Star's Art Chasm! *sketchdump*
Heh. Like the last one.
lol really like the aquarium one.
I like the aquarium, very unique and creative!
*gives Star a ten* Said it a bunch of times but all those are awesome. Heh, super powered fish bowl.
Arcaine, Penumbra-Edge, Penumbra Edge, Paragons Scrap, Umbral Assassin, Repulse Shock, Clopin, Dynamo Charge, Storm Jammer, Deceptive Fallout
Teen Squadron ftw
Arc's a Deviant!
omg can you turn me into a fish please!!
i like the full body pictures you made. Looks really good
The Forum Aquarium! (Aka "What I do when I'm bored")
[/ QUOTE ]
Wait a minute...who is that fighting in the bottom left corner?!

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I made a real mess of my first sketchdump. I got delete-happy with photobucket and screwed up my links
and I've distributed piccies willy-nilly among other threads too (I think some might be living on Virtue). So here is my new home for when I do that thing I do
I'll do my best to make everything live here. 
I'm going to try to rescan later when I'm not so tired.
My stuffs (chronological order)
Penumbra Edge
Radey Ayte
Pep Rally
Thor's Assassin
Atomic Knight
Fallen Skye
Dragon Berry
The Forum Aquarium! (Aka "What I do when I'm bored")
My little Aquarium ended up scanning funny