Congratz to AngieB!
Congratz AngieB!!!!! Mrs Paragon wooohoooo!!!!!!!

Thanks everyone. It was wicked cool to win! I'm mostly excited because someone from Champion won the award!
Congrats Angie! Way to go!
I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

Congratz Angie!!!
Is there a screenie somewhere?
We so need a Champion Paparazzi thread.
Si /50 Blaster Fire Pure..
Turn to the side!
That's it!
Work're a tiger, baby! Grrrr!
(Sorry; had to.) : P
Congrats, Angie!
@Celestial Lord and @Celestial Lord Too
That's twice you've beaten me! *shakes fist*
Maybe thrice! *shakes fist more*
'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
That's twice you've beaten me! *shakes fist*
Maybe thrice! *shakes fist more* |

I know I've said this in game a few times, but congrats Angie!
Also, where's my autograph?

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
BIG Congrats Ang! You ROCK
Ima Mankiller@Ima
Dee's Facebook SG & Coalition Site
The Phoenix Phalanx,The Phoenix Phalanx Elite and Dark Phoenix Phalanx

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.
Gratz Angie!
@Llewthor, @Llewthor2
Gratz Angie.
Lead Squirrel at Dr. E Spider robotic site #643
Nothing saids its your spot like an ourob. Portal dropped on the ground.
Gratz Angie on a side note: i'm missin my champion buds hope to be back soon
I saw the gratz in game but wasn't on long enough to find out why. Big cudos to you Angie and great for bringing the title back to Champion.
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
Really can't think of someone more deserving... Gratz Miss Angie!! Like you said being humble... Glad it was a Champion that won it! Way to represent!
Get down girl! Go 'head get down!
Champion Server-"Play like a Champion today!"
"True courage is not the brutal force of vulgar heroes, but in the firm resolve of virtue and reason." - Sir Alfred North Whitehead
Throw your roses in her general direction, for she is the new Ms. Paragon City!
Isn't she loverly....
*Bad William Shatner Singing*
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