I BRING THE FUNNY (Enough Doom already! Jeez!)




Look, it's all well and good to be driven to save the game. I am too.

But you know what? I just realized I have this MASSIVE "tension bar" across my shoulders and upper back. It's starting to actually -hurt-.

I bet a lot of you are as well. Or having tension headaches or even ulcers if you're stressed too much.


I'm taking a few minutes out from doing screenshots of the game, saving my characters, surfing the web trying to find new articles or waiting to hear ANYTHING from NCSoft.

Just stop a minute. Roll the shoulders. And look into our supergroup's "quote" pages for the laughs.

See - My Supergroup - the Legendary, like many out there, has forums of it's own. And - being a casual/light RP group, we sometimes slip in and out of character. Or do full-on "omake" (gag-scenes) in text while we're doing task forces and such.

I run with a crew that regularly CRACKS ME UP so much I sometimes LITERALLY die from laughter because I am whooping for laughter too much to BLOODY SEE!!!

So, as part of my service to the community to help you all loosen the hell up a little. Here are some of the best, most broken, brain-bleach inducing and all-around WRONG moments captured from the /copychat command by me or members of the Legendary.

Think of it like "AnimeHELL" only it's superheroes. And in text.

I present - The Legendary's QUOTE WALL


* * *

"Think of it as a morale booster," Evangelia said as she tightened down the final screw on the bracket she was attaching to the wall. The soft background hiss of the air conditioners and the far-off faint beeping of the Command Center were the only response. She tossed a glance back over her shoulder.

Mag Flashlight stood there, holding the giant message board intended to fit in said bracket across one shoulder. "Oh, it'll be that, boss lady," he finally replied.

"So what's the problem?"

Mag blinked. "I'm trying to decide what to put up here -first-," he said. "I mean, the board's only so big...."

"... I hadn't thought of that."

They settled the board into place and stepped back. The banner at the top read QUOTES OF THE LEGENDARY, and a little box with pens, pads, and tacks hung below.

Eva scribbled briefly on a slip, tore it off and stuck it on the board, and turned to Mag with a satisfied expression. "There! Now we just wait."

* * *


"This park -sucks-!"
-- Sammy (aka Purrfect Scrapper), after the end of a long, painful dash from the ampitheatre to a mish door in Perez Park


"Even the most STUBBORN of coals will light at TEN THOUSAND DEGREES! Mag Flashlight! If you would be so kind? The LIQUID OXYGEN!!!!"
-- Cyberman 8, providing the "Mythbusters moment" at the end of a successful Legendary BBQ picnic.


"So, who here wants to get into Terrence's pants?"

"Statement: This unit has sufficient lower-body coverage, and does not anticipate a wardrobe sharing agreement with Command Unit designate Terrence at this time."
-Steph and Vengy riffing on poor belabored Terrence during Moonfire TF


"Caution: Falling Rocks"

- Gen, speaking of Emet's(stone tanker) method of quickly getting back to the contact during the last Shard TF. (Fall to the bottom of the map, get TP'ed right to him)


"These Mushroom Men taste.. Preeettttttyyyy......."

"You ever LOOK at your claws? I mean, really LOOK at them?"


-Gen, on the Eden Trial


Silicon Sabre: Mass produced killer robots with particle beams....I'm feeling nostalgic all of a sudden.

Brightsky: Why's that?

Silicon Sabre: Well, if this were any -more- like my home, there'd be a satellite based cannon bearing down on us.

Numero Catorce: Your home scares me a little bit, Senorita Silicon.

- Discussion while facing down Siege in the Maria Jenkins arc (Sabre is a refugee from the Bubblegum Crisis universe)


"The stabbings will continue until lethality improves." --OpMegs, in a moment of transcendental insight


Wait a minute, you have to get a *license* to create life?

Man, this town sucks.


Terrence Knight: ..It was My imagination..I could have sworn I had heard creaking from my underwear, but Impervium doesn't creak right?
Typhoon Sabre: I'm an engineer, let me check.

--Terr and Matrix Dragon, on the (Almost all female) Legendary Swimsuit Edition Team


On the subject of the duo team of Cyberman 8(MA/SR Scrapper) and Terrence Knight(INV/SS Tanker) just MOWING through Carnies and Malta on a Safeguard Mission:

"This is what happens when an Unstoppable Force and an Immovable Object... COOPERATE!!"


