1218 -
NP! See you in 80 minutes (unless I freak out for some reason, not entirely impossible)
Well, JD actually did show up after all, but after 15 minutes I chose to go chat with old friend Glen and Missy JD got some unexpected attension I guess...
..see you all tomorrow! -
Rather impressive. Did a few runs with fire/rad trollers and stray tankers/whatever in 37+ minutes a couple of times not really trying to break any speed record really. I did join a team trying to speed things, but it all ended miserably in mission after mission.
...i stopped doing 3 ITFs/day after that! -
Have some time to waste so I guess I'll get dirty on the forum again. Was nice staying away for a few weeks, ignoring all the sillyness!
First off: If they do add "tons of new content", I for one, and most of the people I play with WOULD enjoy it immensely, while stuff like power customisation is totally useless and adds nothing to the game play at all. (Sure it IS nice, but I MUCH rather see a load of new arcs).
For me that IS what the game is about. The stories, the progression. I loved to find out what happened to Pyriss, I even enjoyed the VEAT story arcs and I would kill for some new special maps/missions, not to mention a couple of more high level SFs or the thrill of something "new" happening. Do you remember how scared you where the first time a mob followed you down the elevator?
As for the MA/AE, the devs will do whatever they'll do to it, hardly any point discussing it. It will be bad, useless, nerfing and make it even less interesting for EVERYONE. Personally I've given up trying to make the arcs I intended. Trying to nerf powerlevelling is their job, but they've fundamentally failed miserably and whatever they do there'll still be sweet spots. I've said it before: There's a reason, a VERY GOOD reason no other MMO have any MA's. It was a big chunk of Hybris believing a small game like this could pull it off (properly).
Oh, wait! Any suggestions and ideas is immediately smacked down by forum posters anyway.... Off to lunch instead! -
Will be great for inv brutes/tankers as well... The black fx on brutes is rather depressive imho, especially those swirly lines around you. ...but does this mean we can now have non-fiery rikti monkeys on fire trollers?
Edit: Just tested it for a bit! I'm shocked! Changing colours really allowed me to see how bad many fx are. I thought it was mainly the old engine itself, the horrible shadows and illumination that made the game feel very, very old. Apart from some 5ths running around, that seems to be it - oh, and another MA nerf. So until GR or I17 hits I guess it's really game over for me. No new content, farms nerfed and everything looking uglier than usual. ...and I thought I15 was weak!
Let's hope there's a lot of undocumented changes, like story arcs etc slightly changed, maybe even a few new/changed maps. Oh, who am I kidding? -
Um, changing the colours of my powers etc is old news the minute it hits live. Sure it's cool especially since they said it wouldn't be done since the whole engine needed to be recoded. The only good thing about it is, just that, the engine IS being recoded, albeit slowly and we will benifit from that eventually. Hopefully we'll see some shine already in GR.
I'm not sure what you're really suggesting here, apart from the usual, totally ignored "more (end) content, now - and a lot of it"? (And Yes, of course I TOTALLY agree with it.)
..then again, those points are worth repeating at intervals so the devs understand we won't give up, we'll keep nagging them for more serious (story/mission/arc/tf/trial/raid) content. I'd personally be very happy if we got some real, professional level designers to the team. Those repetitive stupidly designed "office" maps are a sad joke. Don't they have offices in the US? Or are they actually of similar insane design? -
Wow... This might be the end of the world as we know it..
...well, temporarily, that is! :-)
Personally I've taken some time off the forum and hardly playing the game, and as FFM said... It'll be good for you! I'm concidering having a three month detox myself. -
...It's gonna be announced soon ...ish
...as usual!
Quote:I have no problem with it as long as their points are valid. When they have nothing to do with my suggestion, it's flat out annoying!
People disagreeing with you is perfectly fine. If you wanted a monologue with no criticism you should have just sent a PM to the devs.
The whole point of posting a suggestion - for me - is for people to discuss the pro's AND the con's. What can we do with this suggestion, how can we improve it. If I had a final perfect, flawless suggestion I would PM the devs, email them or even snailmail them. ..but flat out bashing for the (youknowwhat) of it - No I don't accept that. That's either stupid or harrassment!
I bet if I hadn't mentioned pvp....
...come to think of it, I don't even wanna play the game anymore! Time to try CO beta! Guess that's what you all want so you can patrol the zones all alone without interference! Yeah, time to make a one man, total-instanced MMO out of this game! -
Quote:He's explained a lot about his playstyle, how he like patrols, how he like fighting level one's, etc. Why do you chose to falsify and misinterpret anything and everything? Was it because I said pvp? Is that a bad word? Must anyone that use that word be exorcised or something?
