Shout outs of 2009
4shes have a great New Years and best of luck to you in your future!
Oh lord... Mine might be a long list. *tries to remember them all*
Shout out to Dazz Marvelous
Known longer than anyone else in this game. You've always been a blast to hang out with and a good person to talk things over with. Love your wit, your excitement and your Marvelousnessitude! You've really been helping this server out with your involvement in PERC and I just wanna say I lub ma dazzy!
Miz Nibbles
Nibzy nibzy nibzy! Started hanging out with you a few months ago and I regret nothing! You're fun and silly and love having a good time. I hope I get to play alongside you more in the coming year.
You've really done amazing things this year with MA mondays, multiple Raids being lead under your patient hands as well as just being generally friendly on BMT. You often offer me a team when I'm online and I'd just like to say thank you for that!
My favorite witch! I've missed you since you left the game due to money problems but I have been so happy to see your return. I hope school won't keep me too busy to team with you in the coming months. *MWAH*
Is just a generally cool dude, keep it up.
I don't really hang out with 4shes very often but when I tried my vastly inept hand at a pvp event a while ago he offered sound advice and helped explain things I didn't quite understand. Kudos to you, 4shes. You made my fantastic pvp defeats a learning experience rather than a general buttwhupping.
You are a nut and I love it. I am a squirrel, after all.
Peace Machina
Another new friend this year, your Pocket Protectors has inspired much laughter from the general vicinity of my face. You are a very friendly fellow, keep that up!
Give me back my rum!
Many, many more
Cherry2000, Gideon_F, Silas, Peterbilt, Shaytanah, Cobalt Azurean, Mr. Squid, Netminder, GATTACA, Dark Friar, PrvtSlacker, Black Ameranth, Demobot, Celestial Lord, RAF, Yuki and so much more... You guys make this server the friendly-faced black hole I can't seem to escape from.
Hope everyone finds love, success, enlightenment, courage, understanding and hope in the new year. *CHEERS*
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
4shes what a WONDERFUL Idea!! I would like to have a go. Ladies First!
Nibs: GIRL! The fun I've had since I met you has no comparison. You are a truly wonderful friend inside and outside of game. My whole family loves you and you have truly become a part of my family. As you will always be You always have a smile, you always make ppl gravitate towards you and you always make ppl feel welcome. Never let anyone get you down, girl!
Amygdala: LOL You will forever be Amy G Dala in my head, I swear. You are a truly wonderful chick and I'm without a doubt a better person for having met you. You helped me get over my fear of failure without realizing it. You helped me meet some of the most wicked cool people on the server and you all also helped expand my vocabulary (mufficity anyone?) Thanks you for being a great lady!
Cherry-2000: OMG you are the most unintentionally funny person I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. I can't wait to see what you'll MT in BMT this year. Thanks for being so nice and always having a girl's back.
OK the couples:
Sinny and Braije: Meeting another mother in-game just totally makes my year. We are not as few and far between as I had imagined. Meeting another married couple just totally kicks ***. And I'm glad to see we have so much in common. GMR MOMZ RAWK!
IMA and SteelDominator: We met before but we are becoming reacquainted and I'm so glad of that. You two are a wonderful couple and I'm proud to know the both of you. Happy New Year to you guys and your family.
ok the MEN
4shes and MAH: Since meeting you guys I feel truly blessed. Even though we have never met face to face I feel we have come as close as people can. 4shes, you are a part of my family as well. Thanks for all the advice this past year. MAH, dude, I always wanted a new little brother that had some serious taste Keep rockin the Camero, babe. And watch for the crazy chicks.
Ashcraft: To the cutest little squirrel on the server. And one of the most talented vid creators in the the WORLD!! Thanks for oodles of fun and frolicking.
Horus: What can I say but thanks for being a truly fun and funky guy. Wouldn't be the same without you.
Cobalt: Thank you for being a truly honest person. I hope this year you get everything your heart desires and more. But if you win the lotto, hook a sister up.
Kahlan: You are a dear, sweet man and I'm glad to have met you. But all I need to say is "Anything you can do Kahlan can do faster"
Steel Brigade: Thank you so much for having me join UHB. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to help lead this fine SG. And thank you for being such a fine specimen of chocolate love..mmhmm JK Thank you for being a friend and I hope that this year truly rocks for you.
Chop-O-Matic: Welcome back babe. I knew you wouldn't stay gone long. Thanks for Crispy Chicken and Blitzy. Thank you for having fun with Mo and me and thanks for coming over from DDO to be apart of this awesome Sever.
To the Groups:
RDLV: Since I've met so many of you in the past year I wanted to clump you all together into a nice pretty package. What I have to say next fits you ALL! To an amazing, fun, fantastic, frantic, and super-powered group, you have my thanks for allowing me to tag along over the year. I love each and every one of you for being what you truly are.. kick-***.
Pingu: What a wonderfuy world of Pingu you all have created. Thanks for having me meet some of your fantastic ppl and I can't wait to team up again in 2010.
UHB: We have had our trials and tribulations as a super group but thank you all for sticking together and for making 2009 one of the best years in my CoH history. You all are part of the reason why CoH is such a wonderful game and why Champion is the best damn server ever.
