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  1. Squirrel_Mark1

    ART vs. XP

    WOOOHOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <^_^> I GOT LEVEL 50!!!! >.>


    <^_^> <dancedancedance> >,> <,<

    Sorry <'x'> I'm just quite excited hehe; 2 *years* it took me! <,<

    Granted, I restarted the character innumerable times... but still! >,<!

    <. .>m I shall get back to my art post-haste on monday...

    but for now... it is squid time! <>_<>;

    (I figured this was the best place to put this <,< given the matter of the thread and that I really like the people here >.> pardon my partying!)
  2. Squirrel_Mark1

    ART vs. XP

    Guardian ft... something? <,< I dunno.

    I have alts on Virtue, Pinnacle, Protector and well... everything really <,< the ones I've named are the filled ones.
  3. Squirrel_Mark1

    ART vs. XP

    [ QUOTE ]
    Well now, I suppose you all got the same e-mail I did. he one talking about this being a double xp weekend.

    Juggertha has been at lvl 46 for quite a long time and I'm considering taking this weekend off the art and trying to level him a bit.

    Naughty Nadya , Feral Kat, and anyone else I have on my list... fear not. I'm now trying to finish up some of my projects on the weekdays! Man, maybe I should just take some time off work. lol

    So, anyone else going to abandon this forum and actually play?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I've been staying off of CoH most of this week in preperation <,< I don't plan to get alot of sleep this weekend. Time to get my first 50!

    Been working on a project the whole time too; so I guess i'm allowed the weekend off after a week of work right? <,<
  4. Squirrel_Mark1

    How long?

    Answers the question perfectly Greymist <~.~>m

    I know there's not really a "should"; I guess its just a matter of getting my heart to realize that I don't have to be done right away. Its the same way in alot of things... the brain *knows* that X is true in a factual sense; but you don't *feel* it for some reason. <x,x>
  5. Squirrel_Mark1

    How long?

    That's a good idea PMD; hadn't given much thought to going back to sketches on and off; but it seems logical enough. It's hard for me to figure out what direction to move in half the time hehe.

    I'm definitely moving too fast then... my few 'finished' works have been 3-4 hours total. Maybe I should try just doing a couple hours a day instead of all at once; right now I just sit down and don't stop till I'm just about finished; I may come back and finish the next day; but that's usually it.

    Thanks for the help everyone; sorry for asking such odd questions.
  6. Squirrel_Mark1

    How long?

    An unusual question that I know will get a huge variety of answers... but I'm curious - for a good finished piece of art; including color and shading; how long on average should it be taking?

    several hours? Days? Months?

    I'm wondering because I'm realizing something in my own work - even though I'm trying not to; I'm still rushing it. I feel like I "have" to get done right away even when I'm not on a deadline of any sort whatsoever. So to help my psychology; what should I be aiming for? Finished work every day? Every other day? every 2 weeks? month?

    Just curious what you all think.


    Actually, I'm afraid due to RL reasons I won't be finishing my list anytime soon. I may still do some of these - I really *want* to; but things have taken yet another turn for the worse so yeah, doubt we'll see any art from me for awhile.

    I wanted to appologize to everyone still waiting; very sorry to let you all down.
  8. Actually, I only just started up on Deviantart... but... I put everything in Scraps <_ _> after seeing everything there I wasn't confident enough to put it in Deviations; so I don't suspect I'll be getting any hits lol
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Welp, speaking as one of ... well I will only speak for myself, I will be thoroughly enjoying the extra exp as I can not attend Comic Con.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Me too <,<

    Maybe thats the idea? <'x'> Its to make up for us losers incapable of going! <,< mwahahahahaaa... err...


    (I should hit 50 next weekend <^,^> YAY! /first50in2years~)
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I believe it stems from fantasy MMORPGs (or MUDs even) when a player's weapon would be reduced in effectiveness in an effort to balance the game.

    It comes from the phrase "You turned my sword into a nerf bat".

    Thus "nerfing" something became synonymous with making something weaker.

    "Hit with the nerf bat" is a derivitive, but still sees its origin in the original 'sword' phrase, and can be applied to systems outside of the normal weapon and loot ones.

