73 -
Quote:there is no audio in that link. how did you manage to break Michelle's so excellent video like that?
Quote:Heh! Its all about Profit, Profit!Dear NCSoft,
Your nefarious plan to keep me from graduating by announcing the closure of my favorite game ever and throwing me into a spiraling pit of depression the week of finals has failed. I aced the presentation portion of my thesis which has given me enough points on my grade that even if the paper portion gets a 0 I will still pass and earn my B.S. in C.J./C.S. You can reinstitute City of Heroes now as you must know I can not be defeated by any of your meticulously evil plans.
I am a hero, this is what I do.
Prof -
Quote:*nods* Still, I was refering to the 'how dare you take my stuffz' attitude he displayed. As far as I'm concerned, if he was that 'ist MINE, ALL MINE' he shoulda made a sg of just himself. Granted he maybe thougth thats what he inheritied, but... never assume.In his defense, he set up permissions so that only the Leader (him) could remove some of these things (namely the salvage and enhancements). In my defense, once he left, that rank went to someone else, therefore it was their decision as to what to do with it. :-)
Heh. and there was the time that severl of that same supergroup, (and related global channel) inspired me to write This:
Purrfect Mess, Sgt., P.P.D. Special Investigaions Division, knew the importance of the paperwork she was filling out. It was just that in her current mood she'd rather be doing just about anything else. Ivan, her pet Flytrap tried to cuddle up to her, either for her body heat or sensitive to her mood, but it was more of a distraction than a comfort at the moment, so she shoo'd him back under the sunlamp of her cubicle and tried, again, to finish the current report on her desk when *YET ANOTHER* interuption shattered her concentration.
"GYAAaAAAaaaAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" That would be her rookie noticing the present that had been left outside the precint house this morning. Mess pushed and leaned back in her office chair so she could glare at the younger officer past the edge of the cubicle divider.
Jeannette "GaravorNette", was starring in horror; Mess had to supress a chuckle at the sight of a 7 foot tall green skinned 'Nette freaking out at the sight of a shrub. To be fair, though, it wasn't exactly an ORDINARY shrub, but it wasn't exactly like it was about to spring to life the way Devouring Earth Blackroses did either. G'nette, catching the movement from the corner of her eyes, turned to Mess and stammered "PLEASE tell me thats one of yours, Sarge!?"
"Sorry Rookie, but I don't do Topiary, and even if I did I wouldn't dip it in chocolate. Oh, and it had a card with it..." Darn but it was hard not to break out in laughter at the expression on G'nette's face as she unfolded the metal sign and read it.
"Grendal luv G'nette" sighed the object of his affection. "Great. I bust the guy who deposed him and now the resurgent leader of the Trolls thinks I'm the smashiest thing since 'Dyne. AND he feels compelled to give me this, probobly because its so close to Valentines." The this in that last statement clearly referred to the object that had triggered the whole interuption in the first place.
It was a topiary shrub, shaped like a teddy bear, then dipped in chocolate. It was, in a very troll like way, almost logical. Gurlz luv flowerz. Shrub = flowerz. Flowerz look like teddy bear! Perfect! Don't gurlz like chocolate too? So, dip flowers in chocolate! Grendal Smartezt troll evar!!! Hur hur hur!!!!
"Fortunately for you, you can't keep it. It'd look to much like a bribe," Mess assured. "So, take it down to Trace, maybe they can find something to link him to something we can bust him for. They'll stick it in evidence and eventually we can just burn it with other siezed organic materials."
G'nette nodded, accepting both the suggestion and the evidence gloves that Mess handed her. G'nette gingerly picked up the pot of evidence, then damn near dropped it as PSI's Chief Medical Officer and Coroner Transfusionette came around the corner. The CMO looked at the shrub, then up at G'nette, then back to the shrub before engaging in a very Spock-like eyebrow lift.
"I need to see you once your... done with whatever it is your.... doing with that."
"Sure, T'nette!!! Geez, is it that time of the month again already??"
"Mm Hmm," agreed the CMO, and Mess could see her working down the same logic tree first Mess and then G'nette had before shaking her head and heading back the way she had came.
"Kay, I'll be there in a minute!" G'nette assured the retreating figure before heading off herself. Mess savored the sudden quiet, before gently pushing Ivan, who had started to try and cuddle up to her again, away and rolling her desk chair back to her paperwork. -
Your best bet would be to continue with it, but to strip out all references to CoX. Make the 'offical' setting somewhere else, make your own versions of charecters similar but clearly different to people like Posi, and let us take the risks by setting the game directly in paragon.
Do be aware that I am NOT an accredited lawywer, but even google starts you out with:
Shortest form? Without specific rights from the current holder to the rights, what your doing here does NOT fall under fair use. Citing lack of moneytary gain nor citing creative commons also will not shield you. -
Quote:You know, he's wrong about that. Any salvage in the base is fair game for all SG members. For him to think otherwise is actually wrong.After about a month, Torched became the leader. A couple months went by, and I realized I never played Torched anymore. I then looted every good Set IO, invention salvage piece, and Hami-O. Stopped playing the toon, and after a couple months, logged on to find him booted from the SG, with the following in my email:
From: Syanth (the new/secondary leader)
Subject: SG Base
I made hundreds of millions of inf off of what I looted, which in turn financed a lot of Topher's build (well, a few purple and pvp set IOs). I also never felt bad about it. -
Quote:Doesnt matter. This is not like fanfiction; this could be well over the fair use line and be leaving you open for legal action if they so desire.There are currently zero plans to monetize the project, and all efforts are going towards releasing this in good faith to the community, possibly backed by a Creative Commons license.