And to everyone else I have not mentioned, there are not enough words to describe how much I care for you. And since this has already become a wall-o-text, rest assured you are all in my thoughts and I am so glad to be a part of this community. Thanks Champs. Way to be about it!
To all my friends, you guys know who you are Thanks for all the good times, and for being there during the not-so-good ones.
Here's to more of the former and less of the latter in 2010
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
WOW! After all that great thoughts and compliments I thought I better chime in!
Nobody knows me better then you! We practically started out on the game together and spent our first full year getting our first toons to 50! I am so happy to have met you from the get go and STILL team with you! Your quirkiness, silliness, and mad passion for playing this game so differently then anybody else is pure Ashtastic!!! Take that with my Marvelousnessitude! and we have the most insane combo on COH ever! You are such an awesome pal and so glad we continue to game on! Thanks for everything Shaddy!!!
Miz Nibbles
I don't even have to say anything and you know what I mean. We are the bobsy twins and partners in crime. Anytime one of us does something new the other is right behind doing the same thing. Thanks for keeping me on my toes and pushing me to continue to do more.
Peace Machina
I LOVE YOU PEACE! Hehe! I have only known you since August and meeting you when I was love drunk probably made things better! Thanks for putting up with my crazzleness and helping me achieve stuff in the game that others lacked the patience to complete!
Another awesome, yet blonde, person to have met this year in the game! If it wasn't for your mad love and frosting passion for this game our community would be a muffin and not a cupcake. Keep spreading the sprinkles of love and game on lover!
DUDE!!! You rock! Thanks for continuing to support the community and UHB with events!
Fanged Knight
I've only recently got to really know the real fang, but man are you a cool guy! Thanks for your support of all things Marvelous and striding to make Champion pure awesome! Keep it up dude!
You are friggin' nuts man! I have just recently met you and barely know you but dang... you are like COH on steroids man! Calm down on the crack put keep gaming and pushing people to chase you like mad crazy!
Steel Brigade
Thanks as always man for your crazy passion for UHB and COH! You always push me so hard to continue to succeed. If it wasn't for you I think I probably would give up half the time and Champion would not benefit from the Marvelous events we all have run! Try and chill out just a little man but thank you for being my SG home for four years now!
Chop O-Matic
What it is sexy!!!
All the other Marvelous people
Angie, Acid, Blue, Boo Kitty, Celestial Lord, CriticalKat, Demobot, Gideon F, Harlee, James, Lexie, Netminder, Pops, Ravi, Starfire, Steel Dominator, Stormfront, Stormwrek, and others.You guys are pure MARVELOUS! Stay Classy Heroes!
[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]
Champion Cupcakes
My recipe for the perfect champion cupcake
1c. Jonnie Neutron (without him, Id never have developed the Champion Cupcake recipe.. real life friend that showed me the costume creator.. I was hooked.. and was the recipient of my 1st public MT..and he didnt even kill me for it.. {hi burning horneY *shoulda been a T})
1c. War Admiral (Another key ingredient in my development of the Champion Cupcake, He supported my crazy desire to find my inner game geek and pimps out all of my ride’s. It’s nice to yell across the house.. omg did you see that!?!)
3/4c. ibud (He was a driving force in the choosing of our sg’s name and it wouldn’t be the same without him)
2c. Amygdala (without her, this recipe would fall flat. This is where I’ve picked up a lot of the rest of the ingredients and who I go to anytime I need anything. I can always count on her.. coolest-chick-ever. She supports me and is the best Mentor in game I could have ever asked for.. <3)
2c. BMT (this is for the super cool people I get to interact with daily, again a very key ingredient in the Champion Cupcake) * a special shout to shay, who, due to lastnight's drunken ITF is safely in 2nd place for the mt crown =\.. no worries girl.. im confident you'll take it back and wear it with pride.
1 ½ tsp. Cobalt (He’s let me stay in BMT, nuff’ said. This recipe wouldnt taste as good if he decided long ago that my epic mt’s were bothersome and kicked me out)
¾ tsp. Anyways.
2 large Fanged Knights (you cant make a cupcake without this ingredient. He’s been there through all the craziness, helped me work through a lot of my ideas for events, Helped me organize the Drop Ship challenge, my partner in crime-fighting for TFT’s. Has my back when things go wrong, 1st to tell me it’ll be ok when something doesn’t work out right, And makes fur look sexy)
2/3c prvt slacker / netminder (again, people who been uber supportive of my wacky TFT ideas, steps up to lead the stray/early teams and just a overall cool guys to play with.)
For the filling:
8 ounces. RDLV ( Love you Guy’s, You’re the best ever! Kahlan and Horus I have mad love for you both..)
2/3c. UHB ( Keep it Sexy.. Steel, you’ve been a positive mentor and UHB leads with grace.)
