53 -
Quote:Wow! You remember that? I was that other person next to Myriad.Nine years too late but, oops. I'm sorry.
Sorry. I had forgotten this entire incident until I read "Nortisop" and then I remembered the whole thing... including putting a couple people off to the side.
I *so* wanted to test out Foot Stomp on that beta tanker of mine.
Well, apology accepted, I acquired it in the live game, anyway. Twice even. And many, many more powers along the way.
I've since moved on to Champions Online for my heroing, but I'll always have fond memories of the great times spent in Paragon City. Followed the game since 2001, and played for years.
Damn shame what they're doing to ole' CoH.
I hope to see some of you (devs and players) around, in other games.
Good luck to you all. -
So, what's the status on this guys? Details!
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The status is that there is one team running the SF. After defeating some tough missions, we got stuck on 5 level 54 Heroes in one room that we haven't made much progress on beating. See the thread in the training room forum for more details.
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Sorry to have faied ya all.
I have a lvl 45 brute, and almost made it. Your 11:30 pm Central is my 7:30 am.I tried to stay up, but by 5:30 am fell asleep - been up about 22 hours by then. I suspected as much, and set my alarm clock at 7:00. Suprisingly it managed to wake me up, but I fell asleep again soon after.
Woke up at 7:20 with 10 minutes to go, hauled my butt into the main room in Grandville, sent a tell to Aly- (sp? - the first lvl 45+ that turned up during a /search really
), asking where the event is at, he told me to come to the room with the patrons. I entered the lift and - the client freezed. Hard. Had to reset the Puter, and the minute I came back on I saw the announcement "[CuppaJo: The Lord Recluse SF challenge has started!]". Ack.
Oh well. I got a screenshot of CuppJo though. The only Blaster AT in the entirety of Grandville. The same yellowish-orange font that indicates dead or hostile PvP characters.
I couldn't have joined you anyway though. That'd have been another few hours I just couldn't have managed to stay awake.
Since you're going to try Monday and Tuesday evening most likely - that's when I should really be asleep in my timezone.
Good luck though! -
What time Central is it currently? It's 11pm here. I don't know how off the post date and time on these forums are.
However, if you have a villain over 45 on test you might want to stay up late watching the boards Friday night.
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Stay up late? Get up early for me. That's 6 (?) in the morning here. Any idea of how long it will take? -
They're getting "repositioned" as soon as they start moving. They are usually all dumped in a spot near the opposite entrance. I've been bugging it two weeks ago when I did the mission.
Faathim's palace is big enough to make them vanish from sight entirely if World Detail is set at 100%. If you run around the outer walls, they should come back into view eventually. -
FYI: Melee AT Patron Power Pool Ranged attacks which cause damage will be changed to using the Melee damage scale.
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Can someone translate this dev speak for me? What does this mean? Why would range attacks be considered melee damage?
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They're not considered melee attacks, they're 0.5 of melee scale. Meaning a *ranged* power for a non-ranged class that's classified as "medium" damage would actually do 0.5x (one half) the damage a medium damage *melee* attack does.
That's why the ranged attacks seem so weak.
Now they'll use the melee multiplier (1.0), so a medium ranged attack for a non ranged class will do 1.0x the damage of a melee medium damage attack.
In essence, damage from ranged patron power pool has so far been halved. This will no longer be the case. -
Love it. Big Red Ball.
And I agree with the Monolith remark a few pages earlier. A big red Ball just appearing, and - being there. No explanations given, noone notices it save the players.
It's just there.
+1 BRB -
Just wrote down the numbers:
Damage with 3 +1 SOs at level 44 against an even con Council Grenade Minion with 0 fury:
Jab (Minor): 53.71
Punch (Moderate): 78.99
Haymaker (High): 129.38
Hurl (High): 129.38
Mu Lightning (High): 69.42
no Damage enhancements on this one yet, though:
Ball Lightning (Moderate): 8.05 + 4*4.83 (=27.37)
Mu Lightning seems more like 1/2 than 2/3rds damage.... -
he basically said "working as intended"
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Melee AT's have a considerable lower Ranged Damage modifier than Melee Damage modifier. For Stalkers and Brutes, the Range modifier is 2/3 the melee modifier.
