Star's Art Chasm! *sketchdump*




well if you want to challenge yourself with a dark drawing, take a shot at drawing Mu Brawler



Hehe, that turned out quite nice... and your right, the dragons expression is one of the best parts of it!

Sir Replete: "Whiteness the grandeur of my TERRIBLE blade and TREMBLE foul wyrm!"
Dragon: "Oh, yes, scary, truly... terribly... scary, yes. Wait, what blade?"
Sir Replete: "This one, the one that I, Sir Replete, have slain 10 fold and 2 dragons with!"
Dragon: "Oh, oh, riiight. Honestly, I didn't really see it."
Sir Replete: "Do you mock the instrument of your own immanent destruction, foul wyrm?"
Dragon: "Mock? Oh, lord no! No no no... I would never... mock you... or your... 'terrible blade', no. Not me. My, um, eye's just aren't what they used to be. Would you mind scootching just a bit closer so I could have a proper look at that 'terrible blade' and tremble properly?"
Sir Replete: "Soon enough, foul wyrm, you shall have a MUCH closer look just before you DIE!... hey, did you just sniff me?"
Dragon: "Who, me... oh, no... I mean yes. Yes I did, but you smell quite pleasant. Do you happen to have any commutical diseases?"
Sir Replete: "Oh, no... I was tested just a few months ago and haven't had any... hey, wait a minute, that is none of your concern, foul wyrm! Are you prepared to tremble before I send you back to the hell that spawned you?"
Dragon: "hum, yes, I think I am. Yes, quite ready no. Here, just step into my mouth... I can acutely see the sword best from there..."

Or, and alternate conversation...

Sir Replete: "Whiteness the grandeur of my TERRIBLE blade and TREMBLE foul..." *chomp*
Dragon: "What... I didn't eat him, nope, not me... not at all..."



lol, pretty funny.....cept the dragon would choke on Replete's spiked armor....that and Replete would rather show off his looks than slay a dragon (hes very vain) and when was his name Sir Replete, hes a Seraph not a knight lol



Hey, if you want verisimilitude include a bio Otherwise I'm taking artistic license But angels fight dragons too! (St. Michael for one And St. George although technically I suppose he's not an angel...)