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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    I already have in several previous posts.

    Costumes and powers are central to character realization in CoH.
    Emotes are not. So an emote pack has a smaller built in constituency than a pack centered around something with more perceived utility to the 'average player'.

    Basically, everybody loves costumes, everybody loves powers, not everybody loves emotes. All else being equal, a well run hamburger joint is going to draw in more customers than a well run Lithuanian restaurant because it has a broader audience to draw from. Ditto for a booster like this one- the appeal is to a very narrow band of the playerbase.

    They've set the price where they think it needs to be to realize their projected profit. You don't like the price, fair enough don't buy it. But it is what it is, and there's a reason for it.
    Your previous posts didn't make much sense either. They have a profit target? A limit on how much money they wish to make? That's absurd.

    This isn't exactly aimed at a niche. A niche would be the AV Club, but this has sports emotes for the jocks, dance emotes for the preppies and airguitar for the headbangers. That was pretty much my whole school. A niche would be 8 soccer emotes. If they have any business sense, they're appalled at the poor reception and will do better for future sales. Mark my words.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    it has a limited buy ceiling by its very nature and underpricing it does no favors to their bottom line.
    Forum reality is that an 'all emote' pack was going to catch a lot of flack from the locals regardless of the price point.
    What? Explain this ceiling. The content is developed. There are no further significant costs associated with this product. All that remains is to make sales and recoup costs and make profit. Overpricing is more unhealthy than underpricing in digital transactions. Increased sales don't require retooling a factory or managing supply chains or hiring sales staff or increased warehouse and sales floor space.

    This game has a ton of people that make automatic day 1 purchases of everything this company puts out. People are happy to support this game and the devs. They didn't set out to make something to be unappealing to their biggest fans. Flack is to be expected from the fringe, but getting it from the core is a gross miscalculation.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
    The way things have played out leads me to the rather inevitable conclusion that *someone* wanted to see what kind of reception a narrowly focused pack would get.

    Once the content is developed, there are no further production costs and no reason to limit sales numbers. Since all transactions are digital from generating the unique code to processing the sale, it costs practically the same to sell one unit as 1 million. They should be seeking a price*sales maximum while also considering generating positive buzz and goodwill among fans. But I'm in chemistry, not business. *shrug*

  4. The pack is overpriced, though I'd pay $1 or 2 for airguitar. I won't pay $8 for this pack of junk and I sure won't pay $8 for the next one either, even if it's got /e devilhornsalute

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    I eat one big meal a day...roughly 1700-3000 calories depending on what I'm eating that day. Which is more or less around the calorie count i need to be at my ideal weight.
    Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
    #4 I eat really really really fast. I've tried slowing down but it's still really fast, even compared to fast eaters. It's not like i'm eating like a pig either. I just chew and such fast so when there is food i like i want more and because i'm not "full" i just keep eating.
    I wish you the best of luck in taking control of your health. I think these 2 points above are causing much of your trouble. Neither is normal, alone they might not be too unhealthy, but I think that together they might compound each other. If you eat too fast, you can overshoot your calorie target and that's one big target to overshoot. Changing the way you eat could be as difficult as quitting smoking (I did it 3 years ago), but you can do it. You'll have to figure out what works for you, but I suggest starting with Weight Watchers frozen meals or something similar. They should be about 8oz/250g, a very small meal, so you'll get hungry several times a day and not have any leftovers.

    You really need better advice than you're going to get here, though. You need a doctor or nutritionist or maybe even a hypnotist! Be open-minded and have some faith in yourself. You can do it.

  6. Should count as a defeat then, since he's essentially running away, and giving up with no hope.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blacier View Post
    And honestly I have no idea why she is trying so hard to get you guys in here.
    They're probably her friends and people she's played with, but Funk is trying to burn those bridges before she can build them. She's a member of dUmb's test ladder pvp roster. In fact, Funk's entire team was dUmb, except for their pickup. Loltest and stuff. Nites #1, except dUmb is better and no other test server pvpers are allowed.

    Good luck. I do mean it.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Guys, they're bored and want to play. We are starved for challenges right now anyway. If they roll everyone and hit the top rung so much the better for them...either way it's more competition right?
    Neuronia is the best thing to happen to PvP on Pinnacle since ever. You guys should listen to her instead of imitating whatever pose ExFunk is showing off. The new guys heard that Pinnacle was the real PvP server from somewhere, loltest and stuff. If the vote is tied, how about admittance on a trial basis or give the tie-breaker to the league organizer.

    Good luck with the league. Don't let some fool kill it off out of spite.
  9. Happy belated birthday.

    Heavy Rain tip: Keep pressing X to Jason enough times and you'll get a trophy.

    Just kidding.

