389 -
I've never really had much of a problem with weapon redraw as a whole. I see why it it happens both from a programming and a aestetic point of view. I could live with it with only mild annoyance now and then.
But then, recently I rolled a random toon recently for an SG "Challenge" team and the powersets chosen for my toon, though working great together so far have really annoyed me, the primary and secondary cause redraw which makes absolutely zero sence to me at all...
I refer to the blaster secondary, Mental Manipulation. My toon is an AR/MM blaster and it just looks silly to me that she has to put her rifle away to attack someone with the power of her mind! Now I know it'd probably mean a fair bit of work, but I think this set needs a whole new set of animations. There are no punches or kicks that require the use of hands and/or feet so why the need for animations that require the weapons to me "put away" to work? So rather than doing a bunch of alternate animations like has been suggested by others in this thread, hope about a set of anims that can work equally as well for both armed and elemental blaster? -
Quote:I too have had little trouble comming up with (what I concider) good names over the years. Admitedly I'm an EU layer on an EU server, but even when the boards were seperated and we still had these sort of discussions over there, so it's nothing new and still have the same complaints.Pfft, shows what you know! He's a Villain! So there!
Nah its a habit of mine to do words like that, but still, Drive-By and Driveby were both available, thanks to my (albiet odd) case of OCD I capitalized the B in By so there yah have it.
Now I only wish he had a car...
As for other toons, I have a few namesake ones like my Warshade named Stygian Renegade and Gibbering Lunatic (always complaining about being trapped in the sewer and the rats that ate his legs) Good names hard to come by? Nahhh... Give me a ring, tell me yer Architype (mebby Origin too if you think that will help) Powersets and perhaps a screenie of your costume and I'll give you a name that fits and sounds at least remotely cool and unique
I'm a professional, trust me o.O
I can see both sides of the arguement, which is why I offered up a suggestion earlier in the tread which could have kept both sides happy. Sadly it didn't seem to go down too well. Oh well. But when I create a toon I always start with concept, and maybe even a basis for a bio before I even choose an AT or powerset, let alone a name. Usually I get a feel for the name from the concept, then as i choose AT and power sets the name starts to take shape in my head. Some examples of my toons, past and present, are as follows...
1: Tess Trueshot, an extreme range archery sniper
2: Psi Fire, a sci-fi geek who after being kidnaped by a villian named THe Blazing Bolt learns she has pyschic powers, defeats the villian and takes his armoured suit and fire weapons systems and customises them for herself (thus making her technically a dual origin character :-) )
3: Loita & Lina Lethal, genetic clone twins that escaped from a test lab where they were being "matured" and implanted to be the pefect asassins but were seperated during their escape, one ending up in paragon city the other in the rouge isles.
4: Nowucimi Nowudont, a stage magician that discovers he posseses real magic.
5: Perfect Pitch, a mutant girl with vocal chords that cannot be used for human speach, but can be used, among other things, to duplicate any musical instument she has ever heard.
I could carry this list on for ages with my other toons, like Terror Poser Blondi (spider), Dread Visage (WS), Primary Star (PB), Pretty Hate Machine (bots MM), Trouble Seeker, Kid Ego, Sergeant Psyche, Microwave Girl (SG in joke) N'Jahl Stormcaller, A Cold Spell, Aspen Darksfire, Kunoichi Jounin Kai, etc. None of those names were set in stone and some were not even first choice names, but they are names that fit and work perfectly for the character.
Comming up with a name then working everything else to fit the name to me just seems odd to me, especially with how long I usually take making a character. The name is usually the icing on the cake rather than the cake itself for me. The name finishes off the concept, the concept isn't made to fit the name. -
Quote:To my knowledge at least 2 of your reported bugs are not bugs at all. I believe that only the first (extra) cossie slot can be the official arachnos uniform slot and has been since day one of VEAT's, which is why VEATS get 6 slots instead of the standard 5. And the Crabspider back pack is probably tied into taking the crab spider build, as build and and costumes are completely seperate. The pack needs to be there on the cossie for the powers to animate. It's like taking an MM, the MM's weapons is set at creation and is always there (though invisible unless drawn) weather the MM takes the personal attacks or not.I logged three bugs months ago (via the online reporting system) that have not been address. One is the crab pack appearing on every slot of a dual build toon, the other is that applying the predefined insect armour to a crab spider results in the entire costume changing to plain when accepted. The third is that only the first costume slot can have the widow or spider pieces (as appropraite).
Over the years (4) I have logged a number of bug reports for different bits of the game and none of them have ever been fixed.
As to your other one, not a clue, though I don't think it is tied purely to CB's as i have had similar issues in the past with standard AT's cossies not sticking! But that cleared up a while ago.