"I have yet to meet a man that won't stop focusing on me after I stuff a squirrel into his pants." --Superball


Panzer reveals some personal history, Ace is tactless, Jen shills for Crey.

Panzersoldat: Ach, I vatched that vith mein daughter.
Panzersoldat: Then she got killed.
Panzersoldat: Ah vell. Life in ze big vorld.
Acetone: Do not fret, her flames of villainy may not be extinguished yet. There is always Mad Science!
Panzersoldat: Vat?
Panzersoldat: Ach, this vas...years ago.
Acetone: Darkest sorcery?
Panzersoldat: ...nein, danke.
Panzersoldat: I am not much uv 'sorcery' fellow, ja?
Jen Etroica: subcontract.
Panzersoldat: Ehn. I vill live, danke.
Panzersoldat: Besides, I mean. Nazi science vas pretty gud for time.
Jen Etroica: probably safer.
Panzersoldat: Und cyborging tends to be the result uv reanimation, ja?
Panzersoldat: Und I am pretty sure she vould protest coming back vith ze metal parts.
Panzersoldat: Und, I mean, it vould be -really- avkvard to explain to mein granddaughter.
Acetone: Ah, there is always the quality of un-life issue.
Jen Etroica: Crey has an excellent line of biomimetic augmentation and replacements.
Panzersoldat: 'Sveetheart, your mama came back to life because granpapa vas sad.'
Panzersoldat: It has a certain. Erm. -Qvality- to it.
Acetone: There is of course dwelling too much in the past. That too may dim the flames of Villainy, though they are never quenched.
Panzersoldat: Uv course, mein granddaughter has kids uv her own now, so it vouldn't be qvite in those terms.

Ysrafel: Evil mastermind's beautiful daughter ALWAYS falls for the squarejawed hero
Panzersoldat: Ach, vat mastermind?
Panzersoldat: I am not mastermind. Und I -liked- her husband!
Panzersoldat: He vas accountant!
Panzersoldat: Pleasant man, safed me much time on taxes!

Panzersoldat: Und stop touchinkg me!
Panzersoldat: Play dead!
Acetone: Get your elbow out of my face and I'll consider it
Panzersoldat: I'm -playink dead-, you vapid nutbak.


Auto Maximus: (Oh God. An entire SG of Fusionettes? D: ) Belmonette: (*grins* yep)


Syndesis: The internet is for prawn! The internet is for prawn! o/`
Syndesis: Lobster dip and crab fish sticks for prawn prawn prawn!
Syndesis: Ask your local kheldian prawn star if tentacle grape is for you.




This one requires it's own separate post.

So I had this moment of insanity. And I made a Fire/Fire Scrapper named Burning Sensation.

We join our team in the middle of a Task Force. And... Acyl as "Catchphrase" was on a ROLL that night!

[Team] Burning Sensation.: OW OW OW OW
[Team] Catchphrase: Someone's in pain from a burning sensation.
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Things go better with Burning Sensation]
[The Legendary]Atlantea: WOOO!!! Burning Sensation now has STAMINA!!!! (Speaking of burning around the track going "POWEEEEER!!"" ^_^))
[The Legendary]Acyl: So the burning sensation now lasts longer.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: POWWWWER!!!!
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: OH it's so wrong! *snrk*
[The Legendary]Sweno: [she is now the burning sensation that doesn't let up?]