    Personally, I hate the word, and try never to use it when talking about the game to players. It carries a very negative stigma that I like to avoid whenever possible.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I can pretty much confirm your understanding of the origin of the term. Back when I played EQ, one of the cartoons that used to circulate on the web involved a picture of a warrior, dressed up as a clown with a balloon animal in one hand and a foam sword <,<

    "So, they finally got around to nerfing warriors eh?" (The irony was, a druid, a rather over-powered class at the time; was clapping him on the shoulder laughing. >.&gt

    Just felt like saying that. I'm 22 but I've played MMOs so long lol <;.;> I feel like an old timer.
  11. I like your States quite a bit... and the Posi is somehow... cute... <o.O> I can't explain it.

    Your first picture; the lips kinda bother me a bit... I'm wondering; have you considered going with the "line" lip? (Ie: you draw the outline of the upper part of the lower lip, and maybe a bit under it; but don't draw the lips as a whole)?

    Its just a thought; there are plenty of ways to do full lips >.> I've always sucked at them though; so thats what I do.

    Overall you've got a pretty good start <^,^> keep posting.
  12. I rather like that... the coloring is really unique <o.O>m His face also is very strong; and uniquely comicky! Coolness. I'm trying to find something to critique... uhh... lined paper? >.> there! I found theone bad thing! <,<

    *edit* Actually - the eyes seem a bit non-existant... like the whites are there, but not the pupils. I could be missing it though >.>

    Nonthless, I love the pic! Good stuff!
  13. Ack <;.;> that sucks Foo. About the thread I mean.
  14. <^o^> lol, <o_O> my typiness messed up!

    <. .> Yarr...

    <runs to the store>
  15. ... seems... disturbingly normal for the Rogue Isles... <;.;> eep... <feels less safe>
  16. Is that what they're calling it now? <,<

    (I love this board <;.;>b)
  17. Love it so far! <^.^> I will suggest one thing though... her right leg (the one farthest left); looks... unusual somehow... like its not aligned quite properly... I could be seeing it wrong though.

    Otherwise though it looks quite good <@.@>b Rawr!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Drawing TA is better for their business though!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Better then drawing a hot Witch? Pffft. You jest sir!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well... ya know... TA's already been in 'that' kind of pic... <^.~> maybe Hex needs shock therapy?

    (JK JK >,< sorry!)
  19. Squirrel_Mark1

    Pep art trade?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks celsia, thats makes a wacom tablet even more tempting.

    Aaron, Im not completely sure, but Im thinkin it could help me color stuff.

    And to Graver, I hope you're satisfied. I sacrificed what was left of my sanity to make more scales on my Dragonberry skethc!!!!mwahahahahaha .
    And I did use my eraser to make the highlights. I told you my erasing skilz were elite! I can erase anything.Even watercolor. Go ahead. Draw Pep in watercolor and send it to me, I'll erase it.

    -Pep *currently being fitted for a straightjacket*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Pep that's wonderful! <O.O> I know it's alot of work but seriously; nice freaking job! <>,<>!
  20. <;.;> TA is adorable... <runs out and buys TA a big soft teddybear; with rubberized mitts>

    <T_T> <3 so cute! <attempts to add pink bow>

    (<,< we love ya TA <'x'> I don't think this'd happen to anyone who wasn't well loved eh?)
  21. Star these are great <,< Forumquarian ftw!
  22. Mouse... and thats odd <;.;> my brush opacity is also 100% I definitely must have something set funny... I tried setting layer opacity, brush opacity, turning on and off "wet edges"; every different type of brush mode and shape <~.~> both paintbrush and airbrush

    **Edit** Thanks a ton everyone; for trying to help me with this; I really appreciate it <_ _> It sucks not knowing what I'm doing wrong; cause I'm enjoying coloring stuff for a change and I know I could do better if I could figure this out.
  23. Well... I've been messing with Layer Opacity all afternoon... and... nadda... its still doing it <_ _>; gah
  24. Layer opacity... didn't see that >.> I shall give it a shot; airbrush is a tool for me; seperate from paintbrush; am I missing something there? <~.~> (Thanks for the help >.<; this is slightly frustrating hehe <;.;&gt