2 tblsp. Blueskin ( Hi, Tom =) *giggles* Youre pretty fly for a white guy )
1-2 tsp. The Templars Of Steel ( a lot of you guys are the best, thanks for all the fun teams we’ve been on together)
1 tsp. The Pingu’s (thanks for showing that death is just a badge and not to be taken seriously)
For the Frosting:
3-4 cups Miz Nibbles and my girl AngieB ( c’mon now, all cupcakes need sweet sugar or its just not a cupcake! It’s nice to have silly sweet girls to chill with and not just a bunch of dumb boys. Thanks for taking me in like a lil sister)
1 stick of Celestial Lord. (nicest-guy-ever! I’m so very lucky to have met you, Jack, and look forward to our continued and growing friendship)
3-4 tblsp Myrmydon (I know, odd ingredient for sweet frosting, right? He told me long ago he’d always be in my “back pocket” whenever I needed him.. and so far, hes held that promise..He’s actually a really sweet guy, but shhhh don’t tell anyone, he wants to maintain his old crotchety SOB persona)
Sprinkles: (that’s what make cupcakes colorful and fun)
Dazz (omg I love you. Please don’t EVER change who you are!)
Family Stone ( fully supports my shiney object syndrome.. <3 )
Tfury ( Omg the PM I got from you a few days ago was sooo needed.. thanks for the kind words… and thanks for telling me not to let the small sh*t get to me.. youre a kick*ss guy!)
Ashcraft ( I love a fellow artist and appreciate the creative nature you bring to the game.. youre a lot of fun to be around and major props for documenting the Drop Ship Challenge)
UHB’s vent channel (you guys know who you are *=) hi 4 SHES & MAH! Ahforgettaboutit.. a special shout to my Paisan!.. oh and someone pass me the BBQ sauce for my Crispy Chicken)
The Hami team leads ( total rockstars, all of you. Thanks for supporting me when i lead and being just super cool guys.. Muahh)
All of that… with a Cherry on the top and I’m 1 lucky girl.
(this is actually a recipe for chocolate guiness cupcakes with a chocolate ganache filling and an irish whisky/bailys irish cream buttercream frosting.. if you want the actual ingredient list, let me know... please, dont use actual people in your cupcake recipe.. that wouldnt taste good and may lead you to a jail cell)
Nobody knows me better then you! We practically started out on the game together and spent our first full year getting our first toons to 50! I am so happy to have met you from the get go and STILL team with you! Your quirkiness, silliness, and mad passion for playing this game so differently then anybody else is pure Ashtastic!!! Take that with my Marvelousnessitude! and we have the most insane combo on COH ever! You are such an awesome pal and so glad we continue to game on! Thanks for everything Shaddy!!! |
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
You know, when reading my post and then yours... All I can think of is THIS, Dazzy.

[URL=""]Host of's The Marvelous Mix (Friday at 11pm EST)[/URL] [B]l[/B] [URL=""]The Dazz Blog[/URL]
o0o0o Shout Outs! Shouting out for Braije too since he cant for the next uhm...36 hours or so..
First off to ya dude for putting up with our craziness!
Steel and Ima for all the mad love over the past two years!
MAH/4shes- Thank you guys for everything! wouldnt be where we are without ya! MAH especially for being a shoulder to cry on for me more than a few times....thank you
Angie/Mo- It's a HUGE VAGEEEEN!!! hehe Backatcha so nice to see a couple rocking it out and making me laugh the way ya do. Martini trollers FTW!
Abyss and Shay-the cutest Statatory **** couple on champion! hahah Shay is my girl and Abs is my closet emo boy!
Miz Nibz- For the money entertainment every Wednesday and Saturday!
Tony-for being just a general badass and being a blast to team with
Stormwrek, Panda, Larsen on and on ty!
UHB-You guys rock! TY for the good times!
Fated Shadow-Wherever you guys are, We miss ya!
Phoenix Phalanx- Love ya Steel and Ima!
Order of the Champions- Order of Win!
The Untouchables-Buncha Killas
Modir vid Braije lvl 50 DM/SD scrap
Sinny-Redux lvl 50 fire/regen scrap
Sinny Sonancy lvl 50 rad/sonic fender
"Greatness is fleeting! but Obscurity is FOREVER!!" Napolean Bonaparte
Shoutin' Out:
AngieB & MoisesG - the best brother and sister you could ever adopt at gun point!
MizNibblez - the only Yin this Yang will ever need. Thank you for being so pleasantly frustrating!
Sepultura - *Purr*
Gideon F - A model of cool under pressure.... for the most part. LOL
Twilight Widow - Us geeks gotta stick together!
Fencer and Xoom - We miss you guys! Come back ASAP
Steel Brigade - A model leader, anyone can learn something from this guy!
Doomlord - It's a love/hate thing.
Defendrio - Admit it, you ARE British!
Dazz Marvelous and MoisesG (Again) - What it is, SEXY! lol
UHB - Best, most Superest, Super Group EVER!
Aven, MAH, Stormwrek, and anyone else I may have missed - You guys ROCK!
Stay Crispy in 2010, Ya'll!
Wow, thanks for all the kind words folks!
Well, here I go to write a post of epic proportions.
***DISCLAIMER: THIS POST IS LONG. I CLEARLY DON'T KNOW WHEN TO STOP TYPING. I BLAME COFFEE... AND ASHCRAFT. Also, I normally don't do these things because there's always someone or something I forget to say. But here goes nothing.***
*cracks knucles*
There are a lot of people on the Champion server I'd like to give a big thanks to for making 2009 a great year. In no particular order...
