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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cag View Post
    Oh yes please I'd LOVE it. Steam username is : rebeliopl

    Strongly suggest picked up Gods and Kings as well. At the very least next time it's on Steamsale.
  2. Kong gave me the free copy of Civ5 he got from pre-ordering XCom, having a lot of fun in that. Will likely wait for a steam sale for XCom.
  3. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by GlassGoblin View Post
    I bow before your obsession. I thought I was bad with a few hundred.

    Currently listening to Bleach O.S.T. the Best by Some Japanese People
  4. Holy crap. I just divided by zero.

    Currently listening to Albert King's the Lost Session
  5. Satanic_Hamster

    Your last day?

    Likely will be out of state that week anyways.
  6. Satanic_Hamster

    It's Over

    Yep. Lies and a polite "**** off." Don't think anyone is going to believe they tried to sell it.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by HexGirl View Post
    I call bullsh*t. When they say they have exhausted every option including selling off the game, what they are probably actually saying is "We are being greedy and want more money than the game is worth, so we've turned down all offers."
    Calling ******** as well. If they were seriously trying to sell it, Paragon would have known about the shutdown before the general public.
  8. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by KritikalMass View Post
    If you saw the builds for any of my characters, you would have to assume that I don't know what the hell I'm doing. (And you're probably not far off.)

    I usually skip Taunt/Confront...and even if I have the powers, I rarely use them. (This might be a side effect of being a predominantly solo player.) None of my characters have Tough or Weave. I leave Brawl and Sprint in the bottom row of my power tray, because that's what I'm used to. I take the direct attack powers with Masterminds. I prefer using full IO sets to frankenslotting, because I just can't be bothered. I've made all of three macros ever, only one of which was actually useful (that being the "target nearest Lifegiving Essence" in the DD iTrial.)

    And yet, to the best of my knowledge, I have never been kicked off a team for searing incompetence. (Being a jerk, yes. That's happened a couple of times. But they had it coming.)
    Eh. My tanker didn't take taunt until level 49 and the STF came out; if it wasn't for that TF he wouldn't even have it.

    Tough is good if you have the slots and endurance. Weave is skippable unless you have a LOT of powers and slots free. :0
  9. Satanic_Hamster


    Oh, and when we're on mis-reading names:
    When I first bought CoH, I do what I always do; open it up in the bathroom and read the manual when using the facilities. Mainly a quick read through for the initial play and then go back if there's any questions while in game.

    You know how there were little "Statesman's Tips" in the margins of the manual? Well, for the first four months of playing, I thought his name was "Statsman." Because he was giving game stats in the manual.
  10. To comment on how stupid this rumor is:
    Never mind Gabe's comments on every selling. He turned down 1 billion for EA. Estimates put the company at worth 2-4 billion.

    If NCSoft can't afford to run City of Heroes, do you REALLY think they can afford to even JOKE about buying Valve?

    Currently listening to Tito & Tarantula's Little *****
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShaylaDominatrix View Post
    Okay Victory server
    Virtue server has been doing these for a while so we can do one as well.
    That mostly sounds like a reason to not do one.

  12. Satanic_Hamster


    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Another confession from me...

    For years, I've gotten confused when I see that the forum handle, Eldritch_Knight has just posted something, as I mistake it for my forum handle.
    I keep reading "Mistformed Squirrel" as "Misinformed Squirrel."

    Currently listening to Foxy Shazam's Foxy Shazam
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MedievalPower View Post
    If we did it wasn't on her birthday
    Hmmmm. Not seeing it. Seems a number of birthday threads are deleted, despite some still there from 2008.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TechnoBabel View Post
    Perhaps, but then it is quite reasonable to conclude from your summation that yes, he was actively ignoring me because he wants attention for how much he isn't paying attention to me.

    I am intrigued though that, with you not even a factor in the conversation, you invite yourself into the same boat, making sure everyone knows you didn't read a post that for your part wasn't directed at you. Which means by your own explanation, you are not nice, and by implication you are a troll, which may or may not be true of him but would definitely be true of you since it's how you feel about such behavior.

    And yet you do it, riding someone else's assumed coat tails into an endeavor you yourself demean. What a fascinating sense of self.
  15. Wait. I thought we already had a birthday thread for her this year.

    Currently listening to Poe's Haunted
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Ryxx_ View Post
    >.> <.<

    That was me

    You know, while I've petitioned a few people for pulling monsters to Portal Corps, at least that's generally avoidable trouble and/or just some debt. Pulling monsters onto a raid is just such a freaking massive dick move, however. That's just intentionally wasting the time of dozens of people.

    Currently listening to Poe's Haunted
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TechnoBabel View Post
    ...And then asking a question of those SAME people you dismiss as fanboys? If you don't want to listen to them, don't ask them questions. In this way I disagree with your premise.

    Let me preface this by saying I don't feel any ill will towards the OP. I could be wrong but I don't presume malicious intent from his post. With that out of the way, his question that is clearly invalidated by a search for answers? Don't forget, the majority of the opening post was presuming we were organizing negative ad campaigns, and that this forum was our strongest outlet and without it any actions would likely fail.