Be very, very careful about how you proceed. Doesnt matter if money is involved or not. -
I'll give you that one Positive. Also the reason I've not given up hope. Just like not believeing the enemy is really dead until you have its.
ewe. gross. never mind -
Quote:probobly because it was still in your browsers image cache Michelle.I added a Twitpic link in the post, though it shows for me just fine. Weird.
I feel... unconvinced though; probobly because its not gold and glowie blue like I've always come to associate with "You all con grey to me" -
Myself? probobly not actually. the game is fun, but its the community that made it. without that it would just be another gridiny RPG
Me three. I've done everything I believe has any chance of working, both in game and in RL; only thing left now is to enjoy what we have while we still have it.
Quote:"Laughing and talking... with Looooominary"Cbut he and Luminary help to keep Talos Island safe with honor and unswerving loyalty. I hope that next time you're there, you will stop by, say hi, and thank him for the great job he's doing.
"I am so.... fortunate to be generally ignored." -
Because 1) they thought we'd just roll over and take it
2) they feel we dont have the right to know
3) they would not reverse that position now or loose face. and to Koreans I *belive* (but am not postive) that face is every bit as Important as it is to the Japanese and Chinese -
Its more than that. I dont think Andy/Zwill is the type who could just sit there and watch us act like immature trolls when he knows its his job to try and ride herd on us. Its just not.
Its an example of the dedication to duty that if I was able to hire him as Community manager for my MMO it would be a slam dunk.
"Belford is available? He applied? HECK YES. Call the other applicants and tell them sorry, the job has been filled"
Its just that sort of thing that when I decided to try for the "dress like a dev" (by which I 'creatively interpreted' as "Dev=Employed by Pargon studios" I knew EXACTLY who to be:
Quote:The same here Korith. My subscripton should have renewed on the 3rd, but the only bill to my card was for the Points microtransaction I made just hours before the axe. But I still have access to all my charecters and all the vip only content.(On this account) I was set to drop to premium Sept 4th. On August 31, my account information said so. Now, it just says I'm VIP and has no line indicating an expiry date. I still have access to all VIP features.
On another account, I was Premium, am still premium, and have no option to upgrade from premium.
As to the VIP for all claim, that was made by Zwillinger during the community chat on the fifth, that he was trying to find some way to have VIP status, double experiance, and maybe even the holiday events enabled for everyone during this period. -
Cookies might be perhaps a better choice.
And yes, it should be the Seattle office. any NC offices in northern california would be more likely to directly be assoiciated with Paragon studios.
Still, its a crazy enough idea IT JUST MIGHT WORK... if enough had the money to try. For some reason I can almost see them not closing us down to prevent us from swamping them in baked goods / giving them diabetes / who knows what else! -
Quote:Business Manager is just that, the person who manages the Business aspects of the unit. Marketing WORKS for him, but they are the ones who stand up at meetings and say "X works, we make $Y profit from it every month... Z, not so much, we spend $W dollars on it but only get $V back in sales"Thanks for finding the quote.
So, Business Manager. Who seems to call the shots for the sales. And who makes it clear he's not Marketing. So... Production? Or a new category?
I'm becoming less and less inclined to test Market items and give feedback and point out bugs if that feedback doesn't also apply to the marketing of those items. And consequently, I'm becoming less and less inclined to buy things so awfully packaged, priced, and marketed.
And as for the second point, by all means do so. If there is one thing that will get a Business Mangers attention, its declining sales. It tells them exactly where we are willing to put our money, after all. And even though you and I dont buy something, if there are enough others that will fall for whatever marketing schema that its not noticeable to them, well, all our kvetching on the boards, even though we have the Incomporable Zwill (who does the best damn job of keeping the back enders in touch with what we actually think I've seen to date!) on our side wont get what we want. -
Cool... Untucked shirts. Now if we could only get a flowered print texture for them as well. (cause, IRL I have a real weakness for Hawaiian style shirts and would love a way to make my in game namesake wear em too)
Bwaaa??? No more Avatea? *insert sad face here*
Hmm. Probably the way to interpret all of this is that he was so respected even his enemies have shown up, under truce, to pay tribute to the fallen.
That said, I know of at least one spirit for whom Metronome did what he wanted to do for Praetorial Penny Yin (IE was placed in a clockwork body, Metronome hoped to learn how to make Clockwork that could handle magic ala the Tin Mage), so one can / maybe should interpret it as something similar?
OOC, though, the one comment I have is in the arrangement of the Pall bearers. As Spirits, War Witch and Numina would have been better placed as the two center bearers, as BAB and Citadel could easily have taken up the load their lack of physical bodies create. Libby should be the one 'in the place of honor' right behind the casket as the sole remaining member of the family Line with Desdemona (who starts as a rogue, at best, after all and doesnt emerge as any sort of heroic type until the start of the Incarnate content) relegated to Libby's position in the back with the Vindicators. Of course, its already released now which of course means that for all our opinions, its not changeing.