Soloing in this game is unusual?
[quote]Full of yourself much? Disagreeing with you is NOT the same thing as "not wanting to improve the game".
Additionally, it's highly debatable whether the things you suggest would be seen as an "improvement" by a large number of the players in the game.[/qute]
Chosing to fantasize about what I've proposed or totaly misunderstand it in such a way it's not possible the antagonist ever really read my proposal (so far anyone that's been negative has fallen into this category), well... Yeah! I do get on my high horses when people chose to bash all they can, not even trying to pick any good stuff out of a suggestion, not even bothering to actually read or try to understand what is proposed. So far noone has actually disagreed with me, except Blue Rabbit, becuase you ppl haven't even tried to understand the proposal. You chose to glanse at it and the start bashing because you saw that horrible word: PvP!
IMHO if you can't be bothered to read and respect the OP's ideas don't expect any respect back, in fact - why bother posting since it's totally improductive! Some people just like to argue for the (whatever) of it, I prefer being productive and constructive.
I've already suggested we completely ditch the pvp suggestion. I'm no fan of pvp anyway, but since the devs seems commited to getting more people to pvp I made a suggestion that would NOT include forcing us all to pvp, to still make it a choise, a simple choise that would not interfere in any way with your game unless you so chose. NOT ONE of you bothered to even TRY to understand that possible mechanic and even though I suggested we forget about it ya'll still rant about it! Since noone bothered to actually read up, I still fail to see a single valid point, since you're all talking about something I've never ever suggested. I should choose to laugh at it, but it makes me rather depressed because if this is the way it's gonna be on these new forums, the devs better not listen at all to any of us.
If I could delete this thread or this complete section I would. Gollygoddarnit! I think I might stick to moaning in defiant events. At least Wabbit might offer me some carrot cake. ...and when I moan it's quality valid epic moans! -
Quote:For crying out loud. All of you, go back and read my proposal and replies! I can't believe how hard it is for you to understand that concept. Do you only see one word: PVP? What's the point in answering, critizising a proposal if you can't even be bothered to read it? Get off your high anti-pvp horses and try to be constructive or at least use valid objections to what I actually proposed! This is totally rediculous!"Getting to safety" if open world PvP (which is what you are advocating) is introduced will entail cancelling my account.
Joint instanced missions for thems as wants (the Arena writ large)? Splendid. The more options for players the better.
Level-free play? Wouldn't bother me, but is a major redesign of the fundamental game, so opens a big can of worms for the designers. Changes the whole paradigm for designing stories that challenge everyone without being a cakewalk for some and unbeatable for others. And that's just the storytelling side - doesn't even consider the technical issues needed to support such a shift. -
Ok, people out of pure rediculous spite CHOSE to make up things I've said or completely misinterpret it. Example:
Quote:You completely misunderstand the concept. Some outdoor missions that are instanced in this game take place in existing areas of Steel Canyon, Skyway etc. I'm not proposing new parts to "pop up", i just saying that if you're going to go into a mission to rescue a hostage, fight a boss or click a glowie - why does it have to be in an instance and not in the actual zone? It makes sense when you go to another dimension, but besides that, I'd rather do it in the "real world". I'm not saying we should do it exactly as in lotro or any other game, I'm just saying it works, it works VERY WELL, it's more fun and it makes people feel the game world is alive, real, immersive and an actual part of the game. Patrol missions doesn't, defeat 15 hellions doesn't.I think you don't quite get the concept of "instanced". Nor the reason the game goes with an instanced setup, rather than just open zone quests.
Three of the big reasons for instanced play vs open zone. Note, these aren't the ONLY reasons, just the three I've chosen to name now.
1: Removes possibility of people coming in and killing stuff in a way that renders the mission unable to be completed or robbing you of exp by destroying enemies instead of you. It also stops competition by multiple players to complete identical quests.
2: Performance issues. Having multiple instances of multiple missions automatically add and subtract themselves from zones in an openly acessible (to everyone) fashion would introduced ridiculous amounts of load onto the server.
3: It's kinda hard to logically justify. This extra zone portion automatically APPEARS and attaches itself to a zone. WHERE? Or if you're talking about mobs just spawning in an existing zone. We already have that. Rikti raids and zombie invasions. Ask some players how they like those.