Cobalt Azurean: AKA Blueballs, there isn't a badge for this post, so I guess it ends here for you.
Cherry: You have come so far this year. I can still remember the first time I ran into you on the Hami taunt team at some raid many moons ago. You always showed interest and enthusiasm despite being a newer player, and had the stones to ask questions. Sooner or later you were leading yellow taunt, and subsequently raids, running server events, TFTs, PERC events. There are many capable players in this game, but few who are willing to step up to lead as much as you have. Wow babe, what a year for you! Continue to rock on.
Fanged Knight: You have a great attitude and a great sense of humor. I've thoroughly enjoyed working with you at the raids and getting to know you more over the past year. You always make me laugh. Thanks for your support and your company.
Horus: AKA Horusaurus, Sanspanticus, etc. What can I say? You're a great dude and have been a pillar in the SG for a long time. Like I told you, around the time you joined I had seen a lot of the old RdlVers leave for RL. You joined up and things kicked off again. You've always been a huge source of support and laughs for me. Your Scrapperitude is beyond comparison. As always, thanks for being a friend.
Cowboy Cutter: AKA Doom, DOOOOOOOOOOM, Nortado Expert Extraordinaire! You're probably the funniest person I know. When you log on, I have to make sure beverages in the near vicinity are in safe places. Despite being a goofball, you're easily one of the best players I know. You're a huge source of knowledge and a great team player. Thanks for the help over the years!
Kahlan: Well Christ, if other people haven't said it all already. But you're awesome not just because you wreck faces in this game beyond belief, but you're such a nice guy and always helpful. It's rare to find someone with that level of skill that's still so generous and understanding. Thanks for being you.
Ready Aim Fire: You're one cool chick. Right from the start when I met you on Fleur Noire, I loved your sense of humor. Long live RAAAAH! You're always fun to team with and plenty helpful to others.
Celestial Lord: You're a great person to team with, and have done an awesome job picking up RWZ raids. I'm always impressed whenever you step up to lead. I've enjoyed our conversations very much. All the best to you this coming year.
Cam: You rock, man. You're an amazing player. Thanks for hanging around so long in the SG.
Tom: It's been great teaming with you and leading raids with you. You're mature beyond your years, it's rather amazing. Hope everything goes well with your final year of school!
RdlV: I LOVE you guys. Some of you aren't around as much as before, but I still think about you guys. Yves, the HURTs, Calm Horizons, Bart, Rusty, Azurell, Tenknifefoot, Acious, Demobot, Rod, Jordo, Danny, Witters thanks for all your support and dedication over the past year. I'm truely lucky to have you guys as part of my SG.
AngieB: Could there be a cooler mom out there? Seriously. Mo's one lucky dude. You're a ton of fun and always lighten up any team you join. From back in the day when I met you on Millie Volt to recently having you as part of the raids, you've always been supportive and a great souce of feedback. Keep rockin' the ITF beer stein!
Nibs: I've enjoyed getting to know you better over the past year. I've enjoyed having you on Vent and your lively sense of humor always makes things fun! You've done great things for the server between Hami raids and PERC events. I haven't been able to listen to your show as much as I'd like, but I've had a great time listening to it when I got the chance. All the best!
To LES: You guys are a great SG and are always dependable when you show up to help with anything. Specifically, Trevor and Llewthor, you guys rock. Thanks for your help with the raids! Also to Kat, I have a lot of respect for all the things you've lead on the server. It takes a lot to co-ordinate so many events and they make our server a more interesting place. Also, thanks for your support when I started thinking about leading Hami raids.
Meowtch: I always love talking to you and teaming with you. Best wishes to you and Ace for 2010.
Acroyear: You've done a great job with Justice Force! Thanks for being a good neighbour.
Myrmydon: You gave me good advice a long time ago about leading an SG. Great to see more of you recently at the raids. Best of luck to you and BOSS.
Ashcraft: Thanks for your support during MA Mondays. Always fun to team with you!
NetMinder: You're extremely knowledgable and a talented leader. Rock on.
4shes: It's been great teaming with you the few times I have. We should do that more.
To Champion: I know I've left some people out of this. For those people, I owe you an eBeer or your choice of beverage. Thanks for being the best server EVAR! I look forward to spending 2010 with you all.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
Thanks for all the honorable mentions in the previous posts.
There's far too many people to thank, and I'd hate it if someone felt somehow slighted that I forgot to mention them, so I'll just give a general;
You all rock. Thanks for all your support. Keep up the great work in '10.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
To LES: You guys are a great SG and are always dependable when you show up to help with anything. Specifically, Trevor and Llewthor, you guys rock. Thanks for your help with the raids! Also to Kat, I have a lot of respect for all the things you've lead on the server. It takes a lot to co-ordinate so many events and they make our server a more interesting place. Also, thanks for your support when I started thinking about leading Hami raids. |
Also ty for the compliments. I will even accept for trevor and Llewthor being I am sure it was my shining personality and leadership that made them such great people. JK!
Ok on to my shoutouts.
First of all ty to all of LES. You guys putting up with me for all of these years is amazing. I have had a lot of endevors that I have dragged you through from dragging you along to running hami raids to neglecting you for all of my Community stuff. My leaders are fabulous, if it wasnt for you LES probably would have crumbled a long time ago.
