Stray Kitten

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
    Well isn't the plural of anecdote data?
    I suppose one could argue that, but there's not really a fine line there.
  2. I love when people use anecdotes as evidence.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    Nice to see the Brits get somehting right...
    Et tu, Myrmydon?

    (Also, says the person who has a British actress as their forum avatar.)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Quoth the American. I'm from London and I can assure you, it is standard practice to drown catgirls at birth.
    But yet you let werewolves run free? Racist.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    So cast my vote for English as easy to learn, difficult to master. I'm definitely glad I didn't have to learn it as a foreign language
    I would concur on this actually, mastering the language is more what I was getting at than actually "learning" it. The verb conjugation is a bit different than most other languages though, which makes it trickier. I think it borrows that from German however, so that may be a non point.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Really? Cool, learn something new everyday.

    Makes sense though, when I say it out loud. An supergroup sounds wrong, an ess gee sounds fine.

    English is a funny old thing.
    Yup, its one of the hardest languages to learn for a reason.
  7. Actually, an comes before a noun when the noun begins with a vowel sound, not just a vowel. That's why "an honor" is proper and "a UFO" is also proper.

    In this case, "an SG" is correct because the letter S when pronounced begins with the sound of the vowel "e" (ěs jē), however a SG could also be correct if you pronounce SG as "supergroup".

    Also, hai Rio.
  8. A little late to the game perhaps, but this:
    Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
    ...I love this server, but that is because of the people/community on it. If that is gone, well, then it's just another server...
    ...pretty well sums it up for me. I'm not sure what I'll do if the Champion community implodes because of this.
  9. I don't know about scheduled, but you can usually find trials running back to back in RWZ during the evenings.

    EDIT: To clarify, tonight was a little odd all around with everything being kind of dead, not just the iTrials. Usually you'll see plenty of them starting up if you hang around RWZ during "prime time".
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Still a valid point.
  11. Sorry to pick apart your post, but this:
    Originally Posted by PumaPete View Post
    highest known corrupter as a L33 Fire/Cold
    is a lot of the problem. Cold domination, while personally one of my favorite sets, feels very "gimped" before 35 when you get Sleet, and you become even more awesome when you hit 38 and get Heatloss. As much as I love cold dom, I had a hard time getting my own fire/cold to that level, but she is great fun now.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by WittyLibrarian View Post
    It turns out I was overclocking the graphics card, so the settings were reset to default and the computer seemed to run okay for two days on high-end graphics stuff... the computer still seems to run a little too hot when I play CoH though... :worry:
    I have to ask, how did you OC the graphics card and not know it? That's really odd.

    Also, I recommend CoreTemp and GPU-Z for monitoring your temperatures. That said, newer graphics cards get a lot hotter than you think they would, so I wouldn't flip out too much about a little bit of "extra heat".
  13. His videos are the typical work of a high school senior, nothing special about them. Did the school overreact? Maybe, but he made the conscious decision to not take them down because of some misguided set of principles, and now everyone who supports him seems to think that its "the man trying to keep him down".
  14. Stray Kitten

    Accolade Groups?

    I'm always willing to help people get "accoladed", just try to catch me online sometime. I'll be honest, if you're willing and able to go villain for a short while, some of those are faster than their hero counterparts, but I run on both sides of the fence, so its not a huge consequence to me.
  15. Stray Kitten

    i20.5 Details

    Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
    I read that and was reminded of time spent as a teaching assistant in a high school remedial math class, thank you very much.
  16. Stray Kitten

    i20.5 Details

    Originally Posted by War_Admiral View Post
    Making sure a team is buffed at all times just isnt my thing. That said, I try to stay away from ATs that require team buffing for that very reason.
  17. Stray Kitten

    Freedom Event

    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    7 p.m. Et / 4 p.m. Pt.

    Edit: What the heck? Apparently you can't capitalize p.m. or Et or Pt anymore... Grr.
    You can't?

    7 P.M. ET/4 P.M. PT

    EDIT: Hrm.. odd.. Check and see if you have some sort of auto-correct or some nonsense turned on.
  18. Stray Kitten

    i20.5 Details

    To make buffing easier for Teams and Leagues, these buff powers now affect all the eligible characters within a 30-foot-radius around the targeted character. (Previously, you had to target and buff each individual character to use these powers.)
    • Cold Domination (Defenders, Controllers, Corruptors): Ice Shield and Glacial Shield
    • Force Field (Defenders, Controllers, Masterminds): Deflection Shield and Insulation Shield
    • Kinetics (Defenders, Controllers, Corruptors): Increase Density and Speed Boost
    • Sonic Resonance (Defenders, Controllers, Corruptors): Sonic Barrier and Sonic Haven
    • Thermal Radiation (Controllers, Corruptors, Masterminds): Fire Shield and Plasma Shield

  19. Stray Kitten

    Aneko Reports

    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    For real. Brother straight up used nyan as an adjective.

    An adjective? I'm actually curious of the context now. Nyan as an adjective is not proper unless followed by the word cat.
  20. Stray Kitten

    Aneko Reports

    [BMT of Champion] Silas: Aneko
    [BMT of Champion] Silas: Horus just nyan'd in team chat.. What did you do to him?
    The aftermath.
  21. Don't remember the name, but my first character was a katana/sr scrapper.
  22. Stray Kitten


    Originally Posted by jdogg_NA View Post
    Once again this post states "IF" it goes well, so if it doesnt go well then no not all people will have access to. Just saying id like to see them test stuff on other servers that way it is more accessible to all playing. That is my opinion,if you dont like it well tough its mine and thats how I feel about this, also one badge I will not be going for, stupid reward for a test anyway they should give a nifty title like they would if it was any other test or event.
    If you can't make it on the 27th or over the Memorial weekend, we will absolutely give you another opportunity to get the badge in a few months.
    In other words, they don't care what happens, you'll get another chance to get it. Even if it goes well, they leave it on for the weekend, and you still don't get it, you will get another chance.

    Also, there's reason to believe that each individual game server is not its own physical server, so in reality they are testing more than one "server".
  23. Eh, these experts just got owned in multiplayer somewhere and its scarred them for life.

    That said, I work for XBox customer support, so even when I'm at work I'm doing something game related. I think that classifies as an addict.
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Amithyst View Post
    What I'm suggesting is only merging a few servers not all into 3 or 4. Just enough, to balance the servers. Only NCsoft knows these number they can easily crunch them and come up with a fair amount of servers. Just at the top of my head 3-4 servers need to go away. There are 11 right now and only 2 of them are in yellow most of the time, Virtue and Freedom.
    Well, as someone said earlier in the thread, yellow != number of people on the server, although it can be a so so indicator.

    Also, where have you been? I haven't seen a day in a few weeks (unless it was middle of the night) where all the servers weren't yellow or red.