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  1. Shockwave_EU

    Friends List...

    Ahhhh yes its so good to see that somethings dont change, the old global bug seems to be back.... no global for me
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    I really do hope the 5th Column are making a major comeback; to me they always seemed to have more style as bad guys than the Council.

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    But there the same as the 5th just differnt names and costumes.

    I think what we will get is a 5th invasion to mark the 5th year of the game but i doubt very much that will be it the coming storm will be i hope something different.
  3. I would rather the coming storm was new group and not something we have seen before, but my bet is it wont be more like it will be a re work of an old group maybe the fith or even a new rikti faction.

    Would be nice though if they did do a new group maybe something along the lines of a new race of aliens that have killed of the rikti and followed the last few to paragon.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    We've had packs based on getting married, cyborgs, soon magic, and also norse mythology. Could we pretty please have a pack based around Silver/Golden Age supers? Maybe some giant Death Ray's to deal with, or better yet, a proper giant monster stomping through the city streets and towering over the buildings!

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    This pls
  5. Shockwave_EU

    Defiant Legends

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    Wow what can i say an interesting mix of "legends" here anyhow heres my list of people i respect, and would concider a Defiant legend!

    - Mighty
    - Proverbial
    - Degzy
    - Gryphon
    - Midnite Law
    - Unbroken Shard
    - Phobos-
    - Ruby Dragon
    - Abu
    - Plight Trawler
    - Extremus
    - Xanthus
    - Archy
    - Nightbringer
    - Mezmer
    - Empath
    - Jessie James (a.k.a Doc Holiday)
    - Princey
    - Omega Mcx
    - Anzora

    I could keep on naming but hey im sure thats enough was tempted to put me myself and i but im not really that selfish!!!

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    Well i think you forgot a few people there raz.... "hint hint"
  6. Another year already how time flys, happy bday have a good one
  7. Sounds like it could be a good bit of xmas fun i shall pop along and drag the normal crowd with me, even though they are bah humbug about christmas
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    I think someone mentioned one of the main things;
    This is Europe, its a European server. For me, at least, its pretty important. I really don't want to see it go unless the 'upgrade' is seriously worth it. And, to be honest, what I have seen of US Online players does not inspire me further. I don't particularly *want* to play with US people.
    Don't get me wrong, a lot of my friends are from the US, and there are nice people there. But, for every nice person we could get, it doubles the amount of utter tools in the pool.

    Just...really doesn't do anything for me, this topic. UNLESS they did is as part of a CoX2.

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    Then why bother to reply?

    You will get as you put it "tools" on any kind of MMO, but the advantage of a larger player base outways this, the EU game is far from any kind of merge at teh moment but as i said before never say never, ncnc will do what they think is right at the end of the day no matter what any of us can or will say
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Plus... it's not going to happen, so just drop it.

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    Never say never, i agree maybe some of us do look at things with rose tinted glasses, then again the same could be said for those who say there isnt a problem.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
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    is something to be said for a merge of some kind

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    Yes, there is something to be said for it. there are also sound commercial reasons for shutting the game down all together, and going on about it is more likely to make it happen sooner rather than later, wich is why people who don't want that to happen jump on anyone who is talking down the game.

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    its hard to get a team sometimes if you dont have a full friends list

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    It's easier to get a PUG in CoX than on WoW, so I don't think that really says much about the number of players.

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    I know that praf, but where has the "community" gone of late everyone is just jumping on anyone who doesnt fit in with there own idea of what the game should be, im guilty of doing it myself, the forums use to welcome new posters but after the kind of responce this guy got i doubt he will bother again, it seems that some posters on here just want anyone who doesnt fit in with there point of view gone,

    Gr should be watching things like this imo.
  11. [ QUOTE ]
    I wont post any more stupid threads, so flame on.............

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    You guys have become very nasty of late when it comes to merge server posts, while i agree that there has been a few there is no call to jump up and down on someone who is new to the forums for posting what he thinks should be done.