Trevor & Llewthor. I have a lot of officers past and present in LES and I appreciate all of them. I have to say though that you two are exceptional in every way. I hope to have lots of time left to game with both of you, it never fails to make me smile.
Ty to Marut. I don't think you have a clue how much some of our conversations have impacted me. Though we don't chat often anymore it is always great when I see you pop up on global.
Ty to EG, PON, and HVND. Back in the day we have done a lot of base raiding and that added to my gaming experience immensely.
Ty Ping. I know we don't chat that much any more but back in the day you were a huge inspiration to me. Ty for letting me be a part of PCJL. If you hadn't given me a chance I probably never would have made it to test or high end pvp. I can honestly say that I am a gazillion percent better gamer now because of those experiences.
TY Scribe. Yes big thanks here. Not only were you the first one to spark an interest in me to even pvp but you have stuck by me, attempting to teach me, help me with builds etc. My time with you on test and live has been full of laughs. I am even going to let you get away with breaking your promise to me, but you could call a girl occassionally. :-/
To UW and Reaver. Perhaps eventhough you have left the game you might still read the boards occassionally. All I can say is *smiles* and Mmmmmmmmmm!
To Amy. I have always felt as an SG leader that it was my job to try to know as much as I could about the game and to teach my members. So many SG leaders don't do that, they just reap the benefits of having members to help them build up their SG but don't teach them a damn thing. EVERY time I team with one of your members I can tell that their group has been mentoring them. TY for running one of the best SG's on Champion as far as I am concerned. The knowledge and time you take with not only your members but every one you come in contact with deserves a huge thank you.
To Nibs and Dazz. Ty for your hard work in PERC and in running Community events. Both endevors hold a special place in my heart. There are lots of people that run events but few that do it with the consistancy and passion that you two guys have. Also Dazz ty for running around in my head naked this week. I have done some pretty intense giggling since the convo in the UHB channel the other night.
To Steele Brigade. Ohh my. That is all. Jk. You know what you do best, nuff said.
To 4shes. Dude I love gaming with you. Wish we crossed paths more often. You have been a joy in both pvp and pve teamage for a while now.
To Tony. One of these days I am going to pay you back for those first couple sets of SO's you bought me back in the day when I was a noob running around at almost lvl 30 with DO's.
To Elkie. Lol. Though you have been a total pain in my *** at times I must say you have provided me with more lulz than a little bit. Keep on doing what you do best.
To Bronx. Thank you for being you. Really. Your sarcasm and brutal honesty makes my day. Its always an intense pleasure. :-)
Tom. I have watched you grow up in to an incredible young man. No actually I suppose you are a man now. God I feel like a momma here. :-) I truly miss gaming with you. I wish you luck in your future endevors.
Ok there are a lot more people I should shout out to but this has already become an incredibly long tl.dr post.
Even though I'm more or less away from the game I still think about all of you.
I haven't been on lately and it will probably be a while before I can actually log in but every time I get to log in the game I still feel right at home.
Tabby, Cobalt, Amy, Horus, Kalhan, the RDLV in general, BMT... and many others. You all inspire people to be better, to play fair and to learn form mistakes. I've learned so much and had so much fun playing with you all that it hurts not being able to get on as much as i'd like.
On this, I'd like to wish a happy and safe new year to everyone from the Champion server. even thought I can't possibly have played with everyone and that some people I might not "understand" as well... I still hope you the best for this new year.
I will see you all soon... I hope
Thanks to:
1) The Pillars of Might: The best group of human beings and players I've met in-game. Thanks for allowing me to be me and never screaming when I ask naming questions. Respect.
2) Cobalt: It is hard work MOD'ing BMT. You do it well - and classy. Thank you.
3) Ping (and the Pingus): A MUCH better human being than most realize; and a very smart guy. And he does OKAY with build advice, too. (I will kick your *** in baseball next season, though.)
4) The entire UHB channel. So many quality people and players in one location. The channel is as fun as the players are.
5) My fantasy sports folks from Champion (Ping, Cherry, Big Daddy Dream, Tyger, etc.): Thanks for great competition every season. You guys rock - and are pretty darn good, too.
6) The server in general: I could literally spend an hour typing names of all the cool people I've gotten to meet and play with....Meowtch, Ace, 4shes, Myr, Ash, ReD, all of the Alliance Channel, Horus, Amy, Celestial Lord, Nibz, Critical Kat, Blaze, and on and on and on....
7) PERC and the other server committees - I think I have been a member of every Champion committee at one point in time; you guys do a great job with very little recognition. (And I never did thank you properly for all your help and patience back when my son was sick, Kat. Thank you.)
TO EVERYONE: You make Champion the best. Blessings to all of you for the coming year(s)! Stay up.
Wow… I honestly am blown away by all the nice words. I have to admit that I was actually so touched by them that I got a bit teary eyed….yeh yeh I know silly but ya’ll know me I am just silly that way. I have a feeling this is going to be a very long post so bear with me. I know I will leave someone out and I am sorry if I don’t mention you by name but know I care!
So here it goes…..