(Burning Sensation is a /fire scrapper, with Super Speed as a travel power. Valles put thermal shields on her.)
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Man, With all her effects going, Burning is almsot like a lightcycle. ^_^
[Team] Catchphrase: (It's very easy to tell when you have a burning sensation.)
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Especially easy to tell when a Burning Sensation is passing through. ))
[Team] Catchphrase: (If there's bits of red mixed in with your yellow when you go to make long streaks, and there's a burning sensation...)
[Team] Gamma Emission: [ooh, that's bad]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((oooow....))
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: (OMW))
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [It's hard enough to go without a Burning Sensation!]
[Team] Catchphrase: (No, if there's a burning sensation -when- hard, then there's a problem.)
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((FALLS OVER...))
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensatin! IT's the real thing, baby!
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((You REALIZE... don't you, that you're going to make it impossible for me to fight, I'm laughing so hard... :P
[Team] Catchphrase: (There's nothing funny about a burning sensation. =( )
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation! It's the Right one, baby! Unh-hunh!]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Or are you saying you can't fight because there's a burning sensation? =P )
[Team] Catchphrase: (Please ask your physician if combat is right for you. =( )
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((---- Is utterly broken now....))
[Team] Catchphrase: (Honestly, you need to realise...)
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((I think it's going to be required... :P))
[Team] Catchphrase: (Atlant's toon is Burning Sensation. With a period.)
[Team] Catchphrase: (So it's a very bad time to have a burning sensation. =( )
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burnung Sensation. It's everywhere you want to be.]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Well, that and, y'know, the fact it's 'Burning Sensation.'...
[Team] Catchphrase: (Means that more than one person on Virtue has a burning sensation.)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [...ohgod ACYL YOU UTTER ******* *******! ^_^]
[Team] Themaria Dist: [AAAGH.]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: (( O_O... Honestly... I had NO idea that joke would go so very far...))
[Team] Themaria Dist: [*. joke just penetrated*]
[Team] Themaria Dist: [...]
[Team] Themaria Dist: [...er.]
[Team] Themaria Dist: [NOT LIKE THAT.]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((SHATTERS))
[Team] Catchphrase: (o/`)


(Burning Sensation died, then ding-rezzed)

[Team] Gamma Emission: [badly split]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((WAit for it. I'm about to level anyway.))
[Team] Themaria Dist: [Without the UBERSTUN, yeah.]
[Team] Catchphrase: (So the burning sensation killed us all?)
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Woohoo! Comeon you clanks!
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation: The choice of a new generation]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Well the Burning Sensation has been killed...))
[Team] Catchphrase: ('s only temporary relief.)
[Team] Catchphrase: (See? =( )
[Team] Catchphrase: (The burning sensation is back.)
[Team] Gamma Emission: [and it's back, stronger than before]
[Team] Gamma Emission: [that's what you get for not completing your antibotics regimine ]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Nah, the exposure just made it stronger.)
(Boss Fight: Long Tom)
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Boss
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((PLEASE tell me someone is getting this chat for posterity. Err.....))
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: Oh! American Slang! Dope! Def! Keen!
[Team] Catchphrase: So the Clockwork King's 'long tom' now has a burning sensation.
[Team] Catchphrase: *nods soberly*
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Er.. DAMN YOU ACYL... Now I can't even say posterity without laughing... ))
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Think that up all by yourself, Catch?
[Team] Catchphrase: I have a very talented writing staff.
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: You're paying them too much.


(Fox likes classic advertising slogans)