    Maybe GR should sticky something about server merge so that people can be directed to it and not get jumped on by the rest of us.

    Aside note it seems most of these kinds of threads have come from new posters to the forums so maybe there is something to be said for a merge of some kind if players that havent posted before on here are signing up for the forums to post there views on it.

    And no matter what we all say the servers are empty at the moment due to people waiting for i13 or what ever, its hard to get a team sometimes if you dont have a full friends list, think about that before you jump on another new poster.
  12. Shockwave_EU

    Defiant Legends

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    I would say that im a legend as ive been around 45 months lol!


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    ive been around longer
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Shouldn't you be in bed/out at a bar/party at this time?

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    Called in on the forum bat phone i think
  14. You can only have a "whats on" if there is something on, an defiant villains has never had anything on
  15. God yes, dont know what is up with the forums this week.

    New forums now pls
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    This is some srs threadromancy

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    Maybe it woke up as part of the zombie invasion
  17. Shockwave_EU

    Level 52 HamiOs?

    I have seen lvl 51s on the market but never any for sell i have even seen lvl 30s but i would guess any that are not 50,52 are all system bugs
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    Already i dont like them

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    Do you like anyone?

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    The list is getting smaller every day

    But no its good to see new devs, be nice if they said hello over here to so we can welcome them to the EU forums.
  19. Shockwave_EU

    Defiant Legends

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    Looking at the list, such as it is, I guess MaX would warrant a place. As mostly it seems to be people that are well known. While not known for anything good MaX is known. He's spammed up to a forum title so everyone's read his posts. He's died so often in game that I've heard face planting to be called "channelling Max" and he's been blamed for failures of TF's that he wasn't even on.

    His knowledge of the game is only surpassed by his inability to actually apply it.

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    Where *is* MaX anyway? Still off frolicking through meadows with Dwarfs and Elves?

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    I trapped him in an under water cave never to be seen again, if the sharks with lazers on there heads have anything to do with it
  20. Shockwave_EU

    Defiant Legends

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    Would definitely add Mighty to the list, great guy, never forgotten.

    I';d also add

    Pyra (great for n00bish posts and a top class lady )

    Snow (quite possibly one of the nicest guys in the game!)

    Dreamweaver (for being quite possibly one of the funniest people in the game and on these forums! )

    Plight Trawler!! (what a guy!!)

    Tainted Greek (if only for his awesome radio shows that took weirdness and sexiness to a whole new level!!)

    I'm sure there's more I've forgotten

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    First 50 I ever saw in game was one called "Wall" Tank not seen him/her around for years now though.

    Bloody Torso

    And many more...

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    Wait I'm a defiant Legend? when did that happen.

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    All depends on how people class a "legend"
  21. Did we get a free month i dont remember that
  22. Shockwave_EU

    Level 52 HamiOs?

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    I guess the fact that nobody even does the Hami raid any longer

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    Theres a few Servers in Amerika that still do them once a week

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    Sure, for regular level 50 HOs. But what about the level 52 ones? Where do they come from? I was under the impression that they are no longer awarded on Hamidon Raids, so either the same old ones are re-sold again and again, or there's a new source for them?


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    They came from a bug, you could never get a lvl 52 HO from hami himself but what you could do was once you finish a statesman/recluse tf/sf you could leave your reward screen up and pop along to warburg, the system would then award you with a lvl 52 HO once you clicked it.

    The lvl 52 ones that are still about have come from players taking them from builds in respecs they will carry on going around the markets for sometime to come i would say.

    As for a new way to get them if there is i dont know about it and tbh i dont think there will be the devs closed that hole sometime ago now
  23. Shockwave_EU

    Memorabilia 2009

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    I may have missed a post already, so apologies if I have...

    Anyway, 'tis like 3 days until Memorabilia this year and usually the forums are abuzz with excitement and "I'm going!" posts, but I can't see a peep.

    Is anyone actually going?
    Has it secretly been called off and I'm the only one that doesn't know?

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    Maybe because they are all going to this years and talk of "2009" is abit far away