    That point of his post, however, was insisted to be that he wanted to know why NCsoft shouldn't shut the forums down early. If he isn't an NCsoft employee in charge of sunsetting these forums to silence grass roots fan action, then it isn't his concern why fans think NCsoft should or shouldn't shut down the forums (after all, the answer of those that play the game has no relevance to its happening, as they don't decide its fate, someone else does).

    If, however, he IS ACTUALLY an NCsoft employee in charge of shutting down the forums to silence grass roots fan action, then it isn't his concern why fans think NCsoft should or shouldn't shut down the forums (after all, the answer of those that play the game has no relevance to its happening, as they don't decide its fate, he does).

    It's a statement that will likely only serve to enflame the people its addressed to (intentionally or not), with a hostile atmosphere that deserves to be addressed. It is much like responding to a call for the poster to read the forums and understand the state of the grass roots movement, by dismissing that information as fanboys speculating wildly.

    Speaking of such - was the statement in specific? That we don't know the exact time of forum shutdown so it's irrelevant what people are saying? If so that wasn't the point of the statement SatanicHamster was responding to as I read it. It was to say the OP's implied 'what if' question was about something that was already set to happen. Was the statement about fanboys more general, that reading the comments of those who frequent the forums, described as fanboys, was irrelevant? If so then he shouldn't have asked questions of those people anyway and then dismissing criticisms - that he could have found answers to his questions - is not helpful.

    If that's true, he was a fool for simply asking the question in the first place - in which case that sarcastic statement is entirely misdirected.

    As to the assertions:
    "the advertisements of competitive games and the general negativity" - Negativity in these efforts general has been low to my estimation, people have been saying keep hope alive, keep up the work. In the letter drive people are specifically entreated to keep negativity out. As for advertising competitive games, if that is an advertising concern then don't forget, you are SENDING these people away from your company. I don't think making sure they have to find their next game to play elsewhere - stifling that outlet - is really in anyone's PR interest. There may be individual hostility, but that's not really a part of the move to save the game, that's people upset that their little place is being destroyed and venting - hardly a threat to the company.

    "If they were shut down NOW, any organized attempts at generating a negative ad campaign or boycott would be severely hampered" - as pointed out much of the grass roots work is already off the forums, so this his only other assertion is also incorrect. Moreover, the grass roots work is not about negative ad campaigns or organized boycotts.

    As for me, I read the OP's post as a 'better not bite the hand that feeds you...' statement that ended in a rhetorical question. Backlash happened and the OP then tried to insist the rhetorical question was actually the point, even though no one could answer it. I think he may have been trying to get people to 'just stop complaining', fearing that it would bring an early fall to forum access - which is hardly an evil goal.

    In this way I don't see him as a troll, more likely someone with a concern that voiced it poorly. With that said, active consumerism is something I'm a fan of, so I'm very glad - regardless of his original thinking - to see him working making his voice known more actively.

    Currently listening to Our Lady Peace's Spiritual Machines
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    Didn't you admit you used to pull monsters into Portal Court just a few days ago, to troll the people who were hanging out there...?


    Closest I've ever done was threaten to pull Rikti monkeys on broadcast to kill afk farmers on the docks of PI.

    Currently listening to Our Lady Peace's Live
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
    And if Satanic Hamster is petitioning someone for being a jerk, you KNOW they have to be bad. ;D
    There's a line between "hating haters" and "doing petition-able actions."

    Currently listening to Spacehog's the Hogyssey
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
    It's about that time.
    But what if there's still forum admins? I have the feeling there might be a few petitions. Especially by the people labeled as "bed wetters."

    Currently listening to Traveling Wilburys' Vol. 3
  21. I vote for a Wing Commander MMO.

    Currently listening to Traveling Wilburys' Silver Wilburys
  22. Satanic_Hamster

    Quick update...

    Originally Posted by Unknown_User View Post
    That's mean dude, for a moment I thought Jack was back.
    Yeah, I was all like "Damn, why is that ********* back" as well.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
    Well anyways, King of Every Queen, aka The Master, kept trying to steal from our group one of the true legends of Victory Server, Kintrollr Girl (if you have not seen Kin play, I suggest doing so before Doomsday). Anyways Kin led him to believe he was switching groups so he could become a leader in The One. Master logged and then Kin recruited on of my toons. From that point her promoted me to leader. I then held the SG hostage. I replaced the banners that said "The-One" with one that said "Chant." I deleted their power supply that they had to get someone else to craft for them. I deleted a room for every time a person hurled an insult at me. This may sound cruel, but if you knew Master, you would know why I did it.
    The Master and almost everyone in The One were damned ****** bags. The One had Tiny C. in it for cripe's sake. TINY C!

    Had to petition the Master(bator) a few times for pulling monsters one Hamidon raids and for the use of racial slurs in broadcast.

    Currently listening to Wang Chung's the Best of