My old computer died...




... and I no longer have my old Good versus Evil CD. I purchased the Architect addition online, assuming that it would start a download, but it didn't. Did I just waste 20 bucks or what?



Although the Architect Edition does entitle you to either the Magic or Science superbooster pack, it does not download the game for you (unless you bought the retail box that includes the DVD copy of the game). However, the client is free if you go to, which will download the updater and allow you to download the rest of the game.



As mentioned above - it will grant either the magic or science booster - and it will also included a month of game play - so at the very worst, you'd be out around 5 (assuming you already have both of those boosters.)



Ah, so I could have gotten it with my existing account?

Ah, well, I guess I got a month of time and the magic booster pack out of it. Off to spend a few hours downloading.



Make sure you apply the code to your current account and not create a new one. (Forgive me if that is obvious to you)



Almost nothing technical is obvious to me.

I went to my account and clicked the 'download the client' link there. It started to download, so hopefully since I was clicking the link from my account it applied the proper code for me.

If not, then hrm. I'm not exactly sure what will happen once it's done.



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
Almost nothing technical is obvious to me.

I went to my account and clicked the 'download the client' link there. It started to download, so hopefully since I was clicking the link from my account it applied the proper code for me.

If not, then hrm. I'm not exactly sure what will happen once it's done.
Go to and log in. Go to "Use A Serial Code" and see if you have the serial code for the edition you bought available to apply to your account.

If not, back out and click "Game Accounts" on the same page "Use A Serial Code" was on. See if you have more than one CoH account now.

If you don't, click on the one account and scroll down to the bottom of the page where it says "Serial Codes Used On This Account". See if it lists the edition you bought in addition to Good Vs Evil edition (it may just say "perk" or "retail" along with the date you applied it).

If none of that tells you what's happened, I'm not sure what's going on.



Serial Codes Used on this Account
Type Date Used Serial Code
Retail Feb 27, 2007 XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-6DBR
Retail Dec 16, 2009 XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-JKQW
It's still downloading. There's only one account there and it looks like that serial code from today's purchase was applied to the already existing account.



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
It's still downloading. There's only one account there and it looks like that serial code from today's purchase was applied to the already existing account.
That's exactly what you wanted to happen .



Yay. It seems to have worked. I lost a few custom AE characters that I intend to use in arcs, but I can remake them.



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
Yay. It seems to have worked. I lost a few custom AE characters that I intend to use in arcs, but I can remake them.
Welcome back .



Originally Posted by Sister_Twelve View Post
Yay. It seems to have worked. I lost a few custom AE characters that I intend to use in arcs, but I can remake them.
Edit the published versions of the arcs that contain them, and save the arc locally. This will recreate them in your characters folder.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."