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  1. Satanic_Hamster

    I remember....

    I remember the last time I kicked Tiny C. from a task force.

    First mission of a Numina run; he takes ten minutes to enter the mission, then can't find his way to the team and kept begging for a teleport. Then he typed, and I quote, "AFK 20 or so minutes, taking a shower."

    Immediately kicked him. I swear, every person in The One supergroup was just as damn well useless. Had to petition the sg lead The Master for racism and griefing at a few Hamidon raids.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
    So very bald
    You should consider getting some hair. It's awesome.
  3. Now on the Ending:
    This pretty much killed my weekend. Not really sure how to react to it. Funny how news of a game ending can fill me such with indecisiveness. Part of me wants to run a bunch of crap, have fun with characters and friends. Other part of me wants to say screw it and just play other games.

    I honestly don't know what to make of NCSofts decision. This really feels like a decision that was made in the last week; ending the game should have been something that was planned six months or a year out. Either their cash flow is so bad and they might be going under entirely or this was the result of some big internal company fight and some exec decided to "win." Otherwise, why waste time on I24, why give Paragon such short notice, why piss off the customer base like this?
  4. Started playing not too long after launch. A bunch of my Counterstrike buddies were playing here on Victory, though none of them lasted too long. Thankfully, a good friend from college, Kong G. Fuu, joined the game. Unfortunately, he left the game a year or two back.

    Met a lot of good people over the years; it's really that what has kept me enjoying the game this much. Really would like to thank everyone who've I've teamed with over the years. Especial thanks to all those who took part in Isolators over the years.

    During my time on CoH I've never played on any of the other, lesser servers, besides some limited events. I did level one character to 50 on one of them for one run of Isolators (this was pre-slot expansion) but that character was moved back here as soon as that option became available. All fully io'ed out; purples are generally spread about randomly, all but one tier 4 alphaed, all +3 for Incarnate trials, only a handful with hybrid.

    Generally I chose characters/power sets based on your ability to see the character. I always loved and was blown away by the amount of character customization the game allowed you. Also heavy went towards themed sets; fire/fire, ice/ice, etc.

    Satanic Hamster;
    Invulnerable/mace tanker. First character I ever made. Long term my favorite, enough the Ham-O/ED/Global nerf was a bit depressing for a while. Never took taunt until STF. Also never got into teletanking, even pre-unyielding improvement.

    Energy/energy blaster. Originally I was making one Satanic Hamster of each AT; this was the only other to survive. Rest never made it past level 18.

    Fire/fire blaster. One of first characters, also long one of my favorites.

    First and only red side veat. Decided to go with widow instead of soldier because I thought the spider backpack looked cheesey, decided to go the stabby route instead of psi/mind powers.

    Te'nar Tushon;
    Peacebringer, made shortly after PB's came out and after my first character hit 50. Played with the forms on and off, ended up going pure human. Really wish they'd give mez protection in human form.

    Claws/wp scrapper. Loved the look of wrist knives.

    Grav/rad controller. This was my first controller, created for the old school Hamidon raids. Which were ended/changed by the time this character got to 50. Always loved grav, both the singularities and propel.

    Stone Flower;
    Earth/cold controller. Debuffing power house. Only made it after they added the crystal option for earth control, other wise the power set looked like crap.

    Static Electrikitty;
    Elec/elec brute kitty. Made early on but was in storage for a while.

    Snow Breeze;
    Made this character for Isolators overseas run. Hated it running up, endurance use was horrible and the ice secondary for blasters sucked and is generally useless. One of my favorite blasters at 50, though. Best single target damage of all my blasters and is also a good pocket controller for LGTF and AV's with three Lockdowned single target ranged holds.

    Bots/traps mastermind. Originally made in CoV beta. Took on Positron during the end of Beta event after mocking Synapse. Loved this character though I vowed never to make another mm again (though that changed after the mastermind improvements came into play). One thing I liked most about bots was that, unlike the other MM's, all the pets looked like they went together. Most of the others just looked like a random assortment of ******** who all showed up in the same place.

