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  1. [ QUOTE ]

    Like, as a slave?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, according to a sig Scarf had a week or so ago.. she Does wanna try the ball gag whips and leather routines...
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    I changed my mind.. I don't want wings in i8..

    I want Graver's wings in i8!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    psah , I just want graver

    [/ QUOTE ]


    <.< >.>

    You hold him down, I'll steal his talent, we'll cut it in half and both of us will be awesomesauce artists!!!111!!oneone!!!!
  3. I changed my mind.. I don't want wings in i8..

    I want Graver's wings in i8!
  4. .. thats your .. first.. digital painting?


    Thats really good!
  5. Snowlily

    Mystic Fire

    This is going to sound weird, but my favorite part is the fire with the tentacly design inside. it looks very good.

    Also it could be that I've always kind of cringed at the veiny bio-armor set. Nothing to do with your art, I just don't care for it at all, spoils my enjoyment of the piece. I admit that it is my personal prefference, not your work!

    But the fire + dark design is very cool! You've definatly improved from your first posts witht he tablet.
  6. /threadjack

    Is anyone besides Mist and I participating in NaNoWriMo? I wouldn't mind putting together an 'Art Board support group' type thing on either Livejournal (preffered) or DA or something else all together.

    I know lots of people from CoX participate. but, I only hang out on this board with any frequency. Sometimes Virtue, but 2 or three times a week as opposed to every couple of hours >.>

    Anyway. Just curious....


    These pieces show promise, I've been writing fiction for uh... <.< >.> a long time! both proffessionally (not as often as I'd like) and for myself (far more often). Short Pieces like these are not my favorite, but I've written quite a few of them, as they are both great practice and fun to read when very well written. (imo)

    The biggest thing to remember about pieces under 500 words (and really, under 2000 words) is that Every. Word. Counts. I tend to approach 500 word pieces more like poetry than prose. They have a pacing and rhythm that is very distinctive from larger works. If you are curious, I have a couple on my LJ (see sig) that are examples of what I mean. Also, there are a couple of groups in my profile that are specifically for short 500 word works (non_plot specifically) The weekly writing challenges there are lots of fun.

    You definatly are on the right track. Remember, writing is like drawing. If you don't practice it, you never improve.
  7. Snowlily


    I reffer you to here

    Welcome to the Art boards
  8. Snowlily

    Update on me...

    I agree with Scarf, and Squirrel.

    And Aaron. And Vine..

    I agree
  9. Quit hijacking Wogglebugs thread with scary kid shows!


  10. .. as entertaining as the idea of Dragonberry singing and dancing to the pirate song was...

    I'm moving on now! Scary show! Hiding!
  11. Lazy Town scares me.

    Ignoring the implications of a 30 something guy being the best friend of a pre-teen girl....

    Its the Hair of the 'bad guy'.

  12. It looks pretty good really. I like the way the eyes stand out from the face.

    Though the lavendar stripe confuses me, multi colored hair?
  13. Nah, its not supposed to be blood from anywhere, just blood, symbolizing there is a bloody scene.

    But I agree on the splatters. trying to mess with my brush settings to get a distribution I like.
  14. That is possible, considering I had to take a claw from another pic and paste it in, but it was from the other hand, so the thumb was on the wrong side.. so.. I hid it behind the Damn'd hand to cover the poor pasting job I was too lazy to fix >.>

    I'll mess with it a bit in later versions to see if I can improve the placement.

    And please, Critique away! heh thats why I post WIP's here. (that and the shameless gathering of praise to inflate my ego >.&gt
  15. Snowlily

    Mystery WIP

    er.. yea.. o.O

    ok, Now I am really anxious to see it completed! hehe
  16. No harm done really, you obviously aren't the first person to do it, or we wouldn't have canned reponses ready

    Just realize, good art pieces, even just relativly 'simple' portrait pieces take anywhere from 2-7 days to do. Think about the last time you asked a total strange for 7 days of work.. for free! hehe
  17. Well, unless Star and Scarf are young enough they go to school with my 7 year old, I doubt its their fault. between Cub Scouts and the playground, my son brings home every disease of the season. And being a freelancer, I got no medical insurance for myself so.. no flu shot.

    hardly their fault!

    its just a 2 day thing (at least, he kicked it in two days) so hopefully only one more day of this ick.
  18. Snowlily

    Mystery WIP

    I think that might be a veil (I'm hoping!) Peregrine heh, not a beard (at least a veil was my first thought)

    Maybe its mistress vine or dark lilac? (gah I am totaly spacing on who wears veils and I don't thave the time to browse everyone's reference shots again!)
  19. Well. updates are slow in coming, My son is better, and I am getting worse, on top of which I started preping for NaNoWriMo (I've failed 3 years in a row, not this year!)

    But my time for this has been almost nil the last two days. hopefully he'll be up for goign to school on monday and I'll get some work done. (Since I also have to write for a living, I need to work on That too. hehe) I haven't put this aside yet, but no more working on it for 8 hours at a stretch anymore.

    Page 2 update

    I am still debating on the background for that. I was going for the old skool anime blood splatter, I think I over did it.

    Anyway. Busy Busy! Art is taking a backstage atm, heh
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm looking for a good artist to make me a picture of of Blue Dagger, that would be suitable for a desktop wallpaper. I don't care what means you use to make this, whether it's pencils, paint, or on a computer program, I just need a good artist. Someone who knows they're good, and wont make something that looks like a little kid did it
    Thank you ahead of time, if someone does this for me. I'll apreciate it!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're new here aren't you?

    Well, This thread is probably going to get you lots of replies you don't like heh. As Starchasm said, the 'really Good' guys either have que's a mile long, or charge money (usualy both) ... and before you scoff, most people consider the prices for the quality of their work Very reasonable (I know I do, and I also can't afford them either but then, I can barely afford coh atm heh) On the other hand, there are many talented artists here who occasionally open themselves up for freebies (See, Serengti Lord, CJ, Quake, and quite a few others) you just have to get in line and hang around to see when these threads pop up.

    Also, if you have any sort of ability yourself (even if it just looks like 'a little kid did it') many artists love to trade/collect from many sources, and you could probably work out trades easy enough.

    There are many paths to good art on this board, money, time, persistence (as in, hanging out, and being a nice guy regular, not just bugging everyone. Though TA does both, he's an exception. >.&gt starting a new thread and offering the Priveledge of someone to draw your character (and only someone 'good' at that!) is not going to win you a lot of brownie points. Do you honestly think the 'good' artists have nothing better to do than sit around and wait for someone to 'let them' draw their character? hehe Esspecially with nothing but your appreciation offered in return?

    Anyhow. lecture over. Welcome to the art boards, browse around, enjoy the artz, help the artists when they ask for critiques, meet new people (we're really pretty nice over in our little corner here) and have fun.
  21. Snowlily

    Little sickheads

    Awww. get better. My son caught the bug, so I think I'm doomed soon too
  22. Sinned Aria is a personal friend of mine, and she's done quite a few character portraits for me for the Table top games we play in. She does most of her portraits completely with her tablet and forgoes the pencil and paper all together.
  23. I'm a pretty big fan of Isyw I love his vector art. He's great at giving great expression and detail with minimal use of lines and color.