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  1. Waaay back when shield's first came out, I merrily rolled a broadsword shield scrapper, got her to 15, and then prompty got distracted by other things...

    Thanks to some quality DXP weekend time, she is now in her mid 40's and I like the character enough to start spending some money on her.

    The thing is, I'm broke.

    Not like Broke broke, just not 'I have 100 million for one enhancement' rich. more like 'I have 20 million to spend - total - and ten would be better.)'

    I would really like to get -close- to softcapping ranged and AOE defense. as a broadsword, Parry really helps cover melee def, so that's less of a priority.

    I Have to have fitness, I Have to have fly (character concept, sorry! and I don't have city traveler, so I need either Hover or Air Superiority) I don't really like to exemp below 30, and if I do, I tend to use a second build for it.

    I'm 45 now, and would like to have something to show for my efforts before sitting around at 50 for a month farming merits.

    Here is my current build, but it's pretty flexible:

    Hero Plan by Mids' Hero Designer 1.621

    Click this DataLink to open the build!

    Level 50 Magic Scrapper
    Primary Power Set: Broad Sword
    Secondary Power Set: Shield Defense
    Power Pool: Fitness
    Power Pool: Fighting
    Power Pool: Flight
    Ancillary Pool: Body Mastery

    Hero Profile:
    Level 1: Hack -- Acc(A), Acc(39), Dmg(39)
    Level 1: Deflection -- DefBuff(A), DefBuff(3), DefBuff(5), EndRdx(7), EndRdx(9), EndRdx(11)
    Level 2: Battle Agility -- DefBuff(A), DefBuff(3), DefBuff(5), EndRdx(7), EndRdx(9), EndRdx(11)
    Level 4: True Grit -- ResDam(A), ResDam(13), Heal(13), Heal(15)
    Level 6: Swift -- Flight(A)
    Level 8: Parry -- Acc(A), Acc(15), DefBuff(17), DefBuff(17)
    Level 10: Active Defense -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(19)
    Level 12: Kick -- Acc(A), Acc(42)
    Level 14: Health -- Heal(A)
    Level 16: Against All Odds -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(19), EndRdx(21)
    Level 18: Tough -- EndRdx(A), EndRdx(23), EndRdx(25), ResDam(25)
    Level 20: Stamina -- EndMod(A), EndMod(21), EndMod(23)
    Level 22: Weave -- DefBuff(A), DefBuff(27), DefBuff(27), EndRdx(29), EndRdx(29)
    Level 24: Whirling Sword -- Acc(A), Acc(39), Dmg(40), Dmg(40), Dmg(40), RechRdx(42)
    Level 26: Disembowel -- KntkC'bat-Acc/Dmg(A), KntkC'bat-Dmg/Rchg(31), Dmg(31), Dmg(31), Acc(33)
    Level 28: Slice -- Sciroc-Acc/Rchg(A), Sciroc-Dmg/Rchg(33), Dmg(33), Dmg(34), Acc(34)
    Level 30: Phalanx Fighting -- DefBuff(A), DefBuff(34), DefBuff(36)
    Level 32: Head Splitter -- Acc(A), Acc(42), Dmg(43), Dmg(43), Dmg(43), EndRdx(45)
    Level 35: Shield Charge -- Acc(A), Acc(36), Dmg(36), Dmg(37), RechRdx(37), RechRdx(37)
    Level 38: Hover -- Flight(A)
    Level 41: Fly -- EndRdx(A)
    Level 44: Build Up -- RechRdx(A), RechRdx(45)
    Level 47: One with the Shield -- Empty(A), Empty(48), Empty(48), Empty(48), Empty(50), Empty(50)
    Level 49: Conserve Power -- Empty(A), Empty(50)
    Level 1: Brawl -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Sprint -- Empty(A)
    Level 2: Rest -- Empty(A)
    Level 1: Critical Hit
    Level 4: Ninja Run
  2. I love the piece and it only serves to remind me I've been wanting to commission Graver for a long time now...