[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Oh man, I'm having too mcu hfun repurposing OTHER ads atm]
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation. I'm lovin' it]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Burning Sensation, it's finger lickin' good.)
[Team] Catchphrase: (And if we're still on fast food... Burning Sensation: Have it your way!)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: ["Have gun will travel" reads teh card of a man?]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((STAMINA! FULLY SLOTTED!!! YES!!!)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation. IT keeps going and going and going...]
[Team] Gamma Emission: [the burning sensation will last forever]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Damn your eyes, I'm getting high on the oxygen debt...))
[Team] Themaria Dist: [A burning sensation in your chest?]
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: ((Could be in worse places))
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning sensation! From Wham-o!]
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: hows the TF going?
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Swimmingly
[The Legendary]valles: It's a sensation! We're ON FIRE!
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: how long ago did you start?
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: At school crossings...
[The Legendary]valles: Who cares? BURRRRN!
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Please go slow...
[The Legendary]Acyl: Well, we have a thermal controller on our team, so yes, we are on fire.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: let the little Shavers grow!
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Burning Sensation.
[The Legendary]Acyl: We all have a burning sensation.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: ......
[The Legendary]Acyl: So don't go too fast, if you please. It might get worse.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Yes athe 1952 Burning Sensation! It's LONG and LOW and LOVELY!
[The Legendary]valles: Remember to watch your dietary fiber intake.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: LOL
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: If I had my druthers, I'd rather have a Burning Sensation!
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: ........
[The Legendary]valles: ^_^
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: This is almost like a Liquidator Episode of Darkwing Duck
[The Legendary]Atlantea: ((Oh that's not EVEN as bad as it's been all evening. I had NO IDEA that joke would go so far. ^_^ :P ))
[The Legendary]valles: Potty humor. You really should've.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Point.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: wait... you've been makeing even worse jokes 0.0?
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Amazingly - yes.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Even better, we've been using old advertising slogans and making some REALLLY weird results
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: ....... i can't belive that
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Burning Sensation. "It's the real thing!"
[The Legendary]valles: Burning sensations make holes in teeth?
[The Legendary]valles: Oh god.
[The Legendary]valles: Burning sensation: Obey your thirst.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: ......
[The Legendary]Atlantea: LOL
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Ow.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: WTF? O.O
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Soft Drink slogans here in the states
[The Legendary]Acyl: Burning Sensation: Tastes Great! Less filling!
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Burning Sensation: So round, so firm, so fully packed! So EASY on the SDRAW!
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: *twich* i thinks it's a good idae i didn't go on this TF, my mind would of broke
[The Legendary]valles: ...You win, fox. My brain, it is afire.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Mine certainly is...
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: I know more old jingles. And in some cases even what the jingle was FOR!
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: Fox, he iz in your brans, breaking thems
[The Legendary]Acyl: Fox gives you head, and then a burning sensation.
[The Legendary]valles: He uses burning bombs wisely.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Ceiling Fox watches you cogitate.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: .... Acyl..... did you think before writeing that
[The Legendary]Acyl: I used my head.
[The Legendary]valles: Do you really want to know the answer to that, DS?
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: He's got ME laughing now
[The Legendary]valles: *is only smiling*
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: my brain, it is broke
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: See, I can take the ribbing here. I know folks don;t mean much harm
[The Legendary]valles: Bleach?
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: I'll take a leek spin Orihime, thanks
[The Legendary]Acyl: No, bleach won't stop the burning sensation. =(
[The Legendary]Atlantea: LOL
[The Legendary]Acyl: Seek proper medical treatment.
[The Legendary]valles: Well, bleach is a base, which should cancel out the acidic burning.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: yeah, i doubt i could of survived the TF uncathed
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: *unscathed
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Yeshua, son of Joseph ri--- Yeshua, son of Joseph... at peace.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: Ah. So we are Task Force Cyclone.
[The Legendary]Atlantea: The Cyclone has a Burning Sensation within it.
[The Legendary]valles: As opposed to Task Force Volcano?
[The Legendary]Acyl: Tonight! A hurricane! TOUCH ME a hurricane! Fill me a hurricane! Give me burning sensa---oh wait no.
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: *head desk*
[The Legendary]Atlantea: *Starts humming a particular Johnny Cash tune*
[The Legendary]valles: Task Foce La Brea?
(Terrence returns from AFK)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (Back BTW )
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Yay!)
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Did he miss all the jokes BTW?))
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Me thinks so]
[Team] Catchphrase: ('s ok we can spread the burning sensation.)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burining Sensation: A little Dab will do ya]
