Stray Kitten

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  1. I might feel sorry for you if SOs or common IOs were selling for 200m, I mean, they're what you need to be able to play and what the game is balanced around after all.

    But since your qualm is for things that are supposed to be ultra-rare and not readily available to everyone, keep it up, your tears are delicious.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Bronx View Post
    I don't remember the Imperious, but the Lady Grey was twenty-four minutes.

    But you left before the screenshot
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Myrmydon View Post
    Master of a Shardathon...
    I would enjoy that probably.
  4. They had to pick the (subjectively) worst TF/SF in the game to make master out of, the master of the ITF sounds fun, but they really could've picked better TFs to do this with IMO.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
    You didn't disappoint, Luke. Atleast Kins can help boost a Tanks mediocre damage.
    I see what you did there.
  6. Stray Kitten

    Thank you all...

    Originally Posted by athena_shadow View Post
    ...but we won't see that again until I10 or I11 comes out.
    Um... what?
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
    Stray Kitten said

    ... the phrase I heard was "Marxism doesn't work well on any social unit larger than a family." I think an SG composed of all your own characters is fairly analogous to a family. Do I mean "analogous?" Works like one, but does not substitute for one?
    Well, I personally wasn't trying to say that there was anything wrong with Marxism on this level (I actually use it with my own SG mates for the most part). I was just trying to say that there are people that are just as vehemently against it as there are people against the capitalist ideas behind the market.

    In otherwords, if you want to apply this flawed "Golden Rule" to salvage, then it deserves to be noted that you're not adhering to it by refusing to sell to the "flippers."

    EDIT: Also, I promised myself I wouldn't get into this, and then I broke my promise so I'm going to try to avoid this thread from here on because I have a bad feeling that I may get a flamewar started and its already been a massive threadjack. If anyone wants to discuss these views with me, feel free to send me a PM.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Heraclea View Post
    The Golden Rule says that you should treat other people the way you'd want to be treated yourself. "Buy low and sell high" violates the Golden Rule. You can figure out why; it's not hard.
    Actually, I have no problems with other people making money off my purchases, so someone else buying low and selling something to me for the going rate is exactly how I want and expect to be treated.

    Not to mention, if someone is down on their luck, I do give away money fairly often.

    So, according to the golden rule, I want to be sold stuff for the high cost when I can afford it because I know I'm helping someone else make their money. If I don't have the money, then I would want someone to extend the same generosity to me that I have to them.

    The problem with underselling on the market for moral reasons is the likelihood that whatever you sell will end up in the hands, not of someone who's going to use the salvage, but someone who will relist it for closer to the going rate to make an unethical gain. I'd rather vendor the surplus myself.
    While you are correct about most people's intent, the point then goes back to the golden rule. How would you feel if someone wouldn't sell you their salvage cheaply because they didn't agree with contributing to what is effectively a Marxist commune.

    Before you try to argue the Marxist comment, "from each according to her luck, to each according to her needs," is a play on the quote from Karl Marx, "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need."

    The devs really need to shore up the value of inf currently by adding stores that sell common salvage directly at a fixed price. I'd suggest a base cost at the current specialty ratio of 2.5:1; so that salvage that vendors for 250 can be bought for 625, 1000 for 2500, and so forth. Perhaps a special mission or even a task/strike force could be added to open up each of the three level tiers, and access to the store based on the badge it awards. This would fix the problem.
    I might agree with this were IOs a necessity. However, since they are not, they are considered a luxury item. This would be sort of like saying "I need jewelry to look pretty, but I can't afford it, so the government should open its own jewelry store to regulate the prices." Silly, yes?
  9. My point once again is that, if either side does have an advantage, what does this change really? I mean, if you allow both, its the team's prerogative to decide if they want to bring heroes or villains so ultimately the variance in the outcome would be due to their decision.

    This would be sort like "We feel like teams with defenders may have an advantage over the other teams, so we need a test run to see if they really do to decide if we want to allow them or not." At least in my opinion.
  10. If there is truly a perceived ethics dilemma, list stuff for what you feel is ethical. You will still make more than enough to deal with the current market costs generally speaking.

    Anyway, /threadjack

    The biggest problem I see with the categorizations is, does anyone really fit neatly into any of these categories? I mean, I know that's not the point, but to define them in what seems like such "black and white" terms is lending itself to oversimplification imo.
  11. That was in a recent thread I think, but I still want to try this now.
  12. Fair enough I suppose, but you should be careful because, if you run an event into the ground then people will be less likely to participate in the later ones.

    As an aside, if you open it to both heroes and villains (and presumably mixed teams) then it shouldn't matter if one could run it faster than the others since its that team's prerogative as to which they decided to bring, right?
  13. Stray Kitten

    Thank you all...

    Um.. wait, let me see if I have this straight...

    You want to thank all members of PoN for earning prestige*, so you post it on the general server forums? I mean, wouldn't your guildportal site have been a better place to put something like this?

    Sorry if I'm missing something, I would just really like to understand the purpose behind this thread.

    *They still have prestige rankings? I thought they took this out after they realized it didn't really serve a purpose.
  14. So this is a test run for a test run?

    Why not just pony up the money for one run, plan it in a few weeks, and go from there instead of having 3 different events?
  15. I personally don't see it having a large effect on the market. As many others have said, even if we lose x people to CO, then that's x value lost from both supply and demand on average. I base this around my personal observation* that on the average people who supply the market also generate demand.

    *These are simply my own observations and I realize that this is not always the case, however I feel that the amount people who only deal with one side or the other are statistically insignificant insofar as any actual changes resulting from a loss of people from that group.
  16. It may be worthwhile to go to the tech help forums and post a CoH Helper and HijackThis log. A lot of times with those tools people can help you figure out more what's wrong with your computer (throwing more RAM/better video card doesn't solve all problems).

    Note: If you've already done this, disregard because I'm not going to search through your past posts just to see.
  17. I like the fact I finally have a space in my name.
  18. Stray Kitten

    Dear COH

    Originally Posted by Mighty_NA View Post
    Heh, missed the easy one.

    Dear CoH,

    Give me my name back.
  19. We can now get our forum handles changed.

    This is mainly to accommodate the people who got caught with the _NA and _EU tags, however others can make use of this as well.

    Just thought I would pass it on since I'm not sure how many of you venture out of the Champion boards.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silas View Post
    Any response I make to that would probably get me banned...
  21. Cold Dom ftw

    But this:
    to make them hit like kittens and go down like a catgirl in Pocket D
    makes me want to stab you.
  22. Stray Kitten

    How do you play?

    3rd person, usually with the camera as far back as I can. 1st person things tend to get too muddled to see what's happening with all the effects going off.
  23. Stray Kitten


    I typically roll either 30-34 or 35-39, usually more towards 35-39.