897 -
I have sent in game petition , if they unable to refund i be happy if tehy can give me a code for the cyborg pack as thats only one i have not bought.Gladdly accept that if thats the case
Or if they can refund then thats fine also.
As for the magic pack its fab, the only thing i dont like is the skirt it dont seem to match up with the actual top piece. It dont connect. Seems not in line with the other perfectly matching pieces, very hard to use the skirt with any of the tops , pity.
The emotes and the tarot thing are wonderfull, love them.
In all is a very nice pack, but still dont fancy paying twice for it.
Ok, I just bought 2... thanks to the new stupid donkey site and the time out thing. This never happened on the old one.
So, Avatea... is there anyway I can give the 2nd one to some other player rather than watching it sit there and go to waste?
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My client has charged me and gave me two codes for the magic pack, is there any way i can get it reddemed for a code for a cyborg pack as i still have to get that one. Other wise im gonna be charged twice for the same thing as the NCstore site is strugling with the current load and its causing duplicate transactions on things we only click on once due to it timeout on us
Following the addition of the auction house, widespread farming, like judgement day, became inevitable...
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Yip the root of all evil this is when it started from -
I dont play to farm, i try to avoid farms. Im happy teaming and doing regular missions and enjoying some user created arcs in the bargain.
Farming has no real interest to me and shame to see that some folks just want to make farms, i dont see any benifits from farms compared to any other mission all drop inf, salvage, and now tickets if its a MA mission. -
Does playing your own missions count towards the writer or does it have to be 100 diffrent people ?
As is only writer i need for the accolade now.
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I have been informed that it does, and will be far...uh, testing this tonight
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Thx for info, have my accolade now it is very nice as well, shame that you still need to goto the AE building to play the mission. But as there is a building in most zones means you can get to it fairly easy.
Can't see this in the NCstore as of yet
Is it a global release on the 14th or just the US ? -
Does playing your own missions count towards the writer or does it have to be 100 diffrent people ?
As is only writer i need for the accolade now. -
Thanks Coin, and looks like i have a typo there if its nets. Will have to check into that, mind you nets can work as well i guess :P
Do tickets drop from non custom critters ?
Any one having probs publishng arcs ?
I have a 4 mission arc all playtested rady to be put live, every time i try publish the publish button goes down as you would expect. Shortly afterwards it pops back up and i get no confirmation if my arc has been published.
After this i try and interact with the MA terminal, and i can't. The aprox 20 seconds later i mapserver
I intrially thought this might be heavy volume of MA traffic as was late on Saturday night, so i imagine the US would be up and in full swing.
I have now tried 10:15 uk time Sunday, generally the servers are prob less busy at this time. The US traffic proberly a lot less so was hoping to publish my arc this morning.
Alas no, exactly same problem. My arc has no errors according to the error flag thing in the top right. Was even asked by a good friend to ake sure no <br> symbols in the text. I ahve removed the ones that where ther. But still no joy publishing.
I really dont know what is preventing me from getting my arc published.
Any one esle have publishing problems or know of a possible solution ??
Edit: I found another <br> that wasnt there before have removed it and mission now published. No idea how these <br> appear.
I know on the SG motd screen sometimes would get <br> appearing as well, must be the way coh does the text i guess, hope this bug is ironed out in coming patches, as causes all sorts of grief working out why cant publish missions -
The problem im having is i have my arc all ready to go. I hit publish button then wait, the button pops back up and i get no comfimation that my arc is published , aprox 30 seconds later i get mapservered, lock up and booted to log in screen.
Ive send a /bug but ive no idea what it can be unless the with the US being on the server lag is to great and well my arc dont get publish, it gets placed in the nether and im sent packing back to login screen.
Is this the likly cause of my dilema ??
Ahh would explain why couldnt get on, as went home for lunch and tried to get a mission or two done, but could not connect
Shame the email dont work for this as when i log in i often dont see the tells if any, and proberly have countless other MOtDs apear and scrolls any tells up.
My first mission i did on test actually some one did sent me an email, and was i thought finally a good use of COHs in game email system
Blaster Ice Mastery Hibernate is not showing you in the block of ice.
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Yip bugged this also on test, anotehr annoying bug which has made across -
Yup, and the old standby: /bind p "beginchat /send "Channel Name" [$name:L$level $archetype] " now adds the "p" to the start of all messages.
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Also when replying to tells i use R to reply, it prefixes the start of the message with R
very annoying , bugged it numerous times on test and also last night when i finally got onto live.
Bases with auto docs sell insp in thier med bay. So ye be nice to have an auto doc in the hospitals as well.
And with being able to convert 3 of one insp into another you can still get a good assortment of insp. Handy if you dont have a contact in the zone.
Is the known issues up anywhere ?
As see the keybind bug has made it over where your replys to tells all seem to stick the letter infront of the replay , same on global your allocated keybind for your channel appears in the start of the sentence.
Bugged it numerous times on test and tonight once finally got into the game.
Hope its fixed shortly as is very annoying to type and reply to tells with this happining. -
For a change of pace probably start playing through the list of other peoples arcs and rating away.
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yip proberly do this as well, as playing the arcs may give inspirations for an arc of your own with ideas from others I know on test a few of the arcs i played had some really nice ideas and be nice to try incoperate similar touches to arcs that i may want to create.
Have an arc already on test but i need to tweak it a bit and fix some of my typos adn plot lines
Your link dont work
But from the link i have seen from other sources, the costumes look quite good. So i'll proberly be buying the pack.
thats lovely thanks GR. Means i don't have to delete another 50
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You know you can buy additional slots to,this will save you deleting a 50 or have you filled them all full of 50s as well !!! -
Good to see your return Pyra
I'm still playing from your time so guess im one of these "oldies"
I find the market, the drive for Inf etc an alien concept.I play this game to have fun. Badges are nice, and occasionally I will go out of my way to get one, but I wouldn't pay for a team, or expect anyone to pay for a team. I'll always give my last wakie to a dead guy (and I use wakies a LOT), always give that spare enh that I can't use away.
It's just a game.
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yip thing much the same, never charged or even thought about charging anyone for a badge mission, is jsut nice to offer badge missions to any who may need it.
And often still dropping high level enhancemetns onto lowbies as well as offering them inf if they need it to get them going.
I think alot of the CoH community with the introduction of WW a while back became a bit more selfish and a lot of the giving seemed to stop.
As for the badge missions many do Oro them now, i think was rescuer was only one ive had to Oro recently as i normally do try pick up the contact at the appropiate level to do the miss with the appropiate chars, and gladly offer it up as well on SG forums and global mainly when i plan to do the miss.