[Team] Terrence Knight: (..I've read the chat log some)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (My brain is currently being clensed in A Vat of Acid)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (Melt away the Burning sensation)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [Oh, that'll produce a -real- intense burning sensation.]
[Team] Terrence Knight: (And with anyluck My brain will shrivel and die so I can get a new one)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (or at least become Desensitized to burning sensations)
[Team] Gamma Emission: [you can do that?]
[Team] Catchphrase: (If you ignore the burning sensation long enough, it'll probably fall off. =( )
[Team] Terrence Knight: (well..its only my brain. I'm not useing it)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (I'm back and I haz Empowerment buffs to reinforce meh..! lol)
[Team] Catchphrase: (Are Themaria's thermal shields not enough for you?)
[Team] Catchphrase: (You want something more than the burning sensation? =( )
[Team] Terrence Knight: (Yes...I want endurance drain resistance)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (and increased recharge rate. And increased Runspeed and smashing resist)
[Team] Catchphrase: (There you go.
[Team] Catchphrase: (Unfortunately, Kinetics does not have Pony Boost yet.)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [D'awwww!]
[Team] Gamma Emission: *snerk*
[Team] Catchphrase: (But for everything else, there's burning sensa----wait.)
[Team] Gamma Emission: [is that part of Demon summoning?]
[Team] Gamma Emission: [summon. pony] hehe
[Team] Terrence Knight: (Rofl!)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Summon demon.pony]
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [oni.pony]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Well, there is a nemesis warhorse unused model.
[Team] Catchphrase: (legend has it one of the devs summoned it on the test server when asked for a pony.)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [wHy does it remain unused? They stunk at animating it?]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Dunno...it has no legs, it hovers on four jets of fire.)
[Team] Catchphrase: (I have a screencap...somewhere.)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [Waiting for Just The Right Moment.]
[Team] Catchphrase: (It's a Nemesis Pony.)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Coming Storm TF would rock for it, no?]
[Team] Gamma Emission: [nemesis pony: a trap]
[Team] Terrence Knight: (Trojan Horse?)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [It's all a Nemesis Plot.]
[Team] Catchphrase: (a horse is a horse, of course, of course.)
[Team] Catchphrase: (and nobody's heard of a steampunk horse.)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [And no one can talk to a horse, of course]
[Team] Catchphrase: (of course.)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Unless it's a burning sensation!]
(Team prepares for Babbage spawn)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Bah AFk momentarily]
[Team] Catchphrase: (Atlant's still AFK, I see.)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [Potentially problematic.]
[Team] Catchphrase: (hope the burning sensation doesn't get him.)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (He's all Burnt out)
(Boss Fight: Babbage)
[Team] Burning Sensation.: WOW! Who's draining Babbage?
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Elec BLaster!]
[Local] Amethysta of the Axe: Thanks, Signy
[Local] Burning Sensation.: Wow! Good drains on him!
[Local] Catchphrase: Thanks, you two.
[Local] Gamma Emission: Woo, thanks for the help everyone
[Local] Sould Blade: Nice work!
[Local] Themaria Dist: The laxative powers of a BURNING SENSATION!
[Local] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: Thank you for your efforts, champions of the proletariat!
[Local] Catchphrase: Much appreciated, Blade, Signy.
[Local] Amethysta of the Axe: And you Blade.
[Local] Burning Sensation.: ((FALLS OVER))
[Team] Themaria Dist: [...should I have put that in Team?]
[Team] Themaria Dist: [^_^]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Oi...))
[The Legendary]Hexane: Wow, I wouldn't have thought we'd have been able to drain his end like that.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Elec Blaster
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: Nom?
[The Legendary]Acyl: He felt a burning sensation.
[The Legendary]Isawa Koi: Blarg.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Allo
[The Legendary]Sweno: Hey Isa
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Koi! Wouldja like to take a surbvey sponsored by Burning Sensation.?
[The Legendary]Acyl: I'm sure he can spare a few minutes of his time for burning sensation.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Do you like beans?
[The Legendary]Isawa Koi: *considers the question*
[The Legendary]Isawa Koi: ...
[The Legendary]Isawa Koi: *runs screaming into the night*
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Do you like George Wendt?
[The Legendary]valles: Who?
[The Legendary]Isawa Koi: Norm, from Cheers.
[Team] Terrence Knight: Where is he? didn't see him
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Norm on "Cheers"
[The Legendary]Atlantea: I wonder where Gunther Wendt?
[The Legendary]valles: Ah.
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Do you like beans AND George Wendt?
(Boss Fight: Clockwork King)
[Team] Terrence Knight: ....
[Team] Gamma Emission: [we're just that good ]
[Team] Catchphrase: The burning sensation was too much for him.
[Team] Burning Sensation.: Wow
[Team] Terrence Knight: (i'm sorry...But what the hell was holding him the entire time?)
[Team] Gamma Emission: [temp power you get for this mission]
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: Woo.
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((Awesome))
[Team] Terrence Knight: (whats the point of Fighting an av that can't do anything? lol)
[Team] Amethysta of the Axe: ((He drops fast when there's a radiation fender in the group.))
[Team] Catchphrase: (and this is why you do not have the true tao of the farmer)
[Team] Themaria Dist: [The point? THe long green.]
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Especially one knows what they're doing[
[Team] Terrence Knight: (was kinda hopein for a bit more of an epic fight..or to at least take -some- damage?)
[Team] Terrence Knight: (Sorry it just bugs me The clock king dropped without being able to do -anything- because of that hold from the temp lol)
[Team] CAPTAIN ALTITIS: [Burning Sensation! Apply DIRECTLY to the FOREHEAD!]
[Team] Burning Sensation.: ((LOLOL))
[The Legendary]Z. Fox: 3:444
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: TF over?
[The Legendary]Sweno: yup
[The Legendary]DarkSeraphim: yay
[The Legendary]Acyl: We could have been faster, but we had to go slowly due to the burning sensation.



