1218 -
I'm thinking about starting a new all 8 man corruptor team, preferably on Defiant (even if I personally lack the slots) or... in worst case Union.
The basic idea is not a typical powerteam build, rather a fun all-round team consisting of all the secondaries, and at least most of the primaries to do all kinds of dam, buffs, debuffs. Loads of sniper attacks, loads of nukes. Since corruptors benefit a lot from the leadership, we'll all take'em.
I do prefer my friendly smurfers, but anyone "new" joining us will of course get a free passport to Dead On Arrival, the best badge collecting villain SG in Europe.
I'm probably rolling a radiation/kinetics corruptor today, if the servers come up before I go to work. If you want in, I'm playing my fire/rad powerteam on Union today, so send a tell to @Sing Star and I'll get back to you.
Quick note: I DO NOT usually read the forum, so don't bother trying to contact me here! -
Just a friendly reminder that we're going at it again today, in less than one hour.
Some of the "old" ones are joining us, so we should have *more* than a full team - I hope - and that should mean we should see some imps very soon! -
GZ Mecha! Always fun having someone ding on the LRSF, it's the Dingding SF imho!
Grats to me...
Teacher Star Ninja/Poison/GW/Vengeance MM dinged 50 on Lady Grey TF today!!!
...and got to work some merits too on the raid just after! -
FYI, I run all 3 leaderships, choking cloud and hot feet w/o any problem on five AMs easily. 6+ is preferred to keep the AMs recharged, but end really is no problem as long as there's at least five AMing trollers around.
I do try to avoid EF or any of the other rad debuffs when we're just 5, but... And omg how I love Karma!!!
Now don't forget: 6 pm on Wednesdays and Thursdays!!! There's several alts like Herculon, that panda guy and Cobalt that's been missing for weeks now - we want you back!!! -
Think we might wait with the leadership until we get stamina, even with quick rec. unless we enroll a rad troller to AM us. Might take the defence leadership tho, and get the acc/dam once we've got leadership.
I have a pre-lvl 10 regen/claw scrapper that could probably join. I'm playing the fire/rad teams at wed/thurs, but other days would prolly work fine usually.
8 scrappers kill anything before they have time to hurt'em, so... but with regen and leadership you/we'd be quite safe from anything even without any occational joining healer. -
Just wondered how endurance heavy tactics, assault and maneuvers are? As I'm fast running out of powers I actually want to use for my Fire/Rad.
[/ QUOTE ]
With 6 or more Accelerated metabolisms that's not a problem and once 50 you can always respec or get fitness pool... -
Don't forget ppl!
Today and tomorrow, 6 pm...
And I do NOT read forums, so if anyone wants in, send me an in-game tell or be forever ignored. Anyone on-line, sending tell, with at least AM will be invited as long as there's space.
We now have 6 regulars almost always showing up, and several backups that show up occationally but never ever send tells about "can't make it tomorrow"! -
Gz on another 50..
My teacher is finally getting close too, but..
...omg I hate my work! -
Again... Gratz!
I think I'd better concentrate on a few alts to get some more 50s for flier hunts and Hamidon... err... k... maybe not!
Anyway... Gratz, hooraay, HooHaaa! Woohoo! -
Gz London, and gz to radiant smurfette, aka Raegan too!
Now devs - we need more alt slots, isn't that obvious? -
This is one of the reasons I stay away from heroes almost completely. Villains are - for some reason - nicer imho!
Anyway.. The cossie recipes will now be in a separate "drop pool" so anyone that wants them will have it easier. That should get the prices down pretty fast so with some luck He'll keep wasting inf by putting it up on AH, getting it back to change price and putting it back up.
All hero markets in EU/US are joined together, and all villain Black markets are joined together, nice touch if it wasn't for the techs being in US on US time!
Btw.. Have to ask: What was the no-good "hero" loosers name? -
The fire rads will play on a regular basis from today an forward...
Two days a week decided:
Wednesdays 6 pm
Thursdays 6 pm
In case someone wonders about the build, here it is again:
The powers that everyone MUST take:
Fire Cages (lvl 2) - used to immobilize groups for the hot feets. only need some acc
Accelerated Metabolism (lvl 4) - six-slot this one as soon as possible. 3 recharge, 3 end (not endred, the dark blue ones)
Hot Feet (lvl 8) - main minion killer until we level up - six-slot pretty fast
Flashfire (lvl 12) - main attack starter to disorient foes including the bosses.
