Felecia's Apology
Wow, Im kind of at a loss for words here.
Way to own up to your mistakes and take the blows from those still throwing them.
I did, and was probably more pissed then anyone else. P.o.N had 2 teams up and running and ready to go at 8am est.
Soooooo Yea I was throwing the words out pretty freely.... Mod8 made me a nice dinner with several of those words recently
Anyways.... glad to see your back and ready to pick up the pieces and fix what needs to be fixed. If you ever need to, you know you can call on me, and P.o.N anytime.

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
Real big of ya, Fels. Real BIG.
Kudos to you for stepping up here.
If Felecia can forgive and forget so can I. All the names mentioned in her post have realy steped up and have been doing great things for champion. Id like to think if any thing every one has learned somthing from this and can move on. Consider the slate clean.
I also will offer to help you reorginize this event Felecia, and have somthing salvagble to launch for every one to enjoy. Contact me for help and Iam at your service.
moving forward will be a good thing.
While I wasn't involved in either the planned event or the subsequent Dramastorm, I've got a lot of respect for you for owning up and explaining things.
Keep on keepin' on.
The Melee Teaming Guide for Melee Mans
Felecia I am glad to read all of this. I'm proud of you. I was starting to get very worried that we were turning into what a certain SG that we nolonger have on our server was before they we're destroyed. Trust me I had thought of taking my leave, but instead just stepped down as a leader for a bit and started running on Justice and Triumph for a bit, My way of letting the dust "drama" settle. I'm glad I came back, and didn't completely abandon Champion server or the AOW sg.
I've stepped up where I felt I was needed most recently and I am glad you are forgiving and forgetting. Let the past be just that. Live and learn the big step was admitting you were wrong about something. Anyways I'm sorry I had passed judgement on some of the others just blindly being on Felecia's side. I two was wrong, I'm sorry Bud I had thought I'll of you and I was wrong. Though I did not judge your SG by how I felt about you sir. I would hope the same of others and what they think of AOW. That is all again sorry to all.
Silent and ELF, can we not hijack Felecia's incredibly adult and mature apology thread so you two can duke it out?
Use this to solve your issues please, then we can be constructive:
While I wasn't involved in either the planned event or the subsequent Dramastorm, I've got a lot of respect for you for owning up and explaining things.
Keep on keepin' on. |
Kudos on taking the high road and being the better person. i'm surprised and very impressed.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Lmfao@ Shaytanah......that is, if the ruler would be used for what I think it would be used for.
I appreciate the post, Felecia, and hope your future events run smoothly.

Leader of Renaissance de la Veritas
Moderator of ChampioNexus
Amygdala's Guide to the Cathedral of Pain Trial
It's likely for exactly what you think its for, Dave.
Now thats funny lol
LOL! Thanks; see ya in-game!
I think i was in game so long i started to get tunnel vision. I was so busy trying to fill empty spaces with events that i did not appreciate all the effort going on around me.
Budweiser, if Mod08 has any of those leftover words for dinner i'll share that meal with you.....after all the effort you put into helping, i deserve it. I should have had the other leaders prepped to keep things going, i was very short-sighted.
Shay, i owe you an apology as well, Braije gets under my skin (it's just his way) and i took it out on you and shouldn't have.
Elf, i can always count on you to make me laugh, your style of play and online banter is unique, if you ever changed we would have to get worried about you. I am still a Noob and damn proud of it
I think i was in game so long i started to get tunnel vision. I was so busy trying to fill empty spaces with events that i did not appreciate all the effort going on around me.
Budweiser, if Mod08 has any of those leftover words for dinner i'll share that meal with you.....after all the effort you put into helping, i deserve it. I should have had the other leaders prepped to keep things going, i was very short-sighted. Shay, i owe you an apology as well, Braije gets under my skin (it's just his way) and i took it out on you and shouldn't have. Elf, i can always count on you to make me laugh, your style of play and online banter is unique, if you ever changed we would have to get worried about you. I am still a Noob and damn proud of it ![]() |
I think i was in game so long i started to get tunnel vision. I was so busy trying to fill empty spaces with events that i did not appreciate all the effort going on around me.
Budweiser, if Mod08 has any of those leftover words for dinner i'll share that meal with you.....after all the effort you put into helping, i deserve it. I should have had the other leaders prepped to keep things going, i was very short-sighted. Shay, i owe you an apology as well, Braije gets under my skin (it's just his way) and i took it out on you and shouldn't have. Elf, i can always count on you to make me laugh, your style of play and online banter is unique, if you ever changed we would have to get worried about you. I am still a Noob and damn proud of it ![]() |
wow, i really think the time away from the game help felicia in more ways then one.
I kinda like this new felicia were seeing......
There werent any strange looking SEED PODS next to your bed when you went to sleep were there? If there were, please distibute them out to everyone on Champion asap.

