collateral damage to Primal Earth' and 'reveal Emperor Cole as a bad guy'. I felt the Rikti trying to establish a beachead on Earth had that really tight focus to it where you could easily envision set goals like preventing the Mothership from launching more ships, or preventing Rikti troops from capturing Terra Volta. Some may feel the Apex/Tin Mage II/Sutter and other TF's do that well, but I found it to be disjointed as a story.
I'm definitely aware though of the gamer mentality of if you're offered two paths for a reward, players will invariably take the easier path. The path of least resistance is a long-standing game theory and I have no doubt that's why Dark Astoria was put on the table. You could argue that Trials are the faster and easier way to get the 'rewards' of Incarnate powers, but Dark Astoria's only limitations are the ones that players put upon themselves on how quickly and often the arcs are run. No pressure to get into a League, no rush to do a number of them in order.
Me, I just want some feeling of that cinematic experience. I'll freely admit I want game balance to be put aside in favor of story, but for no other reason that I feel doing that not only breaks from the notions that all tasks are able to be done by all characters equally (and I'm not arguing this be universally true; just for these particular circumstances) but allows individuals to shine in an otherwise collective 'lump' of experience.
It's selfish but also human to want to be recognised individually for your efforts. I don't think it'd be wrong at all to have moments for Scrappers/Tanks/Brutes/Controllers/Blasters et al to show off. After all, a lot of the story of this game is about you being the hero, not 'you all'. But in a 'you all' gathering, I think it'd be great to highlight just what makes your AT and powerset special, and let other people see it too.
That can't be wrong, right?
I'll send you a PM, Winterminal....maybe we can nut something out.
S. -
Quote:Then that's your subjective opinion and not really measurable, as opposed to my own personal opinion of what I think would draw people to it. Pretty straightforward, I'd say.When I see players leaving zones when raids start, or raids in progress where a handful of interested parties can't find enough people to participate to meet the objectives then I define that as not being a big attraction.
Quote:And where exactly did I make that suggestion? I didn't.
Quote:No I'm comparing it to all of our zone events, not just the Rikti Raid.
Quote:Oh I answered the question. You just don't like it.
Quote:No that would mean I either didn't see the movie, but from my comments about scenes that can only be scene in the movie you know that's not true. Or that I'm lying about people avoiding zone events, but we know that isn't true. The only thing you can question is if I'm sincere about my opinion, and on that all I can do is assure you that I am.
Quote:I recall what happened when the devs turned the once popular Winter Zone Event into a trial, and how vocal the people that hated it were. I also recall how hard it was on Virtue to get enough people to do it.
What I'm doing now? You chose to engage me in a conversation by asking me a direct question after I posted my initial response and I politely responded. That is how communication works. One party says something and another party responds.
I think you can respect that, so we'll move on, shall we?
S. -
Quote:So nothing new just put everything into one event. That's what I thought. Don't see that being a big attraction. And from what I've seen our Events are already comparable to the movie invasion as long as they occur in a popular zone for players to gather. Less popular zones frequently have no one show up at all.
Event starts, the majority of players go somewhere else leaving a handful to fight off the enemy.
Aliens invade New York, only six super heroes show up. All the other NYC based heroes in the Marvelverse are mysteriously absent.
Wow, aren't you a little ray of sunshine?Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed or something? 'Oh, yawn...not a big attraction.'
In what alternate universe where apparently breaking all these components up into seperate events become somehow more fun than putting them logically into one continuous scenario? Are you seriously going to compare a moving, dynamic event such as what occurs in the movie to something like a Rikti Raid where the 'strategy' is 'stand in one spot and wait for the waves of spawn to appear in the huge cluster of heroes that stand around for the free XP?'
And you didn't even attempt to answer my question...instead, you sidestepped it by saying 'oh, nothing new.'
We don't have anything like that scenario in the game and you know it. You're just being disingenuous at this point because of that. And you're also talking about a zone event when everybody, including myself (the originator of the thread) agreed it'd work better in a Trial or a TF. If the concept doesn't interest you that much that you're simply just nitpicking, then it'd be better to just say 'I don't like this' and move on, because that'd be better than what you're doing now.
S. -
Quote:Okay, be nice first of all to people who haven't seen it yet and may appreciate no spoilers (I and others have made an effort here...) and please refrain from any more?Seen the movie, but didn't see much that we haven't already got somewhere in the game first.
Alien invasion? Check.
Hot chicks in tight outfits? Check.
Spaceships that blow up if attacked? Check.
Characters that don't get along until the big fight? Check.
Characters that switch sides? Check.
Nukes? Check.
