389 -
i really think the [censored] is more in relation to my spinal tap quote rather then the spelling of colour!
don't have an ice toon, yet, am tempted now just for the zappa-ness of it!
ok... i'm going to be coming out big time with this post... so... here goes.....
RL i am a cross dresser. I do often experience some forms of biggotry in many forms... even on these boards... which i will come to...
I was the SG Leader presiding during the event Night Hornet spoke about. and i was shocked to say the least. the guy involved seemed mostly like an ok guy and classed him as a friend... though right when we first met he did question how, as a male RL i could play a female toon. I replied that as a seasoned P&P RPer i have no problem playing any gender of character and saw it as a challenge to play a character very different from my RL self. to which i got the responce "Oh, a ******!" I just laughed it off at the time and move on. after hearing his triade (which continued to me in PM after the event. i felt very disgusted that i could class this guy as a friend knowing, now, that if he knew the truth about me he would view me in exactly the same way.
Now, these views are not just limited to in game... i remember one of my first post way back when i first joined these forums there was a post in the suggestions thread asking for what we now know as the super tailor... e.g the ability to have different body shapes & heights for different cossie slots.... which was promptly shot down by many posters who didn't want the game to become "City of Trannies" this discussion also spilled over onto another suggestion post asking for mage type long robes for male toons.
Now though i don't think the CoX community as a whole shared these views, they did disuade me from posting for a very long time, hence my old (ish) creation date and low post count. I have never once thought about creating a "******" Toon in game and though i have already created my first super tailor specific toon, (young girl piloting a huge robot) and have an idea for another (male/female gestalt being)I still never will create one...
That being said, i don't think i would join a "******" SG if there was one avalible, not because i am not comfortable in myself, but because i come here for fun and don't want to have my fun spoiled by other small minded people. but if someone does want to create an L/G/B/T SG of any kind, i wish them all the best of luck and see no reason why they shouldn't be allowed to! -
hey... i'm not fussy... as the song goes...
"The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin" -
Hmmmmmm, you make a very valid point there... though, not noticed so much on defiant recently!
I've got to admit, although i started off choosing a starting zone based on character premiss, i now mostly start in atlas, as, apart from Warshades, i can't see the point in galaxy as a starter... atlas is easier to find your way around, and links directly to the next real zone to move to to do mishes... The hollows. oh, and galaxy has the respec guy that i've used once!
and on that note, sign me up for the Cheerleeders of doom
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Are you female or male? If you're male, you might find yourself restricted to base work - unless you're tiny enough to be a flyer
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am male and not tiny... and i can assure you i have no problem with being at the base of a human pyramid of the Cheerleeders of doom! -
I'm looking forward to that actually. We'll be the "night people", then the Americans can argue over our posts once we've all gone home for the day, then, once they're all in bed we can counter-argue with them again.
The boards will work on a Shifts system (except for GG, who doesn't seem to sleep).
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The poor little forum hamsters will never get any sleep!
I am Jack's complete lack of surprise.
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Is that like Jack in Irons?
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Is he surprised?
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Well, he was rather surprised last time I beat the [censored] out of him with my little Peacebringer...
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So it was you who has left him scared as a little baby!
There were four of us (all mid 30s) and we decdied, for a laugh, to see if we cuold take out Jack.
Now being a GM you would think he would laugh at us and smack us all dead and go on his merry way. BUT no! He decided to leg it whenever we attacked and ended up giving us a tour of the entire zone. We would have done it if he just stayed still, but I decided to relog as a 50 just to get the whole thing over and done with because he was annoying me so much!
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Mind, we did get him down to about 1/4 health first... and it took Soooooooooo long... -
No, your first guess was correct
You use the two types for different routines, depending on what effect you want.
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Errr... then i pick door B?
I dont know, i dont care, 1 head 2 head, 1 stick, big stick.
THEY ARE PINK! Pom poms of doom are pink.
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They're actually the color of the team you are cheering, or the color of the cheerleader squad if it's a separate thing.
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GG, ya missing the point here.. Pom Pom's may come in many different colours, but not Pom poms of doom! Pom poms of doom only come in pink!
and on that note, sign me up for the Cheerleeders of doom -
I think that all sounds great, and rather elementary,can't see why the Dev's didn't come up with it first! Good job!
its clearly done something right or it wouldn't be the monster that it is.