Assault - one-slot with endred
Tactics - one endred, three accbuffs
Maneuvers - one endred - three defence
Choking Cloud (lvl 28)
Fire Imps (lvl 32)
Everyone should have tactics, assault and maneovers by 24-26, preferably sooner. This is NOT a request. 8 people running these toggles is one of the key features of the superteam. Once we get fire imps theyll benefit from it too. -
Wouldn't dream of not having TB on my bots mm. But bots are good in that way, they stay stuck in one place until the fight is over. I also tend to solo mostly on my bots, since it's on Onion!
As a team power it is fairly useless mostly since most fights are over fast. but if you're like me, you enjoy 8 man relentless fighting and that means AVs etc, and that means long (erhm, well, not really) static fights where the team does value a TB. So far I have not seen the need for aid others due to my good protector bots, the FF and well behaving pets that stay put. On occations I've dropped a heal insp on my assault bot.
But as MZ said... don't consider TB as a heal power... It's more like a second force field negating the dam made. It's +regen, not heal. So, as usual it's back to: How do YOU play? I haven't tried mercs but they seem to behave pretty much like bots (and yet not at all like bots).
I'd hang on to TB anyway, since you can always slot it with regen tissue/numina unique to become something as silly as a regen MM, sort of, but not at all.. kind of... -
I'm usually fine with my ninja/poison against any EB and most other baaad baddie but it tends to become a grind where I'm usually pretty much out of end due to constant debuffing, trying to heal my Oni at least and spamming the other pets as they suffer the PBAoE deaths. The Baddies do tend to aggro on me too, due to the constant stream of debuffing.
It's a lot more work than I have on my bots/traps set. The bots really do "heal" at the right moments and as long as I keep'em inside my bubble spamming my mortar and poison traps that seem to be enough. Also, this way the baddie rarely aggro in me.
Oddly enought I just had the toughest fight in my ninja/poison career against a rather low EB: The Radio in the TV mish. I faceplanted twice and had to use quite a load of insps to keep end up and have my pets do dam enough before they died. The darn thing killed'em faster than I could get'em back up. PSI AVs have been rather bad too.
I agree with Shannon, some builds are good for some AVs, other builds are better for other AVs. So if you're thinking of creating a new mm consider what kind of game-style you're in to: easy relaxed ranged damage? aggressive fast killing (more work for you)? solo gaming? team oriented? ...or a nice mix?
I'm probably doing the extremes:
Bots/traps, very relaxed. Great solo player, don't need fitness pool. Good in teams because pets stay at range and don't get in the way. Bubble etc nice for teams. But annoying for ppl to wait for my end to get back up and I feel silly just standing there when the rest of the team are fighting madlyCan superjump!
Ninja/poison: Very aggressive, needs loads of control esp if a kin SB them. They gladly run all over the map if unchecked. Critical strikes, great with a dom doing holds. Poison great target debuff, liked by teams. Little protection or buffs for pets or team. Can superjump. Unlike other MMs I've tried I really prefer playing in teams with this one. Let me emphasize this again: A! LOT! OF! WORK! at least compared to many of the other MM sets.
With some hard earned knowledge I'd say poison might be better used by one of the primaries that have a healer pet, but it's a brilliant single-target debuffer. -
From now on we'll be running the fire/rad team(s) every wednesday from 6 pm until we get tired (can't get bored).
As long as there's space in the team(s) we'll let anyone in to try it out, with sk if needed. Fire/rads comes first, any other rads with AM comes 2nd, and anyone else will have to slap-fight for the last space!
I think we'll have a nice, solid ground of about 6 regular, dependable players most wednesdays from now on.
...Then there's the rest of the "occational joiners that said they where very interested" that's rarely on and haven't learned to send an in-game tell!
If NCSoft could just MARKET this game with some ads we might actually have a player base to build these teams on. This week there's never ever been more than 160 (unhidden) villains on defiant. That's pathetic imho... -
You and one smurf will be gone tuesday so I think it'll be hard to get a 4+ team going tomorrow.