You know what! Two individuals have made me loose ANY interest whatsoever and any respect whatsoever for the playerbase! Critisize is one thing. CONSTRUCTIVE and VALID critisism something completely different! You should try it, you might even like it! We might as well shut this whole section of the forum down! Go play with youself (interpret that in any way you want). With supporters like this, the game don't need enemies!
..and I thought I moaned and whined a lot! I want the old forum back! -
Quote:Read my suggestion again! We're not talking about "open world" pvp.If anything resembling open-world PVP was implemented in this game, hundreds of people on this forum alone have promised that they will quit. And PVPers won't magically appear to replace them by a long shot.
Schesus, mention pvp and everyone goes mad! -
No! Sacrifice the kittens! I17 FTW!
(Yeah, skipped I16, since it seems to be useless) -
Quote:For the love of whatever deity. I've never ever, NEVER EVER said anything about "yanking it from under me". I can't believe you're still stuck on that! I'm talking about adding stuff, not removing stuff or forcing it upon people. I bet there are contacts/arcs you already choose not to do because you don't like the content? As I've said, I've posted other suggestions about how to make our actions matter (like giving us choises that affect future missions etc). I refuse to repeat myself since thoose posts where rather epic as well.
The zones are full of content. Use it. I like to use it, and I don't appreciate other people yanking it from under me.
Quote:The zones have enemies in them. Fight them. The zones have badges in them. Find them. The zones have plaques in them. Read them. The zones have a lot of pretty locations in them. Go to them. The zones are interesting to travel through. Travel through them. Your view of "purpose" seems restricted to "things to do with other people." There are PLENTY of things to do in world zones than interact with other people. Hell, there are plenty of hunt, delivery and patrol missions - ACTUAL MISSIONS - that need to be done in the world zones.
Ok, so forget about the pvp suggestion. How can a charity speed race in skyway or someone beating a boss or clicking a glowie, that's unclickable to you, or perhaps leading a hostage somewhere be bad for you? I seriously can't understand why you're being so upset about this.
Quote:My response in that other thread was the same one I have here - I don't need to SEE my actions mattering. I don't want to change the world for other people, because I wouldn't want other people changing my world. Our actions matter in the very own, personal universe each character exists in. Each of us has defeated Dr. Vahzilok, stopped Romulus Augustulus and saved a thousand worlds, yet for each new character these things are happening for the first time. That's enough of my actions mattering for me. I'm not interested in game mechanics that alter zones.
Quote:If you want the zones more alive, look to designing non-obtrusive events in them, like the Steel Canyon fires or the Skyway City Troll raves.
Quote:Well be surprised, then. Not all of us farm and grind to the "end game" so we can exemplar down to redo the content we skipped. I'd rather have my fun on the way up, and I'd rather not have meddling fools mess it up for me.
Quote:I like my instances for the same reason I like my home - it's the place where random strangers can't bother me when I don't feel like being bothered by random strangers. If you want to take this away from me, then you're going to have an uphill struggle.
As for the hami-raids. Agreed I can only speak for the EU people, but it was a major community event and quite often it seemed like more than half the servers showed up. The mothership raids every sunday on Defiant is another fine example. Personally I can't stand that raid due to how it's constructed nowadays, but it's another great community event. A LOT of people show up not because the raid itself, but because they enjoy that community feeling. Same thing with the hamiraid, the actual raid itself was pretty much run on autopilot but there's no doubt people enjoyed it. Those that didn't, well noone ever forced them to take part of it. Same with my suggestions. Noone's forcing you to do that part of the content. If you still think so, either you're misunderstanding me on a graaand scale or you're just determined to continue for the heck of it. Also it was a suggestion, not a complete, finished fine-tuned proposal and the point of posting it was for people to improve it.
It's easy to find faults and problems, but you seem determined to not improve the game, just keep it as it is? I guess you and the other two can keep the servers to youself and solo your heart out then...
Quote:Is there 20 of what? Instanced missions? There are hundreds of them.
Quote:And even if, per chance, I happen to find myself dissatisfied with an outdoor hunt, be it due to other players or because some yahoo at Cryptic decided it was a swell idea to have single players playing squishies go hunt 50 Stuff in Trial Zones with 8-man hardcoded spawns or whatever other indignity, I can just drop the mission and go grab an instance. That doesn't quite work if all missions are "in the open," does it?