So, if a Melee attack rated at 'High' does 100 damage, a 'High damage Ranged attack could be expected to do 66 damage before slotting.
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Then something is still wrong. 2/3rds "High" Damage puts Mu Lightning at an equivalent "Medium" Damage for melee, if I'm not mistaken. However, Mu Lightning does less than that even, it does something along 2/3rds that damage.
Attacks I have, sorted from highest to lowest, all with 1 ACC, 3 Damage SOs:
Haymaker (High Damage)
Punch (Medium Damage)
Mu Lightning ("High", though ranged, damage - it actually sits right between Jab and Punch))
Jab (Minor Damage) and Ball Lightning (Medium, ranged damage) (Ball Lightning does 1 point of damage more than Jab for me at level 44) -
Made 44 on my brute. Took Ball Lightning.
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What's the animation time like? My main complaint with Black Scorpion's brute AoE attack is the ridiculous draw + fire time. I'd take an AoE jab if it animates fast.
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The animation's the same one that the Blaster's Electricty Blast set's Ball Lightning (or Energy Blast's Energy Torrent) uses - however, the sparkly ball doesn't fly in a straight line, but in an arc, and it's airborne quite a while (two seconds? - depends on how far away you are) before it lands. -
The idea is teh funnay though.
The most wanted guy in all of CoH. A poor lil' Infected. Running from entire legions of level 50 Heroes. -
Made 44 on my brute. Took Ball Lightning.
Says: Targetted AoE, Moderate damage (Energy/DoT).
Recharge is around 20 seconds I think.
Unenhanced Damage at level 44: 8 initial damage, plus 4 ticks of 5 damage, total damage: 28.
With 3 SOs that would be around 56 damage.
My jab (minor damage attack), with three damage SOs in it does 55 damage.
Ranged attacks for Stalkers and Brutes do only 2/3 of their melee damage. That is to say if Stalkers and Brutes could somehow launch a ranged attack at you that in every other way looked like Brawl, it would do 2/3 of actual brawl damage.
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It's not even 2/3rds of a "high" damage attack. Punch (medium) does about 2/3rds of Haymaker's (High). Mu Lightning does *less* than Punch, when it's classified in the same damage category as Haymaker! If it was 2/3rds, it should do around Punch's damage.
Not to mention that Hurl, which is also a ranged power, is classified as High Damage as well and does almost identical damage to Haymaker. Hurls range and recharge are identical to Mu Lightning as well (its end cost *might* be a bit higher than Lightning, I find it hard to tell though, since Lightning gives the user some of the drained endurance back). In addition, Hurl has two secondary effects (-fly and knockback), and lightning has one (End Drain).
Something doesn't compute for me here, sorry.
Maybe end drain is considered so "powerful" that it is considered balanced?
Does anyone feel the end drain balances the power out?
I'd like to know the balance metric that goes into these powers, right now I'm just confused.....
(P.S: I'm still going to take it, cause I love it conceptually)
Mu Lightning must be bugged. Or the info on the power is horribly wrong.
It says it is High Damage(Energy). However, its damage comes in at just between Jab (Minor Damage) and Punch (Medium damage). It's *nowhere* near Haymaker's or Hurl's Damage (both High Damage attacks), but its recharge is exactly the same as Hurl's, it even has the *very same* range.
Something about it is just wrong. -
3 pages (6 if you have fewer threads per page) and it became a regen thread? Heh.
Mightn't it be a good idea to just rework *all* of the defense sets, anyway?
Some are just too much one-trick ponies (SR/Regen). Some have a strange variety of holes in them (Fire, Dark Armor). Some just act plain weird (Ice's slows), imho. Some have been tinkered with so much it's barely recognizeable what they're supposed to do really (Invulnerability - Defense set? Resist set? Self Buffs and Self Debuffs cancelling each other out? Self Heal and Self Damage?).
Most defense sets are defined by their weaknesses, not really by their strengths. That's somehow odd.
IMO right now, Regen is the "best" Defense set right now because it has the least amount of wonkiness built into it. -
The "Can I have your stuff?" line is actually spitting right back as far as I'm concerned. In a "You too!" kind of way.
