Unable to publish
If it's Raven Has Flown The Nets, it's published matey
Sometimes takes a few mins for the confirmation to appear in the text box, I've noticed
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

Thanks Coin, and looks like i have a typo there if its nets. Will have to check into that, mind you nets can work as well i guess :P
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069
I know Smurfnof ran into publishing problems yday as well. He couldn't even test the arc he'd made even if there was no errors, let alone get it published.
I thought it could have something to do with him having more that 3 acrs published before, even if he had un-published some. Guess we shouldn't expect things to work perfectly yet, it's still amazingly stable so far.
(And exploitable, lol)
Any one having probs publishng arcs ?

I have a 4 mission arc all playtested rady to be put live, every time i try publish the publish button goes down as you would expect. Shortly afterwards it pops back up and i get no confirmation if my arc has been published.
After this i try and interact with the MA terminal, and i can't. The aprox 20 seconds later i mapserver
I intrially thought this might be heavy volume of MA traffic as was late on Saturday night, so i imagine the US would be up and in full swing.
I have now tried 10:15 uk time Sunday, generally the servers are prob less busy at this time. The US traffic proberly a lot less so was hoping to publish my arc this morning.
Alas no, exactly same problem. My arc has no errors according to the error flag thing in the top right. Was even asked by a good friend to ake sure no <br> symbols in the text. I ahve removed the ones that where ther. But still no joy publishing.
I really dont know what is preventing me from getting my arc published.
Any one esle have publishing problems or know of a possible solution ??
Edit: I found another <br> that wasnt there before have removed it and mission now published. No idea how these <br> appear.
I know on the SG motd screen sometimes would get <br> appearing as well, must be the way coh does the text i guess, hope this bug is ironed out in coming patches, as causes all sorts of grief working out why cant publish missions
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069