Soul Train

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  1. Freedom is RP-hostile in the same way that a windstorm would be public speaking-hostile.

    The majority of the players probably don't care one way or another, but the aggregate player noise would most likely drown out any public RP.

    And the HBSS was the acronym for a supergroup on Victory known as the Hot Bod Super Squad. It consisted of mostly young couples that were, how shall we say, rather uninhibited with each other. There was a single thread on the Victory forum that was known to be full of innuendo and silliness (like the Virtue "rookery" threads, only more innuendo and less silliness).

    The group got a bit of a rep with the Victory Cabal, and was pretty much chased off the Victory Forum. Some players still are around, but most migrated to other servers.
  2. When I was on Vic it had a decent number of people.

    Of course, then the HBSS got run out of town on a rail for being too risque'... figure we lost a quarter of the server pop right there.

    I miss those folks, they were fun to team with.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
    Yes, but i'm hot.
    ... Paris? Is that you??
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    A friend of mine convinced me to give Virtue a try back in 2006. It was so incredibly laggy in Atlas Park that I logged off and never bothered coming back.
    That was 2006. It's been, what, almost four years, now? We've fixed a lot since then.

    ... including most of the catgirls.
  5. You and everyone else... well, mostly everyone else.

    I love Virtue. I really do. There's a lot of douches around, but also a lot of REALLY good people, roleplayers or not.
  6. "Your entrance was good. Hers was better."

    Nice work, Bayani-san. Kudos to the artist, and may you find a colorist to do it serious justice (I would suggest Nei Ruffino but she doesn't come cheap, Pixeltease would be another possible colorist for ya.)
  7. So would I, actually.

    And then there'd be the inevitable discovery (the 'hard way') of what the word 'futa' means.

    "Was that the Lounge Crooner, just now? I didn't think he was a superspeeder... nice Doppler effect on the scream, though."
  8. Soul Train

    Character Bios

    Ideon and others:

    May I humbly suggest Personal Brain software from - it's QUITE useful for connecting related 'stuff' together.

    As for bios? All of my characters have something rudimentary by level 5, if not at character creation.

    And I will have to look into Ouroportal - VV is wonderful, but I may be moving some characters around and I don't intend to NOT roleplay with them just cos I'm not on an RP server.
  9. Keep in mind that in PvP Zones everyone should be sidekicked/exemplared to a set level. This means that in BB a level 15 CAN kick a level 24's tuckus, and vice versa. It's all about the build, the attack chain, and so forth.

    ... that is, unless they changed this and I didn't notice. It's entirely possible, as after PvP got royally nerfed with the "diminishing returns" and travel suppression crap, I've not set foot in any of the PvP zones. So they could have removed the SK/EX mechanic entirely. *shrug*
  10. check to make sure you don't have a key bound to switching your power trays in your keybindings.

    if that problem repeats, /bug it.
  11. If you have the specs of all those devices, add up the wattage for each.

    Off the top of my head, 500W should be enough for all of that, BUT... if you need to 'trade something out' I'd consider losing the second DVD drive (if one's a writer, keep it, and lose the read-only).

    The PS you're using has two +12V rails, so as long as you don't connect everything to the same rail, you should be OK. Traditionally power supply wiring harnesses will separate the 12V rails into two accessory harnesses, altho' I have seen some, inc. my Antec Earthpower, that splits out the SATA power taps from the standard Molex taps (used on IDE devices such as IDE drives and optical disc readers).

    NZXT PF-500
    Intel ATX 12V 2.0 specification supports dual core CPU
    Two separate +12V rails provide stable current to CPU, GPU, MB and drives
    120mm low-noise cooling fan for efficient heat dissipation
    1 x 20+4pin Main ATX connector
    1 x PCI-Express connector
    1 x P4 Mainboard, 2 x Floppy connectors
    4 x SATA , 6 x Peripheral connectors
    On/Off switch button
    Comes with power cord (OEM package)
    +3.3V=34A, +5V=40A, +12V1=16A, +12V2=17A
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
    Yay. It seems to have worked. I lost a few custom AE characters that I intend to use in arcs, but I can remake them.
    Edit the published versions of the arcs that contain them, and save the arc locally. This will recreate them in your characters folder.
  13. The only other issue you need to consider is power - adding another drive WILL add to the load on the power supply. It won't be as much as a beefier graphics card, but you should still factor this in.

    If your system is just skating by right now with 1 HD, your graphics card, an optical disk reader, and the mobo, then you might consider upgrading that, as well. If you're not coming close to your PS peak wattage, and aren't going to overload the +12V rail that powers drives and such, you're good.
  14. Funny, I never had a problem with inf amounts changing when I had debt.

    Well, aside from the extra inf I'd get after I hit 50... but at that level it burns off really fast, and the inf 'hit' is negligible in the long term anyhow.

    My recommendation? Hook up with a scrapper and have them zone in first. Just be aware that they might clear half the map before remembering to tell you that it's safe to zone in....
  15. Soul Train

    Longbow rescue

    If you're referring to Vanguard or Rikti blades, they're known for doing nasty burst damage, and Vanguard melee hits will degrade your ability to shrug them off.

    Use your Tier 9 (I frickin' LOVE Evade. "You are too slow, nyeh? Whoops! Missed again! Now my turn. YATTA!!!" *slicesliceslice*)
  16. Good point.

    And, I can always G-ignore the Hamster.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Celestial_Lord View Post
    Lag, furries, and Pocket D.
    The lag is minimal except during ship raids.

    Furries are mythical. Even in Pocket D. Well, there's Rowr, but she's not your usual furry.

    I suggest staying out of Pocket D, then. Just use the hallways to jump between zones.
  18. Soul Train


    One-star, note, move on. The star and the note attach to the global, too, so you'll know 'em on their alts.

    As for RP sins committed, you learn, you adapt, you become better at roleplaying.
  19. Virtue is good for RP, yes.

    Pocket D on Virtue is equal parts emo gothiness out in the open, and graphic public displays of affection in the corners.

    We've asked if Isaac can be set up as a condom vendor, but so far War Witch hasn't approved it.

    As for myself... I will probably move a couple of characters to Justice, a couple to Pinnacle, and a few more to other servers. Victory is off my list due to my intense dislike of the Hamster - Freedom is right out because Soul and 1337 are mutually exclusive.
  20. I shall have to join and add some stuff (such as Brandon McKinney's comic page that features Soul and Tiamat) when I get home tonight.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
    Freedom. Because Freedom is full of equal parts awesome, lulz, QQ and fail.
    Uhmm... those are all reasons NOT to transfer, Morac.
  22. Awesome.

    I can park a few inactive characters on other servers, do the 'server tour' with my main, and open up a few slots on Virtue for GR characters.

    No, I do not intend to visit Freedom.
  23. OOoh we LIKES it! We doessss... yesss...