Oh well, sorry for attacking.As much as the "I quit" posts might bother me, the "CIHYS?" posts bother me more.
I've been lied to, misled, tricked, cajoled and deceived since this game went live. The days when I continue to pay for this stupidity are numbered...and the numbers are running out.
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Ah, we've come down to this, have we? Can I have your stuff?
And to think I respected a person capable of the lowest of lows, the "I'm leaving so there!" bomb. You're washed up, buddy, and that's without even addressing the rest of your post.
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Says the guy who's "a little disappointed". He just happens to be more disappointed.
Can I have your stuff?
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...firmly places you in the same category, IMHO. -
For the record, I'm not saying I don't understand the complaints with them.
-Some don't let you stay "in theme"
-They're permanent
-They make you "work" for Arachnos
-There's little variety between the sets within an AT
and so on. All of these are valid complaints, IMHO. I just lucked out, this time, because none of the above are a concern for me. I've always wanted Lightning on my SS/Inv Tank, now I'm getting them on my Brute.
I've not been caring a lot for whom or against whom I "work" at the moment, so the Arachnos pawn thing doesn't bug me.
Also, I like my concepts to take an "unexpected turn" once in a while - so, even if there may not be a terribly good reason for my brute to suddenly have red lightning powers, I still like that he does. I don't enjoy micromanaging my character's backgrounds over 50 levels anyway, it's cool when they get some things that actually *weren't* planned.
I'd not be bitter if the complaints lead to the Devs making a copy of the Hero APPs instead of PPPs though, I'll just take the second best choice (Fire Mastery is also quite cool!)
So, do you actually "pledge loyalty" to the patrons in game, plot-wise? Or did you write it in a way that Player Characters can see it as lip-service?
You know, for *once* I completely love a piece of design by the devs, and what happens?
Everyone else hates it.
I like the Patron Powers, I like the reddish electricity, it's cool all around, imho. Sadly, hardly anyone seems to agree. -
As I recall, Positron took control of one of the Rikti commanders and was actively trying to kill as many heroes as he could!
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During the Rikti invasion at least one of the Devs was spawning as a Rikti Mentalist EXCEPT that while he/she had the powers of a Rikti Boss they used their mind powers so that when you targeted them it said lvl 7 Blaster and the target color was blue.
During the invasion the Rikti targeted the hospitals to try and stop the heroes from respawning. Gosh! Mobs using sensible tactics! OMG!
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It was Positron. He made a blaster named "Elite", with which he level-bumped some heroes before the end of beta event.
I put "Elite" on my friends list, and since it said where Elite was during the event, I knew where the Rikti Starship would turn up next.
Their Rikti alter egos where all level 8, conned purple to everyone regardless, and their description said "Blaster" complete with the Blaster icon.
There wasn't any resistance cap in place at that time, so when my tank activated unstoppable, he had a genuine 100% damage resist to all damage (xcept psionics). Was fun seeing the Dev-controlled-Rikti-Chief-Soldier's blade (which did *insane* damage!) hit him again and again and taking no damage.
Well, then Unstop ran out.....
Sadly, I didn't get his other character, "Nortisop" (blaster again, in the default black generic costume, no less!), to hand me the last bump to level 38 from 35 before. "Elite" obviously got swamped with /tells for level bumps.
Teehee, fun. -
Going by the amount of suggestions on these boards (sensical or not) you'd be hard pressed to find any change that *wasn't* mentioned in some obscure corner of the boards, somewhere...
From now till Saturday? That's a life sentence for the Zig. I've had villains I've "arrested" face me again after 3 minutes.....
I agree.
Someone tar the hull, and man the bilges! Cryptic is *leaking*. -
Powers are balanced by the grand scheme of the archetype, not via individual powers so it's not fair to compare power for power versus the various archetypes. Brutes are more than fine as they are.
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I keep wondering what grand genius schemes those things, really.
It can actually lower survivability. No other status protection power does this. The res buff of Unyielding is miniscule, you need to 'enhance' it just to get even with the lost DEF.
A defense power that 'attracts' attacks. Right. I guess the grand scheme justifies this. What do we know, really?