We could ALL take a lesson from Ms. Felicia right now..... I know I am.

DEAR CHAMPION, DEAR CHAMPION, II Protectors of Neverland
"8 years Guys....What a Ride"
224 LvL 50's
Ive waited a day or 2 to post my response so I could give it some thought. I came up with a Tl,DR post but have decided my fingers are cold and I don't feel like typing. Ty for the appology and GL with your event if/when it occurs.
You got new up grades lol... with fly still huh? well Lets arena...? we can solve it there. New test your new upgrade
Good to hear from you Felecia. And I am looking forward to winning that Costume/Bio contest!
Phantom Flight / Villainous Llewthorous
The New Year is upon us and i need advice. Since the Big Event did not go well i can do one of 3 things. You guys deserve to have some say in future events so...........
We have limited funds since the new system came in place. So AOW can:
1. Scrap the one day event and run multiple events each week such as 1st week of the month we have our monthly CC and hold a monthly 800 Million AE Challenge. Let us know which week is best for your sg.
2. Have a one day celebration as we planned for December but hold it January 17th. But then we are broke and wont be holding other events for awhile.
3. Compromise. We hold our monthly CC, Every 3 months hold a 800 Million AE Challenge, and January 17th hold one CC and a 4 Billion AE Challenge. I know this cutting the challenge in half seems mean but it allows AOW to keep some of it's funds to hold future events. We are trying to work on our PvP sg and need funds to hold future events and work on our alts.
Let us know what you think is best. Decision will be made by January 1st.
Yes the Challenges will allow open teams (PuG's of mixed SG's AND VG's) but all funds will be paid in Influence.
Budweiser, you have a huge say in this, Apochrypha says her team can match your team and would like to see a friendly rivalry. William Alexander is also throwing down the gauntlet. I am sure Dave Mebs has his team ready for anything as well.
AOW funds will be distributed between sg leaders so we will not have the same problem as before. If i cannot make it, there will be someone who can take over.
<----looks around, (grabs a pitch fork) YEA LETS GET HER! ........wait its not one of those fel posts where she comments and peeps start giving her S@#. Great to hear that your absence wasnt due to anything serious, just poor tech. Great post looking forward to playing with ya again.
You wont make everyone happy, ever. Best bet is to pick the thing that works best for you and AOW and stick to it. There has been a Champion Event Calendar made.. check other events and plan accordingly.. have someone post the event on that calendar so everyone can see it and plan for it, if they so choose.
You wont make everyone happy, ever. Best bet is to pick the thing that works best for you and AOW and stick to it. There has been a Champion Event Calendar made.. check other events and plan accordingly.. have someone post the event on that calendar so everyone can see it and plan for it, if they so choose.
In the last 2 years i have been offline 3 days (total). I never expect to take any time off. This past week i have had to deal with cold snaps, power loss, lost connection, and family matters. I was gone about 7 days.
You have a right to be upset the events scheduled did not occur. Please do not take it out on AOW members, i messed up, i was responsible.
There is one AOW member who has access to my account but it seems to have forgotten this or may have been nervous about accessing my account without my knowledge. This person has always had my trust. As for William filling in, he was knocked offline as well, he lives in my area.
To make everything simpler, i should have distributed the funds to other sg leaders, but i wasnt sure who would be able to make it in the morning. This is a lame excuse and i will transfer funds to other leaders over the next 2 weeks so this never happens again.
I am sorry to build up your hopes, then take away your fun, that was not my intention. I only play this game to make the game more fun and exciting, and if i'm not doing a good job of it, i will respect your decision to "set me straight"!
Warning! Felecia has a temper, so go easy on the "set me straight" part. I maybe divine, but even the divine have a tendancy to bring forth floods, earthquakes, volcanoes, and plagues when insulted (yes this last paragraph is meant as a bit of humour)
I read only the last couple of posts in my other thread. Thanks for ending it Mod08, and thanks for those who showed compassion and understanding.
Champion is indeed the Community Server and has the best people on it!!!!!!!
As long as i am doing this i should give recognition to those i have been a real B17CH to lately, who deserve better. You guys have done lots for the server and i have not been showing you the respect you deserve.
- Budweiser: (you do a lot for PvP and i am sure your PoN team would have rocked the AE Challenge, we will have challenges in the future) Your test run times were far superior to any of the other teams.
- Amygdala: i have not been mean to you, i really respect you, but i have not been supporting you either. You do alot for the server.
- Mizz Nibblez: You were trying to keep decorum on UHB Channel and i stepped over the line, i hope you will forgive me.
- CriticalCat: You and i have not agreed on alot in the past but i think thats because you and i are alot alike. We are both passionate and strong willed. Champion is like our second home.
- Cherry: You and i have different opinions of what an sg should be and how it should be run, but niether of us is wronge. I see you want to do more for the server and have joined PERC, congratz, and good luck. Getting involved shows your desire to improve the server.