Latest WIP: Catgirl! Rawr!
AAwwwww you had me fooled for a minute.
But looks exciting!
very cool lily! actually make me want to start taking a horde of screenies of WP and then bundle them all in a PM to you. then let you come up with something...
also, this is cool cause it shows the process itself that you go through and thats not just a lickity splt thing ya do...
thumbs up Lily! ~
...the sword is truth...
Hey! Neato!!! This is gonna look really cool finished!
Hey! Neato!!! This is gonna look really cool finished!
[/ QUOTE ]
I concur
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
AAwwwww you had me fooled for a minute.
But looks exciting!
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, its a comic of a catgirl!
sorry if I didn't make it clear heh
My Claw/dark scrapper, Superstition!
more progress pics!
Progress shot 2 The leaping shot was composited from 5 different screenshots, sort of like the hellion below...
Progress shot 3
Progress shot 4
Progress shot 5
Now, to figure out how to make a 'believable' claws through the chest shot for that poor 'Damned' >.>
enjoy (I hope)
Progress shot 6
Progress shot 7
I'm still a little >.< with page 2, so the layout may change again. took a me a while to work out the stabbing shot too.
any suggestions for layout on that page are appreciated though no guarentee's I'll use them, but more ideas = better.
You are getting better with Lasso/Magic Wand. very nice
"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
last update for the day probably, I'll do all the clean up, detail work, post production type stuff late tonight and tomorrow most likely. but wanted to post the finalized layouts of each page.
Keep in mind, it looks Very sloppy! I haven't done Anything but cutouts and scaleing so far, no smudging, no repainting, no effects (no backgrounds!) no detail work. These were just to layout and make sure I had all the images I needed.
Treat these like any other artists 'sketch WIP'
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Page 4
That is looking very awesome lilly
Im both impressed and envious of the talent it takes to do that
That is lookin great Snow. I can't wait to see the finished piece.
ok, I lied. THIS is the last update, took a break for a few and came back to it.
Pre details
Post details
Its not all lasso/magic wand work
Wow! Awesome!
Yikes thats ALOT of change <o.O>
A Warrior's Friend: ID 335212 - Help Infernal save Valkyrie from Battle Maiden.
Above Mars Part 1: The Wellington: ID 159769 - Save Mars by destroying a monstrous battleship from the inside!
>.> My DA page, where I attempt to art.
I didn't get much done today, my son has the stomach flu and he was throwing up from midnight last night well into the wee hours of dawn.. so my day was spent being a parent, not an artist heh.
But, while he was napping/playing on his ps2 I managed to get some solid work on page 1 done. Its not done yet, but its come a long way.
Original Page 1 layout
Semi final page 1
No text yet (what little there will be on this page anyway.) and I am still not happy with the leaping catgirl in the bottom panel.
Skin tone, shadowing, color adjustment and clean up are pretty much done though. and backgrounds.
looking very cool Lily the finished work should completely rock!
hopefully your lil one gets better, never fun when a loved one is feeling under the weather~
...the sword is truth...
Well. updates are slow in coming, My son is better, and I am getting worse, on top of which I started preping for NaNoWriMo (I've failed 3 years in a row, not this year!)
But my time for this has been almost nil the last two days. hopefully he'll be up for goign to school on monday and I'll get some work done. (Since I also have to write for a living, I need to work on That too. hehe) I haven't put this aside yet, but no more working on it for 8 hours at a stretch anymore.
Page 2 update
I am still debating on the background for that. I was going for the old skool anime blood splatter, I think I over did it.
Anyway. Busy Busy! Art is taking a backstage atm, heh
your getting under the weather too!?
bad Star! Bad Scarf! you making everyone here sick!
the pics are looking good though so far Lily...the second image...thinking that not only has to hurt....but gonna leave a nasty scar ta boot. although I suppose he has more pressing matter on the mind at the how to avoid dying!~
...the sword is truth...
Well, unless Star and Scarf are young enough they go to school with my 7 year old, I doubt its their fault. between Cub Scouts and the playground, my son brings home every disease of the season. And being a freelancer, I got no medical insurance for myself so.. no flu shot.
hardly their fault!
its just a 2 day thing (at least, he kicked it in two days) so hopefully only one more day of this ick.
I hate to mess around with your art Snowlily since I absolutely love it but something is bothering me which I just noticed. In the first panel on page 2 her left hand(our right), the claws seem a little too far away from where her hand should end. They look a little seperated. Maybe it's just me.
That is possible, considering I had to take a claw from another pic and paste it in, but it was from the other hand, so the thumb was on the wrong side.. so.. I hid it behind the Damn'd hand to cover the poor pasting job I was too lazy to fix >.>
I'll mess with it a bit in later versions to see if I can improve the placement.
And please, Critique away! heh thats why I post WIP's here. (that and the shameless gathering of praise to inflate my ego >.>
So I thought I'd give a WIP peek at my current project, its the most extensive screenshot manip I have done to date. I'm taking several images and piling them together for a brief 4 page 'comic'
I've always liked the screenshot comics people have done, and wanted to give it a shot.
So, yea, anyway...
here's the sketch layouts I did to plan out what images I needed, and placement, scale, etc.
scan 1
scan 2
(Sorry about the awful pencil sketches, now you can see why I say I can't draw!
Here is the layout of the 4 pages in photoshop. You can see I've hardly done any manipulation yet (just a little of the leaping down shot on page 1) all I did was gather the shots I needed, arranged them and scaled them (roughly) to each other.
Anyway, I'll be updating this thread as I go, I've always enjoyed seeing other people's work come to life, thought I'd share a little bit of my process on the chance other people like to watch from the sidelines too.