Shadow Wail

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  1. What would be the best for a Mind/Psi/Leviathan?

    I am still stuck on respec'in her to Mind/Psi/Ice or Mind/Psi/Psi...not sure! What will go best with Incarnate or should I just dual build her?
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bittovan_Odduck View Post
    (In response to previous message)

    I have to say that there have been a couple things that have irked me for almost 6 years now... and every time I encounter them I go "How freakin' long is it going to take them to fix/improve this?".

    I can now say that all but one of those items have been fixed. (The last one is the inability to hit ANY key - even Alt-Tab or the Windows key - while logging out)

    Thank you devs, for not only providing a great (free!) update, but also for listing and fixing some of those persistent QoL issues for us.

    Hugs and happy Alpha-Striking to all!
    I do the same thing but if you time it right you can ALT+Tab at the right moment to switch screens.

    One thing I did before I timed myself was to play in windowed mode...does this effect performance?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by King_of_Kings View Post

    How about you use your brains for a second and realize that it's not free because they feel like it, it's free because they changed the fitness power pool! So, I'm still being robbed a free respec!
    How bout you use your eyes and see that we have been told when we are getting one well in advance so if you dont want to "lose" use it!
  4. Perfect!

    Anyone on Champion going to start an ITF/LGTF/BaracuddaSF run? I'll be home at 8:00pmEST and will be running content to unlock my Incarnate!
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zerlina View Post
    If you're going to complain about the title what about the action? You are still KILLING witches. Not real you say? Tell that to the wiccans or followers of other pagan faiths that are witches and might feel that under any name killing witches in a game is wrong.
    Wiccan here... and I love this badge...

    I love my GG to be happy and ambiguously and ignorantly dropping hints from closed beta in the form of winks and nudges...can we go back to that?
  6. I do see the connection between the badge and the historical aspect but it's just a game and some people might be a bit too sensitive... Imagine CoX where beating 100 Marcone Mooks gives you the badge "Wifebeater" and you go on a wild Carnival of Shadows/Knives of Artemis killing spree!

    I would then be offended...but referring to a 600-700 year old tome that used to direct historical directives on finding and dealing with witches ( Granted that the logic behind tome is as backwards wearing a hat on your feet)compared to "arresting" oddly colored Cabal members seems sinfully appropriate.

    I present you with this:

  7. Unlimited on the same toon or is there a time? I ran the tip mission 3 times in a row and on the first character's run I got the Aegis unique but on its 2nd and 3rd run I didn't get the option for a rare recipe.

    I ran the same mission again on a different character and after the 1st run I didn't get the option for a rare recipe.

    I don't really want to farm rares for profit more than play one on each level 20 toon till I get things I can use for myself but it seems that after the 1st run you don't get the recipe
  8. Ok... so doing the Halloween tip mission nets you a rare recipe? Ive done it twice and gotten two awesome procs

    --Miracle: +Recovery
    --Aegis: Psi Res/Mez protection

    Is there a limit to how many times you can do it? I think its once per toon?
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I'm not sure the people there would find a Hamidon costume so amusing
    I couldnt help but think how amusing this would be!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slugbug View Post
    I think so, looked similar to the Hydra tentacles from the Sewer Trial. Could be wrong, but I hope not. I always liked that Trial and it would be nice to see the Hydra used again in higher level content.
    I want to say that too but since it is Pretoria could be praetorian DE. There is alot of hints that the DE in praetoria are more advanced that on primal earth.

    Either way there has to be a main head or body to those hydra like heads and that is what I want to see
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    Avatea, will we be getting a trailer for the Tin Mage TF too?
    I think its a splice job. The scene from Imperial City looking into Atlas Park is a scene from the Tin Mage TF. After we saw it in the M&G, WW said that its a cool scene from the other TF. At the Panel, they did a frame by frame run down and when they came to the green portal screen they confirmed it.

    I cant wait for the TMTF!
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by james_joyce View Post
    The Panel actually dropped a fair bit of new info - I'm uploading the video now, but it'll take a while at 3GB. I also have to test the sound quality.

    Couple things I remember off the top of my head:

    - besides the two TFs and extra alignment missions, there's a new hero and a new villain story arc in I19. The hero one has to do with investigating the medical transporters and why they aren't handed out to civilians, and the villain one has to do with finding out what exactly the Leviathan is and what its power source is. They didn't reveal the level range on those.