Loved the Panzersoldat bits especially. The prawn... still figurin' it out.

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you!
Massively.com opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!



More Random Stuff:


Halloween Kahn TF

[Team] Terrence Knight: Reichsman! Trick or Treat!
[Team] Purrfect Archer: We demand candy!
[Team] Gehirngeist: i see no candy, Egg HIM!


while saving portal corp goons from DE

[NPC] Portal Corporation scientist: Peaches! Sourdough! Agate! Marine!
[Team] Star Ranger 4.0: Sabre? are we SURE these are the right people?


The three girl wave of death that is Justice Sabre and the Dusk sisters.

[Team] Justice Sabre: Good grief.
[Team] Justice Sabre: Did we just kill a purple boss in about ten seconds?
[Team] Dusksmiter: yep
[Team] Duskstriker: No.
[Team] Duskstriker: We just proved the efficiency of kinetic impact therapy. in 10 seconds.


[Ghost] I shall use you to slake my thirst... for vengeance!
[Ssgt. Shortimer] How about a nice Hawaiian punch instead?


Overheard on the Pocket D broadcast channel as Eva zoned in this afternoon:

Thorn Roseblood: ((There was this one guy. He wanted to be your friend, but then he died due to mysterious circumstances involving a knife, two baby unicorns and the great unclean one))


Posted on the forums by popular channel request. Going Rogue launch night, while standing in a remarkably crowded tutorial zone:

[The Legendary]Z. Fox: Holy Tutorial Zone 2!

[The Legendary]Acyl: Our tutorial who art on server, instanced be thy name.
[The Legendary]Acyl: Thy XP come, thy kills be done, on server as it was in beta.
[The Legendary]Acyl: Give us this launch, our daily play, forgive us our faceplants as we forgive those who PvP against us.
[The Legendary]Acyl: Bring us not to deletion, but deliver us from altitis.
[The Legendary]Acyl: For thine is the expansion, the players and the community, now and forever. Amen.

[The Legendary]Z. Fox: I don't know whether to appreciate the skill... or decry the desecration... (tilts hands back and forth*

[The Legendary]Acyl: *smirks*


Overheard in Nova Praetoria on Virtue:

[Local] XP2950: Well-rounded group looking for equally well-rounded individuals to stab/bash/shoot things. Bonus points if you like puppies and moustaches.


(While on a Loyalist Responsibility mission in Praetoria with a TPN Reporter in tow)

SASSINAK: *Thinking* Lovely - I have an "embedded reporter" on my mission with me. And he's annoying enough I'd like to tell him where he can "embed" his microphone... *


[Team] Star Ranger 4.0: so, now I think I shall park in a portal corp building and weep uppon my squishyness.
[Team] Star Ranger 4.0: how the heck does DS manage??
[Team] Gehirnrustung: Terr trained him.


Out of character last night, upon Princess Evangelia receiving the "Rift Traveler" badge at level 30 without yet having traveled the Rift:

[The Legendary] Terrence Knight: Bob's broken Praetoria.


My (former) Praetorian Sassinak did that mission recently where you wind up in an office building getting into the middle of a fight between Fir Bolg and Tuatha. After gunning down many alternating waves of Shaggy Monster and Pumpkinhead ambushes... the tide ebbs. And, still breathing hard, looking around for anything else spoiling for a fight, she sees nothing around her but broken, bleeding, moaning forms formerly trying to destroy each other - and then her. But no more seem to be interested in fighting.

Sassinak: "Anybody ELSE want to negotiate!?"




So... Is this working for you guys? You want more?

Edit: I'll post some more of these when I get some more feedback as to how well they're going over. Are you amused? Disturbed? Is it "too soon"? Or is it needed right now?

And hey! If you've got some of your own, feel free to post them! (Just try and keep them worksafe. I know there were bits in here that were borderline. I hope they were ok though!)



Well, I thought it was fun to read.