[/ QUOTE ]Yeah, it's called a well supported and relentless marketing campaign covering TV, internet and printed media. Only EvE rivals them on the internet marketing and almost matches them in the printed media, nobody matches them by having a TV advert.
You can bet that these days the most common first sight of an MMO is WoW.
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I fail to see how having a good marketing campaign is a bad thing? seems to be a very good decision but i suspect there's more to WoW success than simple marketing
[/ QUOTE ]I didn't say it was a bad thing. I'd be overjoyed if CoX had half the coverage WoW does. But it doesn't, that's why WoW is a "monster" and CoX is an also ran. Even the likes of the BBC use WoW screenshots for generic MMO news articles. In the mainstream printed PC games media it's rare for an issue not to have something on or about WoW (at least one full page advert is a guarantee regardless), when was the last time you saw a CoX advert or an article that wasn't about a new issue release? Have you ever seen a CoX advertising banner on a website?
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don't buy PC mags often, but the last time i saw CoH in a pc mag, was just before christmas 2007 in PC Zone. had the DVD edition box as a free gift and a back page not exactly glowing mini review to accompany it. that's what finally got me into MMO's, well, monthly subed ones at least... had played GW and a few other free ones i found online, crystal blue (Or some such) and a few others. i did try out FFXI but got uber bored with it after just over a month. I'd heard about CoH years before and ws interested but was turned off by the subs (1. couldn't afford them back then, 2. why should i buy a game that i have to keep paying to play that may not be around in a coupkle of years time?) so tried to console myself with Frredom Force, that seemed to offer the same amount of customization of CoH... sadly, it was far from it... the gits! Nice power customisation... but cossies? Bah! When i finally could afford the subs, and come to terms with paying them, i couldn't find it anywhere in the shops. thus when browsing the magazine racks in a local WH Smiths and saw CoH on the cover... i snapped it up quite sharpish!
I played through my free period and towards the end was getting a little anoyed that a lot of the cossie pieces i saw others using that i didn't have were from the CoV or GvE editions... i sought it out and bought it... and i have never looked back since and i am going to be here till they finally switch the servers off because i am the only person running round PC/RI! -
Yeah - she's just there as decoration, because Pocket D isn't a regular XP environment, there's no need for a trainer.
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not a REGULAR xp enviroment, no, but come the winter event it can be annoying zoning back and forth to lvl! -
whole heartedly agree with everything in that list!
hehe, very nice... though, i notice it's owned by a villian... so likely to end up on the BM for 10bil inf!!
The truth is, you don't buy a great, ugly looking, old game when there's a shiny new one out there.
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Far from true! I have bough many "old" games in favour of some newer "all graphics and no gameplay" games. As some people have said, shiney graphics does not a good game make... yes, nice graphics can enhance a good game greatly, but if the other elements are lacking then it is just dire. some of my favourite all time games are on the SNES, final fantasy VI and chrono trigger to name but 2, both of which later got a re-release on the PSX, (And CT recently on the DS) and with the exception of a few nice looking cut scenes to please the 10 second attention span generation players, largely remained untouched. (CT did get an optional extra final dungeon on the DS, but nothing else)
I frequently trawl through the pre-owned sections of game and gamestation, as well as a few others for games i missed out on when they were first released, mainly because they appeal to me more then a lot of the new titles coming out. and about the only new game i have bought recently was fallout 3, which i didn't buy for the graphic, which, although nice, paled in comparison to the the open world, free roaming gamplay where decissions you make though the course of your adventure effect the game world around you.
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Now that was taking a quote out of its context! ...rather big time!
...stuff like that makes me give up trying to get my point out and I go say silly stuff like: If you like doom, then play doom. 99.9% will buy the new shiny FPS, but you go ahead and play doom all alone! It's d0000m time again! ...or you could go play the MA once they've nerfed it back to useless with the other 3 ppl still using it.
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No, i don't think i was taking it out of context... you were makking the point that people don't choose to buy old games they have never played over the newer big releases, and i am saying i have done so very often... being of a limited disposable income i often dont get to buy games when they are first released... there are still games that are 5+ years old that i would like to try out that i would rather spend my money on than a lot of releases from the last 3 months! -
XCOM: Terror From the Deep, Enemy Unknown & Apocalypse (all available on Steam).
