46 -
There is a progress bar for D3, mine was not there then a few days after this post, it just suddenly appeared. It could perhaps need to reach a certain point to show up. D2 requires only a million while D3 requires 10 million. What I am thinking is untill recently I was not at the way point for it to show up.
Lets say hypothetically that the badge progress would only show up once you reach 7 million. So between 1 million and 7 million the badge will not show up though there is an ingame ticker that keeps track of it still. That is always a possibility; more likely a small bug on the badge - even a possibility that at one point in time they originally planed for another badge to come between the two which was for 5 million but ended up either being removed before release, or was lost in the math and forgotten.
Either way, I'd give it some time and just keep earning prestige, see if it shows up on its own after a while. -
Well oddly, the day after my second post the badge progress bar popped up on my SG badge listing
Finally I can see how much father I have to go on it. The only thing I can think of that changed was a few new players were invited into my SG. Perhaps the nudge made the badge remember it was suppose to show me progress!
Hm, I did not think I actually ran enough AE stuff to push it that high. Ah well its like the Infamy badge doesn't count when its Black Market related, but why would not not display my progress through the bar badge? Its not even on the list yet.
Im actually having issues with the SG badges myself. I know where to find them and all, but I am missing one I think I am suppose to have. It's Benedict DR-3 Turret Plans, acquired for earning 10,000,000 prestige. Now by checking how much my base has via Edit mode, its under 3,000,000. But checking via Supergroup registry, My SG has over 11,000,000. Now do you have to have currently sitting on you 10 mil or do you need to have earned 10 mil? There isn't even a progress bar under the badges let alone the badge showing up on the list as started.
Oh! lets see, I named my first Warshade; Ferral Moonfall and my first Peacebringer Glitterglow. Both to me sounded pretty good and fit the persona and feel I wanted. As long as you don't name your toon something that looked like you keymashed the board - stand in a zone and spam emails to people about inf for cash its all good
The Peacebringers and Warshades have rather unique looks to the power colors I thought. Though, I guess I don't got much room to talk *grins* I just unlocked my hero epics last week with my first 50 hero! yay me, anyways. But by the looks the colors themselves seem really different to me. The PB has a white iridescent appeal while the WS has a oil feel.
Maybe being tintable would be nice though. Not completely altering it but adding a light touch of color tone would be cool. I shiver to imagine a hot pink powered Warshade running a muck through the streets of Atlas -
I see and hear alot of complaints about the MA and on the other side I do see many people complimenting it and enjoying the capabilities it possess to improve play and keep new players coming in.
Thinking about it for a while I finally came up with a solution to discourage extraneous farming but still keep people wanting to 'farm'. Make certain criteria to be made for enemies and what you fill the map with. Example
If you have Lieutenants on a map you -must- have minions as well. If you have a Boss on a map, you -must- have minions and Lieutenants as well.
This would prevent maps from being filled with only one kind of enemy type and require a more normal mission type that all missions, be them, Contact, Radio/Paper, and Taskforce/Strikeforce have which was Dev created material. It would not take away from the purpose of the MA and would more or less standardize what players get to fight. -
Technically it has been on the calender, they do at least two double XP events a year.
one in the spring/summer and one in the fall/winter.
Most Favorite - I have to say is tied. First off being the Coralax. They walk funny and make weird ringing sounds when you get near. The exploded chest cavity and mandibles always look awesome. And you gotta respect a level 15 that will hang out in Grandville drinking coffee :P. That all aside to me they just are so mysterious since we know little to nothing about them. Next on my list is the Carnies. I so want all there costume pieces, background story (Boots are hawt), and as annoying as there death throe is - it makes it fun to have to hurriedly hop away and get out the range of that thing.
