Silver Gale

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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Giant2005 View Post
    Is this sarcasm?
    If you are getting more salvage and recipes, that is a good thing is it not? If you don't want more salvage and recipes just let your storage cap out and not bother emptying it...
    Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
    Yeah not sure if serious. You're complaining about getting more drops?
    And here come the Dev fanbois to try to defend the evil money-grubbing Paragon. Wake up sheeple! Who are also fanbois! Fanbeeple!

    But seriously. Has anyone noticed a sudden surge in drops, unrelated to anyone using XP boosters or Windfall?
  2. Last night several people in our Global reported their salvage and recipe inventories filling up at an alarming speed, despite the Paragon Rewards granted increases. It was most prominent at x6-x8 (my husband filled up his 105 Salvage slots within three x6 Tips, which had never happened before).

    This is clearly a sneaky, underhanded move by Paragon Studios to force us into spending large amounts of cash in their store to buy Recipe and Salvage inventory increases. I am shocked and appalled at this attempt to bleed more money out of your most faithful customers.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    Realistically, this will never happen. The problem is you've got new players who don't have billions and other players who do. The ones who do can buy what they want - and they can afford to let their inf sit in Wentworths while their 15 to 19 bids for bargain priced recipes and enhancements work for them. And they get richer.
    Ultimately, what they end up doing is funding their alts - giving a large chunk away either at costume contests, or just e-mailing it to random names they see in a global channel.

    Until there is a solution - you have to join them - buy low, sell high. Level later.
    Well, "have to" is relative. The Best Stuff (like purple IOs) is easiest to obtain by playing the market game. If your goal is to get the Best Stuff and quick, then you have to either farm or play the market to reach that goal. But if you just want to play the game, then you can do that.

    I just play my characters and sell the stuff that drops. I also run Hero and Villain Tips on those characters who are Heroes or Villains, and use the Alignment Merits to create recipes that sell for a lot, and market those at "patient seller" prices.

    I've never felt particularly poor. Sure, not all my 50s are purpled out. But I always have enough Inf for my next SO set, and if I put in the time to figure out a frankenslot IO build then I never have to buy SOs again and any Inf that character earns is pure profit.
  4. I dropped $15 on points before the servers went up just in case there was a mix-up with granting those VIP points. I didn't want anything coming between me and my laser beams.

    Got Beam Rifle, 1 Costume slot, Beast Run, and Feather Spin CCEmote, just as I had been planning.

    Also made an impulse purchase of the Barbarian set.
  5. So, the Barbarian set was snuck in last patch, and with the new costume creator, you can preview the pieces before buying. Let's see your creations!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    This does seem to be the case, and it makes me sad. People are so easily willing to give up their rights, pretty soon we won't have any left.
    My husband and I are living in a flat. The flat does not belong to us, we are renting it. We've both signed a lenghty legal agreement when we first rented it, and let me assure you, I read through the whole thing carefully.

    There was, in fact, a provision that the landlord may use his duplicate key to enter the flat at his discretion. I actually asked about that. IIRC the explanation was that in case there's a reason to believe the tennats have abandonned the flat, the landlord can come in and check and not have to wait until the rental agreement has run out.

    I didn't demand that the provision be taken out. I don't believe I have signed away any of my rights. I am still legally protected from being stabbed in my sleep or having my stuff taken away, because those are both crimes. I still have to take steps to protect my data, because that's something I should be doing anyway. And, after all, the landlord *owns* this appartment. He has a right to check up on it if he wants to.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    I'd like to note that my usage of the term "civil liberties" was intentional hyperbole for the sake of generating emotional outrage. I was aware that I was using it incorrectly, in fact, I chose to do so intentionally.
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    What can I say? As soon as I read that part, I was angry. I didn't want to be alone, and I figured "who else reads EULAs?" So I wanted to point it out.
    Originally Posted by Westley View Post
    Can we have a serious debate without name calling and insults? We're all mature individuals here, right?
    No additional comment here, just wanted to point this out.
  8. I'd be more for creating special Vigilante/Rogue-only arcs.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by quickfire View Post

    Again, no one dictates what or how I respond. I owe nothing to any of you. Nor do any of you need to agree or owe me anything. Nor does my opinion require qualification to post it...nor do I seek approval.