Just because something happens in a way you don't like doesn't make it a bug. I don't like how the prestige power slide power run anim takes presidence over the ninja run anim, which means i'm gonna have to buy another +stealth IO to slot in a different sprint so i can run sprint and NR at the same time (or do a full respec just to change one slot). But it seems that that is WAI so i just have to live with it. -
Quote:I did a hulk pun a while back for an SG cossie/concept competition o nthe theme of "Failed comic book heroes" Name was Miserable Sulk and was a big blue wp/ss tank. Only leveled him to the late teams purely to get the concept powers for the comp. Came second if i remember, to Iron Maiden, who's concept was Margaret Thatcher in a red and gold armourded battle suit that she built in her basement as a pet project after she stopped being PM! (and yes, i'm an EU player!)Hulk puns are great. I have an Ice/Energy Tank named the Depressable Sulk. Had a Stone Tank named the Incontinent Bulk, but my friends in the SG refused to be seen with me, so I deleted him...
Though I guess that frees up a name for the OP, eh?
Oh, and as far as creative names go, one of my newest toons is a magic WP/ice tank that I rolled using my own random dice method following a discussion on these boards. The idea I came up for him after his random AT, origin, powersets and cossie were rolled for was he was a technomancer that that had an magical accident that fused the upper half of his body with liquid nitrogen while experimenting with super conductors for a technomagic device. It nearly killed him, but was saved by a fellow technomance who sealed his upper body in a metal armoured suit that now keeps him alive. the name i came up with to go with this toon, A Cold Spell, was amased it was free. And it makes for some interesting NPC chatter. Just beat Frostie and not 5 minutes later a passing ped says "I heard frostfires was beaten by A Cold Spell", or something very close to that at least! :-) -
So, sre you seriously asking that all those that aren't involved with bug fixing or code fixes sit around on their hands until every single last bug in the game is fixed?
Well, about 8 months ago I upgraded for a 7600 of some description to a BFG 9800GT OCX, and I couldn't believe how nice and shiney the game looked with the settings maxed out. Have been running that ever since without a problem. But then, if money is no object for you, I'm sure a GTX 260 would be even better!
Loving the new booster pack, cossie peices looks great, and parts will no doubt get used all over the place on my toons, the new weapons look lovely, the CCE's are fantastic and the emotes are wonderfull. Then there is the Ninja Run power, purly awesome.
But have noticed a few issues...
1) As someone else stated, with weapons drawn the new CCE's don't play and cause a 5 second-ish delay in the cossie changing.
2) Prestige Power Slide + Ninja Run is very odd, Idle stance and jumping anmis look fine, but for running the slide anim take precidence, not sure if this is WAI or not.
3) Though no-one on Defiant Events could verify this, if I jump with NR on and am moving forwards then quickly switch to moving in any other direction before the flip anim the start of the flip sound effect plays in a loop till the flip occurs. Another way I've found to dupicate this on my system with a 98% success rate is to stand still, jump then quickly double tap forward, or forward then any other direction. Now, this could be an odd intereaction with my sound card, but being a high end card (Creative X-fi XtremeGamer "Fatal1ty" Pro) it shouldn't be as I'm running the sound settings at max.
But other than that Great job guys! :-) -
Ok, read the first page of this thread, and flicked though the rest, and I can see both sides, Had come up with a few names in the past that were already gone, but yes, That other games name@global is distracting.
But i think i can see a solution that isn't emersion breaking...
Secret identity/civilian names. At creation you have a box for both the hero we have now, and a box for a civilian name or secret identity. As long as the pairing is unique it is allowed. Player names in game have an extra line like the badge and title lines above the toons head with their secret identity. In team roster, if there are multiple name the UI and add the secret ID underneath in smaller lettering.
The only remaining thing to figure out is how to handle "Green Lantern (Hal Jorden)" and Green Lantern (Guy Gardener)" you handle in local/team/broadcast/SG/etc chat windows. But I'm sure given some thought a solution to that will appear. The best that i can think of right now is having a dual box input for civilian name, "first/solo" and "surname" and having chat labled for our 2 green lanterns as Green Lantern (Hal) and Green Lantern (guy) or something similar.
Oh course, it would need to work for those toons who's hero name is their civilian name too, so a Sonja Blade could have the civilian name Sonja Blade but still obeying the unique paring rule.
OK, so the idea could use a little work, but hey, it's a start to a solution to the problem, isn't it? -
Quote:I gotta agree here, just discovered that DDO is now free yesterday morning so got an account and installed, had a fun time, though only got to half way through L2 with my first character so far, but it's looking fairly promising. And being that I used to play the P&P game I'm fair familier with the game mechanics so was dead easy to just pick up and play.Dungeons and Dragons Online.
Free to Play
Based on the Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 rules
Fun quests with surprisingly intelligent enemies (foes who run to another room to summon help or ring an alarm gong to call for reinforcements)
Quick and fun missions - no endless grind!