Quote:I mean, if it's going to be only for those who are interested, why does it have to be hold around those who AREN'T interested? People have been suggesting instanced PvP missions where heroes and villains have opposing goals for years. Simply taking the Mayhem/Safeguard zones and turning them into a version of UT's Assault game mode sounds like a suggestion that should not just be superior to the current pointless incarnation of PvP, but even something I might want to look into. But it doesn't have to happen out in the open where it can involve the unwilling.
Quote:I stay with this game because I like this game. Exactly as it is. I'll never turn my back on something new, but I will NEVER stand for the abolishment of something old.
May I suggest you read my suggestion again, with open eyes, remember it's an early draft suggestion that can be improved and that I have no intention or interest in ruining your game experience. Why not come with some positive suggestions on how it could be done, or how to make "my kind of people" interested in re-subscribing? I think we agree on more that we disagree really. -
Quote:Again...And what if I want to do my outdoor instanced missions and my mayhem/safeguards without ever having to face other players and wasting as much time as I see fit in doing them? Why should I be subjected to PvP if I don't want it, don't like it and think it's a waste of Devs time?
Sorry but I have to vehemently oppose this suggestion in regards to the PvP part.
The pvp part was one example, a possibility, with actual in-zone missions. I expected people to react to it, but not to think it was THE MAIN point of my proposal. And how many think people would rush to defend the IP bank really? It's like the old EU PvP zone grinds, you never even come across anyone bothering you when you're getting shivans or nukes, you could usually - you can still usually - grind in RV without anyone bothering you.
It was ONE of THREE suggestions, and I still believe it would spice up the game a bit. Heroes could avoid it totally and with a change to the papers, so could villains. (And I agree, villains should get hero-style new contact introductions from Kalinda and on so we can skip them totally) -
Quote:A level one enemy has hardly any powers. Problem taken care of! Higher level foes have more powers etc. Good example is the event GMs that's basically boring in Mercy, but good fun in Grandville. It would also make sense for you to actually help defend the city - yeah RP argument and it sikkens me, but still valid. Another example is how you level down when you do ouroboros missions. With trays full of insps, invention sets etc those low levels aren't quite easy. Imagine doing them with all your powers as well and I hope you agree it's not really a problem.This is so horrible my eyes are starting to sting...
Suppose I do NOT want Hellions conning white to me? And I don't. I didn't gain 50 levels so deadbeat level 1 enemies could pose a credible threat. On the flip side, certain enemies are intended to be incredibly dangerous. It doesn't make sense that a level 1 hero would be able to so much as look at them funny. That's the point, not the problem.
Quote:Instances were introduced in this game as part of a policy for reducing griefing. The less you depend on the actions of other people, the less opportunity they have to grief you. Plenty of players have advised others that, if someone is bothering you, just go into an instance where he can't follow. And now you want to open all instances to every damn yahoo that thinks a level 50 coming in to attack everything I'm fighting is helping me? No, thank you.
Quote:Go to hell. Does that communicate my feelings on allowing public-zone PvP accurately, or should I infringe on the language filter to elaborate?
Well, I'm definitely no fan of pvp in this game. it was a suggestion on how to make the game more alive because as a world if feels flat, dead, broken, useless.
Quote:The zones are just fine. I meet heroes and villains in them, and that's more than enough. I'm not interested in seeing SG events and the other garbage that used to pollute Atlas Park Broadcast until the Architect cleaned up the plaza. I ESPECIALLY don't want to see the zones come to life if that meant yanking ME out of MY missions and out where everybody can interfere.
Quote:By... Introducing PvP? So the only way that actions could matter is if you fight other PLAYERS and interrupt and possibly fail ther mission? "Hero vs. villain" does not translate into "player vs. player" in any way, shape or form that doesn't translate into "player vs. NPC" in exactly the same way.
Quote:No, it is not. You can refuse the Mayhem mission and still get a contact. This was done specifically for the people who DIDN'T want to do Mayhem missions. And even if it weren't, the "5*paper + mayhem" model is an abominable waste of time and effort if all you want is a contact. Mayhem missions when I feel like it is one thing. Mayhem missions because YOU feel like I should be doing it is quite another.
Quote:Essentially, mess with player's gameplay for the sake of feeling like you're messing with their gameplay. Rikti Invasions are already enough of a pain by making me switch zones when they occur, and they only occur once in a blue moon. It's also a pretty big illusion to think that "the Atlas posse" will rush to save the bank. At best they'll stay right where they are. At worst, the'll move away for a while.
