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  1. Gratz Ping!! I take it the operation was successful?
  2. A few days ago was talking to a couple of freinds on how we met our wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfreind and it was pretty interesting topic so I figured I'd start a thread just about that. Champion is a pretty tight knit server and figured why not so I'll kick it off....

    Ima Mankiller and I first met in highschool, sometime late in the 10th grade. She had just moved from another state and we both had algebra class together. She sat behind in the very last seat in the row. Well one day we were taking a quiz and I realized that she was copying the answers on my paper. So I changed some of the answers on my paper with pencil and when it was close to turn the papers in for grading I switched them back to the correct answers. The next day we got our papers back and of course sitting in front of her I got to see her grade first, obviously which was lower than mine. After I gave her paper I could here her complaing about how she had such a low score, I sat there and lmao while she was back there stewing. Finally she asked what I got on my paper and when she found what I had on mine she replied with a few cuss words and asked how? That's where I caught her and told her i saw her looking at my paper the day prior. Since that day we were freinds for the rest of the school year and up to late in our junior year. We started dating in our senior year in highschool and married soon after graduating, been married ever since going on 15 years this July.
  3. Wow lots of works and great job, just the amount of time it took to put it together is staggering for a video. You mention errors but the video is way to cool to be obvious or noticed. AWESOME VIDEO!!
  4. Congratz AngieB!!!!! Mrs Paragon wooohoooo!!!!!!!
  5. Hells yea Champion went thruough a transition this time last year when a certain someone left and went to a different server. It's been fun since!!!!
  6. That was awesome Ash, how long did it take you to do that?
  7. LOL@Braije awesome reference to the Chappelle show episode, "Players Haters Ball"!!!

    Thanks for the Shout out B, you da greatest stay gangsta!
  8. With the risk of leaving anyone out I just want to give a huge shout out to everyone on my globals and the Champion community as a whole. Champion server truly is all about community and just like any community or large family there will be some conflicts that occur, but like any group drama,it subsides and everyone moves on. Thank you Champion and all of the channels for a great 2009, looking forward to 2010 with you and "Going Rogue".
  9. SteelDominator

    Champions united

    <----Loves all channels, more ways to find teams LFM!!!
  10. Merry Christmas and Happy new year Champs! The greatest server community in all of COX!
  11. <----looks around, (grabs a pitch fork) YEA LETS GET HER! ........wait its not one of those fel posts where she comments and peeps start giving her S@#. Great to hear that your absence wasnt due to anything serious, just poor tech. Great post looking forward to playing with ya again.
  12. alright guys we going to hit Synapse tommorrow at 7 pm Central, (8 Eastern) 17 December. Shouldnt take that long to complete 3 more missions we'll be done, thanks for your patience!
  13. lol nah man its all good, i actually can't remember most of the defeat alls becuase i was reading your chat and taunting at the same time...makes the TF go faster when people talk instead of the quiet and boringness.

    Yea plz pass the word...i'll post again if champs doesnt come back up
  14. ok here we go..if we dont hear any updates or if the server isnt back on by 10:30 central time becuase i know folks have to work tommorrow then we'll continue the Synapse TF tommorrw at 7 central, (8 Eastern). If this is not possible let me know we'll work something out.
  15. SteelDominator

    Champion Broken?

    yup we were in synapse we'll continue as soon as server comes back up, worse case scenerio i'll post a continous time and date.
  16. hey guys as soon as server comes up we'll get back on Synapse!!
  17. SteelDominator

    Hello Champion

    Welcome to Champion server! The server is not too large and isnt too small it's like a huge Sg where everybody knows eveyone
  18. Holy snap! Strykers back as "Silent-Stealth"! You getting bored waiting for STO to come out now that you are closing the other SG's on Virtue? shhh little birdie told me its you.
  19. Gratz to 2 years DG! Dark guard was there for Ima and I when The Phoenix Phalanx started up and we used their teleporters for a while and have been in coalitioned with them for just as long. Gratz again!
  20. Great reply Force, you still in or did you get out? If you got out thanks for your service!
  21. Is there one for 'Leave Them There Until The Job Is Done Otherwise The Consequences Are Far Worse'?

    Figure the other side should get some representation, if someone is goin' to post a charity with a political alignment.

    Very touchy subject for me...since im in Iraq and have friends in Afghanistan. Let me say this, Thank you Shay and Major Tom for making light of these organizations we as service members realize that folks take the time and effort to take a little peace of home with or remind them whats waiting for them when they come back. These men volunteered their lives for the country with making the ulitmate sacrifice in mind everyday. Just knowing that organizations like the ones posted and folks like you guys making them know gives soldiers great comfort, especially the ones with no one back home waiting for them.

    my opinion: "Political veiws or not the truth remains the same soldiers are wounded and killed everyday take the time to realize what you are doing at this moment and what they are fighting at the same time."
  22. SteelDominator

    Too Many Nerfs

    Wow thats freaking awesome Westley lol!