The story isn't half bad (as far as MMO plots go)
Nice touches like puzzles to solve in some dungeons (I love the puzzles)
Good for solo or a team.
Adventure Regions aren't huge (but big enough to facilitate exploration) with an easy "recall" option to return to the city instantly, so no big time sinks for travel.
Did I mention it's FREE?
Got to be the best fantasy MMO out there right now.
My second choice is Guild Wars.
Instanced missions and wilderness zones mean no kill/loot stealing and has a nice ballance between solo and team play. Does support micro payment for "Better gear", Character slots (only get 2 on a free account) and the like, and a vip/subscription account so is open to however you wanna play. -
finally done it, hit 601 after a hess TF with the TF badge and gladiator badge! :-) and when i log in in the morning it'll be 603 thanx to shop keeper and...er... i forgot the name of the accolade, but the shops and WW's one! :-)
Use Dice, roll a D8 for AT (reroll an 8) and a D6 for origin. Then roll an apropriate die for the primary and secondary power sets (at the number of choices vary from AT to AT). And there you hsve your random toon, done it a few times myself!
Safeguard badges - Ignoring the group in the lobby and taking out the vault group before they breach the vault prevents the timer from starting, giving you all the time in the world to get that exploration badge and sides badges. (not sure if there as a similar thing for mayhems)
Low lvl "hidden" mobs on high lvl characters - If you have out leveled certain mobs like magma lord and corolax that only pop out when aggroed, get a team with a toon in their level to run ahead of you and just pick them off when they come out. -
Quote:I love this idea, I really do, and i can see a way of making it work too, but it will never happen! Why?Suppose that somehow a point-based mechanic, as used in pen-and-paper systems, was added to the game. You can now add attributes to your characters based on their backstories and personalities, but every bonus has to be balanced out by an equal penalty. For example:
1.) My Elec/Energy blaster, Recharged, was killed in his previous hero identity and resurrected by a bolt of lightning striking his grave. Having been dead, he doesn't find much that frightens him anymore (+Fear Protection, making him harder to fear). However, he's not the brightest, and it's pretty easy to get into his head and screw around with his perceptions (-Confuse Resistance, making them last longer).
2.) My Archery/Devices blaster, the Unblinking Watchman, is basically Batman, if he were a 16-year-old sci-fi nerd. His archnemesis, the Divine Rogue, wields fire stolen from the gods; as such, he's woven flame-retardant material into his trenchcoat (+Fire Defense). But he's just a kid in a trenchcoat, and on a teenager's allowance, he can't afford any real protection (-Smashing/Lethal Resistance).
3.) My Energy/Energy brute, Vis Vires, is a mutant, capable of manipulating energy fields into shielding and to enhance his punches. However, he is insane, convinced that he is an avenging angel, smiting those who use their powers incorrectly (by protecting the weak, instead of oppressing them). The more righteous he feels, the more power he gains, manipulating energy more and more masterfully (as his Fury builds, he gains some Smashing/Lethal Defense as well as damage). But when confronted with his true nature, his powers shut down entirely, and his mind breaks (-Psi resistance, when feared he receives a massive -Defense and -Damage).
So, suppose this system existed. What would your characters get?
The advantage and disadvantage system was used by the Hero System games, one particular Hero System game has recently just been turned into a certain other super hero MMO. Also, the makers of that other game couldn't balance that kinda of system in their game.
I don't know why though, it's simple to balance, for each point of advantage you spens 1 point, and gain one point for eace disadvantage. You start with no points, so to gain an advantage you must first take a disadvantage. But as I said, I seriously doubt it'll ever happen due to that other game. -
Quote:Hey, snap... I recently created the younger sister of my main toon (energy/energy blaster) Who is a FF/energy defender with pink bubbles instead of the dark yellow of her older brother. For both toons the powers are manifest through a mix of over abundant bio-kinetic energy that their "mutant" Bodys produce mixed with latent psionic abilities. There are no rules for what those things should look like, so his were coloured to match his glowing yellow, tendral aura, eyes colour, and pink just fell in on her costume as I created it, so I let the powers follow suit and will add the aura as soon as I unlock it with her.I have pink forcefields because... well, they're forcefields. Whos to say what colour they're supposed to turn out? Besides, the character who wields them has a penchant for pink fashion, so it works on there too!
I do like to associate power colours with the chararcter though, either with their personality, as in Little Jenny's case, or the source of their energy (Like sinister red storm summonings). For me it has to make some kind of logical sense to be a certain colour (or little colour at all in the case of my regen) since ultimately the power customisation is an extension of who they are.