Bombs? Check.
Copyright ripoff characters? Check.
Civilians that run around but never die? Check.
An AV/GM that gets defeated? Check.
Destructible environment? Check.
Base? Check.
Base Raids? Check.
So what exactly do you think we don't have?
Aside from
Bruce Banner showing up on a scooter.
Hulk sucker punching Thor (PvP) during the invasion.
Loki being thrashed like a rag doll
and actual buildings blowing up instead of just cars and stuff.
Alright, of the above list...how many exist in the same scenario? You only get destructable environments in Safeguards. You don't get the nukes, you don't get the alien invasion, nor the side-switching, nor the apparent inability to get along, nor a base nor a base raid.
The specific scenario I mentioned has all of those in the one package. CoH does not.
Or are you now going to tell me we're somehow better off because we can't combine or have multiple of the things above? Because if we could, we'd have what appears in that scene, everyone would have a moment to shine in a team environment and you'd have not only an exciting and dramatic scenario, but also an entertaining one.
Those things you listed are often isolated. Rikti raids. Bases. Safeguards. Nukes. Destructable environments are so isolated I'm not sure if they even get used much anymore. You can claim we have them, but in this case the sum of the parts do not equal the whole.
So to turn the question back on you: What do you think we do have that's comparable?
S. -
Quote:We're seeing it as a Studio tomorrow morning, so if the devs come back with some craaaaazy ideas, you'll know why.
There's a lot to be crazy for, trust me.I'll be the first to say a new skin for the Team Teleporter, for one.
Of course, that'll be a copyright thing...and speaking of copyright, is the Hulk's transformation costume change (for want of a better term) copyrighted as well? I think a lot of people would want that whole 'ripping and tearing of clothes' thing (more sounds than anything else, I guess) and I've never really seen it come up.
And hopefully my ideas on what I thought made it a great team scenario shine through, too.
S. -
Heh. I get what that's referring to. Could be a fun watch.
S. -
Wow. I read the original story with the Dark Judges. Should be very interesting with Dredd so advanced in years....
S. -
Ah Sony. Still seeing what source you can milk the cash cow from, eh?
I'm grateful that they're fulfilling the promise from the prior Spider-Man movies to use the Lizard, but surely ten years is just a bit too soon to reboot an entire movie series? Just me, I suppose....
S. -
Well forumites...you continue to surprise me. I left this thread in a fairly annoyed and disappointed mood, thinking that an idea I had in a moment of euphoria over a movie was being squandered.
A shift to a TF or Trial event I can get behind. I have always, always wanted to pull off something like in the comics. 'Holy crud! It's the giant Space Amoeba and his army of Ameboids! What can we do?'
Leader Guy: 'Well, here's the plan....'
I don't want to do Trials because so often I can't even fathom the logic of the story, let alone how the mechanics behind them work. And so often Trials just seem to be about mechanics for me. I've never played the TPN for example, but I understand from reading it you're meant to get public opinion onside by fighting enemies and avoiding being stoned by others. That's incredibly truncated, but that's what it boils down to. Oh, that and running back and forth between two buildings.
That is the least appealing scenario I've been presented with in a game in a long time. I want to do something in a scenario that my Scrapper or my Blaster or my whatever is best suited for. Everyone bar everyone should get a moment in the sun, hence why I like The Avengers so much. In Trials I'm basically running in a big herd attacking equally large numbers of hit points.
I've done the Underground Trial once. And why? I saw the story. I got what was going on in it. For me at least, there was no motivation to go back, because I'm not interested in getting a Tier Four whatever. If I want to play the 'I have the best gear/power/whatever' game (which I don't, it simply doesn't interest me) there are lots of other games that I can go and grind to my hearts' content on.
City of Heroes is and will always be the journey and not the destination. Trials and by extension even TF's should be milestones on that road, moments you can stop and say 'Hey, you remember the thing I did with the thing to that thing?' I want to feel that sense of spotlight and importance in my actions at that moment the way the movie did for their characters.
That's all. I really, really hope that's not an outrageous or unreasonable thing to ask, to emulate my big screen (or small screen or comic) heroes. And I apologise if it is.
S. -
Quote:Actually, I found full Marvel and DC conversions to the system online. As soon as you added in Adventure! (their pulp era prequel to the game) you were able to cover all the talented Natural heroes.My favourite "super hero" system has to be Aberrant. But the system is very setting specific, so I wouldn't try to run that for anything non-Aberrant. Especially not City of Heroes.
For that, I think I'd go for Mutants and Masterminds 2e. It's not too mechanically heavy, and it can cover just about anything.