35-39. There are a quite a few good recipes that top out at 40 so you definitely want the 40-45 over 46-50. The 35-39 range only adds two recipes over 40-45 but they are both quite popular so I consider it the best option (and I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one).
I typically roll either 30-34 or 35-39, usually more towards 35-39.
Hmmm... what IOs are in the 30-39 range that sell for alot?
Well, I cashed in my 200 merits. Decided to go for 40-45 and got 2 Mircales Recovery, but thats about it out of 10 rolls. I needed them both though and they are currently about 250-300 mil I'm happy.
Well the point is that with the 35-39 range you get everything in the 40-45 range plus Kinetic Combat Dam/End/Rech and Entropic Chaos Dam/End/Rech both of which are pretty popular. I consider the 30-34 range is a poor choice since it includes all of the recipes that cap out at 30 which tend to have little value.
Just curious what the pros say. I run an ITF, LGSF, and 3rd respec just about every night for the sole purpose of using my merits for random recipe rolls to sell. Which is better for getting the "good" expensive recipes? 40-45 range or 45-50?