Quote:There ARE no benefits for doing a Safeguard mission outside of experience that can be gotten everywhere else and a handful of barely-useful temporary powers that don't always even spawn in a Safeguard. Besides, heroes weren't "designed" so they don't need to do Safeguards. They were designed before Safeguards existed, and the developers chose not to repeat the mistake of hamstringing heroes to Safeguards as they did with villains. Yanking existing utility wouldn't have gone over well, anyway.
Quote:I don't WANT other people "helping" me out by stealing my experience and throwing off my groove. That's why I do instanced missions instead of hunting the significantly larget Hazard Zone spawns. That's the POINT of instances, not the problem with them.
Quote:"It's done in other games" is the world's worst argument for adding something into this one, especially when it comes about alone. Especially since I've played some of those "other" games and never liked the idea that the things I was sent to hunt were being camped by the other 15 people who had to hunt the same things in the same area. That never made me any friends, but it may have made me an enemy or two. On the flip side, I've made a lot of friends by teaming in instances and for TFs.
Quote:Far as I'm concerned, PvP can go to hell. I'm certainly not interested in giving up MY game to help save a part of the game I have exactly zero interest in. I certainly don't want it shoved in my face so that other PvPers can have pot-shots at my unwilling self. Dropkicking people into PvP encounters is not a good way to improve PvP. Getting people to actually WANT to PvP is. If I don't WANT to PvP now when I CAN go and find it, why do you think I'd want to PvP MORE if I'm FORCED into it?
Quote:I'm sorry if posting this makes me a jerk or if you feel I misunderstood you somewhere. The fact of the matter is that I LIKE the game's level structure, I LIKE the game's instance structure and I HATE PvP as a general concept. If you are interested in forwarding any of these ideas, do so without yanking my game from under me. I'm perfectly happy with how things are. Don't "fix" them for me. If we can both be happy, then fine. I don't have a complaint. That's why PvP zones are separate from PvE zones - everybody has his place. So unless you have a way to do this that DOESN'T ruin my game in new and creative ways, then I am VERY, VERY much against this.
As I said above this is basically a continued proposal from another EU thread about how to make us excited about the game again, feel like it all matters. When you've been here a few years (esp for us on the villan side) it's all getting a bit toooo familiar, well... honestly... quite boring. I stay in the game because I've invested time and money into it and because I've made a lot of friends I enjoy playing with, but the game can't stay alive on us enjoying the company. I - at least - need something new and shiny, and I'd prefer it'd be in my old friend CoV so I can keep my lovely 50s. -
...and all these posts relate to a possible EU/US server(list) merger how?
As usual, the question is: Why does it take hours to release the patch notes?
...and yeah, like the emote upgrade although I usually stick to slash commands for that.. old habits! -
Still see no patch notes, unless you count the unofficial test server patch notes as some sort of official guestimate - and I refuse to do so! sigh... -
So now you think ppl seriously should keep track of the latest test server patches? Seriously? I don't even consider it worth a proper reply you know!
Yup, that was basically my point. If you have a kin in your team, it doesn't matter if you're ranged, Jump in, get dirty and trust the kin until he's proven useless!
Ha, beat you to this post!
IMHO it's silly! If the patch has been cleared for deployment, put up the patch notes including a link inside the updater when it's being deployed, not several hours later. ...but this has been going on for ages (well, more thn 5 years) so I guess we shouldn't expect the "policy" to change. -
...and as usual when there's a new patch, there's no news about the patch.
Yes, I'm tired and grumpy today, but... I ha..I fu.. I friggn.. hrmmm... I "don't like" the lack of information! -
Quote:Wow, You've never done a mayhem/safeguard have you, or even read my suggestion? It's A PART (it's actually a very small part) of the zone, not the whole actual zone. As I said, choosing the location for outdoor missions will take some brainstorming. Also, how many outdoor instanced missions are there at the moment, that takes place within "this dimension" (not counting Shadow Shard, praetorian earth, Naylors & TV missions etc)?So, if I don't want the possibility of getting caught up in PvP, I have to just sit around in another zone waiting for it to finish before I can go do my new outdoor instanced mission in that zone? Then possibly wait some more as another villain does their Mayhem. Then wait some more.....
No thanks.
..but your statement makes pretty clear that in this game, it's totally impossible to "force" anyone into a pvp-possible situation without someone going totally nuts!
Now... the pvp part is the part I care least about, but outdoor missions actually happening on the city maps instead of inside instances works very well in other games without people "waiting for another team to finish" or anything like that. Personally I see no reason why mayhems etc couldn't be done as well although it would be some serious work for the devs and some people would have objections to it because they prefer a static game that preferably doesn't evolve at all.