Least Favorite - The Vahzilok. I hate them so much! They explode if you don't kill them fast enough. The vomiting (ugh,....being sick to your stomach is a a bad time to fight them) not to mention at lower levels they can completely annilate you with out even trying. Oh and don't forget about the Mortificator, who will bring back the damned Embalmed after you killed it... -
Hehe I always thought it would be neat to have alternate server names to reflect the heroism/villainy of the game. Here are some neat examples:
Freedom / Tyranny
Virtue / Immoral
Liberty / Restraint
Guardian / Destroyer
Protector / Oppressor
Victory / Misfortune
Champion / Anarchist
Triumph / Disaster
Heh I couldn't think of one for Infinity, Pinnacle, or Justice sadly but you get the idea. -
heh your looking under the wrong tab. make sure your under the personal options and not the search list of tens of tons of other missions. ok ok now im looking at it. at the top click My Creations - when udner that menu you will see My local stories, my published stories, my characters, and my groups. Click My Published Stories. A list should pop up and show your current published stories. Click the story you wish unpublished. Options listed on the little story will be Unpublish, edit, and play. Just pick Unpublish and you should be golden
Though to note - if for some reason the story was banned for being a blatant farming mission which bent the rules set out - then you WONT be able to unpublish it nor will you be able to use that slot you used up. -
Nope - Go under the My Creations tab and then pick the little menu section look for the one that says My Stories or something like that (Pardon the briefness of this, im not on the game looking at how to do this atm) and you should see your story you made. click it. When you look at the options along with Edit - there should be an Unpublished option IF you have published it.
I had to share this one with ya all. So there I was, heading to the Arbiter and I peered over my shoulder to see a Warden had gotten a job. On noticing I spotted him he had to apparently take me out before I could laugh and tell everyone else
This is where he worked, you can see why he wanted to stop me -
Completely on board for it to! Now just to make sure I get my finances in order to get my subscription set before May and get this thing! *purrs* I really really like the female coat and outfit. Looks spectacular!
Looks really good! Though the werewolf's ears look a little to long and pointed. Try seeing what its like shortening them and blunting the ends. Other then that, the bit of tail you can see behind him looks a bit to thin. Wonderful though no matter what
heh I like it man. How about you name him...Boxore
Star Strider Forces Registry
Name: Imreis Dascht
Global Contact: @Strife Fox
Level of Classification: 44
Origin: Science
Super Rank & Super Group: 1st Leader in command / Garden of Thorns
*edited for type-os* -
Name: Garden of Thorns
Currently Recruiting: We are accepting new members now!
RP Level: RP-friendly, If you want to RP your character, totally allowed.
Theme/Concept: "As the Vines grow around this garden the Thorns jealously protect it's priceless flowers from harm"
This groups theme is based of an active off City RP involving the two leaders of this group. The have no affiliation with any single group or type in City, they are just them...out to have a bit of fun.
Activity: We are moderately active, though we do not boast many numbers at the moment we are always looking for more people to join. Though peak time is 6pm to 2 am EST
Requirements for Membership: Must run in SG mode as much as possible. Also must have ran a few missions with either leader before joining....the leaders want to make sure your not the cut and run type before letting you in.
Leadership: Imreis Dascht and Ruthia Dascht
In-Game Contact(s): @Dragons Lair or @Strife Fox
Out-of-Game Contact(s): Please place all questions to either Ruthia or Imreis on their forums, Plastered Pegasus.
Coalition(s): IC association with groups of like minds, providing them with base accesses for porters as they, and we, grow. Villains of Victory and The Fifth Legion.
Other Details: For prestige generation goals, please visit this thread on our Forums.
Also that thread discusses other special awards available to members. We are just getting into this aspect of things so bare with us as we run a few key member through first to test how it goes. Once we have a schedule, you'll know! -
Something I would like to see. Skulls and Trolls in higher level zones. The Skulls are all over Mercy but soon as you hit Port Oaks your lucky to see one or two of them meandering lost through the docks. After that? Ive never seen a Skull doing there thugging around any other zone. Cap Au Diablo i think i have gotten one or two paper missions. It makes it really hard to get the badge for them let alone for bosses when you dont run into them anymore.
Trolls - you dont see them period unless you get the luck of the draw and get a paper mission with them in it. Again - REALLY hard to get the badge for them. -
Here is a glitch I think should be fixed. This happens with any character wearing a short skirt. The clipping tends to disapear around the butt and hips when the go into the 'Rest' command. Here is a screenshot of a character in 'Rest' to show what happens
Skirt Glitch