Fire/rad trollers next on: tuesday 6 pm
Wait... Chorizo the spicy sausage? Props to you if it is and your beer is warm and flat.
*pokes the Fire/Rad*
@Jay Leon Hart
Kerensky: this has nothing to do with underwear
Zwillinger: I put on my robe and wizard hat...
Synapse: I had to resist starting my last post off with "Yo dawg!"
Just a quick note of who's currently enrolled and will have a space if they actually show up on tuesday. If you're on the list and can't make it, please send a tell to me. If you can make it and didn't play iday I'd love to hear from you anyway!
@Sing Star - Radical Smurf Star
@Herculon - Doctor von Neutron
@Ramite - Syrith
@Cobalt Unit IV - Searing smurf
@Nicky - Lost Unit
@Pushtech - Char-cole
@Combat Medic Droid - Hazmat Droid
@Dark Fire Bug - (don't remember alt name)
@Clau - Vulcanic Activity
Reserve, did show up once:
@Hey man - Hey Smurfite
Space fillers? (old team leftovers)
@Metal Talon
@Quartzite (Not responded so far, tho'?)
The rest has not responded at any of the given sessions. The people above have shown a fairly high degree of "reliability" so I hope we'll get a full team. to keep a full team going tho' it's nice to have 4-6 reserves to PL so feel free to contact me in-game.
Due to another group of people constantly being rude and #$%& on the forum - as well as being favourised by a certain person - I refuse to follow any threads - official forum just simply #$%&! So posting here won't do you any good! The cold ones are dead, long live the smurfites
Well, due to a certain release (Yes, f'coz I10) only one person showed up - how strange!
We'll try again next tuesday, 6 PM. Ppl should be done with the worst I10-craze by then? I guess it'll be even harder to get a team together now!
...then again, with RWZ being 35+ now we have a perfect road map - no need to zone with each mish or grind papers:
Faultline lvl 15+
Striga 20+
Croatoa 25+
RWZ 35+
Great! Devs have finally made Heroes playable again!
I was online last night at six, but I didnt see you on? Was going to come join you, but no word, so I got started with i10! Man its awesome!
Went very well last night I think. Would definately be interested in doing it again either today, later in week or next next week. Just let me know when your ready.
Yeah, 5+ and we're unstoppable even if most team is -2 levels to the mish!
Fun note: at lvl 16-18 we killed lvl 24 bosses outside easily...
...and got no xp! ROFL!!!
Next run on saturday 6 pm, BBQ today, Laundry tomorrow!
Sorry I just disapeared last night. Unexpected family members come round and I was forced to the pub. Many apologies for not saying goodbye and letting you know I was leaving.
what lvl are you now...
Late teens early twenties.
So tired of this... See new thread!
Fire/rad troller team is going at it again at 6 pm Tuesday. Send in-game tell to sing star if you want in...

Please also send in-game tell if you've asked to get in and won't be there. Lot's of people just don't show up and that's rather annoying when the sun shines and I could sit on the beach with a Chorizo and a beer instead of sending tells to 24 ppl that turns out to be off-line!
I'll send in-game tells to the "regular" peoples global to make sure the team is as big as possible - and yeah, we do take PLing fire/rads that has the right build!
Cya tuesday!