    - plus plus, there are new 20-29 arcs for Praetorians to do in Paragon/Rogue Isles that continue the story of what they're doing there.

    - all new NPC groups' costumes will be given to us in each issue - they showed a screenshot of a new group in I19 that looked pretty awesome, and we'll be getting that set.

    - we'll be able to log out to character list in I19

    - the rewards for the new zone events will scale according to your participation, and there will be actual good rewards for participating rather than just badges.

    I'll remember more as I'm reviewing the video, probably.

    --Tin Mage 2 is a mock up from the tin mage schematics inside the omega capsule. He deals with the invasion

    --WW confirmed that in i19 there will be a way to log a new character w/o logging out
  13. Last night was awesome! Chatted with WW and Noble savage for about 20 minutes, made my round around the drink table and had a good time with the people that I brought with me, seemed like other gamers waqnted to be by themselves tho.

    The only part that icked me was the 4 lonely laptops for CoX...

    On a side note, WW reminds me of Gabriel from Zena...OMW to the Con now and will be there for the Panel, might take videos and photos of what is going on!
  14. Are jeans, black polo and dress shoes cool for the party?

    Will be there tonight at 630! Anyone from Champ going? City of Gaymers?
  15. Ugh... is the dress code for the after party or the entire event?

    I work with high school kids and on a friday its jeans,skull tshirt and converse...I hope the "Upscale Casual" is for the after hours party only.

    If anyone from the champion server is gong, let me know!
  16. Shadow Wail

    New Aura Preview

    Which auras are still left online? I only see snow and fireflies...
  17. Is anyone going to either the Meet & Greet on the 8th or the actual Comic Con the following day?

    I wouldn't mind going out after Saturday Comic Con to somewhere for some extra fun?
  18. cover charge isn't exactly the problem, I am referring to food and booze

    BTW, I don't really want my costume code since it is useless unless I can deconstruct the costume pieces into individual pieces... so if anyone wants my costume code let me know
  19. any details on pricing and what not for the M&G?
  20. how much is it to get into the M&G?

    So the dev team will not be on the showfloor but only at the panel?
  21. You can, but why?

    I mean with GR I can easily play a Psi/Dark as a Redside Defender. The numbers are different but Psi Blast is Psi Blast...You can go as far as playing a Psi/Mental Blaster on Redside as a covert SoA Fortunata.

    Wanting proliferation is like asking for Pepsi Crystal in place of Pepsi, it tastes like Pepsi but doesn't exactly look like Pepsi!
  22. I think we need to stop working with proliferation and move to NEW powersets. I don't think we should have a game that constantly reworks current powers to make new pairings since we already played them. Having new powers is much better than reworking the same old.

    I want to say that the following sets need to be worked on to further our competition with other superhero games.:

    We already see the backbone of this from the Demons Summoning set, why not make a full set from this?

    --Toxic Blast for Blasters, Corrs and Defenders: We already have dozens of animations that work with poison so it is not a matter of art and animation but just a matter of acceptable numbers.

    --Ninja Fighting secondaries for Blasters and Dominators: This mix of melee and ranged is perfect for a Blaster or a Dom

    --Trap Domination/Control: Using Traps, Devices and Trick Arrow as a backbone for a trap control set is a viable option for a less than super-powered control set.

    --Radiation Melee for Brutes and Scrappers: Lets be honest...Radioactive Blitz is an awesome hopeful concept

    --Astral Projection for Mastermind (Illusion Summoning): Yes, Illusion control is awesome but it honestly fits a Mastermind
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Psi_ View Post
    People are unhappy with this? Really?

    Hah. I guess teh interwebs never really is happy.

    I, for one, will enjoy my new powers such as Conserve Power, Aim, PowerBuild Up, and more.

    I am happy! I just can't wait to get some powers that I will not sure because I have space for them!
  24. If a starving family of 5 has three more kids things get tight...just like giving us three new power choices(Not new powers but three free slots) if we respec but no more slots presents a possible crunch... yes some powers are great out of the box but that isn't every power and to say so is just an insult to reality.

    I am not asking for more slots (that would be awesome) but it would be wise to consider making the 2 slots every level into the latter game three occur a bit earlier.