I think we need to do this into a regular event 2 days a week so everyone knows when we play and interested people can join in when they feel like it and there's space open. with a regular meeting place even more teams could get started in case we fill up and poeple get annoyed waiting for invites.
For this week I'll try being there every day at 6 PM but I'm going back to work on thursday and have no idea how my scedule will be from there on, so I'm not promising anything.
Nicky, could you send a global with your email btw? Got the other "dependable's" and think that's the only way to get this team organised.
I'll post all the "events" on the forum until we get an email list going. For anyone that wants to join, I've made a fairly simple guide on http://doa.team.pro to the fire/radiation controller eight man powerteam - try saying that fast ten times! -
Since it is the best debuffer I find it to be a geat team player. I can't do much for my pets with it, but I can heal team members and do a lot of crowd control - so IMHO it's a team oriented relentless mish player, whereas it's "demanding" to play it solo on higher levels since there's no self protection or AoE heal. I love playing it in 8 man teams and they tend to love how I debuff everything.
I'm gonna put an interrupt IO in the poison trap once I hit 47 to see if it's acceptable, but that might take some time. More interested in my onion bots/traps at the moment, and pretty much all the other alts too!
But basically they've done what they usually do, the powers within one set hasn't been balanced so noone want's the poison trap once they realize how much it sucks compared to traps poison trap - and they feel cheated and waste a respec! -
lol, can't even get people not to wear wings, capes, auras.. People even started harassing me when I asked politely...
"You don't pay my subscription", "Get a better computer" etc. I kept telling them politely that I personally had no problem with it, but it's polite to others to aviod as much GFX lag as possible, since the game engine is so ancient and crappy.
But a nice idea nontheless! -
Ok, I'm so tired of half the team not showing up and not bothering to send me a message, not accepting global invites and not wanting to give me their Email adress. I missed out on a wonderful BBQ today and only half the team showed up, so:
The fire/radiation powercontrollers are looking for some additions to our team. There's four good about-lvl 20 players using the original US powerbuild and more or less a regular empath defender.
We're playing on "highest" difficulty only and will gladly SK you if you need it.The build relies heavily on the use of leadership pool and Accelerated metabolism together with hot feet (and some of the other fire/rad powers like char, smoke etc). If you want build/respec advice, just send an in-game tell to @Sing Star.
We'll start playing again on tuesday 6 pm . Anyone in faultline with a fire/rad will be welcome on a "first-come" basis and - if they want - get a regular spot on the team. Older team members that still want to remain in the team better contact me asap unless they showed up today.
I'm not gonna miss another BBQ because some ppl think it's too hard to send a tell or email! And someone please... Get rid of this onion rubberband lag - it's *literally* killing my alts! -
So tired of this... See new thread!
Yeah, 5+ and we're unstoppable even if most team is -2 levels to the mish!
Fun note: at lvl 16-18 we killed lvl 24 bosses outside easily...
...and got no xp! ROFL!!!
Next run on saturday 6 pm, BBQ today, Laundry tomorrow! -
Cm'on, ok that a trap guy can place a trap faster than a poison guy, but a poison guy should be able to make a better poison trap than a trap guy imho.
I play both a ninja/poison and a bots/traps and the huge difference is driving me mad. Sure - poison is a great debuffer, but we also get the rediculous "heal" power, the biggest joke in CoV history (but good against arachnids).
I was probably one of the first to go with poison on defiant (first alt I rolled a few minutes efter the game was released) and I'm also crazy enough to do, and stick with, some crazy builds. IMHO all powers have some use or *should* have some use.
Even with an interrupt time SO/IO however, poison trap is useless for everything except pulling/recall foe -> both strategies for chicken traps, not for a debuffer. I would buy it if I could at least run inside a group of foes with my invisibility on and place it, but...
I'd just like to hear someone explain WHY there's such a huge difference. Poison IS a great debuff, but I feel that with the worthless heal and the crappy poison trap it's a bit underpowered compared to the other MM secondaries(I refuse to say the others are overpowered)
As I see it, it's the only team oriented secondary in the MM sets - and that I like - I am *the* support person! Other sets are either solo oriented or good for both. But sometimes I really wonder how the devs thougth when they did what they did.
(and btw, my "crazy" build usually turn out to be rather good once the nerfs sets in!)