  10. My money's now on 2nd week of Septober.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
    Unfortunately you can't accurately police this.
    Legalize it, I always say, but not often in this context. Less rules means less arguing about the rules. Sure, some people would tweak more than others, some might even spend billions on a single "Poor Man's FFA" but would still be more limited than someone with full sets. Single purples could be eliminated by limiting entry to level 49 and under, but that would eliminate a lot of characters that people like to play, so not my favourite idea. I think just instituting a 'no set bonuses' rule would be an easy and cheap way to lower the perceived barriers to being competitive in the arena for people wishing to dabble.

    Make it happen or we'll never know how it would go.

  12. It'd be easy enough to trick out a 2nd build with SOs, generics and hamios. People with lots of hamios around would have a bit of an edge, but not too huge compared to generic IOs.

    Might be fun.
  13. Closing entry to particular players is a dick move.

    Just saying.

  14. Though I've never shied from PvP in the zones when it came my way, it just hasn't really appealed to me and I'm pretty bad about making repeat commitments to play video games. I'd be a bad teammate and crappy opponent. Enjoy though. Looks like people are having fun.

  15. Pinnacle was the first server to bring down Hami on redside. Years later, someone from Guardian led their 2nd raid. If it wasn't for Wulfman and the Twilight Avengers, villains here would be like a kid that lost their virginity at 13 and never had sex again. They'd still brag about being 13.

    I like the 'no exit' strategy from ElectroHawk above, but people here need to practice the basics first. The raid will likely have many first-timers.

  16. The Biological Mutagens temp power from Warburg is very useful for Hami raids. Some people fear the PvP zones, but this is Pinnacle and anybody in Warburg is certainly there either for the nukes or to farm PvP IOs.

    Here's why the nuke is handy and should be encouraged for Hami raids, especially red side.

    1. Damage buff of 150% for 5 minutes. That's equivalent to 6 small reds refreshed 5 times each for every player in the zone, up to 50 players. 1 bio nuke is equivalent to 1500 small red insps. (6x5x50=1500)

    2. Regen buff, also 5 minutes. Doesn't a defender/controller RA last 90 seconds? Scrappers and stalkers can give a similar buff for 5 minutes. It's weaker, but lasts 5 minutes! And available to anyone.

    Good luck and have fun.
  17. Quit dying. Pop your insps or use them to craft a wakie, your call. Power choice is my call.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post


    I only read the parts in ALL CAPS.

  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    Thanks for your advice Zombie Man, was hoping the first one would fix the issue, but it didn't and I've done the 2nd one 3 times and no luck. Just not sure why the scroll wheel isn't working to zoom in and out. I'll try and play around some more and hopefully something will come to me.
    This might not be at all relevant, but my Logitech mouse didn't work properly until I set some of its mouse buttons to 'Generic Button'. Is there a setting in the Microsoft mouse setup that gives the scroll wheel a fancy function? Might be worth a look.

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by James_Donner View Post
    Nice modification of the blue side method. I'll be there and I hope it goes well.

    Question: Should we bring a few nukes just in case and whats the prefered flavor?
    Bio Nukes for +damage (always useful) and +regen (lolempathy)

  21. SeedyXX

    Takin' A Break

    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    Go find an MMO you haven't played and try it out. There has to be one. Or one you played over a year ago and hated then. You don't have to pay anything, free trials are common, but once you find a game you like, I suggest paying for one or two months and just making that your default game for a while.
    I'd like to recommend Fallen Earth's 10-day free trial. For an independent developer, they're doing good stuff and the game has a decent mature community. It's a post-apocalyptic setting, very immersive with a great crafting system and seems headed in an interesting direction.

  22. Maybe she likes farming and twinking. It's nothing to be sad about. At least she isn't badging.

  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
    CO wasn't able to retain a significant number of players. They went from having between 250-300 shards for each zone...
    You're off by a factor of 10. I rarely saw more than 30 or so instances of any zone. I'm sure it's still tragic though. Enjoy.

  24. SeedyXX

    bad monitor?

    Originally Posted by kangaroo120y View Post
    Here's where it looks interesting. I go into the monitors own onscreen menu, under information its showing as 1024x768, even though im set higher.

    And more interesting still, I plug in an older 9 pin vga cable to the monitor (it has both) and use an adapter on the end to plug it into my graphic card's DVI socket.. Tada its perfect!
    I had a similar problem. At one point, my video settings decided that the max resolution for my monitor was 1024x768, after using it for a year at 1680x1050. I tried several fixes: new drivers, old drivers, exchanging DVI cables and using a DVI-VGA adapter with VGA cable.

    I could only get it to work with the adapter and VGA cable. I can live with that. I suspect my monitor, it's a crappy Acer 223wsomething-or-other 23" widescreen that was cheap. It seems that the video card was getting bad data about the monitor over DVI.

  25. Thanks for the good times, A_C. Come back for a visit and I'll plant for Fallout and see if we get that elusive Happy_Citizen again.

    Good luck! An education is worth the sacrifice and I'm sure you'll do well.
