First Fumbling Forray into Fanart Field!
It's a very differant style then most of the stuff here and that's always very good.
Critque wise I think that the foot on the bending leg looks abit wonky but feet are always tough.
actually I really like the piece as it stands. you should definately post more that a veil? tough to tell (for me at least). given a swirlything crosses at the same point I am assuming so. I would probably consider moving the swirly thing a lil low so you can show the face a lil clearer. do you plan on coloring? if so that may solve the layering problem as well...
eitherway...good stuff here....and welcome to the art forum ~
...the sword is truth...
intresting I love your swirlys and its a new style so post alot more so I can take it in
It was supposed to be a veil. It had a clearer read before I did the swirly thing over it... was going to add the spiral mez effect with a graphic program after uploading the image, but then I saw the pink pen lying there, and it was too hard to resist.
Hey thats pretty good! Ilove your style, its a lot different then what I see a lot.
If you want practice, you can try BAS...Link in sig "Reference Pics"...Only if you want to. =]
Welcome to the forums!,
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
*gigglefits* Wogglebug!!!! That's a great name XD
Cute drawing, I like the whispy feel to it And I think the pink was a nice touch!
If you want practice, you can try BAS...Link in sig "Reference Pics"...Only if you want to. =]
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Oook, I ended up doing this, couldn't think of a pose for him so he ended up playing an accordion (I always listen to music while drawing, so I blame that... it's silly but I didn't mean offense by its silliness). Same lousy uploading situation as the previous sketch, similar minimal "coloring" as well. I didn't know where to stick the sword, or if to include it at all, but it seems he's BS/Invuln so I tried to involve it somehow (don't think it was needed in the end but ah well).
Also, thanks for the welcomes everyone.
*Gigglefits* Star!! Stop slipping me sugar!! I'm a guy, I SWEAR!!!
Oook, I ended up doing this, couldn't think of a pose for him so he ended up playing an accordion...
[/ QUOTE ]
BAS and the Accordian of Power!
actually really like the look you have going here, the accordian of power aside. definately would like to see more work posted from such...get ta have art ta post for us greedy forumites.
...the sword is truth...
Those are really good!
If you wanna practice on Wicked Angel, feel free! She will have wings when they become available.
I can't wait to see what else you draw!
EEEhehehehe!! The accordion! That's great XD
You have a really nice look!
Holy heck that is so cool!!!!!!! The accordian makes him look like an evil mad man...I LOVE IT!!! And then, when you just have the red colored in, it makes him look even more evil!
Watch out, heroes! Ze BAS has just betrayed you and shall kill you with ze accordian of D0000000000000M!!!!
Aaand, it got some people to notice me...Cool! Tyvm, my friend!!!
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
ze accordian of doom *french accent, horrbly done ta boot* is the CoV version. what we see here is the good version. The Accordian of Power....its arch-nemesis. keep it straight...yeesh.
...the sword is truth...
If you want practice, you can try BAS...Link in sig "Reference Pics"...Only if you want to. =]
[/ QUOTE ]
Oook, I ended up doing this, couldn't think of a pose for him so he ended up playing an accordion (I always listen to music while drawing, so I blame that... it's silly but I didn't mean offense by its silliness). Same lousy uploading situation as the previous sketch, similar minimal "coloring" as well. I didn't know where to stick the sword, or if to include it at all, but it seems he's BS/Invuln so I tried to involve it somehow (don't think it was needed in the end but ah well).
Also, thanks for the welcomes everyone.
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Good gravy man, that picture is awesome. I love it! The accordian is just icing on the cake
If you ever want soemthing to draw, I would be honored to have Enforcer Gnome (link in sig) done!
LOL! I love that! The accordian just makes it quirky, and I LOVE quirky!
With or without the accordian, it looks great Wogglebug! <giggles at name>
I second several others, in that if you wish someone to practice on, you're welcome to any of the characters in my sig.
[color=#cc99cc]Yea, wow, that is very cool! Love the quirky, myself. Nice artwork! The genie is very much like 2 characters I have, costume wise, so I really like that too. Nice work.
Disclaimer: I have nothing against kittens, in fact I love them.
That said, here's Enforcer Gnome in mortal battle with one. This was so fun to draw.
Definitely going to get a scanner soon, setting up with multiple lamps and using the auto timer and tripod just to get these blurry images is frustrating. I'm losing a lot of the sharpness on these. Just had to prove to myself I'd use the scanner before spending on it, and... it certainly looks like I will.
Hehe, nice man!
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother! this corner, Enforcer Gnome...and in this corner...Killer Kitty! lets get ready to rummmmmbllleee!
love this one too....definately liking your work thus far Woggle ~
...the sword is truth...
Wicked Angel perching on top of a giant neon cowboy. I tried adding color in a graphics program, but it got ugly *fast*.
I'll slow down production now, not every day can be Sunday.
Lol, your pics are so quirky and cool! Quirky = Awesome! ^.^
Scarf_Girl�s Official Kid Brother!
very I said groovin on your style. also love the character you put into the pics ~
...the sword is truth...
Gah your stuff is awesome!!!!
If you get around to it wanna do one of Farwielder, his pic's in my siggy.
Also check out the Mass Art Swap.
Alliteration for the win!
Anyway, lately I've been browsing this board and it's made me want to try sketching out some characters myself.
Here is my first attempt, an ink sketch of my mind/kin controller, The Genie's Dream. I don't have access to a scanner right now, so it was taken with my ancient 3 megapixel digital camera.
Any comments are welcome. I'm used to harsh critiques, so that's fine as long as it's constructive. If you just want to call me a poopoo head, it's not really helpful (if arguably insightful). I'm not sure about the proportions, especially that bent leg...
Ah well, let me know what you think.