Update on me...




I feel so arrogant making this post, but for those waiting on art from me or waiting to request some, I've just moved to a new place and won't have internet there until Friday. So, I won't be posting anything new until then. I will, however be working on things, and hopefully have a whole bunch of good stuff for you patient folks out there.

So, until then, stay cool, art forum junkies! (And those less addicted. You stay cool too.)



Ah yes, been there done that (very recently). The wait for internet connection is terrible. I mean the withdrawl, the shakes, the nausea ....well you get the idea!

Congrats on the new digs and don't worry, I'm sure everyone will be very patient and understanding......unless......you don't owe TA a piece do you? If so, then you're screwed.



That's not arrogant at all--you're just met with circumstances you can't necessarily change at the moment.



psah better to post and let folks know whats going on



Agreed >.< People get worried when someone just up and disappears.

Its one thing I HATE about the internet - if someone just 'vanishes' *ANYTHING* could have happened. Car wreck, disease, just decided they hate you, internet outtage... all sorts of things.

I worry about it constantly because my friends all live states away from me and we communicate solely through the internet >.>

A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.



I agree with Scarf, and Squirrel.

And Aaron. And Vine..

I agree



[color=#cc99cc]Ahh, yes, been there done that, too and I'll be going there and doing it again!

It's a bummer, though. We'll be here when you get back. Congrats on the move. Waiting until Friday isn't too bad, I had to wait 25 days....no internet or tv! hehe



I will be the voice of unreason then....you bumm! go to a friends house...post from their internet connection....or take a wireless laptop and hit the cafe. something...anything!
"I'm moving....I wont have internet till friday...."
waaaahhh! suck it up butttercup...adapt...improvise!

*passes out from lack of art*


...the sword is truth...





Hehe, lol, j/k of course! Don't worry, take your time, we can wait. Gratz on the move and have fun!

Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!



When I moved across the 'states, I was without the internet for probably a month, month and a half. *twitches*

Have a safe move!



Moving sucks.

attempting to keep in touch, using a 7-year-old laptop and a dialup connection from a Motel 6 sucks worse.

But at least you CAN keep in touch that way.

May your move be safe, quick, and free from incident.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



...errmm....I'm at home and use dial up...it aint that bad...although the 7 year old laptop could cause fits.... ~

...the sword is truth...




the dialup alone wasn't the problem.

attempting to connect thru an old Thinkpad that can barely manage 800x600 resolution, on a scratchy phone line that had to be 'treated kindly' in order for the modem to dial properly (how many commas in the dial string, again?)... all whilst sitting on a cheap single bed. yeah.

The broken-down Uhaul truck outside didn't help either.

"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."



the dialup alone wasn't the problem.

attempting to connect thru an old Thinkpad that can barely manage 800x600 resolution, on a scratchy phone line that had to be 'treated kindly' in order for the modem to dial properly (how many commas in the dial string, again?)... all whilst sitting on a cheap single bed. yeah.

The broken-down Uhaul truck outside didn't help either.

[/ QUOTE ]
I can see why that might have a small problem connecting....or even staying connected.~

...the sword is truth...




the dialup alone wasn't the problem.

attempting to connect thru an old Thinkpad that can barely manage 800x600 resolution, on a scratchy phone line that had to be 'treated kindly' in order for the modem to dial properly (how many commas in the dial string, again?)... all whilst sitting on a cheap single bed. yeah.

The broken-down Uhaul truck outside didn't help either.

[/ QUOTE ]

It was probably raining too



naaah...but I hear the shaking bed was broke and wouldnt stop shaking. ~

...the sword is truth...




Heh..... reminds me of the simpsons episode where Homer gets a gun and Marge and the kids move into a motel. Bart and Lisa are racing the shakey beds and later on Lisa is trying to sleep but her bed won't stop.

"Go Smelly!"

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