Angie – You have become one of my best friends. You have been there so many times in my many up and downs I have been through this year and I am so honored to have become to close you and your family. You are the big sister I never had and Mo is the crazy bro-inlaw that says all the inappropriate things. I hope we can meet up sometime in the near future!
4shes(Ashes)/Rob – Between you and Angie I feel like no matter what’s going on with me in RL or ingame you are just a phone call away to give sound advice and be a shoulder to cry on if need be. And you are the big brother I always wanted. It was truly an honor to have met you ingame as well as IRL even if that was just for a long lunch!
Dazz – Dazzy, Dazzy my partner in crime…. What to say….. WOW what a year we have had. You have been a spectacular friend to me in so many ways ingame an RL. Hanging out with you and going to visit Steel Brigade and going to the concert were memories I will never forget.
Steel Brigade – Jim, wow what to say….you have been an awesome mentor and leader since I have joined this game for almost 2 years now. You are always pushing me to become a better person and also a better player. And I thank you good sir!
Ping – You are one awesome dude. It has been an honor to be welcomed into your talented group of players, even if im just a Pingu at heart. I will never forget all the wonderful things you and the group have taught me!
Doomlord – DOOMYYYY! I miss you and your sarcastic ***…. Even though many don’t, just know I do :P!!! And hey I am all that matters… hehe! Anyways in all seriousness…. Thank you for tolerating me and assisting me in so many aspects of the game and also in life. You are a very sweet guy and its sad many don’t get to see that side of you as often as I have.
Ashcraft – Ashy you are awesome…. You are such a brilliant man. It has been a true honor to get to know you better. Good luck with the endeavor of school. I know you will do fantastic…. And also *smooches* & purrrrr
Amy – It has been such an honor to get to know you as well as the SG. I have to admit that one of my most favorite things to look forward to every week is our weekly hami raids. I don’t think I laugh more in such a short time span than on those raids. Thank you for teaching me how to assist and run raids.
Kahlan – Well I have actually known you for quite a bit longer than the rest of the RldV bunch and I have always respected you and how you play. You are truly Mr. Uberpants and I don’t think there is anything that you cant do and not only that do it better than anyone else can. And to make you even more awesome you don’t let that go to your head. You are such a sweet and nice guy! And I am so glad to have gotten to know you better since we started doing the raids together.
Bronx – “Get Wrecked”
MAH – You are to cute for your own good sometimes. You are the little brother I never had. And I swear we are too much alike… OCD an all! Lots of love sweetie! You rock!
Cherry – You are one crazy woman. Getting to know you this years has been nothing but pure fun and laughs! Your mt’s are for epic proportions and as blonde as you can be…. You are also a very caring person who is a true sweetheart!
Cobalt – No matter what people may think or say, your one cool *** man and with doing all the hami raids and such, even though you pick on my non-stop it is still some of the funniest moments! Thanks for being the hard-*** in BMT its a lot harder work than I ever imagined it to be, but someone has to be the bad guy sadly. Hookerpants FTW?!?!?! :P
Sinny & Braije – Even though we have just recently met. Yall are too funny and awesome to hang out with. Thanks for being such awesome supports of my radio shows as well!
Horus, Tom. Cam & DOOM – You 4 men are Mr. Sexypants to a new extreme. Ya’ll are a blast to play with but also are truly awesome players. Thanks for all the fun!
Dr. Overdose – Even though he does not play on this server he has become a very important person to me. We met through this game and twitter but found out we lived minutes away from each other and also had mutual friends. He is the person to encourage me to get my radio shows that are such a blast for me to do. He not only did that but welcomed me into his group of friends IRL and they have become a very important part of my life! Thank you and also a big thanks to all those at the station. ROCKS!
UHB – For all past and present members. Thanks for giving me a SG to call home and for teaching me so much. There are so many of you that I don’t have time to list, but I love every single one of yall! Thanks for a great almost 2 years now!!
Pingu’s & RldV – You guys are crazy ****’s and I love yall all deeply. Thanks for taking me under your wings!
Well I think that’s about all I can type but I will close with these few words to all those listed above and those that I forgot to mention.
Thank you for being such an AWESOME community to be a part of my first MMO ever! So glad I got brought into the fold by Sparks McGee. I have learned so much and I am glad to call Champion my home. Thanks for all the assistance in growing as a player, and for putting up with my craziness and my ditzyness! You all are awesome! And you are my big ***, crazy, dysfunctional family!!! Lots of love!
Edits For People I Forgot!
Chop - Wow do we have a love/hate combo. I cant say I always love fighting with you but I know its all in good humor.
Stormwrek - Dude your the bomb. Thanks for being a faithful emp on the hami team with me. Getting to know you has been a HOOT! And thanks for humoring me with the sexyvoices! SO HAWT!
It's just been so SWEEET to find a place where I don't have to suppress the comicbook geek/sci-fi/pariah in generalness.. I wish I had more time to hang out with a whack of you..
To Time Patrol and Aegis SGs.. Navigator, Paladin CE, Thunderhowl, Nezrix and Keres Deathstalker.. You guys showed me the ropes and stuck with me through thick and thin. I am and always will be a devoted friend. Thank you for the great times we have together.