It also reminded me of some of the fun times I had in several global channels and/or teams, but I don't save the chat logs to bother posting.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Heh. and there was the time that severl of that same supergroup, (and related global channel) inspired me to write This:

Purrfect Mess, Sgt., P.P.D. Special Investigaions Division, knew the importance of the paperwork she was filling out. It was just that in her current mood she'd rather be doing just about anything else. Ivan, her pet Flytrap tried to cuddle up to her, either for her body heat or sensitive to her mood, but it was more of a distraction than a comfort at the moment, so she shoo'd him back under the sunlamp of her cubicle and tried, again, to finish the current report on her desk when *YET ANOTHER* interuption shattered her concentration.

"GYAAaAAAaaaAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" That would be her rookie noticing the present that had been left outside the precint house this morning. Mess pushed and leaned back in her office chair so she could glare at the younger officer past the edge of the cubicle divider.

Jeannette "GaravorNette", was starring in horror; Mess had to supress a chuckle at the sight of a 7 foot tall green skinned 'Nette freaking out at the sight of a shrub. To be fair, though, it wasn't exactly an ORDINARY shrub, but it wasn't exactly like it was about to spring to life the way Devouring Earth Blackroses did either. G'nette, catching the movement from the corner of her eyes, turned to Mess and stammered "PLEASE tell me thats one of yours, Sarge!?"

"Sorry Rookie, but I don't do Topiary, and even if I did I wouldn't dip it in chocolate. Oh, and it had a card with it..." Darn but it was hard not to break out in laughter at the expression on G'nette's face as she unfolded the metal sign and read it.

"Grendal luv G'nette" sighed the object of his affection. "Great. I bust the guy who deposed him and now the resurgent leader of the Trolls thinks I'm the smashiest thing since 'Dyne. AND he feels compelled to give me this, probobly because its so close to Valentines." The this in that last statement clearly referred to the object that had triggered the whole interuption in the first place.

It was a topiary shrub, shaped like a teddy bear, then dipped in chocolate. It was, in a very troll like way, almost logical. Gurlz luv flowerz. Shrub = flowerz. Flowerz look like teddy bear! Perfect! Don't gurlz like chocolate too? So, dip flowers in chocolate! Grendal Smartezt troll evar!!! Hur hur hur!!!!

"Fortunately for you, you can't keep it. It'd look to much like a bribe," Mess assured. "So, take it down to Trace, maybe they can find something to link him to something we can bust him for. They'll stick it in evidence and eventually we can just burn it with other siezed organic materials."

G'nette nodded, accepting both the suggestion and the evidence gloves that Mess handed her. G'nette gingerly picked up the pot of evidence, then damn near dropped it as PSI's Chief Medical Officer and Coroner Transfusionette came around the corner. The CMO looked at the shrub, then up at G'nette, then back to the shrub before engaging in a very Spock-like eyebrow lift.

"I need to see you once your... done with whatever it is your.... doing with that."

"Sure, T'nette!!! Geez, is it that time of the month again already??"

"Mm Hmm," agreed the CMO, and Mess could see her working down the same logic tree first Mess and then G'nette had before shaking her head and heading back the way she had came.

"Kay, I'll be there in a minute!" G'nette assured the retreating figure before heading off herself. Mess savored the sudden quiet, before gently pushing Ivan, who had started to try and cuddle up to her again, away and rolling her desk chair back to her paperwork.



(thought this one deserved it's own post too, come to think of it)

Are we not Men? We are DEVO!

DarkSeraphim: oh god, i just saw the worst thing in Ouro.
DarkSeraphim: some one devolved into a rikti monkey..... but the name is what hurt.
DarkSeraphim: Erotica
DarkSeraphim: a rikti monky... called Erotica....i need brain bleach.
OpMegs: Ah yes.
OpMegs: The wonders of Rikti Monkey Erotica
OpMegs: The genteel "SKREE- SKREEE!"s of the tropics.
Arachnos X: BRB
Arachnos X: need to kill myself
Corrupted Flame: hey, some people swing that way..
Atlantea: MY EYES! THE GOGGLES! They do NOTHING!!!
DarkSeraphim: OM.... that hurts my head on levels i didn't belive possible....
OpMegs: Gaze in wonder at the elaborately prepared blotch patterns on their saggy, misshapen bodies
Atlantea: *whimpers* I think I've lost multiple SAN points...
DarkSeraphim: power drill now!
Arachnos X: I could make it worse but I won't
OpMegs: Well, they're telekinetics, DS. Of course they would power drill.
DarkSeraphim: O_o
OpMegs: Up all five primary and secondary orifices.
Arachnos X: You can't hear it
Arachnos X: But I'm strangling the life from you in my head
DarkSeraphim: ditto
Atlantea: I need to edit my mental images. Anybody got a FORK?!?!
DarkSeraphim: *hands over two scaples and a small drill*
Corrupted Flame: OP - less chatter more bang bang :P
Atlantea: Thank you. *goes off to do elective brain surgery on self*
Terrence Knight: ...
DarkSeraphim: OM... your head scares me at times... and i'm a bloody Silent hill fan!
Terrence Knight: Dear god what have you people been talking about
DarkSeraphim: DON"T ASK!
OpMegs: Rikti Monkey Erotica
DarkSeraphim: GAH! *flials*
OpMegs: Purple Prose for the purple [REDACTED]
Terrence Knight: .........
Terrence Knight: I'm going to go say hi to my neighbour... and ask if I can borrow his gun to end my existance
Atlantea: OM? NOT!! HELPING!!
OpMegs: But it's funny watching them twitch!



