Mecha Mistress - happy ding-day
Yes huge gratz mate and what timing, he dinged with us at the end of the last mission of the LRSF
Big gratz mate
Big Gratz from me
@Rhi @Rhi.
Proud Member Of The Forum Cartel, For Smurfs

Thank you folks, feel like i'm doing some kind of acceptance speech, so what the heck, many thanks to the Sisterhood of Hades for taking in a lowly Mastermind in training (can't remember exactly who it was who told me about bodyguard mode, but it has saved me many a time)
Special mention and thanks also have to go to my Smurfy friends from Murders Unlimited, whom I knew of old, but had lost contact with during my hiaitus on the good side. It's been good teaming with you again.
I'm probly rambling a bit now, so i'll just shut up, thanks again to you all ... i'm off to work on my next villain
Proud Member Of The Forum Cartel, For Smurfs [/b] [/b]
GZ Mecha! Always fun having someone ding on the LRSF, it's the Dingding SF imho!
Congratulations on level 50, Mecha!
@Nanas (on Defiant)
Gratz Mecha.
Well done to Mecha for reaching the dizzy heights of lvl 50 yesterday and a jolly nice person too!!