To Hrist.. My main Witch in A Coven of Witches.. May the Norns smile upon ye through out your journey towards top notch lawyerdom.
To Ashcraft.. You are one mean Squirrellymon. You've made me laugh my *** off countless times with your humor and wit.. Thanks a mil!!
Dear Cobalt.. I've always dug your shade of blue, never change.
To Slate.. You rock. 'Nuff Said.
To Witty and ReD and AngieB and Nibs and Starfire and Slacker and Jack o Lantern and so many, many others..
Looking forward to hanging out more.
Peace, Love and Mungbean Champs!
(I no longer have to suppress my inner cougar either.. but for your sake Champs.. I'll try.)

Originally I had written a generic 'thanks everyone' but events this morning make me more appreciative of Good People (tm) so here goes.
I'm a day away from my 2 year badge (been playing longer, but there were some breaks). You guys have always been the best.
Above all, to Tungsten Wolf, Abyss and Doctor Chronos. In the Dark Days of the summer I thought about quitting. I stayed for you guys and got passionate about the game again. You three are the best--even though you never use the forums and will never see this. I miss the mad teaming but I love you guys more than I can say!
To Patriot Man for *always* being the first to say 'Hey Shay!' as soon as I log in, and always making me feel loved. I don't know how you do it so quick (precognition temp power?), but God love ya.
To Cobalt Azurean for a) running BMT wonderfully despite the flack he gets b) supporting server events in ways most people don't even know about, and c) for having pre-Ship Raid snowball fights with me. And for keeping the 'blue' in 'blue side'. If this was mysticism, you'd be one of the Sufi Qutub (cause I like being esoteric and making you say 'wha'?)
To Celestial Lord for being the kind of great guy he is and frequently lending a hand! And for loving the same things I love...'We Will Win' CL, in '10.
To Cherry who I absolutely adore and don't get to team with enough. I haven't had a really serious mt on BMT since my horribly embarrassing last one. Keep the crown; the Queen is dead, long live the Queen!
To Gideon F for trying to take the heat off me for my last mt. You're a gentleman but don't worry, I won't tell anyone!
To Felicia for being bigger than the rest of us recently and taking responsibility. Awesome!
To Undead Cyborg for all the fun and PvP advice and always being willing to lend a hand with everything!
To Sepultura for having great taste in tunes and being as filthy-minded as me. Love ya.
To 4shes for the cool vids.
To Gulver for constantly making MoKTF runs with me. Sooner or later we'll get a good team and pull it off....preferably one that doesn't involve suicidal squishies rushing Reichsman.
To Sinny and Braije for coming back Good to see you both around again. Sinny, you're my girl. Love ya. B--get back in and don't get banned. We need to run about some more.
To Masked Secretary for being one of my favorite teammates in the whole game!
To Silas for making me laugh with every guide he posts.
To Angie, Nibs, Dazz, Steel Brigade, Leader of, and the rest of UHB--I love you guys. Yeah, yous! You guys do a lot of work; I'll pitch in more as soon as this thesis is done! Please keep the radio show going...I look forward to it, even when I'm working and can't play
To all of the SGs I play with--especially DG (it LIVES!), UHB and HoJ.
And especially to my better half who got me into this game and better get back to it soon!
I'm sure I've forgotten for edits.
Lastly, to the confusing Devs who keep me guessing...apparently, my 'Le French Tickleur' toon was offensive but the short-lived 'Johnny Hamas' (dont remember exactly what the name was) who briefly ran through Paragon once the 'self destruction' temp came out wasn't. Tasteless? Yup. It's my way. :-)
And to Mod08 for seeing the light and coming to Champion. Good man!
Well 'eff, I'd feel like a right big "that guy" (even if it is my job) if I didn't post in this now. So where to a new year, more CoH to come ahead. I've been playing this game for a little over 30 months (goin by my vet badges). I took to it rather quickly and learned the ins and outs of the game. I went through a few bad super groups until I found the one that I could never quit. This shall be the start of my shout outs.
Amy-Would I still be playing this game had it not been for you? Maybe, maybe not, I couldn't say for sure, but what I can say is that you've made it a total blast for me. I mean you put up with ill temper, torrents of bad jokes and my poking fun at your Canadianess...that a word? It is now. Every single person in RdlV is totally awesome and winsauce and I may not have ever met them had it not been for you. Which is the start of my next shout out.
Acious-Dude you've been like a brother to me. A scrapper brother, who likes to punch stuff right in the face and follow up with a kick to the ding ding. Don't ever change.
RAF-You're pretty awesome and win for a quilter. Don't let those other quilters steal your designs. If they do just scrapper lock and never look back.
Kahlan- Haha, oh man good times. You laugh at my crappy jokes, always helping me out with difficult builds, running TFs/SFs and being an all around likable guy. I give you two holy shishkebabs up.
CL-Between keeping the MS raids going, being a cool guy you've been great in RdlV.
Tom-Great guy, great player, just learn to drive a bit. I mean I almost died like three times. Dude, one way signs mean what they say.
Demobot-Keep the Demo-copter going. Always fun times when you're around.