I give it a week before we start seeing Jar Jar Binx as a player character somewhere in Atlas Park... -
Quote:I've seen a couple zombie invasions since i16 on Victory. My understanding is that turning in Halloween salvage, at any time, has a CHANCE to trigger an invasion. Last I heard, it was being estimated at a 20% chance.
Had a zombie invasion waiting for us after exiting a mission in the hollows just 2 days ago. -
Quote:Filed a bug report for this a few days ago. Now, don't particularly mind the language myself but know some people, for various reasons do.I've noticed a bug with the filter on (I'm sorry, but I dont care if you people don't care about this, I personally dont like to hear swearing in this game).
Even though I have the filter ON, I still see the words in the bubbles, and personally I dont like to see the F word so often, or any other word. Yet the word in censored in the box where it shows the words. This isnt a very affective filter, if you ask me.
I know, I know, "WELL GROW UP AND START SWEARING!", I don't swear, people, and I never will. I'd just like this bug to be known, and fixed. The point of a FILTER, is to FILTER out the words that people don't want/want their kids to see. -
Quote:If you were in a super secret closed beta, you aren't now as you just broke the NDA of all closed betasI'm actually in the super-secret i17 double-closed beta and I can give you some details about what's coming in i17.
Quote:i17 will be preparing for the new Going Rogue setting, and as such will be introducing 5 new classes. One of them was hinted at in a previous interview, the Spy. Here are the new classes and a brief overview:
Spy: Assault/Defense. Similar to Stalkers, but have Assault as a primary so that they can fight at range or in melee. They have some elemental choices but also do martial arts and things. Their hybrid assault sets tend to have things like pistols and knives. They also have an assassin ability which is a backstab.
Quote:Soldier: Ranged/Defense. These are sort of like Blasters in a way. They're high damage dealers on the grayside, but also come with some self-defense options. One of their available sets is a rocket launcher which can critical hit.
Quote:Engineer: Summon/Ranged. Similar to MMs, but a lot of the engineer pets are stationary so you have to be careful how to use them. You do have some ranged attacks to fall back on but your primary use is making sure you have pets going. They can however build teleporters to make sure people can get in and out of combat easily.
Quote:Medic: Buff/Buff. Since the devs have noticed how popular "healers" are and how often people ask for them, they went for a pure support class that can make sure people get all the healing they need. As such grayside only has one support class, but it's very useful. They can do things like heal people and even make them invincible for a short time.
Quote:The other one they're working on is still in progress but they're thinking it'll be a tank-based class that has ranged attacks.
Sorry if I've missed some sort of joke here, but just reads like a personal wish list to me! -
Hmmmmm, fair enough... though it does seem to me this particular feature could prove to be open to abuse... guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Now, I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth usually and I'm not sure if this is a bug or working as intended but....
I'm on my elec/kin Corr on union and decided to do the ouro intro arc as I've never done it with a vill yet. I do Meder Lazurus' mish fine them more onto the Mender Tesseract mish and find myself in the Zig Breakout map scalled to L1 as I expected... only my avalible powers are Lightning Bolt, Ball Lightning, Transfusion, syphon power and assault... EG, my power picks up to L6.
Now obviously this is a result of of the SSK scripting kicking in and treating me as though I'm exemping down to the mish lvl with my powers +5 lvl's. Made the mish a breeze, but surely this isn't as intended as now the badge mishes and challenge mishes are going to be so much easier to do now! -
I've had this happen once that I've noticed. On test a week or so ago I logged in at Pocket D. Went to the tailor and played around with powers. Once out
I fired off nova to see if it looked ok out of the cossie creator then called up an ouro portal and zoned. When I arrived in Ouro I was choking. No buffs of any kind were active on my toon either from myself or outside sources.
I have tried a few times to replicate both on test and live and nothing. -
Quote:Hmmmmm, don't know if this is related or not, but was running this arc with my SG this week on a mixed team (5 heroes and a stalker). We got right to the end of the missionwhen the enemies started to turn to being untargetable by heros. Then we noticed that they were only attacking the stalker. Other mobs in the room were still flagged as enemies and i pulled a lone straggler over and as soon as he got in range of one of the outer atackers on the stalker was attacked and killed by them. this carried on a while with us just buffing and healing the stalker and as the "Ally" Groups started retraeting now and again one seemed to come in contact with the still ememy flagged mob and slowly they too switched sides and liled on even more against the stalker.I'm in the midst of running Gaussian's "The Red and Black" arc through Ouroborus. While running the "Raid Hidden Longbow data center" mission the Security Squad leaders group shows up as allies instead of ambushes after I've clicked on the glowies. I logged in and out of the game twice resetting the mission and had the same results all three times I ran the mission.
We had already completed the mish at this point, but the mobs that changed first were targetable at first and just seemed to change suddenly as the one i had targeted was nearly dead when he switched.
Oh, and this was run from RWZ not ouro!