Cupcakes? Cupcakes!




Okay, here's a bizarre idea I just had.

First off - let me acknowledge this is inspired directly off of one of the actions that the Mass Effect Hold the Line groups did. You probably remember it - the cupcakes that they sent to the Bioware offices? The ones of all the same flavor, and with the same flavor icing, just colored red blue and green, representing the 3 "cookie cutter choices" that they had specifically been promised in the lead up to ME3 that they would not be offered as the end of the game.

That was just genius. And in a way a kind of cruelly deft twist.

Well what I'm suggesting is not as ironic or cruel. It's more straightforward and up front and more of an appreciative gesture and a reminder that we are still here.

Commission or have made a series of cupcakes with the frosting shaped and colored in the designs of the various loyalty icons.

Hero. Villain. Vigilante. Rogue. Loyalty. Resistance.

And have them delivered to the NC Soft Norcal offices.

The intent would be to give them a nice treat. While at the same time remind them that we are here and we are organized.

If someone has a better idea than cupcakes, I'm all for it. But it's the first thing that came to my mind.

What do you say? Can we give it a try? Any local cupcake makers in the Bay Area that would do this?

I'm sorry I can't help out more than just throwing the idea out there. Maybe the guys at Titan can take it up and run with it?

If it works out I'll be more than happy to take credit for it, of course.

EDIT: *FACEPALM* I feel like an idiot for not thinking of this earlier.

Cookies would work just as well as cupcakes and you could probably make the designs more detailed and stand out a lot better with cookie toppings.

Anyway - same deal - any bakeries in that area that take orders and do deliveries?



Delivering to NCSoft Norcal is... unlikely to have a functional effect, although I bet Zwill and anyone else still in the building will cry through the frosting smeared over their mouths. Seriously, those sound delicious.

Delivering to the offices in Seattle might be a start. (Delivering them to the server hosting crews in Austin -- also not a bad idea, especially if we pack a few TB of digital storage in with each delivery and a sticky note saying "Can Has Archival Purposes?")

Delivering them to the Seoul offices would be most likely to have the most impact (so long as there were some nice expository notes as well), but we'd need a Korean-language speaker to tell us how to place the orders and to write the notes.



Wish I lived near any of those places, they would already have been bombarded with cakes/cookies/cupcakes with various game images because that is MY most creative outlet. Unfortunately I don't think we'd have much luck with where they need to be sent most in Korea...could be wrong though.

Black Dawn/Shattered Dawn
Chaos Legion



Well, we'd have to buy them from a local bakery that delivers. Hmm.



Cookies might be perhaps a better choice.

And yes, it should be the Seattle office. any NC offices in northern california would be more likely to directly be assoiciated with Paragon studios.

Still, its a crazy enough idea IT JUST MIGHT WORK... if enough had the money to try. For some reason I can almost see them not closing us down to prevent us from swamping them in baked goods / giving them diabetes / who knows what else!



Yeah - send them to the NCSoft offices.

Or send them to the server farm guys in Austin?

Why not send them to all three places?

WHY NOT send cookies to all 3 places?

Send them in batches of 100 in your favorite Faction Badge Design. OR 600 cookies, with 100 each in the design of Hero, Villian, Rogue, Vigilante, Loyalist, or Resistance.

Find a local bakery for each place to cook and deliver the order from.

Does anyone else like this plan?