    Rogue Island Fairy;
    Elec/storm corruptor. Glad this name wasn't taken. Wish I made it energy blast, though. Elec blast just sucks in general, though visually it's the most awesome of all the blaster sets.

    Rad/rad corruptor.

    New Gold Dream;
    Arrows/arrows corruptor. Archery can be fun but still seems mediocre over all.

    Naru Narusegawa;
    MA/regen scrapper. Love MA, awesome damage set.

    Miu Matsuoka;
    Grav/psi dominator. Love propel. And wormhole. This was another Isolators character. I had phase shift taken for one reason and one reason only; to use on characters that Voodoo's stalker was trying to assassin strike.

    Mercury Lamp;
    Elec/elec blaster. Kinda dislike this character, just that elec blast is so disappointing.

    Matsuri Sakuragi;
    Broadsword/will power scrapper. A bit disappointing in BS, animations just feel slow at times.

    Man Hamster;
    Super strength/elec brute. This is the remake of a level 26ish scrapper I deleted. Hated the hell out of it leveling; just so bad on endurance. The changes to SS and elec armor really turned this character around, though, plus IO'ing.

    Katana/inv scrapper. Very fun character, one of my best scrappers.

    Lost Dream;
    Fire/thermal scrapper. This was my first corruptor, hit a brick wall in the upper 30's for a few years. Bad on endurance, hated buffs. IO's really changed this character around. But the big change for me Color Customization. THAT was what brought this character back around for me.

    Impy Three;
    Storm/elec defender. KB goodness!

    Titan/will power brute. Fun character, though I wish there were more titan weapons available.

    Garnet Crow;
    Dual blade/super reflex scrapper. Probably my best performing scrapper, AWESOME amount of ae damage and massive defense.

    Fleeting Instant;
    Demons/dark mastermind. Only did this because demons look neat and because of the MM changes. Demons are a bit oversized and over loud. Still confused why they never decided to make a full whip set. Had to drop whips from my final level 50 build, just didn't have the space for it.

    Beam/devices blaster. Very fun, neat character though I hate ******* redraw.


    Duessa Sabril;
    Fire/rad controller. Made after power customization and when I needed more buff characters. Would never have made this character if it wasn't for power customization.

    Delerium Trigger;
    Axe/shield brute. Hate click based mez protection, though I loved the looks of this character.

    Cwen Attez;
    Staff/inv scrapper. My only non-50 level character, currently in Isolators. Shame it might not hit 50 and get fully IO'ed and incarnated.

    Energy/traps corruptor. Made at the same time as Elvinae.

    Afura Mann;
    Ill/ff controller. Took it to 50 without using the shields; partly because I hated buffing and partly because I hated Voodoo. Also found this character to be fairly boring; so many encounters where I effectively wasn't doing crap due to a near complete lack of damage. Besides boring pets. :0

    Acrasia Sabril;
    Dark/dark defender. Made this character at the same time as the other Sabril, needed more buff characters.

    Fiona Dae;
    Kinetics/sr scrapper. Fun character, though some of the animations are a bit over the top.

  5. So your name is Casey and you live in San Antonio.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
    Think SoE is in Texas, so it IS likely some devs simply not see a move viable.
    Yeah, but they're in Austin. Austin is a pretty nice city.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
    I thought they banned Taser!
    I was promised that.
  8. I'd likely quit if SOE bought the game. They're install rootkits and spyware on your machine within a month.
  9. Satanic_Hamster

    I remember....

    Originally Posted by VoodooCompany View Post
    So how many times you going to repost this?
    Until I remember I've posted it I imagine.
  10. Honestly? I think CoV was the biggest mistake they made and one they've been paying for ever since. Split up player base too much as well as dev resources.
  11. Satanic_Hamster

    I remember....