    Folks certainly have a right to deride me all they wish. I may respond with diatribe when served it (only fair IMO) but that does not mean I demand folks to stop. I'd be a hypocrite if I stated, beyond obvious forum rule violations that folks didn't have a right to tear my opinion to bits.
    I don't want to dictate how you should respond or anything, but if you'd taken all this energy you're using to tell us how much you don't care what we think of you, and put it into crafting an actual good argument supported with facts, then we could've had a nice reasonable discussion about the actual topic by now.

    But instead it's three pages of you repeatedly telling us how you REALLY DON'T CARE what we think.

    That just makes me kind of sad.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bromley View Post
    One thing that bugs me is seeing people say that if VIPs just wait two months, then the 800 point "premium" power sets are free. But that is only true if you don't want ANYTHING else at all from the store. And I think it is safe to say that almost every costume piece or perk is going to cost points to buy. And that too will be said to be fine, because VIPs will have 400 points a month to play with, so given enough patience, everything will be free.

    But it really seems like not much will be free. IMO.
    The 400 points comes with your subscribtion, so whatever you spend those 400 points on comes with your subscribtion. Before, there were things that came with the subscribtion (like Willpower and Dual Blades) and things that cost extra (like GR or the boosters). You couldn't choose what comes with the sub, you could only choose to spend money on the things that cost extra, or not. If you wanted to have everything you had to spend money in addition to the sub.

    Now there are just things that cost points. Some things come with the sub (like Time Manipulation and GR access), and you also get to choose 400/550 points of stuff every month that also comes with the sub. And then if you want *more* things and are willing to pay extra for them, you can do that too. If you want to have everything, you'll have to spend money in addition to the sub.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by quickfire View Post
    Well, that's certainly not a resounding argument to get me to expound on my opinion.
    We have to make a compelling case for you to present actual arguments before you will back up your statements with facts?

    That's like telling someone to ask you out to a "asking you out on a date" event before you allow them to ask you out to an actual date.
  12. This... is actually not a bad idea. It would fix one big problem, which is that it's impossible to generate stuff without also generating more Inf.
  13. Don't selectively quote yourself to make yourself look not wrong.

    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Once they allowed us to email items and inf between factions that issue was resolved and merging the markets was only a few months away at most.
    "Once X happened, Y was only a few months away at most" = "X happened, and then some months later, Y happened".

    In this case, X = "allowing us to e-mail items and inf between factions". The bolded part is the important one.

    Which only confirms my statement is correct. We couldn't originally send items cross faction. I never said we did. What I actually said was that once they decided to let us send items cross faction via email they couldn't have delayed merging the markets for more than a few months at most. The simple fact that they didn't even wait that long confirms my conclusion.
    ...yeah, sure, let's go with that.

    The last official statement was made by Positron during the 5th anniversary in game Q/A which several other forum members posted from their chatlogs, as well as confirmed participating in.
    EDIT: Okay, I did your research for you. Transcript of Positron appearance in the D.

    At the very, very bottom:

    * on Combined CoH/CoV Markets:
    04-28-2009 18:51:58 [Local] Positron: Combined Markets: Maybe, farrr in the future... when the datamines don't have a HUGE discrepency in available inf on either side.
    04-28-2009 18:52:55 [Local] Positron: If people are willing to pay 200m on heroside, and you cant afford 60m villainside, you definitely cant afford 200m
    04-28-2009 18:53:53 [Local] Judgement Dave: i sth ediscrepency in INF earned to date or in rate of INF earning... the former could be addressed by a 1-time boost, the latter by adjusting rewards on 1 side....
    04-28-2009 18:54:31 [Local] Positron: My brain just broke trying to figure out how to make rewards on one side work diff than the other
    From this, and the fact that the Devs never, ever change their minds in response to new developments, we can conclude that the amount of Infamy existing on redside came to match the amount of Influence existing on blueside around May 2010.
  14. Silver Gale

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Manoa View Post
    Then you guys might want to give the good folks over at,,, and all of those other industry/gamer websites who are mislabeling the model as "free-to-play" to set the record straight that's it's actually a HYBRID model. And while you're at it, you may want to give a call to that other company who does hybrid models (not to mention every other company that offers a tiered model) and tell them their marketing their products wrong by calling it "free-to-play."

    Just sayin' perception is everything...
    Because if a guy walks into your store with his own idea of what you're selling based on skimming the words in your ad that were in the biggest font, the right thing to do is to adjust your entire store to suit that guy, and forget your loyal customers.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Stupid_Fanboy View Post
    You know, more writing like this would have done a lot towards making the Praetorians seem like an actual moral grey area.

    I hope that 1st Ward and any new Praetorian content is done like this. (and maybe a revamp of the more overtly evil current content)
    And a certain segment of the playerbase will immediately decide that Cole must be using mind control and memory editing and everything to set this up and just *pretend* to not be an evil kitten-murdering ******* who wants to kill all the things.

    Morally gray areas? For shame, sir. Bad guys are bad guys, and you know they're bad guys because they're on the side that is WRONG.
  16. Silver Gale

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    I have one important bit of personal feedback to offer:

    I never played LotRO because I'm not a huge fan of the films...
    This made my insides cringe.
    Oh good, I'm not alone.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    Did you actually read that post from Posyb that you linked? It's merely a set of step by step instructions on how to email items to yourself before they allowed items to be sent by emails between both factions.

    Nowhere does he say that the devs implemented the email feature in order to keep the markets separate.
    I am not saying that "the devs implemented the email feature in order to keep the markets separate", I am saying "the fact that you originally couldn't email influence or items from heroes to villains was a measure put in place to keep markets separate".

    Going back to a previous post of yours:

    Once they allowed us to email items and inf between factions that issue was resolved and merging the markets was only a few months away at most.
    This quote from you implies that the e-mail attachments, as originally implemented, allowed heroes to send inf to villains and vice versa, and furthermore, that this was *intended* as a way to bypass the market separation and equalize the number of Inf on both sides, leading up to the market merge.

    Facts that directly contradict this:

    1) As originally implemented, the email attachments did not allow villains to receive Inf from heroes. Proof: poshyb's posyt.

    2) We did *not* get the ability to send Inf attachments from heroes to villains until *after* the market merge was implemented.

    3) For a while in GR Closed Beta, the three markets, Hero, Villain, and Praetorian, were completely separate, Inf did not carry over when you switched sides or moved from Praetoria to Paragon/the Isles. Proof: ask any Beta tester.

    Now you are correct that this all happened while I17 was still in beta testing. However the devs always said they would like to merge the markets at some point.

    Finally doing something that you have always said you would like to do at some point is not a reversal.
    Source for a quote for "the devs have always wanted to merge the markets"?

    Here is a FAQ for the Market Merge, dated 22 Jun 2010.

    Here is a thread started on 3 Feb 2010, titled "So really no market merge?". There are no redname posts, but everyone seems to be under the impression the markets are not going merge come GR. (Arcanaville *is* holding forth the position that "at this point, there is no good argument for keeping the markets separate from the point of view of the ingame economy", but Arcanaville is not a dev.) The thread peters out without reaching a conclusion on May 13th, and the next post is a single smiley on June 22nd.

    Before the announcement on June 22nd, merging the markets was widely believed by the playerbase to be something that would never happen. The main disagreements were on whether or not it *should* happen. Nobody seemed to believe it *would* (you'll note Obsidius accuses EvilGeko of lobbying early on).

    EDIT: Here is a post from Positron dated March 30th, 2010, where he talks about how your Influence is put into "escrow or Limbo" when you change sides. This would be nonsensical if they were planning to merge the markets at this point.

    Also, note that originally, Heroes and Villains were not able to gift each other Inspirations, even on co-op teams (a source of much frustration during the Valentine's and Winter events).

    This is only conjecture, but since you can sell Inspirations to a Tree of Wonders or Auto-Doc, if Inspirations were tradeable it would've been possible to pass Influence from one side to the other, even if at incredibly slow rates. So I propose that this was another measure put in place to insulate the markets from each other.

    Further proof: the restrictions on gifting Inspirations were lifted at the same time as the markets were merged.

    From this, my theory is that the decision to merge the markets was made at some point between April and June of 2010, in response to what was going on in the Going Rogue Closed Beta. The changes to e-mail attachments and Inspiration gifting were a result of the merge, and proof of the change in direction.
  18. Silver Gale

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    TBH, IMPO, etc., etc., The Paragon Reward system is appealing towards new players, but leaves something to be desired for returning vets. It gives an edge vs that other MMO, but I'm not sure how much pull it's going ot have towards bringing former subscribers back, especially if they din't already invest X amount of time into the game previously just so they can use /tell when they return to Freedom.*

    * Edit: what reward tier allows access to /tells? I don't know. But if I'm a new player, the first thing I want to do is look at a big spreadsheet to see what sort of things I can and can't do
    Again with the mythical returning former new Free player, who shifts between being a vet who would like to check out the game again to a complete newbie depending on what the argument requires.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    While I can see you hinting at me being elitist/a godmoder...I have to say you're spot on for the most part. I am looking at running RP events in the future that spotlight the two groups, but not to the extent of making everyone else observers/insignificant. (It does seem arrogant to even assume I'm capable of the latter!)

    If anything the RP events will be: "[ERA] is behind [some bad stuff] and [The Challengers] [needs your help] stopping them"
    Sorry if I came across as accusatory - no real value judgement is implied, you just hit me with a Wall of Text and I was just trying to make sure I got the right points out of it. By all means, keep organising large-scale events. From the response you got, it seems like the theme of the groups is wide enough that plenty of RPers can find a place for one or more of their characters.

    If I may add to this...

    In the past, most RP events have been run like this. If you're not a member of either group there is no reason you can't be a part of this. Back in The Sadistic Seven vs Defenders of Paragon days, we had a huge showing. And think about that from the villain side. The Sadistic Seven are just that: seven individuals. But they were supported by a great showing of non affiliated villains.

    After that, with The Rogues Gallery vs The Frontline it was very similar. I can't speak for the Rogues, but on hero side, a huge coalition was born, The Peace Keeper Initiative that consisted of a good number of Super groups (well beyond the game's allowed coalition amount). We met amazing people, whether they were on our SG or not.

    And now, recently, The Infiltrators hosted an event vs The Blacklist. Events had not been run in some time, so we ran one. We actually had an awesome showing and we lead both groups. A lot of people came, unaffiliated with either group. I got the chance to meet and fight Premonitions (as his awesome villain Mobilise) and a fellow hero Snaerr who I may not have met otherwise.
    I'm sad to have missed the Sadism of Defenders, the Gallery of Frontline, and the Infiltration of Blacklist. Thankfully I seem to be right on time to jump in early with the ERA of Challenge.
  20. Silver Gale

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by Manoa View Post
    Returning free players are not going to be all that willing to pay for game functions that they've already played and experienced...that's looking backward. But if you give these returning players access to a fully functioning game as a means to break down their entry barriers, they would be far more willing to pay for new shinys they haven't experienced (say, paying for a sub to try the incarnate content or paying the microtrans to play the Praetorian content).
    There's no such thing as "returning Free players".

    If a player has played the game before and comes back to their old account, then they are a Premium player, and the restrictions on Free accounts do not apply to them. Depending on how long they've played, they might already have access to IOs unlocked.

    If a returning player has for some reason forgotten their old account into and is starting over on a new Free account, then they have no characters with IOs that are suddenly grey. And, really, it only makes sense that if you start from scratch on an all-new account, you're going to have to pay to get back where you were. There's no "looking backward" there.

    Now, you might want to argue about the actual timing of when Premium accounts get what, but if so, you'll have to talk about Premium accounts. Because if you say "Free players should have access to X" then you're saying "we want to give away X for free to anyone who wants to download the game". Which is a much stronger statement than "People who used to play the game should get their X back". You might have people disagree with the former who wouldn't disagree with the latter.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    The market merge wasn't a reversal either. The devs always said they wanted to eventually merge them but said there was too great a difference in the amount of available Inf between the red and blue factions and redside simply couldn't afford the blueside prices.

    Once they allowed us to email items and inf between factions that issue was resolved and merging the markets was only a few months away at most.
    Uh, when e-mail attachments were first introduced, you could only claim the inf or items with a character of the same faction, precisely in order to keep the two markets separate.

    As late as the Closed Beta of Going Rogue, there were plans to keep the markets separate (as well as the third Praetorian market) until it became obvious that it was far too much of a hassle for both players and developers. The decision was made to merge the markets, and the ability to email stuff to the other side was a consequence of that.
  22. Silver Gale

    Freedom? Hardly

    Originally Posted by joebartender View Post
    You do not understand what a bait and switch scam is.

    A bait and switch scam is when something is advertised at a low price and when you get to the store the item in question is not available but a higher priced substitute is.

    The goal being for you to feel like you have put enough opportunity cost into the trip to the store that you feel compelled to buy something.

    City of Heroes is advertising exactly what they have to offer and you can make an informed decision to play or not to play. There is no attempt to hide details, obscure facts or make it seem that Free players will have abilities that in fact will be locked out when they decide to play.

    The Freedom overview let's a free player or premium player know where they stand in regard to what content and abilities will be open to them. The game website for all intents and purposes at this points funnels you to that part of the website. A person trying to make a choice of whether to get into City of Heroes would need to make a conscious effort to avoid the info list here among other places.
    But if you skim an advertisement and form a complete idea of what the thing is they're selling based on whatever words are in the biggest font, and then you go and see it is *not* the thing you were expecting, isn't that totally the fault of the company?

    There's the word FREEDOM and my account is called Free. Clearly that means everything in the game is available for free except some XP potions. So it's Paragon Studios' responsibility to make FREEDOM match my expectations, otherwise it's totally a bait and switch scam.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    "The ERA of Challenge" isn't really an event. It's just a nickname I've given to the current time period on Virtue. (As it coincides with the introduction of The Challengers & ERA to the Virtue server.)

    Here's what started it:

    I wanted to put together some epic roleplay events on the Virtue server to get us back to how we used to be. I figured with COH:Freedom on the horizon, the server population was going to increase with those interested in superhero RP. So if ever there was a time to promote's now.

    The ERA of Challenge is basically my attempt to promote The Challengers & ERA to the Virtue server. (I don't lead either group.) As it's basically just promotion with no overall metastory you don't need a jump on point. Just make your own thread entitles "ERA of Challenge #Number: Name" and go with it. So far, each issue has started with a different villain meeting with Sebastian Kain. Each issue is self contained. (Mine, for example, does start with Baron Blitzman meeting with SK, but it's going to focus more on Xanatos as it progresses. It won't cross over with any of the other threads directly.) The only real "rule" is that the stories have to refer to The Challengers or to ERA in some way.

    There's no over-arching meta-story other than "ERA has started and it doesn't like The Challengers, here is a tale of what some of the people involved are doing right now". That is how the story is going to end. The idea is that BECAUSE of Sebastian Kain forming ERA, and BECAUSE of Red-Havok forming The Challengers, Paragon City is now entering into the "ERA of Challenge". The whole purpose of this is to establish two groups that can host events on the Virtue server. (Such as RPVP events, forum story RP events, big meetups, etc.) The ERA of Challenge is basically setting up a foundation upon which future serverwide RP events can be run...on both heroes AND villains. The big events are coming, this is just the prologue. We're just trying to find our feet and encourage public RP again.

    My ultimate goal is to have private inner-sg rp events for The Challengers & ERA independent from one another. But public events that involve both on a monthly/bimonthly basis. That way the private RP can be the ongoing, complicated, in-depth, story/team-driven stuff. Whereas the server-wide events will be a series of one-off events that anyone can join in on due to not needing to know months and months of story progression. I'm treading lightly though, because Red-Havok runs The Challengers, and SK runs ERA.

    If you're still unsure of what all this is about. Just wait for me to finish my thread. (ERA of Challenge #1: Xanatos) As that will basically explain everything.
    So you're not running a RP event, you're just hoping to run a bunch of public RP events with the idea of "our Villain Group is behind everything bad ever and our Hero Group is the only one who can stop them". And you're declaring this to be the start of "our VG and HG story time".
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    As far as I'm aware the only decisions the devs have really "reversed" on have been:
    Merging the hero and villain markets.

    "We looked into the crystal ball and didn't like what we saw"


    "So looks like it's either try to keep three different markets entirely separate, which means a whole bunch of code for all the different edge cases, or just merge them all into one. Merging it is! Also, Gleemail now works for all your characters, you can give Insps to enemy alignments on co-op teams, and Santa is making a special appearance on Easter."
  25. Silver Gale

    Please Fix PvP

    Originally Posted by _Havoc_ View Post
    The ball has been in the Devs courts for a while now, while the rest of us hold our breaths.
    That doesn't sound like a very good tennis strategy.