Dark Seraph posts:

after saying nothing bad happens to me in the D, while leaving a Cape Show.

Nephilim Blade pager beeps. "geeeh, back to work i go."
Detra gives Nephilim Blade big squishy boobie hugz™!!!
Nephilim Blade flails.
Detra slaps a 'Detra wz here!' sticker on Nephilim Blade boobies!!!
Detra also gropes Nephilim Blade!!
Crystalis Clyphus glomps Nephilim!
Nepilim Blade O.O
me and my big mouth.



Seen as part of an Empathy Defender's Bio:

((The Healer's Commandments

1.) Thou shalt not forsake thy group, for thou art squishy on thine own.

2.) Thou shalt not ***** about death whilst thou art separated from thine healer, for it is thy own damn fault.

3.) Thou shalt not piss off thy healer, for thee maketh good Vengeance bait.

4.) Thou shalt accept all teleport requests once dead, for thy corpse is useful.

5.) Thou shalt not beg for heals or buffs, thou shalt get them when thou needeth them.))



"We will, We will, Stalk you.
Buddy, you're in Warburg, don't know why.
Say you want rockets, that ain't gonna fly.
You're built for PvE. Flagged PvP.
Gotta know my AS is gonna make you scream!
We will, We will, Stalk you."

--@Cybernetic Hobo (Playing Bleakstar)



From one WST Statesman's Task Force run....

Koi: Wow, I'm hardcapped.
*Black Scorpion one-shots Koi a split second later*
Koi: ....okay, I asked for that.



The Legendary has been a constant source of amusement for me over the past few years...

After the Romulus powerup cutscene....

[Team] Realpolitik: ((Romulus: Yes! Notice of the Nictus! PARTIAL FUZZY REVAMP SLOTTED! Booyah!)



On a Praet team...

[Team] Medical Unit Theta: Unit recognises Tunnel Rat as "Woobie"
Luna Fire-Speaker laughs
[Team] Medical Unit Theta: prepering warm blanket and bowl of soup.
[Team] Luna Fire-Speaker: hey, who wouldn't like that?
[Team] Medical Unit Theta: and comforting statments
[Team] Luna Fire-Speaker: Making me all emo here...
[Team] Medical Unit Theta: Sorry, this unit has only one action for emos.
[Team] Luna Fire-Speaker: What is it? Warm blankie?
[Team] Medical Unit Theta: Deploying Emo countermesuers.
Medical Unit Theta slaps luna up the back of the head. "Cheer up damn it!"
Luna Fire-Speaker is all o.0
Luna Fire-Speaker then cracks up laughing
M.U.T. dose not tolerate Emo's on her team :P



So awesome it deserves mention here. From the Praetorian Invasion:

[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: STOP!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WAIT ONE SECOND!
[Admin] Emperor Marcus Cole: WHAT IS A SEAGULL DOING ON MY THRONE!?!?
All Hail Null the Gull!



[League] Startracker Zero: ."Mot? Good evening. As a duly-designated representative of the Paragon City, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin, or to the next convenient parallel dimension."
[League] Star Ranger 4.0: ... And when he asks us if we're gods?
[League] HE-AT: Query: Are you a god?
[League] Street Sabre: Yes, actually
[League] Sachie Hanagawa: Yes.
[League] Evangelia: Well, yes, actually
[League] Startracker Zero: Well, we've passed THAT little snag. :P