    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    One thing that I've been recalling constantly over the last few days is how I chewed out some random dude on Christmas day 2005. He was trying to find Hellions in Port Oakes for a street hunt mission, and I'd just begun to thaw from the initial shock of finding out my grandmother had passed away that morning. Anyway, I ripped into the poor dude because he kept asking over and over where the Hellions were (I'd told him twice before, and he got lost). I still feel awful about it.

    That, and the day I left for my grandma's funeral, I kill-stole a Sally to get the Believer badge while there were like 3 dudes parked around her. (They didn't respond when I asked to join their team.)

    I'm kind of a jerk sometimes.
    Years back I was running a Sara Moore TF. Due to team make up and player skill of a few people, was going a little slower then it should. Two people were pugged into the TF off broadcast, both from the sg. One of them was a stone tank who thought he was in charge of the team because he was the only tank, kept running off and aggroing new spawns, wanted to herd Rularuu. Started getting real belligerent in chat. Kicked him from the TF. 2nd mission from the end of Sara Moore. Just after he typed, "I can do what I want. You can't kick me because you can't finish the TF without a tank."
    Hamster: "Man, that guy was a dick."
    Guy's sgmate: "That guy was my son."
    Hamster: "Man, your son was a dick."
    *kick's the other guy from the TF as well"
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
    Zwill, if you read this, just for continuity's sake, and just to let any of your own aggressions out, I totally think a justifiable way to end this forum's existence would be to ban me.
    And Golden Girl.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Friggin_Taser View Post
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Just as in the previous eight years, we don't comment on moderation

    Besides, I'm sure he can answer that for himself.

    So he's banned again then. :0
  15. Lighthouse. He's found a way to be a from beyond the grave.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    I LOLed
    HAH, I never noticed that. Why the hell is ****** censored? :0

    Testing: ******, Prostitute, ****, lawyer.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    I understand this, and I understand your disappointment.

    To put this more in perspective: NCsoft isn't moderating the forum. I am. Freitag might be. Hitstreak might be. They're also looking for a new job and trying to deal with everything that has happened.

    You know that you have the right as a consumer to voice your displeasure. Let's try to do it in the same manner we would have done during the last 8 years of development; without breaking the forum rules .
    Heh, I could have told them that. Seen a lot of blatantly racist posts in a few of the good bye threads get deleted pretty quick. But the important question is: Friggin Taser banned again?

    Currently listening to Younha's Under the Same Sky
  18. HAH, Friggen_Taser got all his threads deleted.

    Currently listening to Younha's Under the Same Sky
  19. Satanic_Hamster

    Thanks Victory

    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    (And yes, I will even miss SatHam. Even though teaming with him sucks--I've never needed help getting debt on my characters, dude--he's got some great "WTF" image posts on the forums. )

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Necrotech_Master View Post
    most of which were weekly tfs, hence notice of the wells, hence incarnate stuff
    Eh. Bonus merit drops as well.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TexasLonghorne View Post
    Death from ******* Below? You haven't run that a hundred times like everyone else? Don't forget to look at that first or second hurdle you jump, it's a sign for a chicken joint.

    I think I just want to run story arcs, the new ones anyways.
    Eh. Past few years, I haven't made a lot of characters outside of Isolaters.

    Not just incarnate. Also run TF's, missions, etc! :0
  22. Should have asked earlier, I just dropped 12 billion on purples.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
    Statesman Mo run on Grey Pilgrim. I think that's the last of the old Mo TFs he needs. Never run a Doctor Q and I still don't have time for it. Unlike most content in the game, I don't think I'm missing anything by not doing it. Fought plenty of Rularuu.

    And yes, checking out most of the TFs, etc., and more Hamis. Hopefully we can get plenty more in over three months.

    Carp. I wanted to see how the new SSA ends up. Hopefully Posi can fill us in on that.
    Dr. Q is mostly Crey and Nemesis.

    Oh, and Pandora's Box? We already know what's in it: