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  1. SteelDominator

    Marvel Heroes

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Maybe he thinks Marvel is going to sue itself for letting it's customers use Marvel characters in a Marvel MMO owned by Marvel.
  2. SteelDominator


    NCsoft is garbage!
  3. SteelDominator

    Guild War 2

    NCsoft I have two words for ya!
  4. SteelDominator

    Guild War 2

    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    Why in the world would anyone in his or her right mind buy a NCSoft game after August 31?

    First they took Tabula Rasa away from me. Now City of Heroes. Never again.
    Agreed NCsoft must think we are idiots, they keep selling products in hope we develop amnesia. NCsoft, "Oh give it a few years they will forget we pulled the plug on games, stupid Americans will continue to buy."
  5. SteelDominator

    Guild War 2

    Glad you found a game. I refuse to use any NCSoft products, that's just me.
  6. BTW thank you for the links to your guides in your signature HyperStrike they have been very usefull over the years.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    NCSoft isn't interested in selling. The IP is not for sale. They made that very clear with their "exhausted every opportunity" post.
    I suspect this goes beyond the business world. Only time will tell.
  8. SteelDominator

    I'm finished!

    Those are awesome! Great work.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LadyGrimrose View Post
    Basically, we move forward by educating people about NcSoft's track record. Facts are facts:

    1) Tabula Rasa's closure was so horrid it went to court and Garriot was awarded $28 million.

    2) The staff on Dungeon Runners had plans to save the game, but were ignored.

    3) Paragon Studios and City of Heroes were given zero time to prep.

    4) Five MMOs down the drain, City of Heroes will be number six.

    Their track record is horrid. The fudge the truth. If you're thinking of buying a NcSoft game (with a monthly fee, one they don't even support properly overseas) be ready hear these words when they decide to pull the plug, "I told you so."
    I like this..simple but true. I can't trust NCsoft products any more becuase of this.