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Oooooo, it is??? Is it one of their free games or do you have to pay? SAnd if so, how much??? Loved those games!!!
The truth is, you don't buy a great, ugly looking, old game when there's a shiny new one out there.
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Far from true! I have bough many "old" games in favour of some newer "all graphics and no gameplay" games. As some people have said, shiney graphics does not a good game make... yes, nice graphics can enhance a good game greatly, but if the other elements are lacking then it is just dire. some of my favourite all time games are on the SNES, final fantasy VI and chrono trigger to name but 2, both of which later got a re-release on the PSX, (And CT recently on the DS) and with the exception of a few nice looking cut scenes to please the 10 second attention span generation players, largely remained untouched. (CT did get an optional extra final dungeon on the DS, but nothing else)
I frequently trawl through the pre-owned sections of game and gamestation, as well as a few others for games i missed out on when they were first released, mainly because they appeal to me more then a lot of the new titles coming out. and about the only new game i have bought recently was fallout 3, which i didn't buy for the graphic, which, although nice, paled in comparison to the the open world, free roaming gamplay where decissions you make though the course of your adventure effect the game world around you. -
GG, as far as I can tell, you are the only person talking about that.
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er... actually, Croesis is the first person that mentioned being able to cancel buffs, and Zortel has spoken about it too, all GG is saying is to make it an option at casting, like with MF, instead of a cancel option like the others have said! -
Hhmmmmm, I'm liking all these ideas, so thought I'd throw in one or 2 of my own.
I like the idea of zone events not just disapearing wether the payers do anything or not. I also like the escualting events.
The way I see this could be impemented is say, take the arson event in steel, the hellions arent stopped? well the spawns get bigger and they attack more buildings, still not stopped, well things get worse, npc contacts start diassapearing from the streets, npc stores get attacked and close. If things progress to the whole zone being shut, well, they just move onto the next zone, atlas and indie port, and start torching the buildings in that zone.
The same sort of things could happen with different mobs in many zones. Croatoa, jack and echoli fight eachother, the winning GM then leads their faction to control the zone (unless the heros stop them) Then mover onto the next zone (ok, would have to be a random green line station stop, but you get the idea) Supa trolls let uncombatted in skyway take over the zone, then move to the next zone etc. Could make things interesting when 2 rampaging faction meet in a zone too!
I think an appropriate phrase to illustrate this idea is "Evil thrives when good men (and women) do nothing." and no need to add in extra rewards here either, because the reward for stopping thr rampage is the access you your contacts, stores, WW's, Icon etc. -
Upstairs in the VIP lounge.
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Thank you! I will have to remember that, no more 'death runs' through Steel from the Yellow Line on my low end toons
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TA mate, though this is a moot point now... the base TP drops you out near the green line station... much easier trip! -
What's the final step "Register" for?
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I'm sure you've already realised this GG, but I'd say as an educated guess that the "Register" tab is the superhero Registration tab... AKA I.D as is now! -
had the same thing happen to me a while back, but sadly can't remember how i got the main menu restored. but have noticed latly ui elements disapearing ar random... eg, logging in or zoning and the target and/or nav windows being off... highly annoying!
i also have piston boots on my fire/mind blaster, bright red boots (blue secondary, but dont' show up much on the boots that i remember) and can't remember seeing any effect on them either, which i was kinda disapointed at as they were chosen for themeatic reasons!
Been running a GeForce 9800GT OCX on XP for a couple of months now, and has been doing everything perfectly and has made me glad upgrading from the 7400GS i was running before. oh the shineiness was refreshing to see... but since this last update I, like many i have heard from who have been using a mix of nvidia and ati cards, have been exsperiencing many graphical glitches/lagginess then ever before. such as my archery blasters attacks hitting before the attack animation has completed, mobs sliding (or flying if been hit with a KB power) off in clompletely random directions then snapping back to where they should be (Even rescued allied on some maps have done it, and the marker on the map scren has indicated the odd slide too sliding off into the blackness of the solid rock, also some attacks just not animating at all.
Oh, and my driver version is 181.20