Cam-I know you're busy with school a lot but when you're on it's pretty win. Spend moar free time here. <_<
DOOM! AKA Cowboy Cutter AKA Wonder Walrus-He's done everything once and not done everything once. What's not to like about a guy who hasn't not achieved that much in his life? Keep being awesome.
Hurt-Miss you bro, hope you'll be able to come back to the game eventually.
Mira-Same goes to you too! Come back to the game man. Who am I going to blame? I mean we've got the warshade and...
Ashcraft-Between his squirrelyness, awesome videos and all around great sense o' humor what's not to like? Boom de yada indeed.
Angie and Nibs-I have to post these two together. Listing them separately seemed wrong. Keep being awesome and keep up the great job with UHB.
Cherry-Keep up the MTs. Oh...and I guess you've been great to put up with my insistent jokes and that's what she saids. Keep being cool and I guess cupcakes are okay...
MAH and 4shes-Another moment where I felt that listing them together was the most appropriate thing to do. Keep up the awesome job guys.
Fanged Knight-Christ, guy is a saint for how many jokes he puts up without taking it personal. Keep up the quickly done work.
Huricane- You're an all around cool guy and I enjoy teaming with you man. Hope to see you more in the future.
Oz- I know I got into some of the PvP action soon after you left but oh well, better late than never, mirite?
Silas-Always fun times to team with you man. Guides are also a hoot in addition to them being so very true. Keep up the awesome work.
Hawk-Was always good teaming with you and watching your bubbler die inside of the jello. :P
MaskedSecretary-I met you late in the year but you're very fun times, never change girl.
and last but not least...
Cobalt-What's not to like between his wit and charms? But no really, I enjoy teaming with you, always good times. Keep up the godo work in BMT. I know it's a guge undertaking.
I've probably forgotten some people I'd like to thank but I probably can't re-call. But you know you're probably full of win and awesome anyways. Keep up the fun times BMT, UHB and RdlV. Let the good times roll.
I'll always be a "Champion" at heart. My server away from home.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty." - Thomas Jefferson

My Shout outs:
--Not an active forum-goer or channel-er (is that a word?), I doubt many of you know him. But he's always helpin out, making teams, etc. Just an overall blast
Undead Cyborg
--Once again, a great player who forms great teams, task forces and is in general a nice guy. But UC is also avery amusing person on Vent and teams. He helped me learn the ropes of PvP and welcomed me into HoJ when I had no SG.
--Always a fun couple of people to team with. I think they've been on everyone else's list so I won't go into detail. No need to rehash what has already been said.
Onto the supergroups:
--I always have fun with AOW. They seem to always have a 7-man team going that I can join and fill the 8th spot. Not as well-known of players but equally as awesome. Just a fun group all the time.
Hammers of Justice
--When I needed a new SG HoJ let me join 'em and I had an awesome time. HoJ always seems to have something fun going on and does nt hesitate to help me when needed.
The Stoned Templars
--I practically spent my CoH summer teaming with these guys. I've had a few arguments with certain members but I hope you aren't still pissed at me
I know I left some people out and I apologize for that, I'll add more to the list as I remember them.
Cobalt-What's not to like between his wit and charms? But no really, I enjoy teaming with you, always good times. Keep up the godo work in BMT. I know it's a guge undertaking.
Thanks, Horus. That means quite a bit to me. You rock0rz.
"Champion (the Community Server... or GTFO) is like a small town where everyone knows each other's names, for better or worse." -kojirodensetsu.
"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer
Well I will throw in my ten cents, it will be short and simple-
The whole Champion server, every single person that plays on Champion; you-you and you. Because every player makes this server great, and so I thank you for making this server your home!
I stay busy in my own little SG world with the HoJ, but it does not mean I do not reconize the accomplismnets of the above said players, so thank you again!
Finally to everyone in the HoJ, a large chunk of the leadership has been playing with me for four plus years, and so I thank you for your time and service! Thank you to all my fellow SG mates, because without you all there would not be a HoJ!
Lets all keep Champion the best server to play on!
Hey all-
I am sure everyone is either well into celebrating New Years or fast asleep but I wanted to start a brief thread about all the great things that we have all experienced in 2009.
I'll start...
Well I finally got over my breakup with HoJ (yes it was my fault) and ventured out into the world of SG hunting and met some great new friends. So here we go.
Angie/Mo - What a great couple not only for their comic relief but being able to get along with anyone. You two make the game so much fun for me. Thank you.
Nibz - Being the youngest of four children I never had the privledge of having a younger sister. You fit the role perfect. I feel totally at home putting you in a headlock and giving wet willies, at the same time wanting to protect you from oncoming traffic. Thank you.
Kahlan - Part of what makes the game great for me is knowing there are things I have yet to accomplish. Your constant raising of the bar keeps the game fresh for me and I so enjoy watching your characters in action. Thank you.
MAH - I am still not sure what made our paths cross but I am glad we did. When I speak of you to others I refer to you as my best online friend. I can barely make it through Atlas Park without someone asking me "Hey 4sh....where's MAH?" Again for everything you have done for me, Thank you.
Champions please take a moment and send a shout out to your peeps that have made a difference in your 2009.
Your PvP host with the most.
4shes and Enigma 2v2 PvP
Open your Eyes to I13 PvP
An Introduction to I14 PvP