    I noticed his DA pages seem.. un-updated... does anyone know if his pricing and queue times are about the same?
  3. For the first time ever, I was not facing a deadline when a DXP rolled around, so I managed to get some quality CoH time in

    Took a ff/dp def to 18, decided that I felt pretty Meh about DP, so I got three of my teens into stamina range, and then settled into working a shield scrapper I'd started way back when shields came out, out of the teens. Managed to go from 15 to 43 on her. All in all tons of fun, lots of great teams and people

    I had a blast! Which is a switch for me, because as I said, this was the first DXP weekend in a looong time I wasn't staring a deadline in the face.
  4. update.. I managed to get in using keyboard only (hit tab once, typed in my password, and clicked around blindly until I hit the training room server select). Once the character select screen came up I could -barely- make out my characters. logging one in I was able to fumble around in the dark and switch to windowed mode. a quit restart of the client and everything is fine - in windowed mode
  5. I am also only getting a black login screen with sound.
  6. Snowlily

    Sci-Fi -vs- SyFy


    edit: ok. harsh, but Sci-Fi switching to SyFy has far more to do with branding than the 'abandonment of all nerd holiness'. Honestly the programing has been slowly broadening for years. If better branding lets them buy better shows, Then can call the channel 'FyFyi the SySy poodle' for all I care. It doesn't have to be a Bad Thing

  7. I can make it on test or where ever. but give 48 hours notice as I don't check the forum every day
  8. Deja Vu

    AzA's edit was so brilliant, I had to pay my respects to it... just a little...
  9. Snowlily - the good sister

    Foxlily - the bad sister


    lets see!
  10. there's spelling on the intrawebz now?
  11. 87!

    I am utterly ashamed of my cloud repaint.. thats what I get for not spending more than .. er.. 5 minutes.. on this



  12. Someone volley! or was mine in too poor of taste...?

    I notice when I post it kills it for a couple days <.<
  13. photoshop CS 3
    and my wacom pad ..... though I really don't Need that.. I just find it hard to use photoshop without it anymore..

    student discounts = win
  14. Volley 57

    Basement cat vs Ceiling cat: the battlez fer oewr soulz begenz now

    (disclaimer, stolen lolcatz)
  15. [ QUOTE ]

    Base Repricing
    1) How will the repricing of bases affect you personally?
    2) Will you dismantle your base to gain the additional prestige from the repricing?
    3) How long would this process take you if you were to engage in this practice?
    4) What are the positive and negative concerns regarding repricing?
    5) How will this feature affect you long term and short term?

    Base Salvage Exchange to Invention Salvage
    1) What is the negative effect on your base for this feature implementation?
    2) What is the positive effect on your base for this feature implementation?
    3) How long will it take you to adjust to learning this new system?
    4) What side effects to this system do you currently see from transitioning the old to new system?
    5) What security concerns do you have regarding this change?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    From the standpoint of a small sg (less than five players/accounts) base designer blueside. We have probably in the neighborhood of 2 million prestige to play with, just because we've been around for forever, with lots of alts.

    1) Hopefully drastically: I hope to be able to expand from our tiny plot to next larger and fit in another teleport room (bringing our total to 3 small teleport rooms w/ two pads each). I'd also like to be able to have a superfluous room for pure meeting and deco purposes. as of now, we use every square inch of the plot for 'something'.

    2) Yes. I'll probably move all the created deco objects into the entry room to preserve them and then shift as much around as I can (I don't want to destroy the telepads if possible for example) everythign else than can be simply rebought will be sold and repurchased.

    3) I expect to spend the first two days of i13 doing this (And it lets the wave of shield'ers get a head start and out of my hair)

    4) Selling/moving rooms is going to take a lot of swapping (upgrade the plot size, buy a new room, move the undestroyable stuff into it, sell the old room, rinse and repeat). The editor as is is clumsy for this kind of massive overhaul (being able to select multiple objects to copy into an identically sized room would be soooo nice.. but I digress.)

    5) It's a good thing over all I suppose. however we're going to be moving into the realm of paying rent now (which we never have been) and considering we tend to go inactive for months at a time, I worry about this. Until now our base has always been waiting for the next time we make a go at CoX. Which was comforting, almost like another character.

    New Salvage

    1) It'll still all come out of the pockets of 2 or 3 people, only now it will be more expensive.

    2) None that I can foresee

    3) Already done

    4) Now instead of making the tough choice of whether to buy (or sell) that multi million salvage for my personal use, I have to weigh in what it can be used for in the base as well. gee. thanks.

    5) N/a We are all close personal friends IRL. hence why we are such a small sg.

    (edited the amount of prestige we had o.O I added a zero by accident)
  16. Ice wielders get all the best Snowguys.

  17. So, to clarify, this is not model viewer that allows us to view CoH character models? and requires expensive software to utilize?

    I'd kill for a Modelviewer for CoH. it's one of _the_ primary tools in making quality manips. Very sad now. I was all "<3<3<3" and then I was all "*sadface*"

    I say again: