Silver Gale

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  1. Everyone seems to be really enjoying themselves, especially War Witch doing all the gesticulating to illustrate Dual Pistols.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    This game has been "dying" for 6 years. Are you suggesting that news spreading to the few hundred people outside of this game that might care to learn that the servers are merging now means it is for realzy dying?
    I'm not saying merging servers means the game is dying. I'm saying people who are into the MMO scene believe that merging servers means a game is dying. (There is a bit of self-fulfilling prophecy aspect to it, since every Dev team knows how badly such a move is seen by the MMO community, so they save it for an absolute last resort... such as when the game is already dying.)

    News of server merges in an MMO is almost immediately picked up by all the MMO dedicated news sites, that easily have several hundred thousand regular readers between them. Any of them who are not already CoH players walk away with the idea that CoH = dying game, not worth trying. This is not just a "few hundred people", and it's not the however many dozen newbies get the non-Praetorian starting experience.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    So do I. If it helps diffuse the situation I'm just sitting here drinking my coffee and actually chuckling about the stuff in this thread. There is just so much swiss cheese being posted that I can't resist making a sandwich.
    I'm glad you're taking a while to rest and drink some coffee. You must be really tired from running around carrying the goalposts from place to place. You're ostensibly defending the position of "server merges are necessary" but you keep retreating to much more easily defended positions like "there aren't a lot of people logging in these days" or "non-Praetorian characters will not get the best starting experience possible". Then, once you establish that you are 100% correct, you act like everything from there to "server merge!" is so obvious it's not even worth talking about.

    I don't think PS wants to bank on "maybe" with this expansion. I can't think of many business models that leave it up to "maybe". But on the theme of maybe; maybe they should think about making it absolutely clear in no uncertain terms that Nova is where you should be starting if you are a new player when GR goes live. Maybe.
    Here's something you can bank on: server merges are always interpreted as a sign of a game "dying". It doesn't matter how much better the game becomes on the new, more populated servers, if you put out a new game box and merge some servers at the same time, you are sending out a signal that your game is not worth buying because it won't be around for long anyway.

    Some people "maybe" being turned off the game after they buy it because they start a non-Praetorian on a lesser-populated server is nothing compared to many, many people who have never played the game being definitely turned off of ever trying it when they hear of server merges.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    Hopefully those new players all choose to start in praetoria.
    Originally Posted by Frosticus View Post
    The box they are picking up is called Going Rogue, not "Praetoria".
    Wow, the assumed intelligence of hypothetical new GR players plummets with each page in this thread.

    What if those new players don't realise that you need a PC to run the game? What if they try to put the CD in their XBox or their microwave and then complain to all their friends that it doesn't work? That would be terrible press for the game!
  5. "RP to find out more". Especially if it's the only thing in the description. No, I don't need your character's full history, but at least give me the elevator pitch. If you absolutely insist on me not knowing anything my character wouldn't know, at least mention *something* about your character that makes them more than a collection of costume options on my screen. The way they wear their clothes, the way they look around the room or lurk quietly in a corner, the way they heft a gore-stained axe...
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
    i believe it is for the toon itself. but honestly, i wouldn't rely on that method. download hero stats and run it. that will give you the accurate info.
    Well, it will give you accurate info from the moment you start using it, which in some cases may not be what you're interested in.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
    Yes, this is a fine example of what I was talking about in my previous two post thank you very much.
    I'm just saying, if you approach a large crowd of RPers of many different types with the mindset that "none of these people have anything to offer me", you're going to get that feeling of not being included.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter_Shade View Post
    Maybe I just measure the value of RP differently but to me the D is like a cesspool, I go there to mostly get some laughs while I work on an AE arc.

    That and the community in this game isn't as inclusive as people would like to think.
    Perhaps you could look into ways you can improve the situation, starting with yourself?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
    You know what they say about assuming...
    It makes an "***" out of "u" and the, uh, "Ming" dynasty.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by __3D__ View Post
    IN this Vid, Chris Bruce AKA BaBs sez:

    "If you are a new player, it's the best time to join."

    My question: What are we doing to get NEW players INTO the game?

    No boxes on the shelves, no ads in magazines, no posters in the windows.
    I know, right? They should make a box that has the game and expansion in it, making it easy for prospective new players to see the cool new stuff.

    Then they could do some sort of promotion together with a major games retailer where people who preorder the game/expansion box through that retailer get something cool, maybe even small ingame bonuses.

    They should at least make a video series that talks about all the cool stuff they have coming up, and post it on some highly-frequented social network website.
  11. Silver Gale

    RP spots?

    If you'd like to hang out at the D to find some people to chat with IC, but are afraid of getting propositioned for ERP, simply add a (No ERP) tag to your bio. Sure, like with (no blind invites) in Team search, you're going to get some people ignoring it, but those people are idiots and would eventually make it onto your Ignore list in one way or another.

    In fact, you can't go wrong with adding a few OOC notes to your bio to explain what sort of RP you like. (Long-term storylines/casual chatting? Serious/lighthearted? IC banter on teams/don't bother me when I'm earning XP?)
  12. Silver Gale

    SBP V: Mutant

    Originally Posted by Canine View Post
    And Holsters for my Dual Pistol Blaster.

    And a scabbard for my Katana Scrapper.
    Sounds great. Do you want to carry around empty holsters/scabbards and have your pistols/weapon appear out of nowhere, or do you want to carry around a second weapon/set of weapons in a scabbard/holster that stays in the holster when you draw the useable ones? Both of those are very simple to make.
  13. Personally I don't mind all the people who are whining about WW being unuseable by their heroes for RP reasons, I'm more annoyed at the ones who will declare that since a market merge was "never going to happen" and it did, raising the level cap/open PvP in all zones/some other terrible idea is obviously next.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by enrious2 View Post
    Wait, if Venture will not be participating in a merged market, does this mean that according to the Network Effect, the market is doomed?
    That depends. If we consider Venture realistically he is only one player and thus doesn't make much of a difference on his own.

    If we consider Venture according to his own sense of self-importance, then the merged market will have lost something like 60-70% participation.
  15. Silver Gale

    Call it

    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    Y'know, I was just rereading my statement and noticed that myself. No predictions, then, as I don't know what Praetoria will offer, but still hanging with "tossed up in the air to restabilize itself".
    I just noticed I typoed "due" as "duet". D'oh.
  16. Silver Gale

    Call it

    Originally Posted by Decorum View Post
    I predict more availability and lower prices for recipes at the BM and lower prices for Magic salvage at WW. Things will fluctuate wildly for a bit and then settle down to a new "normal". Then GR will hit and everything will be tossed into the air again to fall where it may and restabilize. Such is a supply and demand system.
    The market merge is due at the same time as GR comes out.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    I know. I won't. I'll get what I want with merits; my drops will be thrown out, vendored or shipped to characters on the same side that can use them.
    Interesting self-imposed challenge! Will you combine it with a MAN build or perma-death for Double Jeopardy?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Venture View Post
    We don't have a choice; if we want to use MA we have to do it through AE. The vast majority of players I've spoken with not only ignore the stupid backstory (really, I have no idea why anyone at PS thought that was a good idea) but treat MA stories as if they were "real" and not holodeck shennanigans.

    They're great big buildings in four parts of the city where superhumans go to sell and buy things that make them more powerful. The idea that they're some kind of abstraction does not pass the smell test. If the market wasn't supposed to be concrete then it shouldn't have been implemented in this fashion.

    Those are the only areas portrayed in the game. Canon fiction on the game's site gave a (stated) incomplete list of other cities attacked.

    At the end of the Crey storyline, the Countess is in jail and the company is circling the drain. Yes, I'm ignoring what Manticore (the former dev) said, on the grounds that a) it's not in game

    Defeated enemies "fade out" so that players can write in their fates, except when specified.

    Actually, inspirations are not defined. They are whatever you think of them as.
    Okay, so you consider sources outside the game canon unless they conflict with your view of how the ingame world should be (the partial list of cities attacked by the Rikti is, btw, found in the same posts of "former dev" Manticore as the Countess Crey stuff). Also, great big buildings in the gameworld that are required to interact with a system cannot be safely ignored, unless they're the only way of interacting with said system, in which case it's totally okay.

    Glad we got that sorted out.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShoeTattoo View Post
    Even if you looked only at IO recipes and IO enhancements, and ignored the presence of salvage markets and every other kind of market, there would still close to 38,000 markets (I did the math). When you consider all the markets together (Hami-Os, salvage, regular enhancements, etc), the number of markets may nearly or even actually exceed the number of subscribers to the game, depending on the figure you arrive at for subscriber totals.
    With 12 basic character slots per server and up to 21 market slots on each character, a single player can contribute to a great many "markets" at any time, so I don't see what the trouble is, or what the "obvious solution" might be.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TrueMetal View Post
    Oversensitive? I'm still thinking yuo all are blowing things way out of proportention and are just looking for things to get offended by.

    You express your opinion, I express mine, it just happens to be the complete opposite. That is in no way intended to be insulting or whateveer, if you experience it that way then the problem lies with you, not me.
    You know, saying "I didn't *mean* to insult you, so stop being offended" is kind of like saying "I didn't *mean* to elbow you in the solar plexus, so stop being in pain".
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ben_Arizona View Post
    Which is a pretty hefty undertaking, except that he already made "kick without sheathing your weapon" animations for the existing weapons to use with Brawl.
    IIRC, it was judged to be worth the time/work investment because Brawl is a power every character has, so the number of characters/players positively affected by the change is huge.
  22. A workaround would be to download Mid's and remake your build in it, like you were respecing/marketing into it from scratch, and then save that. Yes, it's a bit of a pain, but for most goals that an export feature would help with, Midas helps with as well.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
    we were told to expect something, and to be fair, what was given was not a new beast head, no new beast legs, and initially no new tail even.
    If by "we weren't even given a new tail initially" you mean "the preview of the Mutant pack on Test to look for bugs to fix had a bug that made the tails not show up, which was quickly fixed", then yes.
  24. My fiance got one as well. It doesn't seem to be phishing, it just talks about the 1.9 update, no mention of "click here to get your free stuff" or anything. I guess someone at NCsoft got their wires crossed.
  25. Silver Gale

    Post a Character

    Originally Posted by Nadya View Post
    That sir, is not porn. If it was, it would have been removed. The eden top and bikini bottoms ingame show more skin than this work of art. Learn to loosen up.
    Porn != amount of nudity.